White House says Republicans co-own legacy of record $19 trillion debt

White House says Republicans co-own legacy of record $19 trillion debt
Blame is a wonderful thing. It takes that idle time away when people used to talk about what they could do to change situations. Nothing is going to change, Blaming will go on until our country implodes due to the debt and people will probably lose anything they earned. But don't you worry, there's always welfare. So put your feet up and relax.
I feel Republicans own all of it after the disgraceful mess they handed Obama.

Kill the economy and then whine it's Obama's fault there is no revenue. That's what Republicans did. The fuckers.

it's what republicans do ,,,,shit in a hat an expect someone else to wear it
no, thats what liberals do. Free health care (paid for by someone else) free college (paid for by someone else) free food (paid for by someone else)
See a trend here?
the liberals are the ones that are creating programs and expecting others to bear the burden.
I feel Republicans own all of it after the disgraceful mess they handed Obama.

Kill the economy and then whine it's Obama's fault there is no revenue. That's what Republicans did. The fuckers.

it's what republicans do ,,,,shit in a hat an expect someone else to wear it
no, thats what liberals do. Free health care (paid for by someone else) free college (paid for by someone else) free food (paid for by someone else)
See a trend here?
the liberals are the ones that are creating programs and expecting others to bear the burden.
look mr patriot your pubs shit in a hat and expected the Dems to wear it The days of us covering for you pubs are over ....be responsible for your own grievous errors
Stop flaming each other and get back on track of the subject, please.
past FEDERAL deficits make up the current NATIONAL debt ... presidents of every stripe own the debt.

a simple FACT that simpletons can't quite seem to wrap their tiny little brain around
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I'm guessing that you too are entirely innumerate....

Let’s start with Obama’s stimulus. The standard Republican talking point is that it failed, meaning it didn’t reduce unemployment. Yet in a survey of leading economists conducted by the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business, 92 percent agreed that the stimulus succeeded in reducing the jobless rate. On the harder question of whether the benefit exceeded the cost, more than half thought it did, one in three was uncertain, and fewer than one in six disagreed.

The U.S. Economic Policy Debate Is a Sham

Who really cares what these clowns think.

There was no model performance published prior and so there is nothing to compare.

I get so tired of people giving these idiots credibility.

There is a reasons teachers teach (generally can't exist in the real world).

Right.......Do you have any idea how rare that level of consensus is among economists?

We aren't all blessed with voices in our heads telling us what to believe.....

Which I think is a good thing...

Provide the model and then I'll know that these guys are not the voices in your head telling you what you want to believe.

You can go to the Booth School site and see the roster of people surveyed.....it wasn't like they sat all these folks down in a room and obliged them to design a single model.....

and, no offense, but you don't strike me as the type qualified to judge an econometric model....

and, if it makes you feel any better, their consensus is consistent with the conclusions of the GAO, and major private sector economists...

The only thing that struck you was the floor when you were dropped as a child.

I make financial models for a living.

When you've got the model to go with a conclusion....I'll be all ears.

Putting together the employee lounge coffee and donuts budget hardly qualifies as ECONOMETRIC modeling.

They are, like, two completely different disciplines....

The economists in question weren't asked to agree to a model, they were asked to agree with a proposition...

Read that as many times as necessary for comprehension.
I'm still laughing at you for blaming Obama for increased debt when Republicans control the House ... the House controls spending ... and spending is at an all-time high. :eusa_doh:

The other half of the debt increase belongs to revenue, which fell through the floor in 2008-2009 due to the Great Recession Bush handed Obama. That too greatly increased the debt; having nothing to do with Obama's policies.
With half of you assholes here it is like talking to a fucking brick wall, do you know that? Being stupid is one thing. But being both stupid and obstinate earns you the label "stupid asshole."

Is this a political forum or the repository of the short bus?
Your vacuity is noted. Meanwhile, the increase to the debt remains due to the loss in revenue from the Great Recession and increased spending, which the House controls. You blaming stimulus measures taken to stop the hemorrhaging, as though that was bad, is adorable. Almost as cute as you blaming Obama for not working with Republicans for why spending is at an all-time high. Do you think Obama controls spending?
It's like you are 10 years old.
It's still cute how you think Obama's to blame when Republicans control spending and spending is at an all-time high.
Does that mean you don't hold Bush responsible for the recession, since democrats controlled spending and we were running a deficit?

Bush was clearly part of the deficit problem.

There is no excuse for his behavior nor the congress' behavior from 2000 to 2006.
Who really cares what these clowns think.

There was no model performance published prior and so there is nothing to compare.

I get so tired of people giving these idiots credibility.

There is a reasons teachers teach (generally can't exist in the real world).

Right.......Do you have any idea how rare that level of consensus is among economists?

We aren't all blessed with voices in our heads telling us what to believe.....

Which I think is a good thing...

Provide the model and then I'll know that these guys are not the voices in your head telling you what you want to believe.

You can go to the Booth School site and see the roster of people surveyed.....it wasn't like they sat all these folks down in a room and obliged them to design a single model.....

and, no offense, but you don't strike me as the type qualified to judge an econometric model....

and, if it makes you feel any better, their consensus is consistent with the conclusions of the GAO, and major private sector economists...

The only thing that struck you was the floor when you were dropped as a child.

I make financial models for a living.

When you've got the model to go with a conclusion....I'll be all ears.

Putting together the employee lounge coffee and donuts budget hardly qualifies as ECONOMETRIC modeling.

They are, like, two completely different disciplines....

The economists in question weren't asked to agree to a model, they were asked to agree with a proposition...

Read that as many times as necessary for comprehension.

And what would they base that agreement on ?

Can you be any less uninformed ?
OF COURSE THE WH / OBAMA is declaring that. To be honest, he is of course correct. I am sure he wishes, though - as he will falsely try to claim they do - the GOP has a bigger share of it.

With the the help of a near-Super Majority controlled Liberal Congress that controlled spending / the budget the last years of Bush's administration and the 1st 2 years of Obama's, Obama added over $6 trillion in new debt in only 4 years.

Obama added more debt than every US President from Washington to Bush ... COMBINED, setting new records for 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit spending in the process.

So what does he do, as the OP shares with us? Barry does / did what he does best -- Point his finger and blame others.


Of course Obama added more debt those first four years. Any idea how low revenues fell as a percentage of GDP? Good God you people are stupid.

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