White Americans Long For The 1950's, When They Weren't Such Victims Of Reverse Discrimination

Why is it only white people have to allow foreigners to take over their country but libtards rush to defend any Turd world country from white cultural/neo colonialism?

Immigration is not "taking over." We have always been a nation of immigrants. These immigrants have always assimilated in due time (and in much the same fashion throughout the centuries), and there have always been craven idiots soiling themselves over it despite the fact that their own families were on the other side of the equation at some (usually not so distant) point.
The only immigrants this country was originally founded for were White people. We should go back respecting our founders original intent.

You understand nothing of American history, turd. This country was never intended for fools and cowards like you. Get out.
The first person killed during the Boston Massacre was...?


The charters and early acts of the original colonies make for interesting reading for those who care to.
America is not, like so many others, a country based on bloodline or family name. We are a nation built and sustained upon shared principles. Those who can't or won't understand those principles have no place calling themselves Americans.
Why is it only white people have to allow foreigners to take over their country but libtards rush to defend any Turd world country from white cultural/neo colonialism?

Immigration is not "taking over." We have always been a nation of immigrants. These immigrants have always assimilated in due time (and in much the same fashion throughout the centuries), and there have always been craven idiots soiling themselves over it despite the fact that their own families were on the other side of the equation at some (usually not so distant) point.
The only immigrants this country was originally founded for were White people. We should go back respecting our founders original intent.

You're not only a coward and and a fool, but you're completely ignorant of American history. Go study a little so you can at least come across as a slightly more educated coward.
Read the first statute created by the 1st Congress, the Naturalization Act of 1790.

United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provides the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limits naturalization to immigrants who are free white persons of good character. It thus excludes American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks, and Asians.
Sorry, Whitey, we are well passed that stage just as we are hunting for dinner with a gun. Your time has come, and gone.
"White Americans Long For The 1950's, When They Weren't Such Victims Of Reverse Discrimination"

Only a small, pathetic minority of reactionary conservatives 'long' for the 1950s, and seek to return America to an idealized past that never actually existed to begin with – a past in no way 'ideal' for women, gay Americans, and African-Americans, among many others.
America is not, like so many others, a country based on bloodline or family name. We are a nation built and sustained upon shared principles. Those who can't or won't understand those principles have no place calling themselves Americans.
Most, like those here for the most part, are Americans in name only.
"White Americans Long For The 1950's, When They Weren't Such Victims Of Reverse Discrimination"

Only a small, pathetic minority of reactionary conservatives 'long' for the 1950s, and seek to return America to an idealized past that never actually existed to begin with – a past in no way 'ideal' for women, gay Americans, and African-Americans, among many others.
Only the white man matters to them, not even the white women and white children.

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