White man shoots innocent black teen....


Usually one doesn't hunt prey by loudly identifying themselves.

Depends on the prey. Martin was running away..and Zimmerman wanted him to stop. Well he stopped.

I've seen no evidence to say he was running away.

You're making this shit up.

In the Audio I heard you can CLEARLY hear Zimmerman say that Trayvon Martin was running away. He even said "these guys always get away"... why on Earth would he say that if the kid was coming toward him at the time? Then he tells the dispatcher where the kid is going and gets out of the car. The dispatcher asks "are you following him?" then Zimmerman tells him yes and the dispatcher says "we don't need you to do that."

From what I've heard on the 9/11 tapes, I don't see where Trayvon committed a crime AT ALL.

He was a young African American male walking in the rain in a suburban neighborhood. This might be news to some of you, but... that's not a crime.

EVEN IF he first confronted Zimmerman, this was long after Zimmerman began unnecessarily stalking him while he was ON HIS CELL PHONE calling the police.

Let me inform some of you of the simple fact that Latinos and African Americans don't always get along in Florida... or pretty much anywhere in the US. If you're an African American teenager walking by yourself in a Florida neighborhood, with a grown Hispanic male following you in a car with a phone in his hand watching your every move...

... do you assume he's just a concerned citizen that thinks you're suspicious? Or do you possibly... maybe... assume that THIS guy might be up to no good?

Does anybody see how stalking somebody because they look suspicious might not be wise? If you don't... well I don't know what to tell you. Even IF and that's a big IF Trayvon Martin initiated the conflict or confronted Zimmerman, the confrontation was reasonable and HE was acting out of self-defense if anybody was.

We have people on this thread calling him a criminal. They have no evidence that he ever committed a crime in his life. The fact is though this kid could have been a choir boy who gave his lunch money to poor kids at school everyday... he'd still be just another minority criminal. Again, God will have the final say...
Depends on the prey. Martin was running away..and Zimmerman wanted him to stop. Well he stopped.

I've seen no evidence to say he was running away.

You're making this shit up.

In the Audio I heard you can CLEARLY hear Zimmerman say that Trayvon Martin was running away. He even said "these guys always get away"... why on Earth would he say that if the kid was coming toward him at the time? Then he tells the dispatcher where the kid is going and gets out of the car. The dispatcher asks "are you following him?" then Zimmerman tells him yes and the dispatcher says "we don't need you to do that."

From what I've heard on the 9/11 tapes, I don't see where Trayvon committed a crime AT ALL.

He was a young African American male walking in the rain in a suburban neighborhood. This might be news to some of you, but... that's not a crime.

EVEN IF he first confronted Zimmerman, this was long after Zimmerman began unnecessarily stalking him while he was ON HIS CELL PHONE calling the police.

Let me inform some of you of the simple fact that Latinos and African Americans don't always get along in Florida... or pretty much anywhere in the US. If you're an African American teenager walking by yourself in a Florida neighborhood, with a grown Hispanic male following you in a car with a phone in his hand watching your every move...

... do you assume he's just a concerned citizen that thinks you're suspicious? Or do you possibly... maybe... assume that THIS guy might be up to no good?

Does anybody see how stalking somebody because they look suspicious might not be wise? If you don't... well I don't know what to tell you. Even IF and that's a big IF Trayvon Martin initiated the conflict or confronted Zimmerman, the confrontation was reasonable and HE was acting out of self-defense if anybody was.

We have people on this thread calling him a criminal. They have no evidence that he ever committed a crime in his life. The fact is though this kid could have been a choir boy who gave his lunch money to poor kids at school everyday... he'd still be just another minority criminal. Again, God will have the final say...

I agree with what you are saying but it seems like most people already have their minds made up that Trayvon was a criminal and Zimmerman was a diligent citizen exercising his civic duty in subduing an out of control black criminal threat, just the way it is.
I've seen no evidence to say he was running away.

You're making this shit up.

In the Audio I heard you can CLEARLY hear Zimmerman say that Trayvon Martin was running away. He even said "these guys always get away"... why on Earth would he say that if the kid was coming toward him at the time? Then he tells the dispatcher where the kid is going and gets out of the car. The dispatcher asks "are you following him?" then Zimmerman tells him yes and the dispatcher says "we don't need you to do that."

From what I've heard on the 9/11 tapes, I don't see where Trayvon committed a crime AT ALL.

He was a young African American male walking in the rain in a suburban neighborhood. This might be news to some of you, but... that's not a crime.

EVEN IF he first confronted Zimmerman, this was long after Zimmerman began unnecessarily stalking him while he was ON HIS CELL PHONE calling the police.

Let me inform some of you of the simple fact that Latinos and African Americans don't always get along in Florida... or pretty much anywhere in the US. If you're an African American teenager walking by yourself in a Florida neighborhood, with a grown Hispanic male following you in a car with a phone in his hand watching your every move...

... do you assume he's just a concerned citizen that thinks you're suspicious? Or do you possibly... maybe... assume that THIS guy might be up to no good?

Does anybody see how stalking somebody because they look suspicious might not be wise? If you don't... well I don't know what to tell you. Even IF and that's a big IF Trayvon Martin initiated the conflict or confronted Zimmerman, the confrontation was reasonable and HE was acting out of self-defense if anybody was.

We have people on this thread calling him a criminal. They have no evidence that he ever committed a crime in his life. The fact is though this kid could have been a choir boy who gave his lunch money to poor kids at school everyday... he'd still be just another minority criminal. Again, God will have the final say...

I agree with what you are saying but it seems like most people already have their minds made up that Trayvon was a criminal and Zimmerman was a diligent citizen exercising his civic duty in subduing an out of control black criminal threat, just the way it is.
Only the rabid racists do.

Mark my words...heads will roll for this.

In the Audio I heard you can CLEARLY hear Zimmerman say that Trayvon Martin was running away. He even said "these guys always get away"... why on Earth would he say that if the kid was coming toward him at the time? Then he tells the dispatcher where the kid is going and gets out of the car. The dispatcher asks "are you following him?" then Zimmerman tells him yes and the dispatcher says "we don't need you to do that."

From what I've heard on the 9/11 tapes, I don't see where Trayvon committed a crime AT ALL.

He was a young African American male walking in the rain in a suburban neighborhood. This might be news to some of you, but... that's not a crime.

EVEN IF he first confronted Zimmerman, this was long after Zimmerman began unnecessarily stalking him while he was ON HIS CELL PHONE calling the police.

Let me inform some of you of the simple fact that Latinos and African Americans don't always get along in Florida... or pretty much anywhere in the US. If you're an African American teenager walking by yourself in a Florida neighborhood, with a grown Hispanic male following you in a car with a phone in his hand watching your every move...

... do you assume he's just a concerned citizen that thinks you're suspicious? Or do you possibly... maybe... assume that THIS guy might be up to no good?

Does anybody see how stalking somebody because they look suspicious might not be wise? If you don't... well I don't know what to tell you. Even IF and that's a big IF Trayvon Martin initiated the conflict or confronted Zimmerman, the confrontation was reasonable and HE was acting out of self-defense if anybody was.

We have people on this thread calling him a criminal. They have no evidence that he ever committed a crime in his life. The fact is though this kid could have been a choir boy who gave his lunch money to poor kids at school everyday... he'd still be just another minority criminal. Again, God will have the final say...

I agree with what you are saying but it seems like most people already have their minds made up that Trayvon was a criminal and Zimmerman was a diligent citizen exercising his civic duty in subduing an out of control black criminal threat, just the way it is.
Only the rabid racists do.

Mark my words...heads will roll for this.


I hope so my brother.
You present a perfect argument except for the glaring flaw (bold & underlined). What crime was happening? What had Martin done which is in any way unlawful? Based on everything I've read and heard, Zimmerman acted without reasonable cause. My understanding is even police are constrained from doing that.

I'll concede that I'm from New York/New Jersey and I know nothing about Florida law. But is it lawful there for an ordinary citizen to aggressively confront and question another citizen on public thoroughfare because of some vague suspicion of wrongdoing?

Here's the text of the law:

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

There's nothing in there that authorizes killing someone simply because they are walking in a neighborhood where they have every right to be.

And in fact, it specifically doesn't apply to the killing of children.

If anyone in this case had the justification to use deadly force, it would have been the victim.

It does justify deadly force if you are in fear for your life.

I think you should STFU until you know what really happened.
Hey racist, deadly force is only allowed in YOUR HOME, your castle, you know, where you have no room/place to run/hide, not out in the streets where YOU YOURSELF CONFRONTED your victim....and have ample space to get away from the situation.

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Depends on the prey. Martin was running away..and Zimmerman wanted him to stop. Well he stopped.

I've seen no evidence to say he was running away.

You're making this shit up.

Then you didn't listen to the 911 tapes. Zimmerman, himself, said he was running.
Those rabid RW racist types only listen to one source of news/information, and that source never covers the story fully, only the RW side.

They probably fear the NRA or some stupid shat like that.

Yesterday on talk radio, I heard numerous gun-owners and NRAers call in saying this is a travesty and the law needs to come down on Zimmerman. They said that this gives the rest of gun-owners a bad name. I applaud those folks.
It does justify deadly force if you are in fear for your life.

I think you should STFU until you know what really happened.
If he was in fear of his life, he wouldn't have left his vehicle and pursued the kid.

Ravi....you really don't know anything, do you?

Seems the only violence you've witnessed is on the TV.

You've never been in a life-or-death situation.

Shit doesn't always go like it does in movies. Fights are not choreographed.

What it looks like is the hispanic neighborhood watch guy asked the guy who he was and what he was doing, the black kid got an attitude and it turned into a fight. They say the hispanic guy got a gash on his head from a can the black kid hit him with. He shouldn't have had a gun with him. He shot the kid and he's dead.

Now what does this all prove to you????

Does it prove that the GOP hates blacks?????

My guess is it does, in your mind at least. But what I'm seeing is two of the Democrat's special-interest groups fighting it out and racist opportunists trying to capitalize off of the situation because the shooter has what appears to be a white name.

As it is I have better things to do than deal with his media generated controversy.
You guess wrong, but then again you're an idiot.

The authors of our stand your ground bill are equally outraged about this shooting and claim it is not justified under the law as written.

And they are Republicans.
If he was in fear of his life, he wouldn't have left his vehicle and pursued the kid.

Ravi....you really don't know anything, do you?

Seems the only violence you've witnessed is on the TV.

You've never been in a life-or-death situation.

Shit doesn't always go like it does in movies. Fights are not choreographed.

What it looks like is the hispanic neighborhood watch guy asked the guy who he was and what he was doing, the black kid got an attitude and it turned into a fight. They say the hispanic guy got a gash on his head from a can the black kid hit him with. He shouldn't have had a gun with him. He shot the kid and he's dead.

Now what does this all prove to you????

Does it prove that the GOP hates blacks?????

My guess is it does, in your mind at least. But what I'm seeing is two of the Democrat's special-interest groups fighting it out and racist opportunists trying to capitalize off of the situation because the shooter has what appears to be a white name.

As it is I have better things to do than deal with his media generated controversy.
You guess wrong, but then again you're an idiot.

The authors of our stand your ground bill are equally outraged about this shooting and claim it is not justified under the law as written.

And they are Republicans.
MudWhistle is just trying to whistle in the mud...as usual. Wrong and strong...as usual. Doesn't know the facts...as usual. Racist as all get up...as usual.

No surprises there.

What we can expect is that this law will eventually get shut down...as it should have never been instituted in the first place.
Ravi....you really don't know anything, do you?

Seems the only violence you've witnessed is on the TV.

You've never been in a life-or-death situation.

Shit doesn't always go like it does in movies. Fights are not choreographed.

What it looks like is the hispanic neighborhood watch guy asked the guy who he was and what he was doing, the black kid got an attitude and it turned into a fight. They say the hispanic guy got a gash on his head from a can the black kid hit him with. He shouldn't have had a gun with him. He shot the kid and he's dead.

Now what does this all prove to you????

Does it prove that the GOP hates blacks?????

My guess is it does, in your mind at least. But what I'm seeing is two of the Democrat's special-interest groups fighting it out and racist opportunists trying to capitalize off of the situation because the shooter has what appears to be a white name.

As it is I have better things to do than deal with his media generated controversy.
You guess wrong, but then again you're an idiot.

The authors of our stand your ground bill are equally outraged about this shooting and claim it is not justified under the law as written.

And they are Republicans.
MudWhistle is just trying to whistle in the mud...as usual. Wrong and strong...as usual. Doesn't know the facts...as usual. Racist as all get up...as usual.

No surprises there.

What we can expect is that this law will eventually get shut down...as it should have never been instituted in the first place.
I agree it is a bad law because as we can see, it makes the cops decide to not make arrests and/or the district attorney decide not to prosecute if someone claims self-defense. That is wrong, imo, because self-defense MUST be demonstrated.

But according to the law as written, this shooting was not justified, EVEN if it turns out the kid smacked the perp upside the head, because the perp was the threatening party.
I've seen no evidence to say he was running away.

You're making this shit up.

In the Audio I heard you can CLEARLY hear Zimmerman say that Trayvon Martin was running away. He even said "these guys always get away"... why on Earth would he say that if the kid was coming toward him at the time? Then he tells the dispatcher where the kid is going and gets out of the car. The dispatcher asks "are you following him?" then Zimmerman tells him yes and the dispatcher says "we don't need you to do that."

From what I've heard on the 9/11 tapes, I don't see where Trayvon committed a crime AT ALL.

He was a young African American male walking in the rain in a suburban neighborhood. This might be news to some of you, but... that's not a crime.

EVEN IF he first confronted Zimmerman, this was long after Zimmerman began unnecessarily stalking him while he was ON HIS CELL PHONE calling the police.

Let me inform some of you of the simple fact that Latinos and African Americans don't always get along in Florida... or pretty much anywhere in the US. If you're an African American teenager walking by yourself in a Florida neighborhood, with a grown Hispanic male following you in a car with a phone in his hand watching your every move...

... do you assume he's just a concerned citizen that thinks you're suspicious? Or do you possibly... maybe... assume that THIS guy might be up to no good?

Does anybody see how stalking somebody because they look suspicious might not be wise? If you don't... well I don't know what to tell you. Even IF and that's a big IF Trayvon Martin initiated the conflict or confronted Zimmerman, the confrontation was reasonable and HE was acting out of self-defense if anybody was.

We have people on this thread calling him a criminal. They have no evidence that he ever committed a crime in his life. The fact is though this kid could have been a choir boy who gave his lunch money to poor kids at school everyday... he'd still be just another minority criminal. Again, God will have the final say...

I agree with what you are saying but it seems like most people already have their minds made up that Trayvon was a criminal and Zimmerman was a diligent citizen exercising his civic duty in subduing an out of control black criminal threat, just the way it is.

Sadly, I have to agree with you and Uppie. I'm open minded about the scenario until I have the full facts... and I prefer trial by jury to trial by media... In order to establish what happened we need ALL the facts, not just a 911 tape. On the evidence of the tape, I won't be defending Zimmerman though.

My thoughts, and prayers, are with Trayvon's family who have not only lost a family member, but now have to be put through the 'trial by media' bullshit.
But according to the law as written, this shooting was not justified, EVEN if it turns out the kid smacked the perp upside the head, because the perp was the threatening party.

Was on private property of which Zimmerman has a property interest in and had no responsibility to retreat and was fully in the right in pursuing and questioning an unknown trespasser.
But according to the law as written, this shooting was not justified, EVEN if it turns out the kid smacked the perp upside the head, because the perp was the threatening party.

Was on private property of which Zimmerman has a property interest in and had no responsibility to retreat and was fully in the right in pursuing and questioning an unknown trespasser.

So this incident happened on Zimmerman's front lawn?:cuckoo:
But according to the law as written, this shooting was not justified, EVEN if it turns out the kid smacked the perp upside the head, because the perp was the threatening party.

Was on private property of which Zimmerman has a property interest in and had no responsibility to retreat and was fully in the right in pursuing and questioning an unknown trespasser.

So this incident happened on Zimmerman's front lawn?:cuckoo:

Essentially yes. Gated communities in Florida contain private rights-of-way dedicated to an owners association with owner's holding fee to equal unidivided interest in the roads and common areas.
Was on private property of which Zimmerman has a property interest in and had no responsibility to retreat and was fully in the right in pursuing and questioning an unknown trespasser.

So this incident happened on Zimmerman's front lawn?:cuckoo:

Essentially yes. Gated communities in Florida contain private rights-of-way dedicated to an owners association with owner's holding fee to equal unidivided interest in the roads and common areas.

His father lives in the gated community. The kid had every right to be there.

Did you read the actual law?

I didn't think so because it expressly forbids killing children.
So this incident happened on Zimmerman's front lawn?:cuckoo:

Essentially yes. Gated communities in Florida contain private rights-of-way dedicated to an owners association with owner's holding fee to equal unidivided interest in the roads and common areas.

His father lives in the gated community. The kid had every right to be there.

Did you read the actual law?

I didn't think so because it expressly forbids killing children.

He chose to attack Zimmerman instead of clarifying his guest status.
Was on private property of which Zimmerman has a property interest in and had no responsibility to retreat and was fully in the right in pursuing and questioning an unknown trespasser.

So this incident happened on Zimmerman's front lawn?:cuckoo:

Essentially yes. Gated communities in Florida contain private rights-of-way dedicated to an owners association with owner's holding fee to equal unidivided interest in the roads and common areas.

Zimmerman called the cops and should have left it at that, going in pursuit of a suspect is not in the job description of the neighborhood watch sorry.
Essentially yes. Gated communities in Florida contain private rights-of-way dedicated to an owners association with owner's holding fee to equal unidivided interest in the roads and common areas.

His father lives in the gated community. The kid had every right to be there.

Did you read the actual law?

I didn't think so because it expressly forbids killing children.

He chose to attack Zimmerman instead of clarifying his guest status.

Ok you have made your stance fairly clear, you are on the side of the shooter whether he is right or wrong.

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