White Coats for Black Lives


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Calling the Shots at America's Medical Schools - is the current Headline
at Breitbart this not so fine Saturday Morn.
I have been doing Twilight Zone style parody as a message board poster for
over 15 years.It has now become reality.Not as bad as the classic TW Episode
- It's a Good Life - where a young boy { Starring Billy Mumy } has the mental
powers to virtually hold hostage his entire small village to the pleasure of
only the boy.Who turns out to be a virtual sadistic little monster.His name was
Anthony Freemont and it was such a terrifying episode that Rod Serling the TV shows
creator was left almost speechless at it 's conclusion.It was one also one of 4 segments
in the John Landis remake - Twilight Zone : The Movie { 1983 }
We're here folks.Where Things as we once knew them are now made surreal.
Where even Doctors can and are being corrupted.Going by { WC4BL }
White Coats for Black Lives is a Radical Socialist organization of doctors
and medical students is succeeding in it's mission to radicalize the practice of medicine.
Believing that the dominant medical practice in the Unites States has been built on
dehumanization and exploitation of black people.
With at least 75 chapters at medical schools across the country.
Advocating for the practice of " prioritizing " black patients over other patients.
This latest example of Wokeness believing that " whiteness is an invented political tool
created through violence in the service of establishing domination ".
NO as in Hell No.That would be The Ku Klux Klan.An Invention of the Democrats
starting with President Woodrow Wilson.
This is an attempt to confuse the Black Community thru the newly made chic
notion of Wokeness.To Keep That Black Community on the Government Plantation.
meaning it's political.The left cannot let up now and lose more of the Black population
as a major voting block.Hispanics are taking a lead as a bigger voting constituency.
What Say you.Try and be as polite as humanly possible and not get rattled.
That may be one of the goals.To demoralize sane americans no matter what color,
Race or Creed.It's obvioulsy a direct slap in the face to Lady Liberty.
This of course { goes w/o saying } is ridiculously sick and insipid.
I refer any and all to The Historic Titanic.Where a simple law was
used and enforced.The Maritime law or International Maritime Law
of Women and Children First.
I see where there's already a site { some history venue } making the case that
there is no basis in Maritime law concerning Woman and Children First.
Dating back to the expected Code of Conduct In Maritime known as
the Birkenhead Drill.
This act of desperate excuse mongering now seems to be the order of
the day.Like the crazed use of The 1619 Project.
Even the Boys Scouts which have been hijacked and taken over
used as their Motto once ... Women and Children First is the Motto of the Day .
Not No Mores.
Since mores are also some figment.Like the Unborn.They really aren't quite
human enough to count,let alone deem as Precious.
See how this Woke Vehicle drives it's stake right into the hearts of
Rational Man.And Woman.And Children { must get vaccinated }
and definately any willful mommies making sure Abortions are the Motto
of the Day.
Apparently I should have waited.That morning Breitbart Headline has been
taken down.I should have gotten who put it up.It's quite rare when Breitbart
takes down a leading story { Headline }.Therefore I suggest anyone still interested
research the Headline and the Moniker { WC4BL } for any other source material.
It's a chapter of the Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of medicine.
Or {SSOM} an outgrowth of National outcry for Justice in the death of
George Floyd.Of course the word Murder supplanted the word Death,
There is also a website ... whitecoats4blacklives.Org
There is also a cnsnews.com Headline story :
- BLM-style Group Takes Over Medical Schools ,Vows to
Fight White Supremacy and ' Fatfphobia ' in Medicine - " Jan. 4,2022
Also starting last March UC Berkeley conducted a Virtual Pre-med
Conference where a Mentorship program was introduced.
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Utah state health using equity rating system for divvying out vaxes. I started a thread on it a couple days ago.......I believe the guidance comes out of the fed.

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