White House: Marjorie Taylor Greene had $183,504 in PPP loans forgiven.

It was tracked and several companies have been made to payback the loans and Biden signed a bill extending the governments time to investigate.

The PPP had strong support on both sides of the aisle and was passed easily, so easily, that Trump could not of vetoed it or it would have been overturned.

I got Cares money, $2000 once and then a couple more. If businesses would have closed and laid off workers, without the PPP the economy would have tanked severely. Is that a better solution for you?
When it was handed out it was not tracked. Now trillions of dollars are out there. Yes they are now tracking it but some they will find many they won't. Once the money us spent its gone. Unlikely to get back. Meanwhile those with power like those in US house or senate can stave off prosecution if not even being investigated. Also the big corps got millions upon millions and can also stave off investigation. Money unrecoverable. Small potatoes compared to bailing out the poor college student. Yes something had to be done to stave off layoffs but it should have been tracked from the get go. Also something needs to be done about the brain drain happening in the US. When is the last time you have been on a college campus? The amount of foreigners is alarming!!!!!!. Even worse is walking through the engineering schools or medical schools. Very few Americans in those majors. When I was an engineering student most my professors were foreign. Many I could not understand a word they spoke. It was already a difficult major now add in you can't understand the professors broken English. The fact is the mega wealthy or top ten percent already own more assets than the rest of the 90 percent. At some point we support the regular guy and quit handing the already rich trillions. If not now when?
So businesses were forced to close in many states, the government through Congress passed the PPP to pay the employees, but made a database that the Feds could use as a weapon against people who used PPP? Is that about right?
The implementation of PPP loans was a disaster. The Secret Service has caught some of the fraudsters. They say billions of loans were handed out to thieves outside of the US.
That money is gone and will never be returned.
It was a shambles over here as well. Billions robbed.
The usual cliche for describing socialism, is to say "socialism works until you run our of other people's money." Well, our government has run out of 'other people's money,' and is now simply printing it by the trillions, causing inflation and now a recession.
The US would have sunk without this socialism and rich folk would have gone hungry.
The implementation of PPP loans was a disaster. The Secret Service has caught some of the fraudsters. They say billions of loans were handed out to thieves outside of the US.
That money is gone and will never be returned.
meanwhile the obama dem take over of the student loan business has created over a trillion dollar debt…while their big donors and propagandist at places like Harvard, have made millions off the backs of taxpayers and created mass debt to a generation of students.

PPP, while certainly not perfect, keep 1000s of business open, 100s of 1000s of people employed, during a global pandemic and cost way less and more product then the failed take over by the dems of the student loan industry…or maybe it was a success…if their goal was get simply get their progandist at harvard more rich
Do you even know what a PPP loan is?
It was designed to not be paid back. It was a near $1 trillion given by the government during WuFlu lockdowns. If businesses spent the money as intended, then they wouldn’t have to pay it back. If they didn’t spend it as the rules laid out, then they would have to pay it back. All a business has to do is prove they spent the money on paychecks to employees, and the loan is “forgiven”.

If they didn’t, then you’d be screaming they took government money and did not pay their employees.

What business does Matt Gaetz own?
There is no such thing as "good" socialism

PPP was a program that was not set up as a loan, unless you didn't use it to make payroll. If you used it for other purpose it was a loan, and you have to pay it back, and it hasn't been forgiven.

Those were the terms set out from the state.

Student loans have different terms, and Xiden has altered those terms and screwed over the people kind enough to lend the money to the students.
Its socialism. The "free market" would have seen those companies die.
Its socialism. The "free market" would have seen those companies die.
so you don’t know what socialism is?

well no the free market would never of let there be a lockdown, that was all govt mandated by the different states
When it was handed out it was not tracked. Now trillions of dollars are out there. Yes they are now tracking it but some they will find many they won't. Once the money us spent its gone. Unlikely to get back. Meanwhile those with power like those in US house or senate can stave off prosecution if not even being investigated. Also the big corps got millions upon millions and can also stave off investigation. Money unrecoverable. Small potatoes compared to bailing out the poor college student. Yes something had to be done to stave off layoffs but it should have been tracked from the get go. Also something needs to be done about the brain drain happening in the US. When is the last time you have been on a college campus? The amount of foreigners is alarming!!!!!!. Even worse is walking through the engineering schools or medical schools. Very few Americans in those majors. When I was an engineering student most my professors were foreign. Many I could not understand a word they spoke. It was already a difficult major now add in you can't understand the professors broken English. The fact is the mega wealthy or top ten percent already own more assets than the rest of the 90 percent. At some point we support the regular guy and quit handing the already rich trillions. If not now when?
BS! It was tracked, Our company applied for the loan, had tons of paperwork we submitted and they did ask for proof of where and how the money was spent and that was early on in the awarding loans. It took quite awhile to get the money as well. So I am not buying your not tracking BS. The other error is that the government allotted around $500 billion, so I am not sure where your trillions you are claiming.

Again, when the money was loaned out both the businesses and students needed to accept the terms and conditions. People that signed for loans accepted the terms and conditions.

Your small potatoes is going to cost $1.6 trillion, it seems your perspective and numbers are way off.
What business does Matt Gaetz own?
No idea, why don’t you ask him? His father is pretty rich and has a few businesses. Matt is invested in some of those companies. At least one of the father’s businesses took PPP money.

What of it? Are you claiming they committed some kind of fraud?
So Biden and crew are weaponizing the PPP now.

PPP was enacted by an Act of Congress, then they made a list to use against people/political opponents. Is that it?
Derp. That is how the PPP was designed by an Act of Congress.

What we have with the student loan situation is an illicit EO by Herr Biden.
The majority of Democrat in Congress were upset that the relief package took so long. So the idea that this was perpetrated by the right shows how ignorant some people are.
No idea, why don’t you ask him? His father is pretty rich and has a few businesses. Matt is invested in some of those companies. At least one of the father’s businesses took PPP money.

What of it? Are you claiming they committed some kind of fraud?

I think most of the PPP loans were fraud.

They were to pay employee salaries, yet people without employees got them

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