White Businessman Beaten By Blacks In Connecticut


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
White Businessman Beaten By Blacks In Connecticut
A New Haven, Connecticut businessman was savagely beaten so bad by a gang of black teens that he doesn’t even remember the incident.

White Businessman Beaten by Blacks in Connecticut

This happens almost daily but the media won't whine about black racism? Just how evil white people are. Hypocrites.
Let's do everyone a favor here and never accuse anyone of racism again unless you have rock solid proof. As the OP has alluded too, I also have seen how crimes are ignored when the perpetrator is black and the victim was white. Zimmerman was no criminal looking to score off a easy victim because of race. Quite the opposite, I argue. Martin was the aggressor, for whatever reason. I doubt he was looking for trouble, but blacks wearing hoodies in a white nationhood is like a white donning a white robe and hoodie in a black community. Freedom is one thing, common sense something else.

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