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White Fort Worth Police Officer Fatally Shoots Black Woman Inside Her Home

I believe in the law enforcement that protects our communities you crybaby liberal bitch.
Black woman killed by Texas police in own bedroom

A black woman was shot dead by police through a bedroom window on Saturday morning, following a request to check on her welfare.

Atatiana Jefferson, 28, had been staying at the Fort Worth residence with her eight-year-old nephew.

A neighbour said he called a non-emergency number after becoming worried in the early hours about an open door.

Police have released body cam footage of the incident, which shows a confrontation lasting only seconds.

This can only happen in the US.
Fort Worth Police shoot homeowner 6 times.
The reason why this News story didn't make the national News was because the Press could not hype it into a racial issue to help the dirty racist and totally corrupt Democratic Party, because the homeowner was white.
You dumb liberal bigots are manipulated by the left wing Press and Hollywood 24/7.
The police shoot more than twice as many white suspects per year as black suspects, but guess which ones get all of the attention.
It was not made into a racial injustice issue to incite hate and fear.
There were no protests or threats of racial violence.
His family is suing.

Rookie Police Officer Shot Fort Worth Homeowner Six Times
It must be difficult to be a piece of shit like you are......but I live in Dallas....I am familiar with the story you had to go back 6 yrs to find....

But since yo dic sucking ass didnt bother to read the story -- those same "racists" you whining about -- the ones who demand accountability from the police department, if you bothered to read the story, they also demanded accountability in this situation too...

“We have concerns about an officer shooting a citizen of Fort Worth 6 times in the chest when it appeared there would have been other ways in which they could have handled the situation,” says Rev. Kyev Tatum/President of Southern Christian Leadership Conference"

Pay attention to that name, Rev Kyev Tatum.....because he will be someone you will be calling a racist in this current police shooting.but I don't recall racist dic suckers like yourself claiming the 72 year old man deserved it like you think this 28 yr old woman deserved it --- so fuck what you yapping about....Those "racists" that go around demanding police accountability, demand it for white victims of police shootings too....

View attachment 284327
Why are you not able to see that you are being exploited?
The Press never says a Policeman killed a white man, but they always make is a racial point to say that a Black man was killed by a White policeman.
The stats show that the police kill more than twice as many White suspects annually.
Where did you find that statistic? I'd like to see if it's adjusted for population, since there are more than five times as many white people in this country as black.
I believe in the law enforcement that protects our communities you crybaby liberal bitch.
. . but that isn't why they exist you idiot.

They exist to oppress and extort money from you. Or to kill you, like this jack booted thug did.

Seems to me your the prog., socialist, commie bitch, that wants to get rid of why we need to have guns.

Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone

Police Have No Duty to Protect Individuals

SUPREME COURT RULING: Police Have No Duty To Protect The General Public

Warren v. District of Columbia - Wikipedia


Black woman killed by Texas police in own bedroom

A black woman was shot dead by police through a bedroom window on Saturday morning, following a request to check on her welfare.

Atatiana Jefferson, 28, had been staying at the Fort Worth residence with her eight-year-old nephew.

A neighbour said he called a non-emergency number after becoming worried in the early hours about an open door.

Police have released body cam footage of the incident, which shows a confrontation lasting only seconds.

This can only happen in the US.
Fort Worth Police shoot homeowner 6 times.
The reason why this News story didn't make the national News was because the Press could not hype it into a racial issue to help the dirty racist and totally corrupt Democratic Party, because the homeowner was white.
You dumb liberal bigots are manipulated by the left wing Press and Hollywood 24/7.
The police shoot more than twice as many white suspects per year as black suspects, but guess which ones get all of the attention.
It was not made into a racial injustice issue to incite hate and fear.
There were no protests or threats of racial violence.
His family is suing.

Rookie Police Officer Shot Fort Worth Homeowner Six Times
It must be difficult to be a piece of shit like you are......but I live in Dallas....I am familiar with the story you had to go back 6 yrs to find....

But since yo dic sucking ass didnt bother to read the story -- those same "racists" you whining about -- the ones who demand accountability from the police department, if you bothered to read the story, they also demanded accountability in this situation too...

“We have concerns about an officer shooting a citizen of Fort Worth 6 times in the chest when it appeared there would have been other ways in which they could have handled the situation,” says Rev. Kyev Tatum/President of Southern Christian Leadership Conference"

Pay attention to that name, Rev Kyev Tatum.....because he will be someone you will be calling a racist in this current police shooting.but I don't recall racist dic suckers like yourself claiming the 72 year old man deserved it like you think this 28 yr old woman deserved it --- so fuck what you yapping about....Those "racists" that go around demanding police accountability, demand it for white victims of police shootings too....

View attachment 284327
Why are you not able to see that you are being exploited?
The Press never says a Policeman killed a white man, but they always make is a racial point to say that a Black man was killed by a White policeman.
The stats show that the police kill more than twice as many White suspects annually.
Where did you find that statistic? I'd like to see if it's adjusted for population, since there are more than five times as many white people in this country as black.
Blacks commit crimes at a far higher rate than whites. They also mouth off at cops and behave unpredictably and violently
Both the cop and his victim are sacrifices to the US gun culture. People just assume that the other guy has a gun and shoot accordingly. Isnt freedum amazing ?
This type of environment did not exist 50 years ago. Everything is a crime now. Everywhere you go we have surveillance on people and individuals who use it abuse other citizens. We are a hair trigger society. Since Progs have ruled the west, it is logical that they caused this. Even without guns in some western countries, the sociopaths and psychopaths are there in higher numbers then what cultures should accept. There are Trump supporters who are on all sides when it comes to police in our nation. Anyone ph uked over by them knows the deal. Lives can be and have been destroyed. We also do have a need for people to look out for the citizen. Unfortunately to many look out for making a name for themselves or just are not qualified even though they are qualified. And they will protect their fiefdom over anything else. That includes women, gays, minorities, and whites in the same job. Honor, integrity and character are to the fiefdom and not the society. If you work within and you go against or are perceived that way, they will destroy you. But you love the D.C. version called the swamp for some reason.
It sounds like a horrible accident.
There Are No Good Cops
There Are No Good Cops | Cop Block

". . . . See one of my previous articles challenging the claim that police provide any protection at all. Cops are too busy ruining young pot smokers’ lives and giving single mothers $200 tickets to worry about protecting me from bad guys. On top of that violent crime rates are at a four-decade low (in spite of the bad economy and in spite of a great deal of that violence being a result of the government’s drug war) and there’s evidence that an American is more likely to be killed by an American cop than a terrorist. I also own and carry firearms, have a security system, a loud dog, and no compassion for aggressors – so bring it on bad guys.

History will not look kindly on the modern American police. We have the highest incarceration rate in the world and there are daily police-brutality incidents, each one slightly more horrific than the last, being documented on YouTube so historians fifty years from now will be able to look back and study the Great Amerikan Police-State.

School children in other countries will watch footage of American police dressed up like Darth Vader kicking down families’ doors, pointing guns at the children, and killing the family dogs over minor marijuana possession the same way American school children learn about (or used to learn about) the frightening brutality of police in Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union.

When that time comes you won’t want to admit that you were related to or friends with American cops anymore than someone would want to admit that they were friends with or related to Nazis. If you’re related to one of the really bad cops you might even have to change your name and move far away.. . . . "
I'm not convinced that there was a racial element, but she was in her own house with a kid in her care, when some unidentified someone with a flashlight was creeping around outside. He also never identified himself before he started shooting. Assuming that this story as I see it now is accurate and complete, I'm thinking second degree murder with a life behind bars for his inexcusable actions.

Whatever happened to *knock knock knock* "Hey there, police. Is everyone OK?"
Black woman killed by Texas police in own bedroom

A black woman was shot dead by police through a bedroom window on Saturday morning, following a request to check on her welfare.

Atatiana Jefferson, 28, had been staying at the Fort Worth residence with her eight-year-old nephew.

A neighbour said he called a non-emergency number after becoming worried in the early hours about an open door.

Police have released body cam footage of the incident, which shows a confrontation lasting only seconds.

This can only happen in the US.
So the dickheads on the left, want the government to take all our guns away, so then something like this can happen? What a bunch of fucking idiots.

I only want guns taken from inept police officers. Such as those posted in this thread.
Black woman killed by Texas police in own bedroom

A black woman was shot dead by police through a bedroom window on Saturday morning, following a request to check on her welfare.

Atatiana Jefferson, 28, had been staying at the Fort Worth residence with her eight-year-old nephew.

A neighbour said he called a non-emergency number after becoming worried in the early hours about an open door.

Police have released body cam footage of the incident, which shows a confrontation lasting only seconds.

This can only happen in the US.

Maybe this will result in a change of policies. Rules and procedures are written in blood. Our police department took a massive amount of flack (albeit legally cleared) several years ago when the police decided to fire an ungodly number of rounds at a mental patient man with a pair of scissors threatening to slash his own throat. They allege he moved. I think they were just getting pissed off that it had taken hours and they were still on the scene. Anyway, it changed their use of lethal force.

It never made sense to me. "He's trying to kill himself, shoot him".

It's just an excuse for psychopaths with a badge to legally kill someone.
I'm not convinced that there was a racial element, but she was in her own house with a kid in her care, when some unidentified someone with a flashlight was creeping around outside. He also never identified himself before he started shooting. Assuming that this story as I see it now is accurate and complete, I'm thinking second degree murder with a life behind bars for his inexcusable actions.

Whatever happened to *knock knock knock* "Hey there, police. Is everyone OK?"

This is the way I feel too. This cop needs to pay the price for his idiocy.
This can only happen in the US.

Our police are being attacked by antifa, occupy and BLM like never before. Occupiers are actually defecating on our nation's police cruisers, BLM activists are shooting them in the streets.

Can understand why some of them are paranoid and have itchy trigger fingers.

So dirty cars warrant itchy trigger fingers? Got it...
This can only happen in the US.

Our police are being attacked by antifa, occupy and BLM like never before. Occupiers are actually defecating on our nation's police cruisers, BLM activists are shooting them in the streets.

Can understand why some of them are paranoid and have itchy trigger fingers.

So dirty cars warrant itchy trigger fingers? Got it...

Not just "dirty", but their cruisers are becoming bio-hazards
Never let a tragedy go to waste even when the system works. The rookie Cop shot at a shadow and will probably face murder charges. If anybody is at fault it is the administration that does such a shoddy job of training.

Read the comments.

It was murder.

No two ways about it.

The entire department should be cleaned out, top to bottom.

Already good to go top to bottom. They put their lives on they line everyday to police scum in welfare neighborhoods where parents don’t raise their fucking kids.

And you wonder why you can't more than 8% of blacks to vote for your party. It's a big mystery to you tards.

Read the comments.

It was murder.

No two ways about it.

The entire department should be cleaned out, top to bottom.

Already good to go top to bottom. They put their lives on they line everyday to police scum in welfare neighborhoods where parents don’t raise their fucking kids.

And you wonder why you can't more than 8% of blacks to vote for your party. It's a big mystery to you tards.

It isnt a mystery at all. Its because we dont offer free shit.

Read the comments.

It was murder.

No two ways about it.

The entire department should be cleaned out, top to bottom.

Already good to go top to bottom. They put their lives on they line everyday to police scum in welfare neighborhoods where parents don’t raise their fucking kids.

And you wonder why you can't more than 8% of blacks to vote for your party. It's a big mystery to you tards.

It isnt a mystery at all. Its because we dont offer free shit.

The corporate farms are going to have to pay back the millions they are getting?
Why wasn't her door shut? Why was she sneaking around her back rooms with the lights off at 2am? She was acting suspicious and the police officer had no way of knowing she wasn't a threat. Also, had they announced themselves then they would have ruined any element of surprise they had on ambushing the potential threats occupying the dwelling in question. The police were simply doing their job.

This isn't a war zone in which they have international laws or anything that influence their RoE that force them to clearly identify a threat before engaging. They are not in a war zone, we cannot and should not expect to our police officers to have to following any such guidelines that might cause them to be harmed.

The most critical goal of any police officer should be to get home to his family, and they do that by not putting themselves at undue risk. I would rather we have dead potential threats than dead police officers, because by the time that potential threat becomes a threat we might have a dead officer. It's better safe than sorry.

Seriously, you aren't for real, are you? The home owner was "sneaking around her back rooms with lights off at 2 AM"? The policeman's job is to shoot homeowners who "sneak around in their back rooms in the dark at 2 AM"? You are fucking insane.

Read the comments.

It was murder.

No two ways about it.

The entire department should be cleaned out, top to bottom.

Already good to go top to bottom. They put their lives on they line everyday to police scum in welfare neighborhoods where parents don’t raise their fucking kids.

And you wonder why you can't more than 8% of blacks to vote for your party. It's a big mystery to you tards.

It isnt a mystery at all. Its because we dont offer free shit.

So, Reagan signed into law that hospitals have to treat people in ER for free. He also signed into law that the poor get free telephones. Baby Bush signed into law that Medicare RX is covered, with no increase in premium. And republicans don't give away "free shit?'
Well, a white cop who shot a black man to death in his own apartment got 10 years in neighboring Dallas last month…..

If I’m the family, when it come to time for the trial, I’d motion to have this trial moved out of the shithole that is Texas.

You can't dumbass! The other state would have no jurisdiction to try the case and different state laws.

Did you ever take a class that explained our legal system? Obviously not or you used it to nap!

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