White college student suspended and banned for 2 years for saying black females aren't attractive

Good stuff. He is a danger to himself and everyone around him if he believes that. From your link.

"Although Colorado College is private, and not legally bound by the First Amendment,..."

If he wants free speech he needs to go to a public institution.

Soooo... What you guys are saying is that it is now mandatory for people (whites) to find all nationalities equally attractive... I will admit I have some preferences, but now I'm a bit scared to talk about them opening due to ridicule from people that undoubtably have their own preferences on what nationalities they find more attractive as a whole...

Seriously though, there have been so many females I know that say they prefer white guys over blacks, I wonder if you would ridicule them as harsh. We all know if a black preferred blacks you would prolly just shut your fuckin judgly little mouth.
Nope thats what you are saying.

Basically what people are saying and inbred white boys are learning the hard way, is that there are consequences you will have to deal with when you break rules or disrespect someone.

Thats weird because I have had so many females of different races tell me they prefer Black guys over any other race and especially over white guys. No I wouldnt ridicule people on their personal choices because thats.....well personal. I'm not judging. I'm actually amused by the inbred white guy being expelled/suspended. Now that I see you are emotionally traumatized that adds a bit more amusement to the entire thread and my day.

it's also apparently based on speculation, rightwingnut bigot lies or the whining of the suspended bigots since

CC officials would not confirm the punishment or say how many students have been disciplined, but some students told The Gazette that two male students were expelled. It is not known how many have been suspended.

"Federal privacy laws do not allow us to disclose information about student disciplinary action," spokeswoman Leslie Weddell said Tuesday.

Colorado College students reported expelled for comments

Not a bigot nor a 'rightwingnut' and still can't understand supporting this ultra PC fascism of stifling communication that seems to be running rampant among today's educational institutions. Do you *really* believe enforcing this ultra-sensitive culture in students will be an IMPROVEMENT upon an already too litigious, too thin skinned, responsibility bankrupt society when they finally assimilate into it? If you say it will, then the depth of your ignorance has no limit. It won't improve race relations. It won't improve gender relations. People will still possess their bigotries, but keep them a secret and thus make said relations much, much worse.

The school's disciplinary reaction to speech that at worst should be considered mildly offensive seems comically overblown. Like hunting prairie dogs with nukes overblown. The worst part? Enforcement of the code of conduct will always be completely SELECTIVE. This is a college, not a prison. No tolerance equals no thought required which is the breeding ground of stupidity. School administrators have simply traded one core responsibility for another lesser (but more lucrative) responsibility - they do only enough to avoid lawsuit, thus, essentially stifling the entire education system in this country. They don't seem to do anything much beyond filling chairs, so fuck them.

Hate on my opinion all you want - I would like to see the administration pay dearly for making an example of this student financially and academically for something so... benign. However, that would lead to lawsuits and essentially lowering to their level. We need to squash this nonsensical behavior of leading by our 'feelz' all the time and act like fucking rational human beings for a change.

it's also apparently based on speculation, rightwingnut bigot lies or the whining of the suspended bigots since

CC officials would not confirm the punishment or say how many students have been disciplined, but some students told The Gazette that two male students were expelled. It is not known how many have been suspended.

"Federal privacy laws do not allow us to disclose information about student disciplinary action," spokeswoman Leslie Weddell said Tuesday.

Colorado College students reported expelled for comments

Not a bigot nor a 'rightwingnut' and still can't understand supporting this ultra PC fascism of stifling communication that seems to be running rampant among today's educational institutions. Do you *really* believe enforcing this ultra-sensitive culture in students will be an IMPROVEMENT upon an already too litigious, too thin skinned, responsibility bankrupt society when they finally assimilate into it? If you say it will, then the depth of your ignorance has no limit. It won't improve race relations. It won't improve gender relations. People will still possess their bigotries, but keep them a secret and thus make said relations much, much worse.

The school's disciplinary reaction to speech that at worst should be considered mildly offensive seems comically overblown. Like hunting prairie dogs with nukes overblown. The worst part? Enforcement of the code of conduct will always be completely SELECTIVE. This is a college, not a prison. No tolerance equals no thought required which is the breeding ground of stupidity. School administrators have simply traded one core responsibility for another lesser (but more lucrative) responsibility - they do only enough to avoid lawsuit, thus, essentially stifling the entire education system in this country. They don't seem to do anything much beyond filling chairs, so fuck them.

Hate on my opinion all you want - I would like to see the administration pay dearly for making an example of this student financially and academically for something so... benign. However, that would lead to lawsuits and essentially lowering to their level. We need to squash this nonsensical behavior of leading by our 'feelz' all the time and act like fucking rational human beings for a change.
The problem with your theory is just that. Its a theory and in no way requires anyone to accept your opinion that someone is ignorant if they disagree. I for one could care less if it improved race relations. I dont live my life to do so. If people want improved race relations then they should show respect. Accepting these inbreds aggressions as just something one has to deal with is enabling them. Its the height of stupidity to think that allowing the aggressions will make race relations better if thats your aim. BTW emotions are not rational and they constitute a large part of what it means to be human.

it's also apparently based on speculation, rightwingnut bigot lies or the whining of the suspended bigots since

CC officials would not confirm the punishment or say how many students have been disciplined, but some students told The Gazette that two male students were expelled. It is not known how many have been suspended.

"Federal privacy laws do not allow us to disclose information about student disciplinary action," spokeswoman Leslie Weddell said Tuesday.

Colorado College students reported expelled for comments

Not a bigot nor a 'rightwingnut' and still can't understand supporting this ultra PC fascism of stifling communication that seems to be running rampant among today's educational institutions. Do you *really* believe enforcing this ultra-sensitive culture in students will be an IMPROVEMENT upon an already too litigious, too thin skinned, responsibility bankrupt society when they finally assimilate into it? If you say it will, then the depth of your ignorance has no limit. It won't improve race relations. It won't improve gender relations. People will still possess their bigotries, but keep them a secret and thus make said relations much, much worse.

The school's disciplinary reaction to speech that at worst should be considered mildly offensive seems comically overblown. Like hunting prairie dogs with nukes overblown. The worst part? Enforcement of the code of conduct will always be completely SELECTIVE. This is a college, not a prison. No tolerance equals no thought required which is the breeding ground of stupidity. School administrators have simply traded one core responsibility for another lesser (but more lucrative) responsibility - they do only enough to avoid lawsuit, thus, essentially stifling the entire education system in this country. They don't seem to do anything much beyond filling chairs, so fuck them.

Hate on my opinion all you want - I would like to see the administration pay dearly for making an example of this student financially and academically for something so... benign. However, that would lead to lawsuits and essentially lowering to their level. We need to squash this nonsensical behavior of leading by our 'feelz' all the time and act like fucking rational human beings for a change.
Imagine if you will that every person walking around has a needle in 1 hand and the other is free to give pats on the back. if you walk around jabbing people with a needle how great do you think your relationship is going to be with that person vs you abstaining or patting them on the back? Eventually someone is going to put a foot in your ass if you keep poking them with the needle. Then you will whine about free speech.

it's also apparently based on speculation, rightwingnut bigot lies or the whining of the suspended bigots since

CC officials would not confirm the punishment or say how many students have been disciplined, but some students told The Gazette that two male students were expelled. It is not known how many have been suspended.

"Federal privacy laws do not allow us to disclose information about student disciplinary action," spokeswoman Leslie Weddell said Tuesday.

Colorado College students reported expelled for comments

Not a bigot nor a 'rightwingnut' and still can't understand supporting this ultra PC fascism of stifling communication that seems to be running rampant among today's educational institutions. Do you *really* believe enforcing this ultra-sensitive culture in students will be an IMPROVEMENT upon an already too litigious, too thin skinned, responsibility bankrupt society when they finally assimilate into it? If you say it will, then the depth of your ignorance has no limit. It won't improve race relations. It won't improve gender relations. People will still possess their bigotries, but keep them a secret and thus make said relations much, much worse.

The school's disciplinary reaction to speech that at worst should be considered mildly offensive seems comically overblown. Like hunting prairie dogs with nukes overblown. The worst part? Enforcement of the code of conduct will always be completely SELECTIVE. This is a college, not a prison. No tolerance equals no thought required which is the breeding ground of stupidity. School administrators have simply traded one core responsibility for another lesser (but more lucrative) responsibility - they do only enough to avoid lawsuit, thus, essentially stifling the entire education system in this country. They don't seem to do anything much beyond filling chairs, so fuck them.

Hate on my opinion all you want - I would like to see the administration pay dearly for making an example of this student financially and academically for something so... benign. However, that would lead to lawsuits and essentially lowering to their level. We need to squash this nonsensical behavior of leading by our 'feelz' all the time and act like fucking rational human beings for a change.
The problem with your theory is just that. Its a theory and in no way requires anyone to accept your opinion that someone is ignorant if they disagree. I for one could care less if it improved race relations. I dont live my life to do so. If people want improved race relations then they should show respect. Accepting these inbreds aggressions as just something one has to deal with is enabling them. Its the height of stupidity to think that allowing the aggressions will make race relations better if thats your aim. BTW emotions are not rational and they constitute a large part of what it means to be human.

Not sure what point you're trying to make here. Nothing I said really contradicts your comment.

it's also apparently based on speculation, rightwingnut bigot lies or the whining of the suspended bigots since

CC officials would not confirm the punishment or say how many students have been disciplined, but some students told The Gazette that two male students were expelled. It is not known how many have been suspended.

"Federal privacy laws do not allow us to disclose information about student disciplinary action," spokeswoman Leslie Weddell said Tuesday.

Colorado College students reported expelled for comments

Not a bigot nor a 'rightwingnut' and still can't understand supporting this ultra PC fascism of stifling communication that seems to be running rampant among today's educational institutions. Do you *really* believe enforcing this ultra-sensitive culture in students will be an IMPROVEMENT upon an already too litigious, too thin skinned, responsibility bankrupt society when they finally assimilate into it? If you say it will, then the depth of your ignorance has no limit. It won't improve race relations. It won't improve gender relations. People will still possess their bigotries, but keep them a secret and thus make said relations much, much worse.

The school's disciplinary reaction to speech that at worst should be considered mildly offensive seems comically overblown. Like hunting prairie dogs with nukes overblown. The worst part? Enforcement of the code of conduct will always be completely SELECTIVE. This is a college, not a prison. No tolerance equals no thought required which is the breeding ground of stupidity. School administrators have simply traded one core responsibility for another lesser (but more lucrative) responsibility - they do only enough to avoid lawsuit, thus, essentially stifling the entire education system in this country. They don't seem to do anything much beyond filling chairs, so fuck them.

Hate on my opinion all you want - I would like to see the administration pay dearly for making an example of this student financially and academically for something so... benign. However, that would lead to lawsuits and essentially lowering to their level. We need to squash this nonsensical behavior of leading by our 'feelz' all the time and act like fucking rational human beings for a change.
The problem with your theory is just that. Its a theory and in no way requires anyone to accept your opinion that someone is ignorant if they disagree. I for one could care less if it improved race relations. I dont live my life to do so. If people want improved race relations then they should show respect. Accepting these inbreds aggressions as just something one has to deal with is enabling them. Its the height of stupidity to think that allowing the aggressions will make race relations better if thats your aim. BTW emotions are not rational and they constitute a large part of what it means to be human.

Not sure what point you're trying to make here. Nothing I said really contradicts your comment.
Actually your comment is at odds with my comment.

1. You think the inbreds action are benign. I disagree. Nothing about the actions are gentle or kindly or without harm.
2. You think people are ignorant if they believe punishing people for breaking rules of conduct is a bad thing.
3. You would like to see the administration pay dearly. I would like to see them used as an example of a administration that has their priorities in order.

One day the left will begin to force people to marry equally. They will find a way to make sure marriages are equally diverse. This may sound funny but I am old enough to recognize the patter with these people which is they have to force everyone into whatever agenda they have.
One day the left will begin to force people to marry equally. They will find a way to make sure marriages are equally diverse. This may sound funny but I am old enough to recognize the patter with these people which is they have to force everyone into whatever agenda they have.
Now your user name makes sense. Youre old enough to be one of the Dixiecrats. When did someone make a change to who you had to marry?.
The worst problem with black girls isn't their looks, or even their temperament. It's that their pussies stink. Their body odor. Even my black friends agree with me on that point.

Then they put a bunch of perfumed stuff on their coohie that just makes it stink worse.

EDIT: And taste even worse than it smells.

Reminds me of a joke...Hey that looks like Dog shit.......What's it smell like....Dog shit.....what's it taste like....Dog shit.....good think we didn't step in it.......,
Sucks for him

it's also apparently based on speculation, rightwingnut bigot lies or the whining of the suspended bigots since

CC officials would not confirm the punishment or say how many students have been disciplined, but some students told The Gazette that two male students were expelled. It is not known how many have been suspended.

"Federal privacy laws do not allow us to disclose information about student disciplinary action," spokeswoman Leslie Weddell said Tuesday.

Colorado College students reported expelled for comments

Not a bigot nor a 'rightwingnut' and still can't understand supporting this ultra PC fascism of stifling communication that seems to be running rampant among today's educational institutions. Do you *really* believe enforcing this ultra-sensitive culture in students will be an IMPROVEMENT upon an already too litigious, too thin skinned, responsibility bankrupt society when they finally assimilate into it? If you say it will, then the depth of your ignorance has no limit. It won't improve race relations. It won't improve gender relations. People will still possess their bigotries, but keep them a secret and thus make said relations much, much worse.

The school's disciplinary reaction to speech that at worst should be considered mildly offensive seems comically overblown. Like hunting prairie dogs with nukes overblown. The worst part? Enforcement of the code of conduct will always be completely SELECTIVE. This is a college, not a prison. No tolerance equals no thought required which is the breeding ground of stupidity. School administrators have simply traded one core responsibility for another lesser (but more lucrative) responsibility - they do only enough to avoid lawsuit, thus, essentially stifling the entire education system in this country. They don't seem to do anything much beyond filling chairs, so fuck them.

Hate on my opinion all you want - I would like to see the administration pay dearly for making an example of this student financially and academically for something so... benign. However, that would lead to lawsuits and essentially lowering to their level. We need to squash this nonsensical behavior of leading by our 'feelz' all the time and act like fucking rational human beings for a change.
The problem with your theory is just that. Its a theory and in no way requires anyone to accept your opinion that someone is ignorant if they disagree. I for one could care less if it improved race relations. I dont live my life to do so. If people want improved race relations then they should show respect. Accepting these inbreds aggressions as just something one has to deal with is enabling them. Its the height of stupidity to think that allowing the aggressions will make race relations better if thats your aim. BTW emotions are not rational and they constitute a large part of what it means to be human.

Not sure what point you're trying to make here. Nothing I said really contradicts your comment.
Actually your comment is at odds with my comment.

1. You think the inbreds action are benign. I disagree. Nothing about the actions are gentle or kindly or without harm.
2. You think people are ignorant if they believe punishing people for breaking rules of conduct is a bad thing.
3. You would like to see the administration pay dearly. I would like to see them used as an example of a administration that has their priorities in order.


Ah, okay then we definitely disagree, I suppose.

1. If by 'inbreds', you are referring to the suspended, yes, I believe the actions are benign. I see no profanity or slurs - it all seems to be implied. A dismal reaction by the terminally outraged. Mountains from molehills, etc.
2. It ain't that cut and dry and I believe you must know it, or you're trolling. This is selective enforcement, plain and simple. The enforcers (administration) should at least be made to explain themselves in some sort of trial/investigation, but they won't because the law protects them from that responsibility. Quite a chickenshit business.
3. I would, and your reality seems completely skewed to me, no offense. Pick your battles in life. Might as well wipe your ass with the constitution as well, because if this clear overreaction of the administration over some benign anonymous comments is your idea of 'having priorities in order', I hope you stay out of the education system.
This is the funniest part of it. From the inbred that made the comment....

"I support constructive discipline, but I believe the school’s reaction neither educates me on my act of insensitivity, nor benefits the community, nor consoles offended students, to whom I am extremely sorry.”

I'm pretty sure he is educated on the fact that free speech does not = free of consequences now and I'm pretty sure this went a long way towards benefiting the community and consoling the offended students.

Being penalized by the government is not one of the legitimate consequences, you bootlicking toad.
Who was penalized by the government? Are you displaying your cave chimp form of intellect again?

Excuse me. I didn't read the article. I thought this was a public university.
Someone please explain, specifically, how this is not fascism?

Fascism has to do with a system of government. It's not just a word to use when you disagree with something.

nice, so you want to take the literal definition...fine...so how then is it not intolerant and authoritarian of the board to severely punish those who they disagree with?

Keep trying. Sooner or later you might find a word that means what you want it to mean. You haven't so far.
One day the left will begin to force people to marry equally. They will find a way to make sure marriages are equally diverse. This may sound funny but I am old enough to recognize the patter with these people which is they have to force everyone into whatever agenda they have.

it's also apparently based on speculation, rightwingnut bigot lies or the whining of the suspended bigots since

Colorado College students reported expelled for comments

Not a bigot nor a 'rightwingnut' and still can't understand supporting this ultra PC fascism of stifling communication that seems to be running rampant among today's educational institutions. Do you *really* believe enforcing this ultra-sensitive culture in students will be an IMPROVEMENT upon an already too litigious, too thin skinned, responsibility bankrupt society when they finally assimilate into it? If you say it will, then the depth of your ignorance has no limit. It won't improve race relations. It won't improve gender relations. People will still possess their bigotries, but keep them a secret and thus make said relations much, much worse.

The school's disciplinary reaction to speech that at worst should be considered mildly offensive seems comically overblown. Like hunting prairie dogs with nukes overblown. The worst part? Enforcement of the code of conduct will always be completely SELECTIVE. This is a college, not a prison. No tolerance equals no thought required which is the breeding ground of stupidity. School administrators have simply traded one core responsibility for another lesser (but more lucrative) responsibility - they do only enough to avoid lawsuit, thus, essentially stifling the entire education system in this country. They don't seem to do anything much beyond filling chairs, so fuck them.

Hate on my opinion all you want - I would like to see the administration pay dearly for making an example of this student financially and academically for something so... benign. However, that would lead to lawsuits and essentially lowering to their level. We need to squash this nonsensical behavior of leading by our 'feelz' all the time and act like fucking rational human beings for a change.
The problem with your theory is just that. Its a theory and in no way requires anyone to accept your opinion that someone is ignorant if they disagree. I for one could care less if it improved race relations. I dont live my life to do so. If people want improved race relations then they should show respect. Accepting these inbreds aggressions as just something one has to deal with is enabling them. Its the height of stupidity to think that allowing the aggressions will make race relations better if thats your aim. BTW emotions are not rational and they constitute a large part of what it means to be human.

Not sure what point you're trying to make here. Nothing I said really contradicts your comment.
Actually your comment is at odds with my comment.

1. You think the inbreds action are benign. I disagree. Nothing about the actions are gentle or kindly or without harm.
2. You think people are ignorant if they believe punishing people for breaking rules of conduct is a bad thing.
3. You would like to see the administration pay dearly. I would like to see them used as an example of a administration that has their priorities in order.


Ah, okay then we definitely disagree, I suppose.

1. If by 'inbreds', you are referring to the suspended, yes, I believe the actions are benign. I see no profanity or slurs - it all seems to be implied. A dismal reaction by the terminally outraged. Mountains from molehills, etc.
2. It ain't that cut and dry and I believe you must know it, or you're trolling. This is selective enforcement, plain and simple. The enforcers (administration) should at least be made to explain themselves in some sort of trial/investigation, but they won't because the law protects them from that responsibility. Quite a chickenshit business.
3. I would, and your reality seems completely skewed to me, no offense. Pick your battles in life. Might as well wipe your ass with the constitution as well, because if this clear overreaction of the administration over some benign anonymous comments is your idea of 'having priorities in order', I hope you stay out of the education system.

If you believe the actions benign then you must have a tenuous grasp as to the meaning of the word benign.

Yes it is that cut and dried. When one attempts to make it complicated it usually means they lack understanding or they are trying to bullshit someone. Yes this may be selective enforcement but like I said before its because the administration has its priorities in order. You call some someone a dodo head...no problem. You get racial, misogynistic, sexual orientation etc then you get to go down in flames for being too aggressive in your attempt to destroy the culture they are seeking there.

No offense taken. Everyone picks their battles in life and the school administration has let the inbred know that this is one he just lost. Again this being a private school the constitution does not apply for one and for two the constitution allows for exceptions to free speech as defined by the SCOTUS already. Doesnt matter what you hope I do. You have no say so in the matter and you will just be traumatized when you find out I am indeed in the educational system.
So by that logic shooting someone is a response to being called a twat...

Got it.
Yes thats what response means. I even posted the definition for you.

Fine, since you are being a twat literalist:

Do you find the Schools response to be proportional?
No. I think they should have been harsher.

That makes you a giant fucking twat.
As I noted before you have no significance.

Coming from your racist stupid ass, that is comical.
Yes thats what response means. I even posted the definition for you.

Fine, since you are being a twat literalist:

Do you find the Schools response to be proportional?
No. I think they should have been harsher.

That makes you a giant fucking twat.
As I noted before you have no significance.

Coming from your racist stupid ass, that is comical.
Yes you are comical but as I stated earlier...insignificant.
Fine, since you are being a twat literalist:

Do you find the Schools response to be proportional?
No. I think they should have been harsher.

That makes you a giant fucking twat.
As I noted before you have no significance.

Coming from your racist stupid ass, that is comical.
Yes you are comical but as I stated earlier...insignificant.

Adding to the comedy is some twat message board poster such as yourself yammering about "significance".
No. I think they should have been harsher.

That makes you a giant fucking twat.
As I noted before you have no significance.

Coming from your racist stupid ass, that is comical.
Yes you are comical but as I stated earlier...insignificant.

Adding to the comedy is some twat message board poster such as yourself yammering about "significance".
Dont be a twat. Its bad enough you have no significance. Dont make it worse.

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