White college student suspended and banned for 2 years for saying black females aren't attractive

I remember the song I like big butts... That was always a dude saying he didn't like white women. No one complained!

no. i'm pretty sure he was saying he LIKED black women... not disliked white women.

but why do rightwingnuts always defend bigots?

it's not the bigots being defended, its their ability to be bigots when it has not true impact on anything else.

(and hurt feelings are not a true impact).
Says who?

Says me.
Ok. I thought you were trying to name someone important that had some authority.
I'd say it was a response. Why did he get suspended if it wasnt a response to his words?

Again, a response is more speech, not a punishment.

What a bunch of fucking fascists you all are.
Nope. Wrong again. If someone had kicked his ass that would have been a response as well. Anything done as a reaction to an event is a response.

if you are going to argue semantics, you don't really have a point.


You're the one trying to redefine a word to suit your ignorant ideology.

I would assume you would be smart enough to get the context of what I am saying, but you resorted to semantics, which means my assumption of your stupidity and inability to respond to the actual topic is warranted.

And my response is " You're an idiot. I don't care what you think"
He speaks the truth. Black women are not attractive. The most beatiful women are from Venezuela and that is a fact.
Venezuelan women are Black.


That is not a real picture.
When Pearl Harbor was bombed kids were lining up to go to war.
Today kids break out into hysterics if someone wears a Mexican Sambero to a Halloween party.

No shit.... what a bunch of pansies.. boy are they in for a rude awakening when/if they have to get out there on their own. It's tough... especially if your expecting fairness at every turn.
Might not be the response you would have chosen, but it is a response.

A response is "you are wrong". What actually happened was sanction, which is not "a response"

When were you appointed universal judge of what a response is?

I did. Maybe proportional response is a better description.

The College Admins are a bunch of hack assholes.
Ahh. So your lack of correct post construction is the issue. Proportional is subjective. If the transgression is not a big deal to you then of course it would be out of proportion.

So saying black women are not attractive is worth a 21 month suspension in your fascist little world?
Yes. Actually I think they were kinda light on the inbred.
Private school?

Well thats easy, pretend they are a private business who doesnt have to do anything but what they want to do.

Republicans tell me this is a good thing.

Until its not
College kids in public colleges don't have the same free speech rights that a self-employed adult has.

But JFC. Lisa bonet. Mariah Carey. Halle Berry. Kid deserves expulsion for stupid. LOL
None of those I would touch with a 10 foot pole. Free speech trumps ANY colleges whining.
Legally, students do not have full freedom of speech. Your lack of heterosexual appreciation not withstanding. LOL
I appreciate being a heterosexual very much. I don't care for beastiality and fucking some retrograde species of human called n!ggers is just that.
If that advice was heeded, you would not have been born...
Everyone knows white trash sexually molest dogs and pigs all the time.
College kids in public colleges don't have the same free speech rights that a self-employed adult has.

But JFC. Lisa bonet. Mariah Carey. Halle Berry. Kid deserves expulsion for stupid. LOL
None of those I would touch with a 10 foot pole. Free speech trumps ANY colleges whining.
Legally, students do not have full freedom of speech. Your lack of heterosexual appreciation not withstanding. LOL
I appreciate being a heterosexual very much. I don't care for beastiality and fucking some retrograde species of human called n!ggers is just that.
If that advice was heeded, you would not have been born...
Everyone knows white trash sexually molest dogs and pigs all the time.
You forgot chickens and goats...

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