White House: Marjorie Taylor Greene had $183,504 in PPP loans forgiven.

It was a loan that she doesn't have a problem not paying it back, but when it comes to someone right out of college she does. What kind of POS follows or defends these idiots.
She followed the terms of the loan. Just as the government demanded of her, right after the government shut down the economy. Those that signed for student loans knew the terms and conditions of the loans and now you get pissed at those following rules and want to help the irresponsible because they made really bad choices in their lives?
She followed the terms of the loan. Just as the government demanded of her, right after the government shut down the economy. Those that signed for student loans knew the terms and conditions of the loans and now you get pissed at those following rules and want to help the irresponsible because they made really bad choices in their lives?
So the rules told her when she signed for the loan that she wasn't going to have to pay it back, that isn't a loan is it?
Government has forgiven nearly $400 billion in Covid-relief PPP loans, federal watchdogs say

The federal government has forgiven $394.6 billion in more than 4 million loans to businesses through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), according to new data published by a group of internal federal watchdogs.

More than a million of those forgiven Covid relief loans were to companies with just one employee, at a cost of $12.8 billion, or an average of about $11,497 per job, according to an analysis of the data by NBC News.

The data was released Wednesday by the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee (PRAC), a group made up of 22 inspectors general from different federal agencies that monitors all Covid relief spending for the government.

The US would have sunk without this socialism and rich folk would have gone hungry.
Does that make it right?
So the rules told her when she signed for the loan that she wasn't going to have to pay it back, that isn't a loan is it?
The PPP was a loan that was offered during the pandemic government shutdown, it allowed for businesses to keep their employees and not lay them off and to help pay to keep them from going out of business. The terms and conditions were that as long as the business used the money to pay employees and other certain expenses. The businesses then need to show proof to the loaner, mainly banks, that the funds went where they were intended, the money would not be paid back. The reason it was made a loan was to allow the government to hold the businesses accountable if the money wasn’t used for the purpose it was intended.

Many small businesses took advantage so they were able to survive.
Do you even know the difference between a PPP loan and a Student loan?

Do you know the conditions in each that allow for the loan to be forgiven?
Is the money forgiven (eaten by the government) any different? Did MGT's PPP loan come in con-federate greenbacks?
I have no problem with PPP loans properly monitored. Companis over here benefitted including one I was a Secretary of.
but debt forgiveness should apply universally.
Its good sound socialism.
Its hypocriticl to take with one hand and refuse with the other.
Stupid woman should count her blessings and stfu.
If debt forgiveness should apply universally, then no one should pay back their debts. Why should someone have to pay back their car loans, home loans, medical bills or credit cards? You seem to be saying that people should have no culpability for the debts they incur and therefore have no responsibility to pay them.
Do lefties really have the system rigged so that conservatives are hypocrites but lefties are fine when they assess government bailouts? Talk about a freaking double standard.
Is the money forgiven (eaten by the government) any different? Did MGT's PPP loan come in con-federate greenbacks?
The contract is different. If you didn't want it to be forgiven, you should never have voted for it.

NO FUCKING STUDENT LOAN was ever written to be forgiven. NOT A FUCKING ONE OF THEM.

Just how stupid can you be? No, scratch that. It was NOT a challenge.
If debt forgiveness should apply universally, then no one should pay back their debts. Why should someone have to pay back their car loans, home loans, medical bills or credit cards? You seem to be saying that people should have no culpability for the debts they incur and therefore have no responsibility to pay them.
Eduction should be a societal cost because we all benefit from an educated population.
Bailing out golf clubs does not benefit society. Yet we pay for it.
I don't support the school loan forgiveness but the hypocrisy shown here is why I really care less. If some can get "free" money, all should be able to.
So let's be clear on this.

President Biden is sending our country to hell in a handcart of School Loan forgiveness, but when Republicans, took out millions of PPP loans and those loans forgiven all is fine, well, right, good and great.

Fucking Hypocrites.
So let's be clear on this.

President Biden is sending our country to hell in a handcart of School Loan forgiveness, but when Republicans, took out millions of PPP loans and those loans forgiven all is fine, well, right, good and great.

Fucking Hypocrites.
Let’s be clear on this, when people sign for a loan, they agree to terms and conditions and it is a legal and binding contract.

Millions of small businesses took out the PPP money because the government shut down the economy and it was either layoff employees or go out of business. The Congress and 99% of Democrats voted for the PPP and put on conditions and loan forgivenes, if they spent to money on payroll and operating expenses like utilities, they had to send proof to their banks, to prove the money was being spent and where. The terms and conditions on the loan and spelled out by Congress. So loan forgiveness was built into the loan. Now show us where in the student loan is forgiveness allowed?

It isn’t hypocritical to adhere to the terms of a loan. You are trying to compare apples to oranges comparison, that the Dems are falsely using and simple minds just go along with the stupidity.

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