White Campground Manager Fired For Pulling A Gun On Black Couple

Should the gun-crazy woman have been fired?

  • Yes

    Votes: 29 76.3%
  • No

    Votes: 9 23.7%

  • Total voters
Why classify it in terms of race? These people were just enjoying a day at the lake.
While we are at it, will you please stop white men from beating up and raping their partners, killing their children and their entire families, along with several cops?
Again ignoring statistics I see
Statistics has absolutely nothing to do with it. Find the individual perps. Jail the perps. Let ordinary people get on with their lives in peace. I am a European-descended person preparing our lunch. Am I hurting someone?

Find the individual perps. Jail the perps.

Please....since you are obviously a left winger....please tell the democrats to start doing this....since they are currently working overtime to let out every violent, repeat, gun criminal that they can....who then go on to shoot people.....if they would just follow your direction, the asshats shooting people would be in jail, and our gun murder rate would be almost zero....but the democrats have to stop letting them out of jail...

Just what is a "left-winger" who I am supposed to be? Just who is "working overtime" to let out violent criminals to circulate in society.

I'm just a white, middle-class, suburban American woman, with college degrees, who is against criminals (real ones) and is against discrimination on the basis of how people were born and who supports basic human rights for all. I was a "witness" in my then-boyfriend's moot court appearance and we were given a tour by the judge of the jail underneath arraignment court. I subsequently spent a year or two in my 20s working in the court system. I knew the number to key in to get into the prosecutor's office. I got out of there some years before someone came in with guns blazing and killed several people. I have some experience.

You, I think, went marching around Charlottesville with a tiki torch chanting "Jews will not replace us." What do political parties have to do with crime, since we are all united against criminals? Go spend one day sitting in arraignment court..

Just what do you hope to gain by peddling ignorance?

I support the freedom of Americans to picnic!
It means nothing as you and most women never put your life in harms way. You need to die for the cause. When you are in dangerous jobs, most of the time you are in much less dangerous situations. What you need is the inner city element that you help to create come to the suburbs and put the fear of gaia in you. Do you support the games played that are numerous and have destroyed people with the accusations of hate? Do you support all of the black on white crime in urban areas? Do you support the massive irresponsible ways of living that costs the taxpayers his/her hard earned resources? Do you have guilt for your suburban life? That African American couple deserve better. That woman who reacted was weened on what she sees on TV and the games played......not for months or years....but for decades. Now move to the inner city community and help these people improve their lives. But it takes courage for fear of the safety of your life to do so. So blame someone else who did nothing wrong but had the audacity to complain about how much money is extracted from his wallet as he has problems also. People like you are pariahs that have been around for thousands of years. Interfering and pushing your agendas on how people live while from a distance and usually more equal then others with the real trickle down theory placing you near the top.

What do you do --- stuff the dictionary into a blender to come up with this incoherent babble?
Being black is a 24/7 victimization and grievance. No matter the conduct, someone else caused it.
I have to wonder why there are blacks who MURDER/rape/rob or threaten people of my background who are just going about the daily business of their lives.

When did this happen? I think that you have an over-active fantasy life. Please start by accounting for all of the white boys who wipe out their pregnant wives, girlfriends, children, cops called to domestic disputes, plant bombs. I'm not saying that anyone is innocent, but why accuse by demographic group? A savage is a savage.
blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
hate crimes at over TWICE the rate
rape at twice the rate
Perpetrators of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
facts--blacks much worse than whites
What does that have to do with a fat white woman with a gun?
the OP is talking about the races---
blacks murder and rape at much higher rates
we don't buy your stupid shit about whites this whites that
blacks are the problem --not whites--as the FACTS/stats clearly show
Which has nothing to to with the fat bitch drawing a gun on customers
then why does the OP mention race!!???
I have to wonder why there are blacks who MURDER/rape/rob or threaten people of my background who are just going about the daily business of their lives.

When did this happen? I think that you have an over-active fantasy life. Please start by accounting for all of the white boys who wipe out their pregnant wives, girlfriends, children, cops called to domestic disputes, plant bombs. I'm not saying that anyone is innocent, but why accuse by demographic group? A savage is a savage.
blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
hate crimes at over TWICE the rate
rape at twice the rate
Perpetrators of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
facts--blacks much worse than whites
What does that have to do with a fat white woman with a gun?
the OP is talking about the races---
blacks murder and rape at much higher rates
we don't buy your stupid shit about whites this whites that
blacks are the problem --not whites--as the FACTS/stats clearly show

That is FALSE according to DOJ/FBI stats.
blacks murder/rape/commit hate crimes at higher rates per the FBI
they are right there---you say no???!!!!!
When did this happen? I think that you have an over-active fantasy life. Please start by accounting for all of the white boys who wipe out their pregnant wives, girlfriends, children, cops called to domestic disputes, plant bombs. I'm not saying that anyone is innocent, but why accuse by demographic group? A savage is a savage.
blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
hate crimes at over TWICE the rate
rape at twice the rate
Perpetrators of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
facts--blacks much worse than whites
What does that have to do with a fat white woman with a gun?
the OP is talking about the races---
blacks murder and rape at much higher rates
we don't buy your stupid shit about whites this whites that
blacks are the problem --not whites--as the FACTS/stats clearly show

That is FALSE according to DOJ/FBI stats.
blacks murder/rape/commit hate crimes at higher rates per the FBI
they are right there---you say no???!!!!!

Post the Table for us.
blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
hate crimes at over TWICE the rate
rape at twice the rate
Perpetrators of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
facts--blacks much worse than whites
What does that have to do with a fat white woman with a gun?
the OP is talking about the races---
blacks murder and rape at much higher rates
we don't buy your stupid shit about whites this whites that
blacks are the problem --not whites--as the FACTS/stats clearly show

That is FALSE according to DOJ/FBI stats.
blacks murder/rape/commit hate crimes at higher rates per the FBI
they are right there---you say no???!!!!!

Post the Table for us.
It's not that hard. We believe you're capable of using google.
What does that have to do with a fat white woman with a gun?
the OP is talking about the races---
blacks murder and rape at much higher rates
we don't buy your stupid shit about whites this whites that
blacks are the problem --not whites--as the FACTS/stats clearly show

That is FALSE according to DOJ/FBI stats.
blacks murder/rape/commit hate crimes at higher rates per the FBI
they are right there---you say no???!!!!!

Post the Table for us.
It's not that hard. We believe you're capable of using google.

I already know what the Table says and it also tells me your dumbass is just following this clown right off the cliff.
White KOA campground worker fired after video shows her pulling gun on black couple

"Kampgrounds of America does not condone the use of a firearm in any manner on our properties or those owned and operated by our franchisees," the company said.

So was the firing justified, or nah?

That's easy.

Of course it was justified.
Why classify it in terms of race? These people were just enjoying a day at the lake.
While we are at it, will you please stop white men from beating up and raping their partners, killing their children and their entire families, along with several cops?
Again ignoring statistics I see
Statistics has absolutely nothing to do with it. Find the individual perps. Jail the perps. Let ordinary people get on with their lives in peace. I am a European-descended person preparing our lunch. Am I hurting someone?

Find the individual perps. Jail the perps.

Please....since you are obviously a left winger....please tell the democrats to start doing this....since they are currently working overtime to let out every violent, repeat, gun criminal that they can....who then go on to shoot people.....if they would just follow your direction, the asshats shooting people would be in jail, and our gun murder rate would be almost zero....but the democrats have to stop letting them out of jail...

Just what is a "left-winger" who I am supposed to be? Just who is "working overtime" to let out violent criminals to circulate in society.

I'm just a white, middle-class, suburban American woman, with college degrees, who is against criminals (real ones) and is against discrimination on the basis of how people were born and who supports basic human rights for all. I was a "witness" in my then-boyfriend's moot court appearance and we were given a tour by the judge of the jail underneath arraignment court. I subsequently spent a year or two in my 20s working in the court system. I knew the number to key in to get into the prosecutor's office. I got out of there some years before someone came in with guns blazing and killed several people. I have some experience.

You, I think, went marching around Charlottesville with a tiki torch chanting "Jews will not replace us." What do political parties have to do with crime, since we are all united against criminals? Go spend one day sitting in arraignment court..

Just what do you hope to gain by peddling ignorance?

I support the freedom of Americans to picnic!
It means nothing as you and most women never put your life in harms way. You need to die for the cause. When you are in dangerous jobs, most of the time you are in much less dangerous situations. What you need is the inner city element that you help to create come to the suburbs and put the fear of gaia in you. Do you support the games played that are numerous and have destroyed people with the accusations of hate? Do you support all of the black on white crime in urban areas? Do you support the massive irresponsible ways of living that costs the taxpayers his/her hard earned resources? Do you have guilt for your suburban life? That African American couple deserve better. That woman who reacted was weened on what she sees on TV and the games played......not for months or years....but for decades. Now move to the inner city community and help these people improve their lives. But it takes courage for fear of the safety of your life to do so. So blame someone else who did nothing wrong but had the audacity to complain about how much money is extracted from his wallet as he has problems also. People like you are pariahs that have been around for thousands of years. Interfering and pushing your agendas on how people live while from a distance and usually more equal then others with the real trickle down theory placing you near the top.

Do you actually believe all of this stupid nonsense? I was born and raised a few miles from the Jersey side of the George Washington bridge. I lived in a working class neighborhood in northeast Washington, DC, for years. When I had the apartment on the upper floor of a building with two apartments, complete with its own family of cockroaches as all of the buildings were connected, someone was murdered, and I remember thinking it disgusting that the people taking the body out on a gurney were joking. I also got an entire headlight assembly stolen off of the car my aunt gave me. She was USAF and the car had been shipped back to the US. I didn't want to change the plates on it because the plates that came with it were from the Azores and people kept asking me where in the hell that was.

When a group of us got a house, the supermarket down the street was robbed, complete with gun-play. The police then came knocking, looking for a bullet that they could not account for and asking whether our house was hit. Later, the broken window on the back door had blood on it. But we had two large dogs.

This was around the time that the DC police were looking for female recruits. I think that they lost a lawsuit. The local cops tried to recruit me. I think that they got a bonus for hauling one of us in. I have some regret as to not taking them up on the offer. I might have been good. And I did like court, except for the busloads of prisoners who shouted obscene things at us through chicken-wire windows, and cops looking for dates.

While walking back to the car with my date in Georgetown, which was parked in a vacant lot that is now Washington Harbor, I stumbled on a pothole and ended up meeting the eye of a white, red-haired guy in a hat that reminded me of the gold-miners of old. I will never forget him. A few minutes later, when we had just about reached the car, he assumed a military stance and started shooting at a car parked across from us as that car squealed out backwards. My date and I ran like hell until we reached the local bar, me in heels, where we called the police (no cellphones then). Later, someone related to the people in the car tried to call me. The police must have given out my number. My beloved roommate informed the caller that I would not be speaking to him and hung up. Dope deal gone sour?

Do not lecture me, fool. You sound like you live in a place where livestock outnumber humans. Areas with higher population density have more crime. More people, more crime. Get it? Go back to your cows and the fantasies in your head.
blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
hate crimes at over TWICE the rate
rape at twice the rate
Perpetrators of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
facts--blacks much worse than whites
What does that have to do with a fat white woman with a gun?
the OP is talking about the races---
blacks murder and rape at much higher rates
we don't buy your stupid shit about whites this whites that
blacks are the problem --not whites--as the FACTS/stats clearly show

That is FALSE according to DOJ/FBI stats.
blacks murder/rape/commit hate crimes at higher rates per the FBI
they are right there---you say no???!!!!!

Post the Table for us.
post # 88
Table 21
Expanded Homicide Data Table 6
etc etc
When did this happen? I think that you have an over-active fantasy life. Please start by accounting for all of the white boys who wipe out their pregnant wives, girlfriends, children, cops called to domestic disputes, plant bombs. I'm not saying that anyone is innocent, but why accuse by demographic group? A savage is a savage.
blacks commit murder at FOUR times the rate of whites
hate crimes at over TWICE the rate
rape at twice the rate
Perpetrators of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN
facts--blacks much worse than whites
What does that have to do with a fat white woman with a gun?
the OP is talking about the races---
blacks murder and rape at much higher rates
we don't buy your stupid shit about whites this whites that
blacks are the problem --not whites--as the FACTS/stats clearly show
Which has nothing to to with the fat bitch drawing a gun on customers
then why does the OP mention race!!???
Doesn’t matter......you need to be respectful to the public regardless of race
White KOA campground worker fired after video shows her pulling gun on black couple

"Kampgrounds of America does not condone the use of a firearm in any manner on our properties or those owned and operated by our franchisees," the company said.

White KOA campground worker fired after video shows her pulling gun on black couple

So was the firing justified, or nah?
I remember when that fucking black thug got shot and morons like you fell for yo massas saying that he was a simple black gentle giant.

Fucking hilarious

White KOA campground worker fired after video shows her pulling gun on black couple

"Kampgrounds of America does not condone the use of a firearm in any manner on our properties or those owned and operated by our franchisees," the company said.

White KOA campground worker fired after video shows her pulling gun on black couple

So was the firing justified, or nah?
I remember when that fucking black thug got shot and morons like you fell for yo massas saying that he was a simple black gentle giant.

Fucking hilarious

Was he at a KOA?
If they are Black, odds are they are doing something illegal anyways. Put them in jail, let the courts sort it out.
White KOA campground worker fired after video shows her pulling gun on black couple

"Kampgrounds of America does not condone the use of a firearm in any manner on our properties or those owned and operated by our franchisees," the company said.

White KOA campground worker fired after video shows her pulling gun on black couple

So was the firing justified, or nah?
Gun lovers should not unholster their weapons unless they are actually being attacked.
She keeps it in her pocket next to the candy bar

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