White House says Republicans co-own legacy of record $19 trillion debt


To which "Obama failures" would you be referring?

You've got to be kidding me...........wait a minute..........this is liberal poster.........he actually believes it.


I don't see your list........got a meme? Someone to tell you what to think?

Oh....wait......this should be good......
Only an idiot N Chief could spend this kind of money and increase Welfare and Food Stamp Recipients...............................

Let's pick a couple and contrast them with Reality...

#2.......Federal spending reached its post WW2 peak in 2009......the last fiscal year under the worst POTUS of the modern era....

#3.....yup.....2009 again......see above

#7 Is the red line ABOVE or BELOW the green line


But for the Great Recession, the Crown Jewel of the Scrub Legacy, which of the balance of your items would be there?
Obama debt good, Boooooosh debt bad

I've got an idea.....

Why don't you detail the Obama initiatives which you believe contributed to the growth of the debt......associate them with the cost, and then we can compare it to that of the disaster which preceded him.....

What is it with you people?

Because you know nothing, you will believe anything.....and the innertubes are more than happy to accommodate your ignorance...
One quick response Bull Shit! the man in command owns the record. What was the quote "We don't need to negotiate with the GOP, we have the majority in both houses". In fact when the sequester was adopted the left cried and claimed the GOP were obstructionists!
Only $4 trillion was added to the deficit unde Bush, and that was during 9/1/01, its aftermath, and 2 wars. In the 1st 6 years ONLY $2.5 trillion in debt was added - pretty incredible. In the last 2 years $1.5 trillion was added., $1 trillion dhy of what had been added over a 6 year period. What changed those last 2 years.

What changed was the LIBERALS took over all of Congress with a 5-seat shy of a Super Majority control of Congress...AND THE BUDGET AND SPENDING! Liberals talk about how the economy went south during Bush's last 2 years - they're right...and THEY CONTROLLED CONGRESS, THEY CONTROLLED THE BUDGET, AND THEY CONTROLLED SPENDING!

Democrats kept that control until the end of Obama's 2nd year. Obama called Bush 'un-patriotic' for adding $4 (actually $2.5) trillion over 8 years...and then HE went on to add almost $7 trillion in only 4 years!

His 1st spending bill was his failed nearly $1 trillion Stimulus bill that contained over 7,000 pieces of self/party-benefitting DNC-ONLY pork! In the end his pork-filled disaster cost tax payrs over $742,000 PER JOB he claimed to have created / saved!

And, again, what do Obama and liberals do? They do what they do best - dodge accountability and blame someone else...

"This is not MY 'Red Line'. It's THE WORLD'S 'Red Line'." What a gutless piece of pooh!

In his autobiography, The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World (Penguin Press), Greenspan, 81, makes clear that his patron Ronald Reagan, who appointed him to head the U.S. central bank board in 1987, was a reckless steward of the nation's finances, eclipsed in economic irresponsibility by current president George W. Bush.

Clinton was in a fiscal bind when he came to power in 1993, and the record deficits of Reagan and George H.W. Bush put him there. "The hard truth was that Reagan had borrowed from Clinton, and Clinton was having to pay it back," Greenspan writes. "I was impressed that he did not seem to be trying to fudge reality to the extent politicians ordinarily do. He was forcing himself to live in the real world."

What do you believe the former Chairman means when he says "The hard truth was that Reagan had borrowed from Clinton"?
Where have all my fellow Republicans gone to remind us that all federal spending originates in the House? While there's plenty of blame to go around, I still hold the President most responsible no matter which party occupies the position. Bush was bad, Obama has been a total disaster.

To which "Obama failures" would you be referring?

You've got to be kidding me...........wait a minute..........this is liberal poster.........he actually believes it.


I don't see your list........got a meme? Someone to tell you what to think?

Oh....wait......this should be good......
Who da fuck cares.......................you know danged well he's an idiot..............Now go to Libya..........heard the beaches are open for tourists now..........


Just for the record.....did you cast two votes for Scrub?
WE all own it now. The interest payments alone are huge part of budget. The only solution I see is to take in $4T and CUT real spending to $3T. knock off $1T/year.............need $20T GDP. 20% tax....

To which "Obama failures" would you be referring?

You've got to be kidding me...........wait a minute..........this is liberal poster.........he actually believes it.


I don't see your list........got a meme? Someone to tell you what to think?

Oh....wait......this should be good......
Who da fuck cares.......................you know danged well he's an idiot..............Now go to Libya..........heard the beaches are open for tourists now..........


Just for the record.....did you cast two votes for Scrub?
Did you vote for Obama..........the current Liar N Chief twice? Mr.Liberal
Where have all my fellow Republicans gone to remind us that all federal spending originates in the House? While there's plenty of blame to go around, I still hold the President most responsible no matter which party occupies the position. Bush was bad, Obama has been a total disaster.

Actually, it "originates" with a Request from the White House....

Now you know......

Can you read a graph?


Do you know what the slope indicates?
Obama added more debt than every US President from Washington to Bush ... COMBINED, setting new records for 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit spending in the process.

So specifically, what did Obama spend all that money on? He got his bail out, his stimulus and health care. But those don't add up to the total debt you attribute to Obama.

What was the rest of the spending on?
To which "Obama failures" would you be referring?

You've got to be kidding me...........wait a minute..........this is liberal poster.........he actually believes it.


I don't see your list........got a meme? Someone to tell you what to think?

Oh....wait......this should be good......
Who da fuck cares.......................you know danged well he's an idiot..............Now go to Libya..........heard the beaches are open for tourists now..........


Just for the record.....did you cast two votes for Scrub?
Did you vote for Obama..........the current Liar N Chief twice? Mr.Liberal

I see you couldn't bring yourself to answer....

Did I cast two votes for Obama? Hell yeah! and I got THIS


to go with the T-Shirt......Thank me later...
Did you vote for Obama..........the current Liar N Chief twice? Mr.Libera

Ice? yeah he probably did. He calls me a "supply side Huckster". I am no expert and not sure what that is. If it means CUT GOVT spending........OK I am huckster.
Obama added more debt than every US President from Washington to Bush ... COMBINED, setting new records for 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit spending in the process.

So specifically, what did Obama spend all that money on? He got his bail out, his stimulus and health care. But those don't add up to the total debt you attribute to Obama.

What was the rest of the spending on?

Do you do numbers at all?

At the time Obama said that, was was the annual growth rate of Federal Spending?

The last time the nation was debt free was in 1835 under Andrew Jackson that lasted for a grand total of one year since then both parties have been adding to the debt. This idea of saying but your party added more is like saying it's better to drown in 45 feet of water instead of 50 when it's all said and done your still dead.

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