White People making a comeback in 2016

But like other harmful diseases, liberalism is spreading and needs to be stopped before it infects the entire nation. Minorities are a big contributor to that, and the great America will only be known in history books in just a few generations if it's not stopped now.
I guess that is why the prospect of whites as a minority is so scary. Imagine being treated like a minority!
But like other harmful diseases, liberalism is spreading and needs to be stopped before it infects the entire nation. Minorities are a big contributor to that, and the great America will only be known in history books in just a few generations if it's not stopped now.
I guess that is why the prospect of whites as a minority is so scary. Imagine being treated like a minority!
Make no mistake, they are loading up their depends at the thought of being a minority

You can't refute it, eh? I didn't think so! heh heh heh!

How does one refute something somebody made up?

Casper the Friendly Ghose lives next door to me. Now prove I'm wrong. :ack-1::ack-1:
I have no desire to prove or disprove that. How silly of you to ask?

Bu tif you want to know if Blacks are disparaged in applications for credit and cheated even after they get it I suggest you google
words like " Blacks and the credit system in the USA."
But like other harmful diseases, liberalism is spreading and needs to be stopped before it infects the entire nation. Minorities are a big contributor to that, and the great America will only be known in history books in just a few generations if it's not stopped now.
I guess that is why the prospect of whites as a minority is so scary. Imagine being treated like a minority!

Mmm, the way we treat minorities today? You mean like giving blacks a 300 point bonus for having black skin in Ivy League College admissions?

I should be so lucky.
You can't refute it, eh? I didn't think so! heh heh heh!

How does one refute something somebody made up?

Casper the Friendly Ghose lives next door to me. Now prove I'm wrong. :ack-1::ack-1:
I have no desire to prove or disprove that. How silly of you to ask?

Bu tif you want to know if Blacks are disparaged in applications for credit and cheated even after they get it I suggest you google
words like " Blacks and the credit system in the USA."

Does anyone else remember that one of the prime causes of the Great Recession was that politicians pressured banks to lend to people, often minorities, that would not normally have been approved?

Because they were crappy candidates for repayment.
But like other harmful diseases, liberalism is spreading and needs to be stopped before it infects the entire nation. Minorities are a big contributor to that, and the great America will only be known in history books in just a few generations if it's not stopped now.
I guess that is why the prospect of whites as a minority is so scary. Imagine being treated like a minority!

Mmm, the way we treat minorities today? You mean like giving blacks a 300 point bonus for having black skin in Ivy League College admissions?

I should be so lucky.
Could you not outscore them anywhey?
Bu tif you want to know if Blacks are disparaged in applications for credit and cheated even after they get it I suggest you google
words like " Blacks and the credit system in the USA."

So you want me to search for your made-up claim? Sorry, blogs don't work like that. You make the claim and get called out on it, you provide the reliable proof. That's how it works.

So why don't you search Google, and when you find somebody that's been discriminated by a bank (or any other institution for that matter) and contact the authorities because they are breaking the law. Yes, that's right, we have laws against separate standards for minorities, and the penalties are enormous.

Now get to work......times a wasting. Those poor discriminated against people need you right now.
Mmm, the way we treat minorities today? You mean like giving blacks a 300 point bonus for having black skin in Ivy League College admissions?

I should be so lucky.
So why aren't you welcoming the prospect? Reality intrusion?
I guess that is why the prospect of whites as a minority is so scary. Imagine being treated like a minority!

Of course it's scary. What nationality or race of people would be so willing to give up their majority in their very own country other than surrender-first liberals? Who else would be stupid enough to do that?

I am white and I want to keep the majority of this country white. It's worked extremely well in the little over 200 years we've been a country and if it's not broke--don't fix it. Why do you think those people are coming here and we're not trying to live over there?
So why don't you search Google, and when you find somebody that's been discriminated by a bank
As though redlining never existed.


Redlining - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the United States, redlining is the practice of denying services, either directly or through selectively raising prices, to residents of certain areas based on the racial or ethnic makeups of those areas. While some of the most famous examples of redlining regard denying financial services such as banking or insurance,[2] other services such as health care [3] or even supermarkets,[4] can be denied to residents (or in the case of businesses like the aforementioned supermarkets, simply moved impractically far away from such residents) to carry out redlining.

Just how obtuse does one have to be to go through life so uninformed?
Of course it's scary. What nationality or race of people would be so willing to give up their majority in their very own country other than surrender-first liberals? Who else would be stupid enough to do that?
People who didn't repress their minorities. As though it's not the 'minorities' very own country too.
So why don't you search Google, and when you find somebody that's been discriminated by a bank
As though redlining never existed.


Redlining - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the United States, redlining is the practice of denying services, either directly or through selectively raising prices, to residents of certain areas based on the racial or ethnic makeups of those areas. While some of the most famous examples of redlining regard denying financial services such as banking or insurance,[2] other services such as health care [3] or even supermarkets,[4] can be denied to residents (or in the case of businesses like the aforementioned supermarkets, simply moved impractically far away from such residents) to carry out redlining.

Just how obtuse does one have to be to go through life so uninformed?

Do you even understand what redlining is? And you bring up something that was taking place all the way back in the Carter administration?

Who lends money or buys property in the ghetto? Only an idiot or somebody that is forced (by government) to do so.

Do you remember the housing crisis? How did that happen? It was Democrats pressuring banks to give loans to people that couldn't pay them back. So why would banks want to loan money into an area that would almost guarantee them they would never get their money back?
I guess that is why the prospect of whites as a minority is so scary. Imagine being treated like a minority!

Of course it's scary. What nationality or race of people would be so willing to give up their majority in their very own country other than surrender-first liberals? Who else would be stupid enough to do that?

I am white and I want to keep the majority of this country white. It's worked extremely well in the little over 200 years we've been a country and if it's not broke--don't fix it. Why do you think those people are coming here and we're not trying to live over there?
Don't worry, they'll have to outnumber us 10 to 1 before the odds will begin to tip in their favor. Of course, they'll think they have the advantage at about 2 to 1 and start a war, then they'll end up being the minority again.
I guess that is why the prospect of whites as a minority is so scary. Imagine being treated like a minority!

Of course it's scary. What nationality or race of people would be so willing to give up their majority in their very own country other than surrender-first liberals? Who else would be stupid enough to do that?

I am white and I want to keep the majority of this country white. It's worked extremely well in the little over 200 years we've been a country and if it's not broke--don't fix it. Why do you think those people are coming here and we're not trying to live over there?

I'm more concerned with the culture and values of Western Civilization being preserved than skin color: Rule of Law, Property Rights, Freedom of Speech, Consent of the Governed....Liberty.
This is what worries me: Is Islam Compatible with Democracy? (hint: No.)

Two facts point to Islam not being compatible with democracy. First, there is no country where Islam is dominant that can be considered a democracy with freedom of speech and equal justice under law. Some point to Malaysia and Indonesia -- two countries where flogging and other corporal punishments are meted out, for example, to women showing too much hair or skin, as well as to anyone who makes fun of, questions or criticizes Islam. Others point to Turkey as an example of an "Islamic democracy" -- a country which routinely imprisons journalists, political dissidents and random people thought to have "offended" President Erdogan, "Islam" or "the nation."

Second, Muslims in Europe vote collectively. In France, 93% of Muslims voted for the current president, François Hollande, in 2012. In Sweden, the Social Democrats reported that 75% of Swedish Muslims voted for them in the general election of 2006; and studies show that the "red-green" bloc gets 80-90% of the Muslim vote.

It is no secret that democracy can be used to abolish democracy -- yet, this crucial issue is completely taboo in Sweden. Politicians, authorities and journalists all see Islam as just another religion. They seem to have no clue that Islam is also a political ideology, a justice system (sharia) and a specific culture that has rules for virtually everything in a person's life: how to dress; who your friends should be; which foot should go first when you enter the bathroom. Granted, not all Muslims follow all these rules, but that does not change the fact that Islam aspires to control every aspect of human life -- the very definition of a totalitarian ideology....

Sweden: Is Islam Compatible With Democracy? | Zero Hedge
People who didn't repress their minorities. As though it's not the 'minorities' very own country too.

No, it is not their country. It's our country and we allow them to come here and live. But we have standards that Democrats (mostly DumBama) have violated. What's in it for them? Votes. These minority groups tend to vote Democrat, and given the fact a Democrat would sell his own mother to the devil for a vote, Democrats are selling out our country for the same reason, and you and your ilk are supporting them.
And more:

In his book Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat, published in 2005, Dr. Peter Hammond describes what has always happened throughout history when the number of Muslims in a country increases. Admittedly generalities, Hammond outlines the following:

  • As long as the Muslims make up about 1%, they are generally considered a peace-loving minority who do not bother anyone.
  • At 2-3%, some start proselytizing to other minorities and disgruntled groups, especially in prison and among street gangs.
  • At 5%, Muslims have an unreasonably large influence relative to their share of the population. Many demand halal slaughtered meat, and have been pushing the food industry to produce and sell it. They have also started to work toward the government giving them autonomy under sharia law. Hammond writes that the goal of Islam is not to convert the whole world, but rather, to establish sharia law all over the world.
  • When Muslims reach 10%, historically, lawlessness increases. Some start to complain about their situation, start riots and car fires, and threaten people they feel insult Islam.
  • At 20%, violent riots erupt, jihadi militia groups are formed, people are murdered, and churches and synagogues are set ablaze.
  • When the Muslims reach 40% of the population, there are widespread massacres, constant terror attacks and militia warfare.
  • At 60%, there is the possibility of uninhibited persecution of non-Muslims, sporadic ethnic cleansing, possible genocide, implementation of sharia law and jizya (the tax for "protection" that unbelievers must pay).
  • When there are 80% Muslims in the country, they have taken control of the government apparatus and are, as in, for instance, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq, committing violence in the name of Islam or political power.
  • When 100% are Muslims, the peace in the house of Islam is supposed to come -- hence the claim that Islam is the "religion of peace."
Hammond also writes that in many countries, such as France, Belgium, Great Britain and Sweden, most of the Muslim population lives in Islamic enclaves -- and apparently prefer not to be assimilated into a Western society. This detachment strengthens the group internally, allowing them to exercise greater power than their share of the population might indicate....

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