Which would you prefer; A New World Order or a World Caliphate?

What is needed is for Christendom (Europe, the Russias, North America, South America, Australia and New Zealand, etc.) to unite in solidarity against Islamic militancy and aggression.

This does not mean that we have to perpetually wage war - merely that we make it clear to Islam that, collectively, we are bigger and badder than they are, and that if they phukk with us on a substantive scale and in earnest, they will lose, and greatly regret their condition, when the smoke clears.

Setting aside the foolishness in Iraq, and our unwise over-staying of what should have been a six-month In-and-Out in Afghanistan...

An occasional sortie, like Syria, is just what the doctor ordered, to convince them that they are in over their heads, but we need not seek those out - merely react to the occasional and inevitable childish misbehaviors of this backwards warrior-religion cult...

But... so long as they don't attack us, we should probably not go out of our way to attack them...

If they do not attack, I agree.

Their religion will not allow them to not attack.

As to bringing Christians together. No.

It should remain a secular fight and not a fight from a Christian religion that used the same barbaric methods with their own form of jihad. Their Inquisition.

You forget that given the chance, Christianity itself would attempt to dominate the world just as it has in the past.

-------------------------------------------- well even if true islam is barbaric while modern Christianity is pretty benign . islam needs to be eradicated Greatest !!

That or they must reform to a tolerable position.

Christianity is more benign at present but it still has the roots to be just as barbaric as Islam.

You might trust that they will not revert to their old ways but I do not.

Christianity still has it's far right lunatic fringe and it has grown since some of the middle has moved more to the left.

Luke 19:27 But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me.

Note that if I had not left the biblical chapter and verse out of that quote, you might have been able to attribute it to Islam.

Neither religion is worthy of our respect.

and , just a comment but Russia seems to be taking a Christian type view on this war . That would be the position of their Orthodox church and individual Russian soldiers Greatest !!

Things might have been different if Islam had not threatened Russia with the same type of insurgent action that they have done to us.

I mean , look at islams treatment of gays as one example , the sharia has always killed them in one way or the other since 'moe' came up with islam and sharia !! So that been about the last 1400 years Greatest .

Yes and Christianity had made being gay illegal till just recently and are still trying to repeal gay marriage.

All the mainstream religions are homophobic and misogynous. Islam just happens to be the worst of a bad lot.

One world Gov't..........NO

Our cultural difference make negotiation impossible. The shining example is Israel. They have negotiated and fought since they became a Nation. It is perpetual War as the other side refuses to end it. So the Israeli's have adopted a tactic of you kill one of mine I kill 10 or a 100 of yours. It never ends.

Given the History of the Caliphate, the West only answer is to DESTROY THEM UTTERLY......it is the only thing that has ever worked in History, and it will only end now if we fight it like a War. There will never be an end to the violence associated with Radical Islam.

I hope you are wrong but fear you are right.

Israel is a horse of a different color. Only relatively recently have those who oppose them decided that they have a right to exist --- so it is not surprising that negotiations have been slow.

I have no interest in opening that can of worms at present. That level of stupidity is even worse than the overall Muslim problem.

I mean , look at islams treatment of gays as one example , the sharia has always killed them in one way or the other since 'moe' came up with islam and sharia !! So that been about the last 1400 years Greatest .

Yes and Christianity had made being gay illegal till just recently and are still trying to repeal gay marriage.

All the mainstream religions are homophobic and misogynous. Islam just happens to be the worst of a bad lot.

--------------------------------- killing homos for being homo is the way of islam and has been since 'moe' invented islam , repealing homo marriage is far different than throwing a homo off a roof and most would agree Greatest .
Which would you prefer; A New World Order or a World Caliphate?

Or a perpetual insurgency war against civilians?


Islam’s hates democracy and the Western culture. Islam is determined to destroy the West and democracy so as to install a World Caliphate.

The West is beginning to hate Islam thanks to this hatred against them and Western ideas of a New World Order.

If we as a world cannot change our views and remove this hate from our hearts, we are bound to end in a larger numbers of small battles within a larger war.

We must find a better way to appease our objections to rapprochement. If we cannot dispel these irritants, a long and expanding jihad is inevitable. Because the jihad can only be an insurgency war, eventually the West will have to resort to the same techniques if the West is to win. This then would make the war against civilians instead against combatants. This is a coward’s war that Islam is forcing onto the world. Islam of course will blame the West for the war that the West will blame on Islam.

Both sides want to eventually have a one world government. I advocate for a one world government and think that the West and Islam should sit down and decide the rules of this one world government and to see if there is any rapprochement possible between what would be an Islamic theocracy or Caliphate, with an absentee God ruling through Sharia, and a freedom promoting Western system with a visible elected ruler.

If no rapprochement is possible then it is the Wests duty to declare a war against Islam and annihilate it if it will not reform into a peaceful world religion.

Many try to cut radical jihadists out of Islam’s general population and say they are hijacking Islam and are not really real Muslims. I suggest that Islam itself and their holy books are what are creating these extremists and that Islam has now produced a majority of extremists within its general population. If Islam does not reform its belief system and literature, the West will have no choice but to try to destroy Islam. The older world would have had to do the same with Christianity if it had maintained its own jihad that was called the Inquisition. Radical Islam is being seen as the mainstream Islam and the world cannot and will not live with such an Islam.

We are not creating any new conditions between Islam and the West. Attacks and the death of innocent non-combatants civilians in this cowardly jihad will continue if no new conditions are introduced. It is said that to continue to do the same thing and expect a different outcome, is insanity. We are at the point of insanity and that is why I suggest a new condition which would be peace negotiations that would produce a new order in the world that would embrace both Western ideologies as well as Muslim ideologies.

This may be the only way to rid the world of the hate and cowardly jihad against civilians. A form of insurgency fighting that the West would have to adopt against Islam to win the jihad.

If you do not agree, then what would you suggest to bring the West and Islam to a rapprochement?



I would prefer neither, but it makes no difference - we have them both. The ultra-rich (you know, those who actually make decisions) and the Islamic caliphate (that will eventually take the world). So - there is no choice.
You pose a choice between two alternatives and then reject both of them?

Both should be rejected because both eliminate freedom and liberty, not to mention justice.

The Muslims are more savage thus far in their attempts to control the world.

Here are some remarks from a "peaceful" Muslim:

Leading Muslim Scholar: Gender Equality Against Islam – Women Only Fit to Deliver Children

"Kanthapuram AP Aboobacker Musliar, leader of the traditionalist Sunni Muslim community in the southern Indian state of Kerala, visited New Zealand in January of this year in hopes of strengthening his base of followers in the city of Hamilton by building what he called "a beacon of Islam" in the area.

At a conference of the Muslim Students Federation (MSF) toward the end of last year, Kanthapuram, who frequently calls upon men to "lord over their women," was attacked for his misogynistic statements.

"Gender equality is not Islamic, wise, or humane," Kanthapuram said. "It [gender equality] is not going to happen. Women can only deliver babies. This world is controlled by men. Women can’t withstand a major crisis and they even lack courage to perform major surgeries including open heart procedures."

The 76-year-old Islamic scholar also spoke out against reserving seats for women in elections. He remarked that the 50% of seats reserved for women in civic polls was "too high."

Kanthapuram claimed that allowing women and men to study together in colleges was "part of a calculated move to destroy Islam and culture."

"The obstinacy that boys and girls should study sitting on the same bench is an indirect attack aimed at destroying Islam and its culture," Kanthapuram said."


One World Order would be much the same since there are so many more "moderate, peaceful" Muslims like the asshole above. They will never approve of the freedoms and culture of western civilization and seek to wipe us out. Billions will get behind the belief that freedom and liberty are a direct threat to Islam and they will stop it.

To have a One World Order, the largest group will lead. Sadly, that means some savages with archaic beliefs.

I agree that those who want a Caliphate will not want a freedom loving NWO.

"Both should be rejected because both eliminate freedom and liberty, not to mention justice."

I disagree with this. If free states decide to form any coalition regardless of size, freedom is not lost. The only difference is the leadership.

To be free in a small state or a large one is the same except that in a large one, the brightest can have a larger world wide effect.

When the various U.S. states, for instance, joined the U.S., they did not lose any of their freedoms except that of going against what the majority wants.

The same thing applies to Canada when the territories or provinces joined Canada.

I mean , look at islams treatment of gays as one example , the sharia has always killed them in one way or the other since 'moe' came up with islam and sharia !! So that been about the last 1400 years Greatest .

Yes and Christianity had made being gay illegal till just recently and are still trying to repeal gay marriage.

All the mainstream religions are homophobic and misogynous. Islam just happens to be the worst of a bad lot.

--------------------------------- killing homos for being homo is the way of islam and has been since 'moe' invented islam , repealing homo marriage is far different than throwing a homo off a roof and most would agree Greatest .

Oh I do agree.

That does not mean that Christianity would not like to kill them all. Not the left of course but look at the crap the right wing is still promoting.

Death to Gays.


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