White Supremacist in America...

Bullshit. I am 100% Independent. Unlike you I am not beholden to any party like a little sheep.

You're a Trump supporter. That says all that needs to be said.

Case in Point. So what? Doesn't mean he would automatically get my vote in 2020. Run someone better and I'll vote for them. You have TDS and are an asshole. That is all that needs to be said. Supporting Trump doesn't make one good or bad. Just like being against Trump doesn't make one good or bad so long as you have logic as to why. You're an illogical idiot.

Supporting Trump makes you a supporter of racist, hateful programs.

That has to be one of the stupidest arguments I've seen in a long time. No one supports everything any politician does.

You can try to pretend none of that matters, but we both know it does. At least be honest about what the pig is.
To claim that anyone who supports ANY of a politician's actions supports ALL of that politician's actions is foolish in the extreme.
White privilege is a myth. The white supremacy movement is something blacks and Hispanics made up to get more votes for their political candidates.
Such as-?

Mexicans are Rapists and criminals, Trump panders to white Nationalists, (Steve Bannon), wants to completely ban Muslims, Claimed a judge couldn't fairly rule "because he's a Mexican". The judge was born in Indiana. He said a Muslim judge wouldn't be fair either. Justice Department sued his management company several times for not renting to blacks. Trump plaza fined $200,000 for discriminating against black card dealers. Quotes like this
“And isn’t it funny. I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it,” O’Donnell recalled Trump saying. “The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”

“I think the guy is lazy,” Trump said of a black employee, according to O’Donnell. “And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.”
Trump is and always has been a racist.

#1) No he never said all. He said they don't send their best and some are and that is true.

#2) He wanted to ban people from certain Muslim countries because we could not properly vet them. Je Suis Charlie.

#3) He went overboard on the Judge

#4) Conjecture. If he was racist he would have been exposed as such before he ran as he was always a public personality. NO ONE called him a racist before he ran/won.

#5) More conjecture. See #4.

Keep trying.

He was exposed as a racist before he ran. The idiots that voted for him just didn't care.

So when he was on Celebrity Apprentice he was a racist? Nope. No one ever accused him of that. Not even remotely true. Lying old man. You are a racist. There I said it. Now prove me wrong.

No one except all the judges who had already fined him a fortune for multiple cases of racism in his businesses. Just because you didn't pay attention or care that he had such a huge reputation for racism at the time doesn't mean it didn't exist.

LMAO. You’re such a lying loser.
It wasn't that relevant to the public before he ran, dumb ass. Lots of hateful racist people in the world, but they only represent themselves. The orange pig is supposed to represent all of us.

Name one President who “represented us all”? Not even Abe Lincoln did that. You’re such a virus.
Asshole, you're not responding to a post of mine. LOL

You’re not the virus.
Oh I think you'd consider me a virus. LOL
You aren't "bashing" anyone. You're attempting to make dopey false equivalencies.
naw, he's giving you facts. you don't like facts, we all know this. kkk is your baby, you all love their policies.
That ship sailed off long ago with Lee Atwater and southern strategy.
naw, you all still own the kkk. embrace your friends there.
In the full 116th Congress, the overwhelming majority of racial and ethnic nonwhite members are Democrats (90%), while just 10% are Republicans.

non-whites love being in the KKK party, dont they?
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee Honors KKK Grand Wizard With Proclamation
wonder why Bill Lee is a republican instead of democrat?
Not sure your point! Demolosers are the kkk!
In the full 116th Congress, the overwhelming majority of racial and ethnic nonwhite members are Democrats (90%), while just 10% are Republicans.

Tennessee governor honors KKK grand wizard, a month ago.
Mexicans are Rapists and criminals, Trump panders to white Nationalists, (Steve Bannon), wants to completely ban Muslims, Claimed a judge couldn't fairly rule "because he's a Mexican". The judge was born in Indiana. He said a Muslim judge wouldn't be fair either. Justice Department sued his management company several times for not renting to blacks. Trump plaza fined $200,000 for discriminating against black card dealers. Quotes like this
“And isn’t it funny. I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it,” O’Donnell recalled Trump saying. “The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”

“I think the guy is lazy,” Trump said of a black employee, according to O’Donnell. “And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.”
Trump is and always has been a racist.

#1) No he never said all. He said they don't send their best and some are and that is true.

#2) He wanted to ban people from certain Muslim countries because we could not properly vet them. Je Suis Charlie.

#3) He went overboard on the Judge

#4) Conjecture. If he was racist he would have been exposed as such before he ran as he was always a public personality. NO ONE called him a racist before he ran/won.

#5) More conjecture. See #4.

Keep trying.

He was exposed as a racist before he ran. The idiots that voted for him just didn't care.

So when he was on Celebrity Apprentice he was a racist? Nope. No one ever accused him of that. Not even remotely true. Lying old man. You are a racist. There I said it. Now prove me wrong.

No one except all the judges who had already fined him a fortune for multiple cases of racism in his businesses. Just because you didn't pay attention or care that he had such a huge reputation for racism at the time doesn't mean it didn't exist.

LMAO. You’re such a lying loser.

Pretending it didn't happen doesn't mean it didn't happen.
naw, he's giving you facts. you don't like facts, we all know this. kkk is your baby, you all love their policies.
That ship sailed off long ago with Lee Atwater and southern strategy.
naw, you all still own the kkk. embrace your friends there.
In the full 116th Congress, the overwhelming majority of racial and ethnic nonwhite members are Democrats (90%), while just 10% are Republicans.

non-whites love being in the KKK party, dont they?
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee Honors KKK Grand Wizard With Proclamation
wonder why Bill Lee is a republican instead of democrat?
Not sure your point! Demolosers are the kkk!
In the full 116th Congress, the overwhelming majority of racial and ethnic nonwhite members are Democrats (90%), while just 10% are Republicans.

Tennessee governor honors KKK grand wizard, a month ago.
Much of the general population is in between the power entities of law enforcement and what goes with it and power citizen entities like Antifa and BLM. Law Enforcement and its entities have abused and destroyed the rights of people and more then that, people. Most of what the have done they have gotten away with. you have done the same with Antifa and BLM. Attacking, miming and killing people who did no wrong while calling for justice. What you did under Obama was a foreshadowing of the future. Law Enforcement/Corrections/Judicial already has a more diverse way and is still anti freedom. You taking it over will be no better or worse. And you will not be able to cement your power that was achieved in the current political format we have. Therefore logic says you must end the Republic signed by the founding fathers and start a new way. Today I saw videos of all the Prog candidates parroting each other on freedom for all. It was sickening. For that is not what they are. They are Revolutionaries. Lets cut through the feces that has filled the bowels of our nation. They use race and gender and whatever else as a front for their true colors. To many of the Repubs think it is closer to the founding fathers then it is to the Russian revolution. The fact is the founding fathers began their death throes in 1913. Around the time of the Russian revolution. And the political class remade their documents instead of improving on them. I see no difference from the power fiefdom of a county I lived in down here and you. So what you say is one thing and what you do will be just what Antifa and BLM did to the innocent. The men and women who led us down this path. I hope they are in hell. And that same route is being followed by many of the living.
Everyone who is sane agrees with the 14 words.
Wow, speaking of the "14 Words", this is weird: American Nazi Party – 14 Words
Gosh, I wonder what iamwhatiseem , AzogtheDefiler , Frannie, Picaro and Terri4Trump think of this.

I'm guessing this won't get them too upset, and that they'll comment about me instead.

I'm guessing you're just attempting to call us Nazis via what you think is some clever semantics; being an idiot, you of course failed, as usual. Run along now, back to DU and Daily Kos, and find something new to parrot.
More lies, more insults, more name-calling.

It's almost unfair, how easy it is to trigger partisans.

Either side, of course.

Says the gimp who keeps claiming to be some sort of 'moderate' while peddling the Party Memes and the usual 'Ur a NATZEE!!!' rubbish whenever it gets flustered by simple obvious points.
Excellent. Two lies in your one short sentence.

I've never claimed to be a moderate, and that lie is addressed clearly in the second line of my sig: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.

I don't run around calling people Nazis, although I do love mocking those on both ends who do.

And I do love it when I can reduce wingers to lying. It's so easy.
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I have to say, this has been a bit of an eye-opener. I wouldn't have expected them to sign on to that "14 Words" thing so quickly and easily. That's serious, specific stuff, not just some random phrase.

So, now I know. Thank goodness for freedom of expression.

The problem Mac, is your IQ.

The reason I brought the 14 words is to counter your point that there is something wrong about Americans agreeing with some points of the white supremacist - which YOU found a problem. It's just a other variation of the "it's okay to be white" meme as said - which there obviously is no problem if Americans agree with.

Now if Americans agree with Hitler - that is an entirely different matter. In that case I suggest packing the bags and getting to Germany, they have open borders the last time I heard.
Well, the problem is that a bunch of your buddies jumped in and defended it.

But my IQ? Well, no doubt, I'm sure you're much more intelligent than I. That's just a given.

Defended what?

Not seeing many Hitler advocates around...
Holy crap. Seriously, you guys need to man up a little bit.

Stop being so freaking defensive. Be proud of what you are, say it with confidence.

Stop worrying so much about my opinion. Be yourself.


Can you just for once directly say what you find to be the problem instead of deflecting endlessly? Might as well also list the positions that you find are troublesome that so many people agree with the white supremacists.
Good gawd. First, this "conversation" is about 50 times more important to you than it is to me. Second, I'm not fond of having to point out the obvious to those who would rather be obtuse than honest.

Okay, one last time. My take on this, my manifesto, since it's so important to you: It seems we have a bit of a race problem in this country, and the flames are being fanned by both ends of the issue. Being of mixed race, being married into another mixed race family, I take this stuff and words like "racist" and "racism" pretty fucking seriously. I don't like spraying them around in some cynical effort to score political points one way or the other.

The Left has spent the last few generations coddling, making excuses for, deflecting for, attacking for, and (most importantly) lowering standards for minorities. The results are clear and have been predictable. The Regressive Left, the PC/Identity Politics zealots, have made a cottage industry at screaming RACIST and RACISM at every last fucking thing that moves. Do they scream it because it's true? Largely, no. They scream it to quickly & effectively put people on the defensive so that they don't have to have an honest conversation about race, because they damn well know what they've done. It angers me, it insults me, and I won't sit by silently for it.

The Right has spent the last couple of decades blindly & obediently taking their cue from talk radio, which trains them to (a) pretend REAL racism doesn't exist -- Just read one of Political Chic's absolutely bizarre diatribes -- and (b) try to deflect away from the REAL racism that DOES exist COMPLETELY onto the Left. The level of denial required to claim that REAL racism doesn't still exist is so prodigious that it borders on group psychosis. It can't possibly be real. No one can be that ignorant. So, the Right goes along its merry way refusing to admit that there really is a problem and mocks those who discuss it. It angers me, it insults me, and I won't sit by silently for it.

See, the two conditions can exist within the same universe simultaneously, and it just ain't that complicated.

Now, about you and yours, about which my opinion is of such profound importance. As I said, I will not throw around the terms "racist" or "racism". The Regressive Left (illiberal leftist authoritarians) have fucking WRECKED those TERRIBLY important words by diluting them, using them far too often because they want to avoid an honest discussion on race that involves looking in the mirror. I will ONLY use those words when I mean them LITERALLY and SERIOUSLY.

I have collected and posted a list of 12-15 specifically, clearly and TRULY racist posts from USMB members for use when a right winger pretends that racism no longer exists. I'll be happy to post them again, upon request. Do I think these people are TRULY racist -- the mouth-breathing, buttcrack-scratching, tooth-missing, Hamm's-swilling, ignorant, conned, miserable tools, chock-full of paranoid impotent rage who are the stereotypical racists? Why yes, I do.

And as for you, seeing you bring up the "14 words" was a real mind-blower, because I know those are not random words, and I know that is not a random phrase. It is used by the REAL racists described above. So yes, I believe you are one of those people. Does that mean you're a "white nationalist" or a "white separatist" or a "white supremacist"? Don't know, don't care, don't give a shit, because those titles don't matter to me. They're all a part of the same ugly thing.

You asked, I answered, and I hope that clarifies.
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Trump fans, in all their glory. Even the "14 words" don't phase them.
So its racist to you to want to secure the existence of white children? Wow....here I thought you were pretty sane...in fact you are just another anti white racist hiding his true feelings.
Stop being so sensitive. Man up. Be proud of what you are.

If you're feeling shame, maybe you should re-think some things.

Otherwise, whining is unbecoming. You're not a victim, really.
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The problem Mac, is your IQ.

The reason I brought the 14 words is to counter your point that there is something wrong about Americans agreeing with some points of the white supremacist - which YOU found a problem. It's just a other variation of the "it's okay to be white" meme as said - which there obviously is no problem if Americans agree with.

Now if Americans agree with Hitler - that is an entirely different matter. In that case I suggest packing the bags and getting to Germany, they have open borders the last time I heard.
Well, the problem is that a bunch of your buddies jumped in and defended it.

But my IQ? Well, no doubt, I'm sure you're much more intelligent than I. That's just a given.

Defended what?

Not seeing many Hitler advocates around...
Holy crap. Seriously, you guys need to man up a little bit.

Stop being so freaking defensive. Be proud of what you are, say it with confidence.

Stop worrying so much about my opinion. Be yourself.


Can you just for once directly say what you find to be the problem instead of deflecting endlessly? Might as well also list the positions that you find are troublesome that so many people agree with the white supremacists.
Good gawd. First, this "conversation" is about 50 times more important to you than it is to me. Second, I'm not fond of having to point out the obvious to those who would rather be obtuse than honest.

Okay, one last time. My take on this, my manifesto, since it's so important to you: It seems we have a bit of a race problem in this country, and the flames are being fanned by both ends of the issue. Being of mixed race, being married into another mixed race family, I take this stuff and words like "racist" and "racism" pretty fucking seriously. I don't like spraying them around in some cynical effort to score political points one way or the other.

The Left has spent the last few generations coddling, making excuses for, deflecting for, attacking for, and (most importantly) lowering standards for minorities. The results are clear and have been predictable. The Regressive Left, the PC/Identity Politics zealots, have made a cottage industry at screaming RACIST and RACISM at every last fucking thing that moves. Do they scream it because it's true? Largely, no. They scream it to quickly & effectively put people on the defensive so that they don't have to have an honest conversation about race, because they damn well know what they've done. It angers me, it insults me, and I won't sit by silently for it.

The Right has spent the last couple of decades blindly & obediently taking their cue from talk radio, which trains them to (a) pretend REAL racism doesn't exist -- Just read one of Political Chic's absolutely bizarre diatribes -- and (b) try to deflect away from the REAL racism that DOES exist COMPLETELY onto the Left. The level of denial required to claim that REAL racism doesn't still exist is so prodigious that it borders on group psychosis. It can't possibly be real. No one can be that ignorant. So, the Right goes along its merry way refusing to admit that there really is a problem and mocks those who discuss it. It angers me, it insults me, and I won't sit by silently for it.

See, the two conditions can exist within the same universe simultaneously, and it just ain't that complicated.

Now, about you and yours, about which my opinion is of such profound importance. As I said, I will not throw around the terms "racist" or "racism". The Regressive Left (illiberal leftist authoritarians) have fucking WRECKED those TERRIBLY important words by diluting them, using them far too often because they want to avoid an honest discussion on race that involves looking in the mirror. I will ONLY use those words when I mean them LITERALLY and SERIOUSLY.

I have collected and posted a list of 12-15 specifically, clearly and TRULY racist posts from USMB members for use when a right winger pretends that racism no longer exists. I'll be happy to post them again, upon request. Do I think these people are TRULY racist -- the mouth-breathing, buttcrack-scratching, tooth-missing, Hamm's-swilling, ignorant, conned, miserable tools, chock-full of paranoid impotent rage who are the stereotypical racists? Why yes, I do.

And as for you, seeing you bring up the "14 words" was a real mind-blower, because I know those are not random words, and I know that is not a random phrase. It is used by the REAL racists described above. So yes, I believe you are one of those people. Does that mean you're a "white nationalist" or a "white separatist" or a "white supremacist"? Don't know, don't care, don't give a shit, because those titles don't matter to me. They're all a part of the same ugly thing.

You asked, I answered, and I hope that clarifies.

So now you come out and state what I suspected and denied last time - you think I am a white supremacist since I brought the words up. As if it's impossible to know about the words without being white supremacist. You should read the post where I brought them up again. This is laughably stupid, especially when I have come against their Nazi agenda multiple times now.

And as for racism, yeah it exists. It will only increase as these minorities keep coming in, calling whites racists for free benefits, demanding reparations. People are tired of that shit and have noticed that the better alternative to being called racist all the time is to just not have these people around, it doesn't work.
Well, the problem is that a bunch of your buddies jumped in and defended it.

But my IQ? Well, no doubt, I'm sure you're much more intelligent than I. That's just a given.

Defended what?

Not seeing many Hitler advocates around...
Holy crap. Seriously, you guys need to man up a little bit.

Stop being so freaking defensive. Be proud of what you are, say it with confidence.

Stop worrying so much about my opinion. Be yourself.


Can you just for once directly say what you find to be the problem instead of deflecting endlessly? Might as well also list the positions that you find are troublesome that so many people agree with the white supremacists.
Good gawd. First, this "conversation" is about 50 times more important to you than it is to me. Second, I'm not fond of having to point out the obvious to those who would rather be obtuse than honest.

Okay, one last time. My take on this, my manifesto, since it's so important to you: It seems we have a bit of a race problem in this country, and the flames are being fanned by both ends of the issue. Being of mixed race, being married into another mixed race family, I take this stuff and words like "racist" and "racism" pretty fucking seriously. I don't like spraying them around in some cynical effort to score political points one way or the other.

The Left has spent the last few generations coddling, making excuses for, deflecting for, attacking for, and (most importantly) lowering standards for minorities. The results are clear and have been predictable. The Regressive Left, the PC/Identity Politics zealots, have made a cottage industry at screaming RACIST and RACISM at every last fucking thing that moves. Do they scream it because it's true? Largely, no. They scream it to quickly & effectively put people on the defensive so that they don't have to have an honest conversation about race, because they damn well know what they've done. It angers me, it insults me, and I won't sit by silently for it.

The Right has spent the last couple of decades blindly & obediently taking their cue from talk radio, which trains them to (a) pretend REAL racism doesn't exist -- Just read one of Political Chic's absolutely bizarre diatribes -- and (b) try to deflect away from the REAL racism that DOES exist COMPLETELY onto the Left. The level of denial required to claim that REAL racism doesn't still exist is so prodigious that it borders on group psychosis. It can't possibly be real. No one can be that ignorant. So, the Right goes along its merry way refusing to admit that there really is a problem and mocks those who discuss it. It angers me, it insults me, and I won't sit by silently for it.

See, the two conditions can exist within the same universe simultaneously, and it just ain't that complicated.

Now, about you and yours, about which my opinion is of such profound importance. As I said, I will not throw around the terms "racist" or "racism". The Regressive Left (illiberal leftist authoritarians) have fucking WRECKED those TERRIBLY important words by diluting them, using them far too often because they want to avoid an honest discussion on race that involves looking in the mirror. I will ONLY use those words when I mean them LITERALLY and SERIOUSLY.

I have collected and posted a list of 12-15 specifically, clearly and TRULY racist posts from USMB members for use when a right winger pretends that racism no longer exists. I'll be happy to post them again, upon request. Do I think these people are TRULY racist -- the mouth-breathing, buttcrack-scratching, tooth-missing, Hamm's-swilling, ignorant, conned, miserable tools, chock-full of paranoid impotent rage who are the stereotypical racists? Why yes, I do.

And as for you, seeing you bring up the "14 words" was a real mind-blower, because I know those are not random words, and I know that is not a random phrase. It is used by the REAL racists described above. So yes, I believe you are one of those people. Does that mean you're a "white nationalist" or a "white separatist" or a "white supremacist"? Don't know, don't care, don't give a shit, because those titles don't matter to me. They're all a part of the same ugly thing.

You asked, I answered, and I hope that clarifies.

So now you come out and state what I suspected and denied last time - you think I am a white supremacist since I brought the words up. As if it's impossible to know about the words without being white supremacist. You should read the post where I brought them up again. This is laughably stupid, especially when I have come against their Nazi agenda multiple times now.

And as for racism, yeah it exists. It will only increase as these minorities keep coming in, calling whites racists for free benefits, demanding reparations. People are tired of that shit and have noticed that the better alternative to being called racist all the time is to just not have these people around, it doesn't work.
As I said, call it whatever you want.
There are no white supremacists
There is no global warming
Poor people deserve it
Cigarettes do not cause cancer
#1) No he never said all. He said they don't send their best and some are and that is true.

#2) He wanted to ban people from certain Muslim countries because we could not properly vet them. Je Suis Charlie.

#3) He went overboard on the Judge

#4) Conjecture. If he was racist he would have been exposed as such before he ran as he was always a public personality. NO ONE called him a racist before he ran/won.

#5) More conjecture. See #4.

Keep trying.

He was exposed as a racist before he ran. The idiots that voted for him just didn't care.

So when he was on Celebrity Apprentice he was a racist? Nope. No one ever accused him of that. Not even remotely true. Lying old man. You are a racist. There I said it. Now prove me wrong.

No one except all the judges who had already fined him a fortune for multiple cases of racism in his businesses. Just because you didn't pay attention or care that he had such a huge reputation for racism at the time doesn't mean it didn't exist.

LMAO. You’re such a lying loser.

Pretending it didn't happen doesn't mean it didn't happen.

It did not happen. You’re just a dumbass.
There are no white supremacists
There is no global warming
Poor people deserve it
Cigarettes do not cause cancer
Babies magically become human the moment their last body part exits the mother. Before that, they are not even alive.
You can rewire your entire body to become either a man or a woman merely by deciding that you want to.
A girl is mature enough to kill a growing child within her before she is mature enough to purchase a beer, vote, or drive a car.
The rich didn't earn any of what they have.

And on it goes. We can argue the extremes all day long, but they don't inform the middle.
#1) No he never said all. He said they don't send their best and some are and that is true.

#2) He wanted to ban people from certain Muslim countries because we could not properly vet them. Je Suis Charlie.

#3) He went overboard on the Judge

#4) Conjecture. If he was racist he would have been exposed as such before he ran as he was always a public personality. NO ONE called him a racist before he ran/won.

#5) More conjecture. See #4.

Keep trying.

He was exposed as a racist before he ran. The idiots that voted for him just didn't care.

So when he was on Celebrity Apprentice he was a racist? Nope. No one ever accused him of that. Not even remotely true. Lying old man. You are a racist. There I said it. Now prove me wrong.

You been in a cave? Los of people who appeared on that silly show said he regularly made racist remarks.

Link? Never heard one Iota of that until he ran.

It wasn't that relevant to the public before he ran, dumb ass. Lots of hateful racist people in the world, but they only represent themselves. The orange pig is supposed to represent all of us.

Democrats are by far the most racist of all. Practically everything they do is seen through a racial lense.
There are no white supremacists
There is no global warming
Poor people deserve it
Cigarettes do not cause cancer

1) Not many at all
2) Not man-made
3) Many do since they do little to help their situation other than voting for "free" stuff the Democrats offer.
4) They do, as do marjuana cigs which the left is moving to make legal
He was exposed as a racist before he ran. The idiots that voted for him just didn't care.

So when he was on Celebrity Apprentice he was a racist? Nope. No one ever accused him of that. Not even remotely true. Lying old man. You are a racist. There I said it. Now prove me wrong.

You been in a cave? Los of people who appeared on that silly show said he regularly made racist remarks.

Link? Never heard one Iota of that until he ran.

It wasn't that relevant to the public before he ran, dumb ass. Lots of hateful racist people in the world, but they only represent themselves. The orange pig is supposed to represent all of us.

Democrats are by far the most racist of all. Practically everything they do is seen through a racial lense.

That is true

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