White Nationalists like Stormfront are stuck on stupid! Viva La 4chan /Pol/!

Eek, the quality of Russian trolls has really gone downhill.
We've had an absolute mob of new members, most conservatives, in the past few days. WHAT is going on?
Conservatives don't actually like Hitler.

Yep, we just like free speech and the white supremacists take advantage of it. We created the Lincoln Republican, and the Democrats created the KKK, race baiting, insurrection, and communist sympathizing.
Lol. You want to claim the tyrannical piece of shit war criminal Lincoln? Good god.

Lincoln was a federalist who wanted a full union. The South wanted rebellion, land ownership, slave trade because it was their only economy. Honestly, that's why conservatives like both, not white supremacy, or Nazism
Why are you starting your posts with a number? Is it some kind of code? Thumbs too big? What?
These clowns don't get it. Most whites want to fight for white identity not white supremacy today. People like 4chan/Pol/ and the alt-rigjt weed white supremacy out and keep it honest. It's all white people have now anyway.9

Half the so-called "white supremacists" on there are undercover FBI, looking to entrap some idiot into doing something stupid. That's why I gave up on militia boards years ago.
that's why conservatives like both, not white supremacy, or Nazism
Conservatives as we've known them for decades are nutless fucking pussies...Go with Nationalists.

We try, we really do. The war neo-cons sucked and wanted to help the military complex Eisenhower warned. 9/11 was a big one though. We got Osama Bin Laden. Fucking Bush Jr. wanted to sacrifice American lives and kill innocent Arabs to protect his Skull & Bones daddy. That was just rich white gangsterism. We conservatives see all that shit too.
These clowns don't get it. Most whites want to fight for white identity not white supremacy today. People like 4chan/Pol/ and the alt-rigjt weed white supremacy out and keep it honest. It's all white people have now anyway.9

Half the so-called "white supremacists" on there are undercover FBI, looking to entrap some idiot into doing something stupid. That's why I gave up on militia boards years ago.

Yep, I just laid low and posted. I'm not out to harm anybody. Just share an idea call it stupid or based, and make a friend here and there. Maybe I will make friends here!
Eek, the quality of Russian trolls has really gone downhill.
We've had an absolute mob of new members, most conservatives, in the past few days. WHAT is going on?
Conservatives don't actually like Hitler.

Yep, we just like free speech and the white supremacists take advantage of it. We created the Lincoln Republican, and the Democrats created the KKK, race baiting, insurrection, and communist sympathizing.
Lol. You want to claim the tyrannical piece of shit war criminal Lincoln? Good god.

Lincoln was a federalist who wanted a full union. The South wanted rebellion, land ownership, slave trade because it was their only economy. Honestly, that's why conservatives like both, not white supremacy, or Nazism
Cuckservatives care about their money not their race. That's their problem. No spines to see what truly matters.
Eek, the quality of Russian trolls has really gone downhill.
We've had an absolute mob of new members, most conservatives, in the past few days. WHAT is going on?
Conservatives don't actually like Hitler.

Yep, we just like free speech and the white supremacists take advantage of it. We created the Lincoln Republican, and the Democrats created the KKK, race baiting, insurrection, and communist sympathizing.
Lol. You want to claim the tyrannical piece of shit war criminal Lincoln? Good god.

Lincoln was a federalist who wanted a full union. The South wanted rebellion, land ownership, slave trade because it was their only economy. Honestly, that's why conservatives like both, not white supremacy, or Nazism
Cuckservatives care about their money not their race. That's their problem. No spines to see what truly matters.
Caring about advancing a specific race is strictly reserved for dark people only...Caucasians are forbidden to even think such a thing...if one does he/she is immediately declared a RACIST.

I've been telling you liberal DUMBFUCKS you're doing nothing but enraging the retards that are not stable to begin with. They don't have a clue about actual policy, they don't know shit about economics, foreign policy, domestic policy, banking, money supply, Keynesian Economics Vs. The Smith School. They have no more of a grasp of reality than the bed wetters who "occupied WallStreet" or the parasites who aren't sure WTF they're even doing in a small part of Seattle right now.

All you do is divide and enrage people, so don't get pissed off when most people watch society collapse from outside the urban areas and let them burn, then shoot the people trying to find food out in the country.

These clowns don't get it. Most whites want to fight for white identity not white supremacy today. People like 4chan/Pol/ and the alt-rigjt weed white supremacy out and keep it honest. It's all white people have now anyway.9
Why can’t whites act like every other race, day they are the best..
These clowns don't get it. Most whites want to fight for white identity not white supremacy today. People like 4chan/Pol/ and the alt-rigjt weed white supremacy out and keep it honest. It's all white people have now anyway.9
Chris Cantwell, izzat you?
I thought it might be Jake Starkey there for a minute.

I've been telling you liberal DUMBFUCKS you're doing nothing but enraging the retards that are not stable to begin with. They don't have a clue about actual policy, they don't know shit about economics, foreign policy, domestic policy, banking, money supply, Keynesian Economics Vs. The Smith School. They have no more of a grasp of reality than the bed wetters who "occupied WallStreet" or the parasites who aren't sure WTF they're even doing in a small part of Seattle right now.

All you do is divide and enrage people, so don't get pissed off when most people watch society collapse from outside the urban areas and let them burn, then shoot the people trying to find food out in the country.

They can't help it, Pete. They never knew anything but welfare, food stamps and free shit.
If we are all Americans, then why we have multiculturalism and diversity then? Why do we love pizza, Chinese food, and Mexican food ? Get out the house. We Americans aren't just race but we are! The founding fathers were white that pisses off the communists who use racial divide in America.


I'll give you credit for that....

When shit was going well and covid wasn't an issue we all seemed to be getting along well. As I've pointed out too damn many times we are a single race of humans. We are divided by people who are using that as a tool, and I for one am quite sick of it.

There is however one political party in the US that flourished from racial division, and it's also the party that divided the country over slavery and lost the war that ended slavery.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it Mac1958

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