White House records torn up by the Former President.

He ripped up paper.. is this we are at now? Lol
The fucking paper he had burned & shredded belongs to U.S. citizens. Trump was warned by his W.H. counsel that what he was doing was against the law but he didn't care.

One again Trump proves that he's a no good cocksucker & a lowlife criminal. Lock the son of a bitch up & throw away the key.

never said it didn't happen what I was talking about is the long habit of the Media making things up and lying about Trump and YOUR link had too much hearsay in it.

That is why I will wait for more substantial development.
W.H. aides & gangster Trump's own W.H. counsel Pat Cippolino are witnesses to Trump's crime. What more do you need?
The fucking paper he had burned & shredded belongs to U.S. citizens. Trump was warned by his W.H. counsel that what he was doing was against the law but he didn't care.

One again Trump proves that he's a no good cocksucker & a lowlife criminal. Lock the son of a bitch up & throw away the key.

The unnamed Counsel was NOT quoted therefore it is hearsay.

W.H. aides & gangster Trump's own W.H. counsel Pat Cippolino are witnesses to Trump's crime. What more do you need?

"He kept it up throughout his presidency, despite being warned to preserve all the documents — as required by law — by the White House counsel, two chiefs of staff, and others, according to the Post."

No direct quotes because no one is named, hearsay.


"The practice was “relentless,” “widespread and indiscriminate,” the Post reported further on Saturday, citing interviews with 11 Trump White House staffers, associates and others. One source said staff in the National Archives considered it “unprecedented.”

“He didn’t want a record of anything,” a former senior Trump official told the Post. “He never stopped ripping things up. Do you really think Trump is going to care about the Records Act? Come on.”

11 unnamed people allegedly quoted, hearsay

Unnamed person allegedly quoted

"Hundreds of documents were ripped up, sources told the Post. No one knows how many documents were permanently lost or destroyed."

Unnamed sources


Too vague will wait longer.
Really, we get lockdowns and mandates and record inflation the Afghanistan fiasco AND...Biden & son actually colluding in Ukraine. Democrats sponsoring and endorsing BLM and race riots. Real actual things we see before our very eyes happening NOW. So, lets talk about irrelevant matters that might or might not have happened by an ex-president, shall we?
Lol, we had lock downs under Trump. Trump pulled forced out of Afghanistan before Joe got there there were less than 3000 troops in country when Joe got in office. Trump did not hand over files on anything including Afghanistan to the transition team. Yep there is some inflation but that is what you get when you run up national debt to the tune of 8.5 trillion over four years as Trump did. So Trump's stupid traitorous ass is pretty much responsible for all the horse shit we see today but don't worry a real president is cleaning up that peice of shits mess.
Lol, we had lock downs under Trump. Trump pulled forced out of Afghanistan before Joe got there there were less than 3000 troops in country when Joe got in office. Trump did not hand over files on anything including Afghanistan to the transition team. Yep there is some inflation but that is what you get when you run up national debt to the tune of 8.5 trillion over four years as Trump did. So Trump's stupid traitorous ass is pretty much responsible for all the horse shit we see today but don't worry a real president is cleaning up that peice of shits mess.

The unnamed Counsel was NOT quoted therefore it is hearsay.

"He kept it up throughout his presidency, despite being warned to preserve all the documents — as required by law — by the White House counsel, two chiefs of staff, and others, according to the Post."

No direct quotes because no one is named, hearsay.


"The practice was “relentless,” “widespread and indiscriminate,” the Post reported further on Saturday, citing interviews with 11 Trump White House staffers, associates and others. One source said staff in the National Archives considered it “unprecedented.”

“He didn’t want a record of anything,” a former senior Trump official told the Post. “He never stopped ripping things up. Do you really think Trump is going to care about the Records Act? Come on.”

11 unnamed people allegedly quoted

Unnamed person allegedly quoted

"Hundreds of documents were ripped up, sources told the Post. No one knows how many documents were permanently lost or destroyed."

Unnamed sources


Too vague will wait longer.
National Archives personnel were tasked with taping documents back together which were torn up when they received them. Think they're making it up?
Lol, we had lock downs under Trump. Trump pulled forced out of Afghanistan before Joe got there there were less than 3000 troops in country when Joe got in office. Trump did not hand over files on anything including Afghanistan to the transition team. Yep there is some inflation but that is what you get when you run up national debt to the tune of 8.5 trillion over four years as Trump did. So Trump's stupid traitorous ass is pretty much responsible for all the horse shit we see today but don't worry a real president is cleaning up that peice of shits mess.
Trump ordered the withdrawl from Afghanistan to screw over Biden. That's the only reason he did it because Trump is a malignant criminal psychopath.
National Archives personnel were tasked with taping documents back together which were torn up when they received them. Think they're making it up?

There is no evidence in YOUR link that the National Archives people SAW him ripping them up. Have not disputed ripping up document claims.

Since WAPO has a lied many times about Trump in the past and their post YOU are apparently so easily taken in is vague I will wait for more concrete information from better media sources.
Biden is the president. You didn't forget again, did you?
You mean that senile old white guy that shit his pants at the Vatican? That guy? Oh, that guy. The leader of the party that led/endorsed/supported race riots ( yet condemn jan 6th adinfinitem) and driving inflation? That guy? Oh, that guy, I thought you meant somebody else.

Trump Reportedly 'Never Stopped Ripping' Up White House Documents And Breaking The Law​

Staffers grabbed piles of paper torn up by Trump to try to reconstruct documents that were legally required to be preserved, The Washington Post reports.

Donald Trump not only tore up records demanded by the House select committee probing the Jan. 6 insurrection, he also ripped up lots of other letters, memos, articles, briefings and schedules — in violation of the Presidential Records Act, The Washington Post reported Saturday.

He kept it up throughout his presidency, despite being warned to preserve all the documents — as required by law — by the White House counsel, two chiefs of staff, and others, according to the Post.

“It is absolutely a violation of the act,” Courtney Chartier, president of the Society of American Archivists, told the Post. “There is no ignorance of these laws. There are White House manuals about the maintenance of these records.”

The law demands that the White House preserve all written communication related to a president’s official duties — including everything from memos to emails — and turn it all over to the National Archives and Records Administration.

The practice was “relentless,” “widespread and indiscriminate,” the Post reported further on Saturday, citing interviews with 11 Trump White House staffers, associates and others. One source said staff in the National Archives considered it “unprecedented.”

“He didn’t want a record of anything,” a former senior Trump official told the Post. “He never stopped ripping things up. Do you really think Trump is going to care about the Records Act? Come on.”

Hundreds of documents were ripped up, sources told the Post. No one knows how many documents were permanently lost or destroyed.

Check out the full Washington Post article...

Trump obviously had zero respect for the Presidential Records Act and retaining White House documents. Will he escape punishment for this? What do you think?
You hate people, and you're full of hatred.... so why should anyone care what you think? to all who read this... The rest of us going about our lives are quite happy. It's this angry shrill who is the minority who's all pissed off. Watch Return of the Jedi, she's the Emperor. An angry, mean, leftist, authoritarian dictator-wanna-be.... she hates people.

Trump Reportedly 'Never Stopped Ripping' Up White House Documents And Breaking The Law​

Staffers grabbed piles of paper torn up by Trump to try to reconstruct documents that were legally required to be preserved, The Washington Post reports.

Donald Trump not only tore up records demanded by the House select committee probing the Jan. 6 insurrection, he also ripped up lots of other letters, memos, articles, briefings and schedules — in violation of the Presidential Records Act, The Washington Post reported Saturday.

He kept it up throughout his presidency, despite being warned to preserve all the documents — as required by law — by the White House counsel, two chiefs of staff, and others, according to the Post.

“It is absolutely a violation of the act,” Courtney Chartier, president of the Society of American Archivists, told the Post. “There is no ignorance of these laws. There are White House manuals about the maintenance of these records.”

The law demands that the White House preserve all written communication related to a president’s official duties — including everything from memos to emails — and turn it all over to the National Archives and Records Administration.

The practice was “relentless,” “widespread and indiscriminate,” the Post reported further on Saturday, citing interviews with 11 Trump White House staffers, associates and others. One source said staff in the National Archives considered it “unprecedented.”

“He didn’t want a record of anything,” a former senior Trump official told the Post. “He never stopped ripping things up. Do you really think Trump is going to care about the Records Act? Come on.”

Hundreds of documents were ripped up, sources told the Post. No one knows how many documents were permanently lost or destroyed.

Check out the full Washington Post article...

Trump obviously had zero respect for the Presidential Records Act and retaining White House documents. Will he escape punishment for this? What do you think?
He tore up as much evidence of his corruption as possible, and the trump Nazis will defend and justify his every criminal act. They want his legacy pure, confident he will return to power as their führer, shortly after the next session of Congress begins in January 2023.

Poisonous snakes tried to usurp a free and fair election, and then attacked Congress in a violent coup attempt.
“Usurp a free and fair election”…You mean like concocting one bullshit narrative after another….Russian collusion and Ukrainian quid pro quo…bullshit impeachments etc etc.
You dirty bastards fought against the will of the people for four years.

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