White nationalist Gosar nails this one.

This is SO CON-FUSING for those on the Right.
To deny people the opportunity to be in the game is racism. To condemn them for their politics is not. They represent the end of common sense in their views. Blending into a culture is not their agenda. We are ending up with a Tower of Babel. You see the division now. And there are divisions within the divisions.
You do understand how a Trump could run and win an election. All the Repubs had to do is keep their promises. The Congress has had multiple chances. All Trump's agendas were what near all politicians backed at some point over the years.
How'd that wall come along? And that replacement of Obamacare? And balancing the budget? All trump's promises/agenda.
How'd that wall come along? And that replacement of Obamacare? And balancing the budget? All trump's promises/agenda.
We learn from others. We also have our predetermined views from experiences and where it is more comfortable. We have a Congress also. Voting for or against things. The wall could have been completed but was slowed down. Obamacare replacement if it was to occur was detoured by McCain's hate of Trump. Balancing the Budget is a pipe dream now because we do not have the courage to live within our means and it is a death sentence for a politician. All promises! If a politician gets half his promises done that is not bad. Biden made promises as a moderate. He lied. And has run government as a Progressive Socialist and that is still not far left enough for the newbies and Sanders.
Let's see he was a vice president to a black president, he picked a black woman as his vice president and he nominated a black woman to the Supreme Court. You tell me.
Well he did say "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man." That sounds racist to me, am I wrong?

Biden said that Latinos in America resist vaccinations because “they’re worried that they’ll be vaccinated and deported.” So, this comment seems to be that all Latinos are illegals and will be deported? That sounds racist to me, how about you?

Then Biden has this gem about blacks reluctance to vaccinate. “They are used to being experimented on—the Tuskegee Airmen and others,” Biden said. It wasn't the airmen that were experimented on, it was the Tuskegee Experiment. Had a Republican said that he would have been toast.

Couple this with the morning radio show in May 2020, Biden infamously asserted to the largely black audience that if they were unsure of whether to vote for him or Trump, then “you ain’t black!” Then couple that with his comment in August 2020 when Biden told a gathering of black and Hispanic journalists that “unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things.” So do all blacks think alike? This is news to me but Biden claimed it to be true and the black community is silent on the issue.

Then in his eulogy to Byrd, in 2010, he claimed, the former Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan, was “one of my mentors” and that “the Senate is a lesser place for his going.” Strange thing to say about a KKK member.

In 2006, in an interview he said, “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.” Sounds racist to me, what about you?

In the late 70's Biden didn't want forced busing because he didn't want his kids to “grow up in a racial jungle.” That again sounds racist, does it sound racist to you?

His VP pick Harris has blasted Biden on his racism and support or segregation.

Each incident sounds innocent however take of the course of his career, he sounds as racist and ignorant.

Would you not agree?
You are correct. You didn't add an apostrophe. It was funny....like "Ukrainian" and "Iranian" funny.

I thought you'd laugh along, but sorry that your (your) feelings were crushed instead.
and ssssssssssssssssssssttttttttttiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll deflecting :lol:
Well he did say "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man." That sounds racist to me, am I wrong?

Biden said that Latinos in America resist vaccinations because “they’re worried that they’ll be vaccinated and deported.” So, this comment seems to be that all Latinos are illegals and will be deported? That sounds racist to me, how about you?

Then Biden has this gem about blacks reluctance to vaccinate. “They are used to being experimented on—the Tuskegee Airmen and others,” Biden said. It wasn't the airmen that were experimented on, it was the Tuskegee Experiment. Had a Republican said that he would have been toast.

Couple this with the morning radio show in May 2020, Biden infamously asserted to the largely black audience that if they were unsure of whether to vote for him or Trump, then “you ain’t black!” Then couple that with his comment in August 2020 when Biden told a gathering of black and Hispanic journalists that “unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things.” So do all blacks think alike? This is news to me but Biden claimed it to be true and the black community is silent on the issue.

Then in his eulogy to Byrd, in 2010, he claimed, the former Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan, was “one of my mentors” and that “the Senate is a lesser place for his going.” Strange thing to say about a KKK member.

In 2006, in an interview he said, “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.” Sounds racist to me, what about you?

In the late 70's Biden didn't want forced busing because he didn't want his kids to “grow up in a racial jungle.” That again sounds racist, does it sound racist to you?

His VP pick Harris has blasted Biden on his racism and support or segregation.

Each incident sounds innocent however take of the course of his career, he sounds as racist and ignorant.

Would you not agree?
poor kids are just as smart and talented as white kids

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