White House records torn up by the Former President.

“Usurp a free and fair election”…You mean like concocting one bullshit narrative after another….Russian collusion and Ukrainian quid pro quo…bullshit impeachments etc etc.
You dirty bastards fought against the will of the people for four years.
That conservatives support and defend Trump’s corruption and criminality comes as no surprise.

Trump Reportedly 'Never Stopped Ripping' Up White House Documents And Breaking The Law​

Staffers grabbed piles of paper torn up by Trump to try to reconstruct documents that were legally required to be preserved, The Washington Post reports.

Donald Trump not only tore up records demanded by the House select committee probing the Jan. 6 insurrection, he also ripped up lots of other letters, memos, articles, briefings and schedules — in violation of the Presidential Records Act, The Washington Post reported Saturday.

He kept it up throughout his presidency, despite being warned to preserve all the documents — as required by law — by the White House counsel, two chiefs of staff, and others, according to the Post.

“It is absolutely a violation of the act,” Courtney Chartier, president of the Society of American Archivists, told the Post. “There is no ignorance of these laws. There are White House manuals about the maintenance of these records.”

The law demands that the White House preserve all written communication related to a president’s official duties — including everything from memos to emails — and turn it all over to the National Archives and Records Administration.

The practice was “relentless,” “widespread and indiscriminate,” the Post reported further on Saturday, citing interviews with 11 Trump White House staffers, associates and others. One source said staff in the National Archives considered it “unprecedented.”

“He didn’t want a record of anything,” a former senior Trump official told the Post. “He never stopped ripping things up. Do you really think Trump is going to care about the Records Act? Come on.”

Hundreds of documents were ripped up, sources told the Post. No one knows how many documents were permanently lost or destroyed.

Check out the full Washington Post article...

Trump obviously had zero respect for the Presidential Records Act and retaining White House documents. Will he escape punishment for this? What do you think?

So you're trying to tell us Trump couldn't afford a confetti shredder and did everything by hand. That said, I find this propaganda a bit hard to believe.

You mean that senile old white guy that shit his pants at the Vatican? That guy? Oh, that guy. The leader of the party that led/endorsed/supported race riots ( yet condemn jan 6th adinfinitem) and driving inflation? That guy? Oh, that guy, I thought you meant somebody else.
I'll be you repeat those Hannity supplied talking points in your sleep.
Give it up. Really. Enough of this beating a dead horse.

Well, they can't. And that works in our favor. Their own house is on fire and they're going to let it burn down because of their obsession. They don't know how to fix it. They can't even try. The problems are foundational. All they can do, like all obsessives, is go back to the lock and unlock and lock and relock it like 5,000 times.
The fucking paper he had burned & shredded belongs to U.S. citizens. Trump was warned by his W.H. counsel that what he was doing was against the law but he didn't care.

One again Trump proves that he's a no good cocksucker & a lowlife criminal. Lock the son of a bitch up & throw away the key.
Lol because of paper? Lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Who’s going to play trump in the movie called “the shredder” lol it’s going to the thriller, Full of surprises haha

Trump Reportedly 'Never Stopped Ripping' Up White House Documents And Breaking The Law​

Staffers grabbed piles of paper torn up by Trump to try to reconstruct documents that were legally required to be preserved, The Washington Post reports.

Donald Trump not only tore up records demanded by the House select committee probing the Jan. 6 insurrection, he also ripped up lots of other letters, memos, articles, briefings and schedules — in violation of the Presidential Records Act, The Washington Post reported Saturday.

He kept it up throughout his presidency, despite being warned to preserve all the documents — as required by law — by the White House counsel, two chiefs of staff, and others, according to the Post.

“It is absolutely a violation of the act,” Courtney Chartier, president of the Society of American Archivists, told the Post. “There is no ignorance of these laws. There are White House manuals about the maintenance of these records.”

The law demands that the White House preserve all written communication related to a president’s official duties — including everything from memos to emails — and turn it all over to the National Archives and Records Administration.

The practice was “relentless,” “widespread and indiscriminate,” the Post reported further on Saturday, citing interviews with 11 Trump White House staffers, associates and others. One source said staff in the National Archives considered it “unprecedented.”

“He didn’t want a record of anything,” a former senior Trump official told the Post. “He never stopped ripping things up. Do you really think Trump is going to care about the Records Act? Come on.”

Hundreds of documents were ripped up, sources told the Post. No one knows how many documents were permanently lost or destroyed.

Check out the full Washington Post article...

Trump obviously had zero respect for the Presidential Records Act and retaining White House documents. Will he escape punishment for this? What do you think?
Of course Hillary Clinton and the documents and email she destroyed will not be discussed. Hillary is a high ranking Democrat so she can do anything she damn well pleases and waltz away scot-free.

The poisonous snakes are democrats. It's a fable that President Trump tells often. It's fun to look back over a year and see all the insanity the poisonous snakes got excited about, once upon a time. This will end up the same way. Something we look back on and have a giggle.

Democrats stole the 2020 election. I hope it's the last stolen election you get away with.
No one stole anything, but it's obvious you're a cult member, and you behave accordingly.
You folks don't get it.

We're "debating" with the people Trump said wouldn't care if he shot someone in the middle of Fifth Ave

Yea he actually SAID that and it's actually worse than that.

He could be on video eating BABIES with thousands of witnesses and they wouldn't care...

Cult's gotta cult.
The dude is such a train wreck that most people don't know if he is doing something deliberate to circumvent the law, or if he is just too stupid to know what he is doing is illegal. That's what happens when an uneducated and unqualified buffoon with no morals or values is elected President.
With Xi and Putin we are dealing with men. Whatever the limitations of their nation's wealth. You asses play Russian roulette with ours. I know the real train wreck and the rise and fall of nations. And we are in decline. And it will not be kind to you.
With Xi and Putin we are dealing with men. Whatever the limitations of their nation's wealth. You asses play Russian roulette with ours. I know the real train wreck and the rise and fall of nations. And we are in decline. And it will not be kind to you.
We have been in decline for many decades, but nothing like we've ever seen under Trump. Your dreams of a fascist dictatorship under someone like him have never been closer to reality than we are right now.
There is still lots to expose from this dead horse.
The Jan 6th committee is doing a fabulous job.

Why do you support trump tearing up official WH papers?

Why do you support trump tearing up official WH papers?

Or is it Fake News and 'it never happened.'
I'm more worried of what Brandon is doing to this country, internally and on the world stage.
You should be too.
Well then, Meister , why don’t you SAY what YOU think Biden should be doing, for example … in Ukraine?

You Republicans want to have it both ways. Tucker Carlson says support Putin, but your slimeball MIC Republican Congressmen, on the other hand, charge Biden with being “too soft” on Putin and Xi! Sounds mealy mouthed to me.
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He is the 'Cheddar Shredder', Leading the Party of the MAGAMOB, who endorse Mob Violence as just 'Normal Political Discourse' these days.

Oh the Times they really are a changin.
I'm more worried of what Brandon is doing to this country,
Yeah me too, Apparently he has triggered the Dark SnowPhlakes of the Neo-GOP and crystalized the absurd hate they have for over half their fellow citizens in this country....
I'm more worried of what Brandon is doing to this country, internally and on the world stage.
You should be too.
I am a bit worried about biden.
but I think you Right Wingers over react to everything and like to spread doom and gloom.

I'm also concerned that trump (an actual con man, cheat and liar) has destroyed what was the (R) party. Now instead of Senators and House Members doing their job, we have wackos like Greene, Gaetz, Gohmert, Gosar taking over the (R) party.
Is that what you want for your party and the USA.
Greene tells 50% of the country, on a daily basis, that she hates them.
What a great woman some claim. She is NOT good for America. Stop supporting her.

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