White feral thugs killed skilled black artist

Now, Sassy, you are revealing your looniness again. The fact is that feral whites killed a black artist, which is just fine by you, gassygirl.
You mad, Fakey? To begin with I don't read anything Shaun King says or writes, he's a fraud....like you. And yes, Fakey everyone knows it.
gassygirl, why are you hissing? You by your tone and mood are fine that three feral white thugs killed a person.

Again, toad I didn't read your link, a fraud wrote it.

Again Shit-For-Brains, you also got served a link from the Chronicle about the same story, one where you didn't get to melt down into a pathetic "waaaah!! I won't read that because I don't like the name on the byline, waaah!!"


On a side note, remember that we just had a holiday and businesses are busy so it might be a good idea to call ahead and make sure the dry cleaner has your robe and hood ready for the next cross burning.
Well, that's what happens when an election empowers criminals.

KING: Will Sims, beloved musician, beaten and shot to death by three white men in a California hate crime

Friday, November 25, 2016, 12:56 PM

Just days after Donald Trump’s election, in El Sobrante, Calif., about 20 miles north of San Francisco, something truly terrible happened. I honestly believe it must be viewed in the context of the wave of hate crimes that swept our nation immediately after Trump’s win. Except most of us are just now learning that it took place.

Will Sims, 28, an accomplished musician and vocalist, widely hailed as a gentle, peaceful, gifted soul, was murdered in a vicious hate crime. He wa stargeted, robbed, beaten, then shot, and left on the street to die.When the police found him on the street on Nov. 12, he was already dead.

I am not getting the election connection.
When the illegal alien from Mexico murdered the white girl in SF was that a hate crime?
Well, that's what happens when an election empowers criminals.

KING: Will Sims, beloved musician, beaten and shot to death by three white men in a California hate crime

Friday, November 25, 2016, 12:56 PM

Just days after Donald Trump’s election, in El Sobrante, Calif., about 20 miles north of San Francisco, something truly terrible happened. I honestly believe it must be viewed in the context of the wave of hate crimes that swept our nation immediately after Trump’s win. Except most of us are just now learning that it took place.

Will Sims, 28, an accomplished musician and vocalist, widely hailed as a gentle, peaceful, gifted soul, was murdered in a vicious hate crime. He wa stargeted, robbed, beaten, then shot, and left on the street to die.When the police found him on the street on Nov. 12, he was already dead.
I am not getting the election connection.
"Jake is right. when criminals like Hillary and Obama and Trump . . ."
Well, that's what happens when an election empowers criminals.

KING: Will Sims, beloved musician, beaten and shot to death by three white men in a California hate crime

Friday, November 25, 2016, 12:56 PM

Just days after Donald Trump’s election, in El Sobrante, Calif., about 20 miles north of San Francisco, something truly terrible happened. I honestly believe it must be viewed in the context of the wave of hate crimes that swept our nation immediately after Trump’s win. Except most of us are just now learning that it took place.

Will Sims, 28, an accomplished musician and vocalist, widely hailed as a gentle, peaceful, gifted soul, was murdered in a vicious hate crime. He wa stargeted, robbed, beaten, then shot, and left on the street to die.When the police found him on the street on Nov. 12, he was already dead.
LoL, right, JerkStakey, it was the election's fault. I don't even know the details of this story (and given it's Shaun King you are citing, whether the event even occurred at all), but I know Trump's election played the same role as Obama's election played in the 417 murders in Chicago this year.

Jake is right. when criminals like Hillary and Obama make it a policy of a major political party to encourage and promote racism and hate crimes, murders of police officers, and hire street terrorist vermin hired via Craig's List ads to riot and assault people based on their white skin color, there is going to be some backlash from that. Jake isn't saying he's opposed to hate crimes and murders, he's just against prosecuting minorities for it, that's all, as are all of the pedo-friendlies who support the Democratic Party, a racist domestic terrorist gang.
Here, I fixed it for you, "Jake is right. when criminals like Hillary and Obama and Trump . . ."
Picare and cnelsen have no problem with their kind killing others.
Well, that's what happens when an election empowers criminals.

KING: Will Sims, beloved musician, beaten and shot to death by three white men in a California hate crime

Friday, November 25, 2016, 12:56 PM

Just days after Donald Trump’s election, in El Sobrante, Calif., about 20 miles north of San Francisco, something truly terrible happened. I honestly believe it must be viewed in the context of the wave of hate crimes that swept our nation immediately after Trump’s win. Except most of us are just now learning that it took place.

Will Sims, 28, an accomplished musician and vocalist, widely hailed as a gentle, peaceful, gifted soul, was murdered in a vicious hate crime. He wa stargeted, robbed, beaten, then shot, and left on the street to die.When the police found him on the street on Nov. 12, he was already dead.

Daniel Ortega is half latino

A hate crime either way, but why is this about his color and not that the thugs might have believed him to be gay instead?

or just a robbery?
Well, that's what happens when an election empowers criminals.

KING: Will Sims, beloved musician, beaten and shot to death by three white men in a California hate crime

Friday, November 25, 2016, 12:56 PM

Just days after Donald Trump’s election, in El Sobrante, Calif., about 20 miles north of San Francisco, something truly terrible happened. I honestly believe it must be viewed in the context of the wave of hate crimes that swept our nation immediately after Trump’s win. Except most of us are just now learning that it took place.

Will Sims, 28, an accomplished musician and vocalist, widely hailed as a gentle, peaceful, gifted soul, was murdered in a vicious hate crime. He wa stargeted, robbed, beaten, then shot, and left on the street to die.When the police found him on the street on Nov. 12, he was already dead.
Holy shit! I think this is the first time in my life that ive ever heard of a group of white guys beating and robbing a black guy. I guess it is bound to happen in a nation with 300,000,000+ people, but still, its really surprising. Hope they execute all of them.
Isn't Shaun King that moron that claimed to be black and is white? You know, Fakey, like you claim to be a republican but are a left loon

Who the fuck is "Shaun King"?

Are you really so mind-numbingly partisan hack pathetic that you think you can make a real story go away by denigrating its reporter? Really?

Here, fuckbrain, denigrate this one too: Hate Crime Charge- SF Gate
Search took 1.02 seconds. Same incident.

Get busy, racist bag of shit.
You and your ilk are the filthy rotten pieces of shit. I read the whole story and there isn't anything to indicate this had anything to do with race. And I sent an email to one of the FOUR reporters who contributed to the story asking what, exactly, it was that made this a hate crime? No answer.
Isn't Shaun King that moron that claimed to be black and is white? You know, Fakey, like you claim to be a republican but are a left loon

Who the fuck is "Shaun King"?

Are you really so mind-numbingly partisan hack pathetic that you think you can make a real story go away by denigrating its reporter? Really?

Here, fuckbrain, denigrate this one too: Hate Crime Charge- SF Gate
Search took 1.02 seconds. Same incident.

Get busy, racist bag of shit.
You and your ilk are the filthy rotten pieces of shit. I read the whole story and there isn't anything to indicate this had anything to do with race. And I sent an email to one of the FOUR reporters who contributed to the story asking what, exactly, it was that made this a hate crime? No answer.

After seeing video after video of the knockout game and blacks beating whites and the left remaining silent or offering up BS excuses like "white privilege", etc excuse me if I don't get worked up when the opposite happens.
Well, that's what happens when an election empowers criminals.

KING: Will Sims, beloved musician, beaten and shot to death by three white men in a California hate crime

Friday, November 25, 2016, 12:56 PM

Just days after Donald Trump’s election, in El Sobrante, Calif., about 20 miles north of San Francisco, something truly terrible happened. I honestly believe it must be viewed in the context of the wave of hate crimes that swept our nation immediately after Trump’s win. Except most of us are just now learning that it took place.

Will Sims, 28, an accomplished musician and vocalist, widely hailed as a gentle, peaceful, gifted soul, was murdered in a vicious hate crime. He wa stargeted, robbed, beaten, then shot, and left on the street to die.When the police found him on the street on Nov. 12, he was already dead.

Daniel Ortega is half latino

A hate crime either way, but why is this about his color and not that the thugs might have believed him to be gay instead?

or just a robbery?
You are confused.
Well, that's what happens when an election empowers criminals.

KING: Will Sims, beloved musician, beaten and shot to death by three white men in a California hate crime

Friday, November 25, 2016, 12:56 PM

Just days after Donald Trump’s election, in El Sobrante, Calif., about 20 miles north of San Francisco, something truly terrible happened. I honestly believe it must be viewed in the context of the wave of hate crimes that swept our nation immediately after Trump’s win. Except most of us are just now learning that it took place.

Will Sims, 28, an accomplished musician and vocalist, widely hailed as a gentle, peaceful, gifted soul, was murdered in a vicious hate crime. He wa stargeted, robbed, beaten, then shot, and left on the street to die.When the police found him on the street on Nov. 12, he was already dead.
LoL, right, JerkStakey, it was the election's fault. I don't even know the details of this story (and given it's Shaun King you are citing, whether the event even occurred at all), but I know Trump's election played the same role as Obama's election played in the 417 murders in Chicago this year.

Jake is right. when criminals like Hillary and Obama make it a policy of a major political party to encourage and promote racism and hate crimes, murders of police officers, and hire street terrorist vermin hired via Craig's List ads to riot and assault people based on their white skin color, there is going to be some backlash from that. Jake isn't saying he's opposed to hate crimes and murders, he's just against prosecuting minorities for it, that's all, as are all of the pedo-friendlies who support the Democratic Party, a racist domestic terrorist gang.
Here, I fixed it for you, "Jake is right. when criminals like Hillary and Obama and Trump . . ."
Picare and cnelsen have no problem with their kind killing others.
What I have a problem with is the constant double standard and hatred of whites from your kind. I sent a note to one of the FOUR reporters the Chronicle has on this story asking what, exactly, made this crime a hate crime? No answer. The truth for the reporters and you, no doubt, is the whiteness of their skin made it a hate crime. In other words YOU are attacking them for their race.

Now me, I AM a racist--I love my people more than others. I don't wish anyone else ill, I just have more love for my own. And I am honest about it. You, Juke, are a different kind of racist. You really do wish ill on others, specifically my people. On top of that, you are deceitful about it. You suck.
Well, that's what happens when an election empowers criminals.

KING: Will Sims, beloved musician, beaten and shot to death by three white men in a California hate crime

Friday, November 25, 2016, 12:56 PM

Just days after Donald Trump’s election, in El Sobrante, Calif., about 20 miles north of San Francisco, something truly terrible happened. I honestly believe it must be viewed in the context of the wave of hate crimes that swept our nation immediately after Trump’s win. Except most of us are just now learning that it took place.

Will Sims, 28, an accomplished musician and vocalist, widely hailed as a gentle, peaceful, gifted soul, was murdered in a vicious hate crime. He wa stargeted, robbed, beaten, then shot, and left on the street to die.When the police found him on the street on Nov. 12, he was already dead.

That's a damned shame. Richmond is a pretty fucked up area to be sure. I wonder how the hispanic dude feels about being charged with a hate crime? The asshat they have in custody sure looks like a moron though. What a fucking prick.
Its a despicable crime and hopefully those responsible will hang for it. Trump is about law and order and if his DoJ is envolved there will be justice.

There seems to be added outrage that this was a racial "hate crime", not sure how that can be proven. If it was, it can just as easily be attributed to the national media pushing all of its anti-cop and anti-white propaganda. Blacks thugs are running around attacking, raping, and in some cases executing whites. You can expect there will be the exact same type of hate crimes in return. It's what the progressive media wants, it's what the progressive Agenda pushes for. If more people ignored the sensationalized news stories then we'd see far less of these types of crimes.

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