While They Call Trump Hitler, Obama Rolls Thousands of Troops into Poland

Obama is following orders from


John O. Brennan

They want to make sure that the relationship between Trump and Putin is not a friendly one.

I am certain that NATO will accuse Russia of committing an act which requires a "retaliatory" attack.

If that happens Obama should be arrested for being a war criminal and penalized to the full extent of the law.


Russian subs are now... and have been, patrolling right off our east coast... have they been trying to provoke us? How do you feel about them being there???

Obama is following orders from


John O. Brennan

They want to make sure that the relationship between Trump and Putin is not a friendly one.

I am certain that NATO will accuse Russia of committing an act which requires a "retaliatory" attack.

If that happens Obama should be arrested for being a war criminal and penalized to the full extent of the law.



from the article, Polland wants us there, all of the EU wants us there...

Soldiers in camouflage with tanks and other vehicles crossed into southwestern Poland on Thursday morning from Germany and headed for Zagan, their planned base. Poland's prime minister and defense minister said they would attend official ceremonies Saturday celebrating the Americans' arrival.

The deployment "symbolizes a turn in our efforts on this front, and is an important part of our continued effort to deter Russian aggression and maintain a free Europe," U.S. European Command spokeswoman Meghan Henderson responded.

U.S. and other Western nations have carried out exercises on NATO's eastern flank, but this deployment -- which includes around 3,500 U.S. troops -- marks the first-ever continuous deployment to the region by a NATO ally. It represents a commitment by President Barack Obama to protect a region that became deeply nervous when Russia stormed Ukraine and took over Crimea in 2014, and then began backing rebels in Ukraine's east.

Obama is following orders from


John O. Brennan

They want to make sure that the relationship between Trump and Putin is not a friendly one.

I am certain that NATO will accuse Russia of committing an act which requires a "retaliatory" attack.

If that happens Obama should be arrested for being a war criminal and penalized to the full extent of the law.




Yep World War III will be funny as hell.

Who Brought the World to the Brink of World War III?
Who has the major responsibility for creating the confrontation between the U.S. and Russia in Syria? How have these two major nuclear powers moved closer and closer to the brink of World War III?

At the moment, one clear way to resolve this clash is for Syria’s armed forces to win an unambiguous victory over the forces seeking to overturn the existing government. Bloody as it may be, the defeat of the rebel forces will defuse the military portion of the conflict between the U.S. and Russia, at least within Syria. Russia, invited by Assad to aid him militarily, has been following that path.

Obama has haltingly and unevenly been following a different but also effective path, which is that the U.S. pull back from the brink, that it stop calling for Assad’s resignation, and that it not directly become involved in attacking Syrian forces.

However, loud and aggressive voices within his administration and within the U.S. government urge greater U.S. military involvement. Hillary Clinton is counted more in this camp than not with her call for a no-fly zone in part of Syria if not all. Only 3 months remain before she is inaugurated and moves the U.S. closer to the brink. She’ll end Obama’s direction and reverse it. She’ll attempt to make Putin back down. She’ll heighten the chance of World War III. This is why the bloody path of an Assad victory or, failing that, a consolidation of gains or a clear upper hand throughout most of Syria is actually a step toward avoiding World War III.



Exactly where they belong, to tell Putin and our American fascists "no."
Whatever happened to the antiwar Left?
Since you did not support it then, yet you don't support the digital age warriors today of the left and center and responsible right, tell us "what does that mean."
Russian subs are now... and have been, patrolling right off our east coast... have they been trying to provoke us? How do you feel about them being there???
Ask Obama if he has apologized to Romney for mocking him about Russia being an adversary.
When Hitler entered Poland, it was a bit different than stationing troops in a friendly country that has been asking for help and is planning to celebrate the move. ;)
True, but Trump supporters wold prefer a Tillerson/Lavrov in commemoration of Ribbentrop/Molotov.

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