White comedian jokes about wanting to see more dead black kids & crying black mothers

Holy crap. That is one of the most repugnant things i have ever heard!
Here you go OldLady Remember when we were talking about this the other day?
You want me to beat him up for you, TN?
No i just wanted you to be aware. You werent aware of the vile shit these guys say around here the other day.
You thought I wasn't aware. I know how tit for tat works; I don't approve but I know it when I hear it and that is what he is doing--shoving all that horror back on white folks for what they did to black folks. It ain't gonna solve the problem and I'd dearly love to know why there are so many threads about South Africa here. I think SOME people (not you TN) love talking about blood and guts and using their penises as a weapon and on and on and on. I guess it's mostly a guy thing but it's a dumb waste of energy and time.
So no, I'm not going to stop agreeing with IM or Asc. or anyone else on certain points just because this Paul character said that. Tit for tat.
I was asking you to do that. I wa sjust letting you know how vile they are. And how they support murdering innocent people.
Even i didnt know Paul was that bad. Like i hope the FBI has his address.
I can justify dislike for whites in SA. But i couldnt ever justify what he said.
Some of the stuff I read here at USMB curls my toes, too. I'm not justifying what anyone said on that stupid ass thread, but I think you'd be safe to save your dime and not call the FBI on Paul.
yea he does seem like a coward
Holy crap. That is one of the most repugnant things i have ever heard!
Here you go OldLady Remember when we were talking about this the other day?
You want me to beat him up for you, TN?
No i just wanted you to be aware. You werent aware of the vile shit these guys say around here the other day.
You thought I wasn't aware. I know how tit for tat works; I don't approve but I know it when I hear it and that is what he is doing--shoving all that horror back on white folks for what they did to black folks. It ain't gonna solve the problem and I'd dearly love to know why there are so many threads about South Africa here. I think SOME people (not you TN) love talking about blood and guts and using their penises as a weapon and on and on and on. I guess it's mostly a guy thing but it's a dumb waste of energy and time.
So no, I'm not going to stop agreeing with IM or Asc. or anyone else on certain points just because this Paul character said that. Tit for tat.
I was asking you to do that. I wa sjust letting you know how vile they are. And how they support murdering innocent people.
Even i didnt know Paul was that bad. Like i hope the FBI has his address.
I can justify dislike for whites in SA. But i couldnt ever justify what he said.
OK. So once again. Your response to my question will prove once again how racism is meant to practiced into eternity and there is no end

What is your solution to the unequal land problem in SA?

I know what your gonna say becysry I know how you think. But the floor is yours
what was i going to say
You want me to beat him up for you, TN?
No i just wanted you to be aware. You werent aware of the vile shit these guys say around here the other day.
You thought I wasn't aware. I know how tit for tat works; I don't approve but I know it when I hear it and that is what he is doing--shoving all that horror back on white folks for what they did to black folks. It ain't gonna solve the problem and I'd dearly love to know why there are so many threads about South Africa here. I think SOME people (not you TN) love talking about blood and guts and using their penises as a weapon and on and on and on. I guess it's mostly a guy thing but it's a dumb waste of energy and time.
So no, I'm not going to stop agreeing with IM or Asc. or anyone else on certain points just because this Paul character said that. Tit for tat.
I was asking you to do that. I wa sjust letting you know how vile they are. And how they support murdering innocent people.
Even i didnt know Paul was that bad. Like i hope the FBI has his address.
I can justify dislike for whites in SA. But i couldnt ever justify what he said.
Some of the stuff I read here at USMB curls my toes, too. I'm not justifying what anyone said on that stupid ass thread, but I think you'd be safe to save your dime and not call the FBI on Paul.
yea he does seem like a coward
Oh brother, here we go. Fisticuffs in the back parking lot, huh?
You guys all have fun now.
No i just wanted you to be aware. You werent aware of the vile shit these guys say around here the other day.
You thought I wasn't aware. I know how tit for tat works; I don't approve but I know it when I hear it and that is what he is doing--shoving all that horror back on white folks for what they did to black folks. It ain't gonna solve the problem and I'd dearly love to know why there are so many threads about South Africa here. I think SOME people (not you TN) love talking about blood and guts and using their penises as a weapon and on and on and on. I guess it's mostly a guy thing but it's a dumb waste of energy and time.
So no, I'm not going to stop agreeing with IM or Asc. or anyone else on certain points just because this Paul character said that. Tit for tat.
I was asking you to do that. I wa sjust letting you know how vile they are. And how they support murdering innocent people.
Even i didnt know Paul was that bad. Like i hope the FBI has his address.
I can justify dislike for whites in SA. But i couldnt ever justify what he said.
Some of the stuff I read here at USMB curls my toes, too. I'm not justifying what anyone said on that stupid ass thread, but I think you'd be safe to save your dime and not call the FBI on Paul.
yea he does seem like a coward
Oh brother, here we go. Fisticuffs in the back parking lot, huh?
You guys all have fun now.
This white comedian, whose Netflix special bombed, started his monologue about wishing there were more black kids were shot by cops and his desire to see more crying black mothers on TV. Pure comedy gold right?[emoji37]

Then, the ballz on this guy, he went on to rag about how stupid, ignorant and flawed black people were for the next hour and a half.

Dead kids is pretty funny! I see the humor in it[emoji35]

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I don't see anything wrong with what Rock said. When white girls and boys are slaughtered then police brutality will be taken seriously but that will wont happen because we live in a global system of racism-white supremacy

And that's what makes it so funny, right? I mean if you can't laugh about white children getting shot and their mothers crying on TV do you have NO sense of humor at all?

You noticed how even the all black audience barely laughed. Chris Rock can go to hell

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how do u know it was all black?
This white comedian sounds like he's got something in common with the black morbidly obese Whoopi "fun to watch the riots" Goldberg.
Martin didnt killed by a cop. Mike Brown tried to take his gun.
Gawd, you are stupid. No wonder you are so insecure.
The past and present and future of black ppl concern me the most and in that history white people are the main evil. I don't about white people the way you do. And I'm pretty sure you don't care about black people the way I do.
Limousine Liberals' Minstrel Show

As if you support a race that sold its own people into slavery, and continues that internal nightmare with frenzied Black-on-Black crime. Quit performing for the Whiteys Hating Whitey, at least not in front of people who can see through your act.
Blacks in America Have Never Been Treated Worse Than They Deserved

Aw, are White people picking on you again? Poor little boy. Or is it that Whiteys Hating Whitey lie to you so you'll attack the Whites who threaten their Birth-Class Supremacy?
I don't hate white people ....in the same way that I don't hate Tigers. But I understand a Tigers nature.

Shaming tactics don't work with me.
Why Bad in Ebonics Means "Good"

Of course they don't with an untamed jungle race that doesn't know right from wrong.
Martin didnt killed by a cop. Mike Brown tried to take his gun.
Gawd, you are stupid. No wonder you are so insecure.
The past and present and future of black ppl concern me the most and in that history white people are the main evil. I don't about white people the way you do. And I'm pretty sure you don't care about black people the way I do.
Then you clearly are filtering the history you do look at.

If the present (the past is for learning, there is nothing you can do about it now) of black people are really a concern for you, then let Me see the research you've done on why blacks are their own worse enemy?

Why are't they acting in the same way as the other races, i.e., getting educated, good jobs, stable homes, well cared for homes, positive support in the community of all races.

You know, doing what the successful middle-class people in this country do.
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Limousine Liberals' Minstrel Show

As if you support a race that sold its own people into slavery, and continues that internal nightmare with frenzied Black-on-Black crime. Quit performing for the Whiteys Hating Whitey, at least not in front of people who can see through your act.
Do you believe racism exists ?
If the present (the past is for learning, there is nothing you can do about it now) of black people are really a concern for you, then let Me see the research you've done on why blacks are their own worse enemy?
Name me a problem that affects black people that has nothing to do with the system of white supremacy ?
Why are't they acting in the same way as the other races, i.e., getting educated, good jobs, stable homes, well cared for homes, positive support in the community of all races.
  • The jobs in the US (for the most part) is controlled by white supremacists.
  • The education in the US (for the most part) is controlled by the white supremacists.
  • The homes in the US (for the most part) is controlled by the white supremacists.
Many black people have educations but race is more important than money to white people. Thus it does not matter how many quals a black person has they will still find themselves unemployed generally

Black degradation is essential to white people.

Black people doing well, standing on our own 2 feet is something that white people have always despised.


But if what you say is true, that whites are fine with black people "getting educated, good jobs" then why are predominantly Black school districts under-funded ? under-staffed with inexperienced teachers ? denied books ? microscopes ? and other lab equipment ? and why is hazardous waste near black schools ? Why cut art and music classes ? Sports teams ? And sometimes hot meals in a cafeteria ?

Why go to such effort if what you say is true that whites have no problem with blacks "getting educated, good jobs"


Truth is whites want a social system where Black people are handicapped by lack of education and opportunity that their only options is flipping burgers or in prison and then white people try to ‘scientifically’ prove that the effects of their own racism are actually due to innate deficiencies of those they’ve praticing there racism on.

Black people can do fine in any pursuit once even a single rusty hole appears in the steel obstacles put in our way. White people know that Black people can be great scientists, economists, attorneys and anything else.
positive support in the community of all races.
Black community leaders discuss crime in urban communities often.

Home | Stopping the Spread of Violence | Cure Violence

But you don’t know this because you don’t know hardly any black people and haven’t spent time yourself in those communities. And you most likely don’t read or listen to black media, where not only are such issues covered, but the efforts made by people in the community to address those problems are also highlighted;

Needless to say you don’t know about groups like the Nation of Islam, which have a long track record of effective anti-crime initiatives in urban communities (and a history of getting black men with records moving in a more productive direction), And you don’t know about folks like the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who has been involved multiple initiatives aimed at addressing violence and crime on the South Side Chicago

Like black mothers trying to work two jobs to support their kids, without childcare, without adequate health care, having to choose between buying them clothes for school or paying a heating bill.

Like kids who persevere against all odds, going to schools to learn and finding not enough textbooks, or buildings that are crumbling, and yet they still show up every day, hoping to fill their minds with knowledge.

Like elderly women in public housing who look out for everyone’s children, whether or not they are their own, because they see them as a treasure and vital resource in the community.

Like ministers who run day care programs, and job training programs, and whose churches are involved in rehabilitating housing for low-income families but the media does not report on that. Nope. They only come in when someone get's blasted
If the present (the past is for learning, there is nothing you can do about it now) of black people are really a concern for you, then let Me see the research you've done on why blacks are their own worse enemy?
Name me a problem that affects black people that has nothing to do with the system of white supremacy ?
Why are't they acting in the same way as the other races, i.e., getting educated, good jobs, stable homes, well cared for homes, positive support in the community of all races.
  • The jobs in the US (for the most part) is controlled by white supremacists.
  • The education in the US (for the most part) is controlled by the white supremacists.
  • The homes in the US (for the most part) is controlled by the white supremacists.
Many black people have educations but race is more important than money to white people. Thus it does not matter how many quals a black person has they will still find themselves unemployed generally

Black degradation is essential to white people.

Black people doing well, standing on our own 2 feet is something that white people have always despised.


But if what you say is true, that whites are fine with black people "getting educated, good jobs" then why are predominantly Black school districts under-funded ? under-staffed with inexperienced teachers ? denied books ? microscopes ? and other lab equipment ? and why is hazardous waste near black schools ? Why cut art and music classes ? Sports teams ? And sometimes hot meals in a cafeteria ?

Why go to such effort if what you say is true that whites have no problem with blacks "getting educated, good jobs"


Truth is whites want a social system where Black people are handicapped by lack of education and opportunity that their only options is flipping burgers or in prison and then white people try to ‘scientifically’ prove that the effects of their own racism are actually due to innate deficiencies of those they’ve praticing there racism on.

Black people can do fine in any pursuit once even a single rusty hole appears in the steel obstacles put in our way. White people know that Black people can be great scientists, economists, attorneys and anything else.
positive support in the community of all races.
Black community leaders discuss crime in urban communities often.

Home | Stopping the Spread of Violence | Cure Violence

But you don’t know this because you don’t know hardly any black people and haven’t spent time yourself in those communities. And you most likely don’t read or listen to black media, where not only are such issues covered, but the efforts made by people in the community to address those problems are also highlighted;

Needless to say you don’t know about groups like the Nation of Islam, which have a long track record of effective anti-crime initiatives in urban communities (and a history of getting black men with records moving in a more productive direction), And you don’t know about folks like the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who has been involved multiple initiatives aimed at addressing violence and crime on the South Side Chicago

Like black mothers trying to work two jobs to support their kids, without childcare, without adequate health care, having to choose between buying them clothes for school or paying a heating bill.

Like kids who persevere against all odds, going to schools to learn and finding not enough textbooks, or buildings that are crumbling, and yet they still show up every day, hoping to fill their minds with knowledge.

Like elderly women in public housing who look out for everyone’s children, whether or not they are their own, because they see them as a treasure and vital resource in the community.

Like ministers who run day care programs, and job training programs, and whose churches are involved in rehabilitating housing for low-income families but the media does not report on that. Nope. They only come in when someone get's blasted
This is a list of excuses and not even excuses that are correct. Some are outright lies.
  • The jobs in the US (for the most part) is controlled by white supremacists.
  • The education in the US (for the most part) is controlled by the white supremacists.
  • The homes in the US (for the most part) is controlled by the white supremacists.

Yes, but mostly they won't be white supremacists with uniforms and occult symbols, just simple racists. Although you're right, many will prefer whites to blacks, would not want their kids dating blacks or whatever.
what does her skin color got to do with it?
There wouldnt be an argument to this if you werent a fucking racist. GTFO somewhere with your hypocritical bullshit.
Because if that was a white girl they would have not probation.

You know it. I know it. Everyone with a brain knows it.

You assumed it was a white girl. That's why you posted the link. Because nothing beats a good ol black-folks-raping-and-killing-whites tale. Nothing beefs up white rage and paranoia better than that.

In fact I'd say that guys like you literally NEED white people (especially young white girls) to die or be raped at the hands of black guys. So you can make some point.
Dude, her skin color didnt cross my mind.
You can fall victim to your own delusion if you want. I hope you have a shitty day
Dude. Face it when you have been owned. You put the link up because you thought the 13 year old girl who was raped was white.

I knew something was up from the start. The link just shows how gullible and stupid you are.

Black men getting probation for raping a 13yr old white girl ? Are you out your mind ? Let's say by some miracle that was true. Trump would have over turned it. It would have made national headlines

As I have shown lots of blk men go to jail even when we don't rape white women but yet you thought blk men could get away with it when we do?

But now I am expected to believe that you care what happens to black women?

Yeah right (lol)

To be honest you don't even care about white women being raped.

Like all white supremacists you only care about white women being harmed when the person who did the harm was a black male.

I know how you think.
I have never seen a post where a black poster has any empathy for a white person being hurt, raped, killed, etc.
what does her skin color got to do with it?
There wouldnt be an argument to this if you werent a fucking racist. GTFO somewhere with your hypocritical bullshit.
Because if that was a white girl they would have not probation.

You know it. I know it. Everyone with a brain knows it.

You assumed it was a white girl. That's why you posted the link. Because nothing beats a good ol black-folks-raping-and-killing-whites tale. Nothing beefs up white rage and paranoia better than that.

In fact I'd say that guys like you literally NEED white people (especially young white girls) to die or be raped at the hands of black guys. So you can make some point.
Dude, her skin color didnt cross my mind.
You can fall victim to your own delusion if you want. I hope you have a shitty day
Dude. Face it when you have been owned. You put the link up because you thought the 13 year old girl who was raped was white.

I knew something was up from the start. The link just shows how gullible and stupid you are.

Black men getting probation for raping a 13yr old white girl ? Are you out your mind ? Let's say by some miracle that was true. Trump would have over turned it. It would have made national headlines

As I have shown lots of blk men go to jail even when we don't rape white women but yet you thought blk men could get away with it when we do?

But now I am expected to believe that you care what happens to black women?

Yeah right (lol)

To be honest you don't even care about white women being raped.

Like all white supremacists you only care about white women being harmed when the person who did the harm was a black male.

I know how you think.
I have never seen a post where a black poster has any empathy for a white person being hurt, raped, killed, etc.

Maybe you would if we didn't have to read 100's of pages of white rudeness and assumptions about our culture from whites like you. There isn't one thread here critical about whites by whites. All the threads here are from whites denigrating us. A black man just got killed in his backyard by police and there was no sadness by whites, only justification why he needed to de. After reading the countless crap about blacks being murdered by police from whites in places like this, you want blacks to have empathy for somebody white. You're right about one thing, I do not understand the fucking mind of whites who think they can do all this but when a tragedy happens to someone white we all must drop to our motherfucking knees and bawl our eyes dry.
Lol. You were happy they only got probation when you thought they’d raped a white girl.
I would not say I was happy. If black men raped a white girl. I would not be happy about it. Nor would I be sad.

Treat whites exactly how they delight in treating blacks
I don’t know, you sound like you salivate over the idea.
Remember this?

No white person is African. If anything killing them is to good for them. I would kill.the white supremacists kids in front of them. Have them watch. I would get a bunch of black men to rape their daughters and make them watch. And then kill their daughters in front of them. And then laugh at them. treat them exactly how they treat. So I agree with every worthless white bastard who has died in SA

This is one of the most disgusting inhuman posts I have ever read, what a sick human.

This is unbelievably sick.

I’m glad he this comment is so ignorant and repulsive, it exposes how sick racists are. Skin color has nothing to do with a person’s character.
Lol. You were happy they only got probation when you thought they’d raped a white girl.
I would not say I was happy. If black men raped a white girl. I would not be happy about it. Nor would I be sad.

Treat whites exactly how they delight in treating blacks
I don’t know, you sound like you salivate over the idea.
Remember this?

No white person is African. If anything killing them is to good for them. I would kill.the white supremacists kids in front of them. Have them watch. I would get a bunch of black men to rape their daughters and make them watch. And then kill their daughters in front of them. And then laugh at them. treat them exactly how they treat. So I agree with every worthless white bastard who has died in SA

This is one of the most disgusting inhuman posts I have ever read, what a sick human.

This is unbelievably sick.

I’m glad he this comment is so ignorant and repulsive, it exposes how sick racists are. Skin color has nothing to do with a person’s character.
Thank you, Papageorgio, it’s incredible the number of people who have completely ignored it considering how utterly sick it is! It makes my skin crawl, but I’m glad he posted it - it’s amazing what people can be thinking without others being aware of how deep their hatred and racism runs - even toward innocent children. Really shocking.

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