White House Confirms Latest Liar in Chief Lie

This was published in The Economist in 2015 but not much was mentioned in the American press. The graph only reflects ISIS related plots and attacks:

"Last year 32,700 people were killed in attacks worldwide, nearly twice as many as in 2013. And this year the toll may turn out to be even higher."

"The number of plots by jihadist groups against Western countries has leaped, in particular since September 2014 when an IS spokesman called for its followers to attack those Western countries involved in military efforts in Syria and Iraq. Most plots have failed, though a growing number have been successful. But the terrorists only need to carry out one big plot to succeed."


The plague of global terrorism

So there were 8 successful terrorist attacks in Europe, Australia, Canada, and the US in 2015. You do realize those 8 terrorist attacks occurred in a population of 1.1 billion people. By comparison over 2000 people died from lightening strikes. That really doesn't sound like much of a plague.

You also omitted some other facts from the article such as, western countries suffered under 3% of all deaths in Islamic terrorist attacks in the past 15 years.
One of the funniest things about Trump's victory in the election, is the liberals doing a 180 and suddenly becoming oh so concerned abut a President who lies, after 8 years of carefully ignoring one.


President Obama lies like a politician. Presidunce Trump lies like an idiot. Do you think it's on purpose or is he really an idiot Gump?

What has he lied about?

And stop with the hes stupid shit....being a smooth liar does not make one smart.

We cant help it you like people who speak with bullshit rather than plain english.

"Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering."

"It was well covered at the time, George. Now, I know they don't like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good."

Not only did he lie about seeing it happen. He lied about it happening.

Yep no muslims cheering during 911.......
Not on the streets of NJ and shown on Trump's imaginary TV. That was a malicious lie.
One of the funniest things about Trump's victory in the election, is the liberals doing a 180 and suddenly becoming oh so concerned abut a President who lies, after 8 years of carefully ignoring one.


President Obama lies like a politician. Presidunce Trump lies like an idiot. Do you think it's on purpose or is he really an idiot Gump?

What has he lied about?

And stop with the hes stupid shit....being a smooth liar does not make one smart.

We cant help it you like people who speak with bullshit rather than plain english.

"Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering."

"It was well covered at the time, George. Now, I know they don't like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good."

Not only did he lie about seeing it happen. He lied about it happening.

Yep no muslims cheering during 911.......
Not on the streets of NJ and shown on Trump's imaginary TV. That was a malicious lie.

Well thats bad, but when he blames the death of an ambassador on a filmmaker, knowing it was a lie and then imprisons him so he can be reelected.....come back to me.
This was published in The Economist in 2015 but not much was mentioned in the American press. The graph only reflects ISIS related plots and attacks:

"Last year 32,700 people were killed in attacks worldwide, nearly twice as many as in 2013. And this year the toll may turn out to be even higher."

"The number of plots by jihadist groups against Western countries has leaped, in particular since September 2014 when an IS spokesman called for its followers to attack those Western countries involved in military efforts in Syria and Iraq. Most plots have failed, though a growing number have been successful. But the terrorists only need to carry out one big plot to succeed."


The plague of global terrorism

So there were 8 successful terrorist attacks in Europe, Australia, Canada, and the US in 2015. You do realize those 8 terrorist attacks occurred in a population of 1.1 billion people. By comparison over 2000 people died from lightening strikes. That really doesn't sound like much of a plague.

You also omitted some other facts from the article such as, western countries suffered under 3% of all deaths in Islamic terrorist attacks in the past 15 years.

You misread the graph. Look again. As I said "The graph only reflects ISIS related plots and attacks." The graph also clearly shows that 2015 is from July to November and ONLY Europe.

If you add not just ISIS but the other competing terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda, 2015 in Europe looks like this:

"In 2015, 151 people died and over 360 were injured as a result of terrorist attacks in the EU. Six EU Member States[1] faced 211 failed, foiled and completed terrorist attacks. 1 077 individuals were arrested in the EU for terrorism-related offences, of which 424 in France only. 94% of the individuals trialled for jihadist terrorism were found guilty and prosecuted[2] ."

211 terrorist attacks carried out in EU Member States in 2015, new Europol report reveals

Regarding the 3% number you mention I credit law enforcement with preventing more death and carnage. But as my other earlier links point out, the number of threats are continuing to grow at a rapid pace and may challenge the ability of law enforcement to cope with the rising number of threats.


President Obama lies like a politician. Presidunce Trump lies like an idiot. Do you think it's on purpose or is he really an idiot Gump?

What has he lied about?

And stop with the hes stupid shit....being a smooth liar does not make one smart.

We cant help it you like people who speak with bullshit rather than plain english.

"Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering."

"It was well covered at the time, George. Now, I know they don't like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good."

Not only did he lie about seeing it happen. He lied about it happening.

Yep no muslims cheering during 911.......
Not on the streets of NJ and shown on Trump's imaginary TV. That was a malicious lie.

Well thats bad, but when he blames the death of an ambassador on a filmmaker, knowing it was a lie and then imprisons him so he can be reelected.....come back to me.

But the lie here is that he blamed the ambassadors death on the filmmaker. Got a quote where he said that? They always blamed it on extremest. What difference does it make if the extremest joined a protest in progress or they just came to the compound and launched an assault. It was the extremest who they blamed for Benghazi, not the Filmmaker whose film did caused many more riot and deaths that week.
This was published in The Economist in 2015 but not much was mentioned in the American press. The graph only reflects ISIS related plots and attacks:

"Last year 32,700 people were killed in attacks worldwide, nearly twice as many as in 2013. And this year the toll may turn out to be even higher."

"The number of plots by jihadist groups against Western countries has leaped, in particular since September 2014 when an IS spokesman called for its followers to attack those Western countries involved in military efforts in Syria and Iraq. Most plots have failed, though a growing number have been successful. But the terrorists only need to carry out one big plot to succeed."


The plague of global terrorism

So there were 8 successful terrorist attacks in Europe, Australia, Canada, and the US in 2015. You do realize those 8 terrorist attacks occurred in a population of 1.1 billion people. By comparison over 2000 people died from lightening strikes. That really doesn't sound like much of a plague.

You also omitted some other facts from the article such as, western countries suffered under 3% of all deaths in Islamic terrorist attacks in the past 15 years.

You misread the graph. Look again. As I said "The graph only reflects ISIS related plots and attacks."
Actually, you misread your own graph. Only the DARK red and DARK blue are related to ISIS.
In 2015 according to EUROPOL's 2016 full report the following occurred in the EU:

"The number of individuals arrested on suspicion of terrorism-related offences increased in 11 Member States, most notably in France (2014: 238, 2013: 225). The largest proportion of arrests in the EU was linked to jihadist terrorism (687), as it was in the two preceding years (2014: 395 and 2013: 216)."

Published in July 2016 was a list of the terrorist attacks over the previous two years that law enforcement was unable to prevent in the EU:

Two years of terror: 278 people have died in recent terror attacks in Europe

This was published in The Economist in 2015 but not much was mentioned in the American press. The graph only reflects ISIS related plots and attacks:

"Last year 32,700 people were killed in attacks worldwide, nearly twice as many as in 2013. And this year the toll may turn out to be even higher."

"The number of plots by jihadist groups against Western countries has leaped, in particular since September 2014 when an IS spokesman called for its followers to attack those Western countries involved in military efforts in Syria and Iraq. Most plots have failed, though a growing number have been successful. But the terrorists only need to carry out one big plot to succeed."


The plague of global terrorism

So there were 8 successful terrorist attacks in Europe, Australia, Canada, and the US in 2015. You do realize those 8 terrorist attacks occurred in a population of 1.1 billion people. By comparison over 2000 people died from lightening strikes. That really doesn't sound like much of a plague.

You also omitted some other facts from the article such as, western countries suffered under 3% of all deaths in Islamic terrorist attacks in the past 15 years.

You misread the graph. Look again. As I said "The graph only reflects ISIS related plots and attacks." The graph also clearly shows that 2015 is from July to November and ONLY Europe.

If you add not just ISIS but the other competing terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda, 2015 in Europe looks like this:

"In 2015, 151 people died and over 360 were injured as a result of terrorist attacks in the EU. Six EU Member States[1] faced 211 failed, foiled and completed terrorist attacks. 1 077 individuals were arrested in the EU for terrorism-related offences, of which 424 in France only. 94% of the individuals trialled for jihadist terrorism were found guilty and prosecuted[2] ."

211 terrorist attacks carried out in EU Member States in 2015, new Europol report reveals

Regarding the 3% number you mention I credit law enforcement with preventing more death and carnage. But as my other earlier links point out, the number of threats are continuing to grow at a rapid pace and may challenge the ability of law enforcement to cope with the rising number of threats.

You're right, I misread the graph. However, 151 deaths in the EU with a population of 743 million is a mortally rate .0000203 or one death in 5 million. By comparison, you would be 6 times more likely to be killed by lightening, 125 times more lightly to die in an auto accident, and 280 times more likely to die from cancer. In the US, the chance of dying in a terrorist attack is even less, a lot less.

It seems reasonable that we base our effort to eliminate a threat based on the danger it poses to our people. Yet we spend huge amounts of money fighting terrorism which is only the tiniest threat to our people.

I have no problem devoting a significant portion of our resources to fighting terrorism but I think we need to keep it in perspective or we're going to create a problem far greater than terrorism ever posed.

What has he lied about?

And stop with the hes stupid shit....being a smooth liar does not make one smart.

We cant help it you like people who speak with bullshit rather than plain english.

"Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering."

"It was well covered at the time, George. Now, I know they don't like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good."

Not only did he lie about seeing it happen. He lied about it happening.

Yep no muslims cheering during 911.......
Not on the streets of NJ and shown on Trump's imaginary TV. That was a malicious lie.

Well thats bad, but when he blames the death of an ambassador on a filmmaker, knowing it was a lie and then imprisons him so he can be reelected.....come back to me.

But the lie here is that he blamed the ambassadors death on the filmmaker. Got a quote where he said that? They always blamed it on extremest. What difference does it make if the extremest joined a protest in progress or they just came to the compound and launched an assault. It was the extremest who they blamed for Benghazi, not the Filmmaker whose film did caused many more riot and deaths that week.

No you're not getting off on that bullshit.
He did blame it on a video. Are you disputing this? Seriously?

You've been caught lying redhanded. Obama Blamed the video.

Blamed for Benghazi: Filmmaker jailed after attack now lives in poverty, fear

Ot only did he blame the video
He put the filmmaker in jail and ruined his life.

Why? Because he had to save his own ass and get reelected.

Its beyond disgusting that the video was ever blamed for a terrorist attack


It was 911, they had heavy weapons like mortars, it was not spontaneous.

But instead of telling the truth, they made up this bullshit story.

"Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering."

"It was well covered at the time, George. Now, I know they don't like to talk about it, but it was well covered at the time. There were people over in New Jersey that were watching it, a heavy Arab population, that were cheering as the buildings came down. Not good."

Not only did he lie about seeing it happen. He lied about it happening.

Yep no muslims cheering during 911.......
Not on the streets of NJ and shown on Trump's imaginary TV. That was a malicious lie.

Well thats bad, but when he blames the death of an ambassador on a filmmaker, knowing it was a lie and then imprisons him so he can be reelected.....come back to me.

But the lie here is that he blamed the ambassadors death on the filmmaker. Got a quote where he said that? They always blamed it on extremest. What difference does it make if the extremest joined a protest in progress or they just came to the compound and launched an assault. It was the extremest who they blamed for Benghazi, not the Filmmaker whose film did caused many more riot and deaths that week.

No you're not getting off on that bullshit.
He did blame it on a video. Are you disputing this? Seriously?

You've been caught lying redhanded. Obama Blamed the video.

Blamed for Benghazi: Filmmaker jailed after attack now lives in poverty, fear

Ot only did he blame the video
He put the filmmaker in jail and ruined his life.

Why? Because he had to save his own ass and get reelected.

Its beyond disgusting that the video was ever blamed for a terrorist attack


It was 911, they had heavy weapons like mortars, it was not spontaneous.

But instead of telling the truth, they made up this bullshit story.

You caught yourself in your own lie. Nowhere in your posted video does Obama blame the Benghazi attack on the video. He says it caused upheaval, which it did, but he does not blame the Benghazi attack on it, which is what you are claiming.

Yep no muslims cheering during 911.......
Not on the streets of NJ and shown on Trump's imaginary TV. That was a malicious lie.

Well thats bad, but when he blames the death of an ambassador on a filmmaker, knowing it was a lie and then imprisons him so he can be reelected.....come back to me.

But the lie here is that he blamed the ambassadors death on the filmmaker. Got a quote where he said that? They always blamed it on extremest. What difference does it make if the extremest joined a protest in progress or they just came to the compound and launched an assault. It was the extremest who they blamed for Benghazi, not the Filmmaker whose film did caused many more riot and deaths that week.

No you're not getting off on that bullshit.
He did blame it on a video. Are you disputing this? Seriously?

You've been caught lying redhanded. Obama Blamed the video.

Blamed for Benghazi: Filmmaker jailed after attack now lives in poverty, fear

Ot only did he blame the video
He put the filmmaker in jail and ruined his life.

Why? Because he had to save his own ass and get reelected.

Its beyond disgusting that the video was ever blamed for a terrorist attack


It was 911, they had heavy weapons like mortars, it was not spontaneous.

But instead of telling the truth, they made up this bullshit story.

You caught yourself in your own lie. Nowhere in your posted video does Obama blame the Benghazi attack on the video. He says it caused upheaval, which it did, but he does not blame the Benghazi attack on it, which is what you are claiming.

No two ways about it been Benghazi was a fuck up by the federal government... we have a bunch of dead people as proof

Yep no muslims cheering during 911.......
Not on the streets of NJ and shown on Trump's imaginary TV. That was a malicious lie.

Well thats bad, but when he blames the death of an ambassador on a filmmaker, knowing it was a lie and then imprisons him so he can be reelected.....come back to me.

But the lie here is that he blamed the ambassadors death on the filmmaker. Got a quote where he said that? They always blamed it on extremest. What difference does it make if the extremest joined a protest in progress or they just came to the compound and launched an assault. It was the extremest who they blamed for Benghazi, not the Filmmaker whose film did caused many more riot and deaths that week.

No you're not getting off on that bullshit.
He did blame it on a video. Are you disputing this? Seriously?

You've been caught lying redhanded. Obama Blamed the video.

Blamed for Benghazi: Filmmaker jailed after attack now lives in poverty, fear

Ot only did he blame the video
He put the filmmaker in jail and ruined his life.

Why? Because he had to save his own ass and get reelected.

Its beyond disgusting that the video was ever blamed for a terrorist attack


It was 911, they had heavy weapons like mortars, it was not spontaneous.

But instead of telling the truth, they made up this bullshit story.

You caught yourself in your own lie. Nowhere in your posted video does Obama blame the Benghazi attack on the video. He says it caused upheaval, which it did, but he does not blame the Benghazi attack on it, which is what you are claiming.


Yep no muslims cheering during 911.......
Not on the streets of NJ and shown on Trump's imaginary TV. That was a malicious lie.

Well thats bad, but when he blames the death of an ambassador on a filmmaker, knowing it was a lie and then imprisons him so he can be reelected.....come back to me.

But the lie here is that he blamed the ambassadors death on the filmmaker. Got a quote where he said that? They always blamed it on extremest. What difference does it make if the extremest joined a protest in progress or they just came to the compound and launched an assault. It was the extremest who they blamed for Benghazi, not the Filmmaker whose film did caused many more riot and deaths that week.

No you're not getting off on that bullshit.
He did blame it on a video. Are you disputing this? Seriously?

You've been caught lying redhanded. Obama Blamed the video.

Blamed for Benghazi: Filmmaker jailed after attack now lives in poverty, fear

Ot only did he blame the video
He put the filmmaker in jail and ruined his life.

Why? Because he had to save his own ass and get reelected.

Its beyond disgusting that the video was ever blamed for a terrorist attack


It was 911, they had heavy weapons like mortars, it was not spontaneous.

But instead of telling the truth, they made up this bullshit story.

You caught yourself in your own lie. Nowhere in your posted video does Obama blame the Benghazi attack on the video. He says it caused upheaval, which it did, but he does not blame the Benghazi attack on it, which is what you are claiming.

No you lie

It caused notjing, you still buy that muslims found a video on you tube and went on rampage.

They just happened to have done that with mortars?
It just happened to occur on 911?

And saynit caused thendisturbance which caused ben ghazi, which logically you are blamong the attack mon a video.

If you think a you tube video had anything to do with the violence, youre a fucking retard.

So thank you for proving my point and that you still defend this bullshit excuse.
You've been caught lying redhanded. Obama Blamed the video.

"....what we saw play out the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world."

That's is the only quote in your clip that even comes close. The video did spark outrage throughout the Muslim world. Which is why they thought a protest must have occurred at the consulate building, and they were wrong about a protest, but were right about what happened next as Susan Rice explained on the Sunday after the attack.

"What we think then transpired in Benghazi is that opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons which unfortunately are readily available in post revolutionary Libya. And it escalated into a much more violent episode. Obviously, that’s-- that’s our best judgment now. We’ll await the results of the investigation.

September 16: Benjamin Netanyahu, Susan Rice, Keith Ellison, Peter King, Bob Woodward, Jeffrey Goldberg, Andrea Mitchell

Transcript: Obama at the U.N.
You've been caught lying redhanded. Obama Blamed the video.

"....what we saw play out the last two weeks, as a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world."

That's is the only quote in your clip that even comes close. The video did spark outrage throughout the Muslim world. Which is why they thought a protest must have occurred at the consulate building, and they were wrong about a protest, but were right about what happened next as Susan Rice explained on the Sunday after the attack.

"What we think then transpired in Benghazi is that opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this was unfolding. They came with heavy weapons which unfortunately are readily available in post revolutionary Libya. And it escalated into a much more violent episode. Obviously, that’s-- that’s our best judgment now. We’ll await the results of the investigation.

September 16: Benjamin Netanyahu, Susan Rice, Keith Ellison, Peter King, Bob Woodward, Jeffrey Goldberg, Andrea Mitchell

Transcript: Obama at the U.N.

Again you blame the video......it had nothing to do with it.. God you guys are so fucking stupid.

The video had lik 20 views, noone had ever heard of it in the us let alone in the middle east. Holy shit, you guys dont think they planned it for 911?

I mean at some point you have to be honest woth yourself, this video had NOTHING to do with any of it.
The video had lik 20 views, noone had ever heard of it in the us let alone in the middle east.

Sept. 2
Bacile uploads an Arabic-lanugage version of the movie trailer to YouTube, then deletes it.

Sept. 4
Another Arabic-language version is uploaded by persons unknown.

Sept. 5
Morris Sedak, Washington, D.C.-based Coptic Christian and anti-Islam activist, starts promoting the movie trailer to journalists and via social media, timing his pitch to Florida pastor Terry Jones' "International Judge Muhammad Day" on Sept. 11.

Sept. 8
Egyptian television firebrand Sheik Khaled Abdalla airs part of the the Arabic version of the clip on local channel Al Nas, condemning it harshly. The trailer's YouTube view-count skyrockets.

Sept. 10
Pastor Jones, known for threatening to burn the Koran on previous Sept. 11 anniversaries, announces that he will show part of the movie at his "Judge Muhammad Day."

Sept 11
Protesters decrying the movie storm the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, scaling the wall and replacing the American flag with a black one inscribed with a Muslim slogan used by militant groups.

The anti-Islam-film riots: A timeline

By the 17th the riots had spread to 20 nations. You do know Muslims have been known to riot an issue death threats over cartoons and books too, right? So don't tell me that movie trailer (which was as comical as a cartoon, really) didn't play a part in those riots.
The video had lik 20 views, noone had ever heard of it in the us let alone in the middle east.

Sept. 2
Bacile uploads an Arabic-lanugage version of the movie trailer to YouTube, then deletes it.

Sept. 4
Another Arabic-language version is uploaded by persons unknown.

Sept. 5
Morris Sedak, Washington, D.C.-based Coptic Christian and anti-Islam activist, starts promoting the movie trailer to journalists and via social media, timing his pitch to Florida pastor Terry Jones' "International Judge Muhammad Day" on Sept. 11.

Sept. 8
Egyptian television firebrand Sheik Khaled Abdalla airs part of the the Arabic version of the clip on local channel Al Nas, condemning it harshly. The trailer's YouTube view-count skyrockets.

Sept. 10
Pastor Jones, known for threatening to burn the Koran on previous Sept. 11 anniversaries, announces that he will show part of the movie at his "Judge Muhammad Day."

Sept 11
Protesters decrying the movie storm the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, scaling the wall and replacing the American flag with a black one inscribed with a Muslim slogan used by militant groups.

The anti-Islam-film riots: A timeline

By the 17th the riots had spread to 20 nations. You do know Muslims have been known to riot an issue death threats over cartoons and books too, right? So don't tell me that movie trailer (which was as comical as a cartoon, really) didn't play a part in those riots.

Again utter bullshit. Where is the link?

So without the video, everything would have been peaceful, i dont buy it.......noone ever heard of the video.
The video had lik 20 views, noone had ever heard of it in the us let alone in the middle east.

Sept. 2
Bacile uploads an Arabic-lanugage version of the movie trailer to YouTube, then deletes it.

Sept. 4
Another Arabic-language version is uploaded by persons unknown.

Sept. 5
Morris Sedak, Washington, D.C.-based Coptic Christian and anti-Islam activist, starts promoting the movie trailer to journalists and via social media, timing his pitch to Florida pastor Terry Jones' "International Judge Muhammad Day" on Sept. 11.

Sept. 8
Egyptian television firebrand Sheik Khaled Abdalla airs part of the the Arabic version of the clip on local channel Al Nas, condemning it harshly. The trailer's YouTube view-count skyrockets.

Sept. 10
Pastor Jones, known for threatening to burn the Koran on previous Sept. 11 anniversaries, announces that he will show part of the movie at his "Judge Muhammad Day."

Sept 11
Protesters decrying the movie storm the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, scaling the wall and replacing the American flag with a black one inscribed with a Muslim slogan used by militant groups.

The anti-Islam-film riots: A timeline

By the 17th the riots had spread to 20 nations. You do know Muslims have been known to riot an issue death threats over cartoons and books too, right? So don't tell me that movie trailer (which was as comical as a cartoon, really) didn't play a part in those riots.

Again utter bullshit. Where is the link?

So without the video, everything would have been peaceful, i dont buy it.......noone ever heard of the video.

Here is another source to counter your claim that no one had ever seen it in the ME.

At some point over the summer a version of the YouTube trailer surfaced with the dialogue dubbed in Egyptian Arabic – Bacile says he has no idea who did the translation but has claimed it sounded accurate – and the translated clip was picked up by a firebrand Cairo television host, Sheikh Khaled Abdallah, who has a record of focusing on perceived threats to Islam and amplifying them. He aired clips from the video on his television show on Saturday, and the same video clips were posted to YouTube on Monday.

As the Arab audience for the film grew exponentially, militant Islamists called for a mass protest at the US embassy in Cairo. The organisers told Associated Press that planning began last week when Sadik began promoting the trailers but the support for the demonstration snowballed after the Sheikh Abdallah programme on Saturday.

A crowd of some 2,000 is reported to have gathered outside the embassy walls in Cairo on Tuesday night,

The Hollywood connection: how a real estate man's film led to rage in Libya
This was published in The Economist in 2015 but not much was mentioned in the American press. The graph only reflects ISIS related plots and attacks:

"Last year 32,700 people were killed in attacks worldwide, nearly twice as many as in 2013. And this year the toll may turn out to be even higher."

"The number of plots by jihadist groups against Western countries has leaped, in particular since September 2014 when an IS spokesman called for its followers to attack those Western countries involved in military efforts in Syria and Iraq. Most plots have failed, though a growing number have been successful. But the terrorists only need to carry out one big plot to succeed."


The plague of global terrorism

So there were 8 successful terrorist attacks in Europe, Australia, Canada, and the US in 2015. You do realize those 8 terrorist attacks occurred in a population of 1.1 billion people. By comparison over 2000 people died from lightening strikes. That really doesn't sound like much of a plague.

You also omitted some other facts from the article such as, western countries suffered under 3% of all deaths in Islamic terrorist attacks in the past 15 years.

You misread the graph. Look again. As I said "The graph only reflects ISIS related plots and attacks." The graph also clearly shows that 2015 is from July to November and ONLY Europe.

If you add not just ISIS but the other competing terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda, 2015 in Europe looks like this:

"In 2015, 151 people died and over 360 were injured as a result of terrorist attacks in the EU. Six EU Member States[1] faced 211 failed, foiled and completed terrorist attacks. 1 077 individuals were arrested in the EU for terrorism-related offences, of which 424 in France only. 94% of the individuals trialled for jihadist terrorism were found guilty and prosecuted[2] ."

211 terrorist attacks carried out in EU Member States in 2015, new Europol report reveals

Regarding the 3% number you mention I credit law enforcement with preventing more death and carnage. But as my other earlier links point out, the number of threats are continuing to grow at a rapid pace and may challenge the ability of law enforcement to cope with the rising number of threats.

You're right, I misread the graph. However, 151 deaths in the EU with a population of 743 million is a mortally rate .0000203 or one death in 5 million. By comparison, you would be 6 times more likely to be killed by lightening, 125 times more lightly to die in an auto accident, and 280 times more likely to die from cancer. In the US, the chance of dying in a terrorist attack is even less, a lot less.

It seems reasonable that we base our effort to eliminate a threat based on the danger it poses to our people. Yet we spend huge amounts of money fighting terrorism which is only the tiniest threat to our people.

I have no problem devoting a significant portion of our resources to fighting terrorism but I think we need to keep it in perspective or we're going to create a problem far greater than terrorism ever posed.

I appreciate your reply but respectfully disagree, based on the fact that terrorism activities are continuing to grow year-to-year in the EU. With ISIS losing, the situation in 2017 and beyond is expected to get worse.

"According to recent estimates, by the end of 2015 more than 30000 individuals had travelled to conflict zones in Syria/Iraq to join jihadi
terrorist groups. Among them, were reportedly over 4000 European citizens, 30% of whom have now returned to Europe. Whereas the flow of foreign fighters to Syria/Iraq has now dropped, as ISIL/Da’esh continues to lose territory, the number of returnees is expected to rise. These are perceived as a threat to security in view of their battlefield experience and of the risk of their future involvement in terrorism-related activities back home."


Given the use of trucks in the attacks in Nice, France and Berlin, Germany in 2016 there is the likelihood of a shift by terrorists to this type of approach, which will make it more difficult to detect and stop before it happens. One of the reasons the the EU hasn't had a higher death toll is that law enforcement has so often been able to stop it at the planning stage. This may be more difficult to do in the future.

Besides the possibility of an increase in injuries and fatalities, you also have to add to that the economic loss that often occurs in the wake of terrorism:

"France and Belgium suffered major declines in tourism in the last months of 2015 and throughout 2016. The latest attack in Berlin further solidifies concerns over the security of crowded public places. Hotel occupancy rates as well as restaurant reservation rates are the first indicators of the economic downturn caused by terrorism activity."


One small point, the EU has a population of just over 500 million, whereas Europe (adding Russia, Belarus,..) has a population of over 700 million.


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