White college student suspended and banned for 2 years for saying black females aren't attractive

Looking a Michelle Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Oprah Winfrey, Maxine Waters, Carol Mosely Brown, Cynthia McKinney, Sheila Jackson Lee, Barbara Lee, Gwen Ifil, Suzanne Malveaux, April Ryan, Cynthia Tucker, etc. etc. who could argue with that truthful and honest statement.
Anyone that has seen a Black woman?

I see these black harridans on TV just about every day. They are ugly inside and out. The kid was 100% right.
Sounds like sour grapes. Practically everyone knows that.
A kid makes a joke that is not funny. That is not punished. What is punished is a PC blunder.

Equally appalling is that some commenters on this thread seem quite comfortable that free speech doesn't apply to students in college anymore. Those Kent State kids are spinning in their graves.

The punishment should always be equal to the `crime`. This kid should have been suspended for no more than one second.
Maybe if you write the college you will have the relevance needed to have the school change their punishment?
Good stuff. He is a danger to himself and everyone around him if he believes that.

You're a danger to yourself and everyone around you if you believe THAT.

"Although Colorado College is private, and not legally bound by the First Amendment,..."

If he wants free speech he needs to go to a public institution.

Correct, they are a private institution and can do as they please, however, they seem to be in violation of their own philosophy.

Colorado College’s Student Guide, The Pathfinder, provides that “all members of the college community have such basic rights as freedom of speech….”

That they would suspend someone for two years over a stupid comment like that on a social media Web site is grossly over zealous and defies common sense and is definitely not a smart business move, in my opinion.
This is the funniest part of it. From the inbred that made the comment....

"I support constructive discipline, but I believe the school’s reaction neither educates me on my act of insensitivity, nor benefits the community, nor consoles offended students, to whom I am extremely sorry.”

I'm pretty sure he is educated on the fact that free speech does not = free of consequences now and I'm pretty sure this went a long way towards benefiting the community and consoling the offended students.

Being penalized by the government is not one of the legitimate consequences, you bootlicking toad.
Good stuff. He is a danger to himself and everyone around him if he believes that.

You're a danger to yourself and everyone around you if you believe THAT.

"Although Colorado College is private, and not legally bound by the First Amendment,..."

If he wants free speech he needs to go to a public institution.

Correct, they are a private institution and can do as they please, however, they seem to be in violation of their own philosophy.

Colorado College’s Student Guide, The Pathfinder, provides that “all members of the college community have such basic rights as freedom of speech….”

That they would suspend someone for two years over a stupid comment like that on a social media Web site is grossly over zealous and defies common sense and is definitely not a smart business move, in my opinion.
I guess I must be a danger then.

Evidently they figured out some people couldnt handle their free speech enough not to break the rules and they corrected their error.

Key word was your opinion. I'm sure they dont care what your opinion is.
This is the funniest part of it. From the inbred that made the comment....

"I support constructive discipline, but I believe the school’s reaction neither educates me on my act of insensitivity, nor benefits the community, nor consoles offended students, to whom I am extremely sorry.”

I'm pretty sure he is educated on the fact that free speech does not = free of consequences now and I'm pretty sure this went a long way towards benefiting the community and consoling the offended students.

Being penalized by the government is not one of the legitimate consequences, you bootlicking toad.
Who was penalized by the government? Are you displaying your cave chimp form of intellect again?
If that poor bugger had said that black females were attractive he would have been excoriated for being racist and condescending.

To avoid trouble, shut up!

But wait! If you don`t say something supporting the leftist view, you are a racist, xenophobic, Anti-Muslim, homophobic, misogynist redneck bigot.

Since you can`t win with the oh so tolerant left wing idiots, you might as well say what you have to say, loud and clear.
Read the article before you make a comment.

Its not a peer to peer relationship. Thats your first mistake. The people who run the private college are the authoritarians. Just like at your job. If you dont want to follow the rules you can leave.

Are they wrong? (In what they did)
I am assuming you mean the students? Of course they were wrong.

You have bad assumptions, the board. Do you think it is wrong for them to suspend a student for saying what he said on a small social media site?
And what one person said...is it really so obstructive that it disables people from completing their studies?
No I dont think they were wrong. They are looking for a specific climate that promotes racial harmony. You have absolutely no idea what could keep a student from completing their studies but as I pointed out thats besides the point. The inbred dog molester broke the rules and paid the price by getting suspended or expelled.

Ah poor little babies...we must protect them from all mean people...snif...it is just....so saaaddd....whaaaaahhhhh...whaaaaaaahhhh...this unknown person who I have never or will ever meet said something meeeaaann....whaaaaaahhhh.....he...he...he....deserves to die!!!..We must kill him!!...he is evil....whaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh

They are the Mastur _ _ _ _ _ _ ! race alright. That is about all the do is mastur.......!

You are not even smart enough to read your own article you are using for information.
The college is private. They own the college. It isn't public.
Dumb asses like you want it one way all the time but the world doesn't work in that direction.
Perhaps one day you might become a bit smarter than faux news info.

hey! you can't call a member of the master race a dumbfuck ....
If PC demands that black women are as attractive as other women of other races, who are we to argue?!

Come on, that's funny! ;)
If that poor bugger had said that black females were attractive he would have been excoriated for being racist and condescending.

To avoid trouble, shut up!

But wait! If you don`t say something supporting the leftist view, you are a racist, xenophobic, Anti-Muslim, homophobic, misogynist redneck bigot.

Since you can`t win with the oh so tolerant left wing idiots, you might as well say what you have to say, loud and clear.
Thats ok with me. Hopefully it will get more inbreds like yourself expelled.
If that poor bugger had said that black females were attractive he would have been excoriated for being racist and condescending.

To avoid trouble, shut up!

But wait! If you don`t say something supporting the leftist view, you are a racist, xenophobic, Anti-Muslim, homophobic, misogynist redneck bigot.

Since you can`t win with the oh so tolerant left wing idiots, you might as well say what you have to say, loud and clear.
Thats ok with me. Hopefully it will get more inbreds expelled.

Based on your posts, you are inbred and you should be expelled.
Think about Liberia.
If that poor bugger had said that black females were attractive he would have been excoriated for being racist and condescending.

To avoid trouble, shut up!

But wait! If you don`t say something supporting the leftist view, you are a racist, xenophobic, Anti-Muslim, homophobic, misogynist redneck bigot.

Since you can`t win with the oh so tolerant left wing idiots, you might as well say what you have to say, loud and clear.
Thats ok with me. Hopefully it will get more inbreds expelled.

Based on your posts, you are inbred and you should be expelled.
Think about Liberia.
Genetically Liberia is about right, but he belongs in Somalia. They'd love him there! He would be meat, then for the goats.
If that poor bugger had said that black females were attractive he would have been excoriated for being racist and condescending.

To avoid trouble, shut up!

But wait! If you don`t say something supporting the leftist view, you are a racist, xenophobic, Anti-Muslim, homophobic, misogynist redneck bigot.

Since you can`t win with the oh so tolerant left wing idiots, you might as well say what you have to say, loud and clear.
Thats ok with me. Hopefully it will get more inbreds expelled.

Based on your posts, you are inbred and you should be expelled.
Think about Liberia.
Based on your posts you are an inbred cave chimp. You cant be expelled because you have never gone to school. Think about your home in the local trailer park. Dont get all sore and upset because your fellow inbred was kicked out of school. You should be happy that he will have time to reflect on his mess up and act accordingly. If he doesnt then theres more where that came from.
If that poor bugger had said that black females were attractive he would have been excoriated for being racist and condescending.

To avoid trouble, shut up!

But wait! If you don`t say something supporting the leftist view, you are a racist, xenophobic, Anti-Muslim, homophobic, misogynist redneck bigot.

Since you can`t win with the oh so tolerant left wing idiots, you might as well say what you have to say, loud and clear.
Thats ok with me. Hopefully it will get more inbreds expelled.

Based on your posts, you are inbred and you should be expelled.
Think about Liberia.
Based on your posts you are an inbred cave chimp. You cant be expelled because you have never gone to school. Think about your home in the local trailer park. Dont get all sore and upset because your fellow inbred was kicked out of school. You should be happy that he will have time to reflect on his mess up and act accordingly. If he doesnt then theres more where that came from.

Thank you. I shall carry your words with me as a badge of honor.
If that poor bugger had said that black females were attractive he would have been excoriated for being racist and condescending.

To avoid trouble, shut up!

But wait! If you don`t say something supporting the leftist view, you are a racist, xenophobic, Anti-Muslim, homophobic, misogynist redneck bigot.

Since you can`t win with the oh so tolerant left wing idiots, you might as well say what you have to say, loud and clear.
Thats ok with me. Hopefully it will get more inbreds expelled.

Based on your posts, you are inbred and you should be expelled.
Think about Liberia.
Based on your posts you are an inbred cave chimp. You cant be expelled because you have never gone to school. Think about your home in the local trailer park. Dont get all sore and upset because your fellow inbred was kicked out of school. You should be happy that he will have time to reflect on his mess up and act accordingly. If he doesnt then theres more where that came from.

Thank you. I shall carry your words with me as a badge of honor.
Good cave chimp. Tell your fellow inbred the next time he wants to break the rules he will be dealt with more severely.
Good stuff. He is a danger to himself and everyone around him if he believes that. From your link.

"Although Colorado College is private, and not legally bound by the First Amendment,..."

If he wants free speech he needs to go to a public institution.

Soooo... What you guys are saying is that it is now mandatory for people (whites) to find all nationalities equally attractive... I will admit I have some preferences, but now I'm a bit scared to talk about them opening due to ridicule from people that undoubtably have their own preferences on what nationalities they find more attractive as a whole...

Seriously though, there have been so many females I know that say they prefer white guys over blacks, I wonder if you would ridicule them as harsh. We all know if a black preferred blacks you would prolly just shut your fuckin judgly little mouth.

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