White Is The New Black

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Has been my new slogan for quite some time now. Although I'm not racist and I don't hate black people, I'm certainly not going to apologize for being white,.. because if a black person expects me to do that, that's just as racist in my mind. Martin Luther King Jr. would be rolling in his grave too as that wasn't what he was about or what he had in mind. He just wanted black and white people to be equal and he was doing pretty good with it until BLM that is.
Has been my new slogan for quite some time now. Although I'm not racist and I don't hate black people, I'm certainly not going to apologize for being white,.. because if a black person expects me to do that, that's just as racist in my mind. Martin Luther King Jr. would be rolling in his grave too as that wasn't what he was about or what he had in mind. He just wanted black and white people to be equal and he was doing pretty good with it until BLM that is.
White is not the new black. Not even close.
Btw, I can see where he's coming from with nobody really wants equality,.. because a lot of blacks (not all of them) want to feel special because they're black.
Btw, I can see where he's coming from with nobody really wants equality,.. because a lot of blacks (not all of them) want to feel special because they're black.
Joe Rogan does not speak for black folks anymore than I speak for women. Like you. You wanna know what black people think?
Ask one and be open minded.
Has been my new slogan for quite some time now. Although I'm not racist and I don't hate black people, I'm certainly not going to apologize for being white,.. because if a black person expects me to do that, that's just as racist in my mind. Martin Luther King Jr. would be rolling in his grave too as that wasn't what he was about or what he had in mind. He just wanted black and white people to be equal and he was doing pretty good with it until BLM that is.
The democrooks never did, and never will tolerate racial blindness, unity or equality. The entire concept of race is BULLSHIT.

There is only one HUMAN RACE. There is no different species of human just like there is only one species of dogs.

We have plenty of shapes, sizes, colors, behaviors, instincts etc. Yet none of us or them are superior to another. Lefts Syndrome Retards are deliberately ignorant of course and will never give up on their primary tool of division to destroy this country.

That is their objective, make no mistake about it.

You should go on your own podcast tonight and tell your followers that.

Oh wait.....

You don't have a podcast or any followers, do you? :laughing0301: :21::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::lmao:
Actually, that asshole would do his best service to the planet and humanity in general by self aborting in a bathtub with some razor blades, sleeping pills, and a lot of whiskey.
Btw, although I will admit that we will never feel the same racism that black people experience,.. racism is still racism.

Has been my new slogan for quite some time now. Although I'm not racist and I don't hate black people, I'm certainly not going to apologize for being white,.. because if a black person expects me to do that, that's just as racist in my mind. Martin Luther King Jr. would be rolling in his grave too as that wasn't what he was about or what he had in mind. He just wanted black and white people to be equal and he was doing pretty good with it until BLM that is.
.....the blacks are more racist than whites....it's all they think about
This is their biggest concern, even bigger than the "election fraud".

White replacement.
hahhahahahahah----that's a huge myth, like police brutality and white racism
Btw, although I will admit that we will never feel the same racism that black people experience,.. racism is still racism.

Anyone who tells you they're not racist is lying. Everyone finds something objectionable about someone else, especially white left-wingers. They're so ashamed and put off by their own color, they have to make up for it by kissing darker people's asses.

I would love to be black as the Ace of Spades for one day. I'd tell them to "Fuck off, little white liberal cracker. I don't need your GD pandering and sympathy, and I'm not gonna be a martyr for your white-assed Marxist bullshit."

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