White Supremacy surged in 2020

If the Fat Man had four more years, he could have possibly returned the US to Jim Crow days. That would be a dream come true for a man that yearns for the good old racist days.

Well, given the negro unrest of last year; them killing people and burning our cities to the ground while they pillaged and plundered, I don't find it so surprising.

I'm locked and loaded for the next colored unrest...

ABC and the ADL are lying, as usual.

Support for Donald Trump was listed as "white supremacy." Opposition to men competing in women's sports was portrayed as "white supremacy." Opposing open borders was portrayed as "white supremacy."

If the Fat Man had four more years, he could have possibly returned the US to Jim Crow days. That would be a dream come true for a man that yearns for the good old racist days.

The only thing that gives the WP idiots more influence is left wing idiots like you propping them up as a viable "bad guy", as opposed to the cucked losers that they actually are.

And of course the only reason you do this is to play the "everyone to the right of Mitt Romney is a Nazi" game. It's attempted guilt by supposed association.

If the Fat Man had four more years, he could have possibly returned the US to Jim Crow days. That would be a dream come true for a man that yearns for the good old racist days.
His daughter and three grandchildren are Jewish. How does that make any logical sense?
Richard Spencer best fits the description of a white supremacist.
He endorsed Biden.
And Biden didn't disavow his endorsement.

If the Fat Man had four more years, he could have possibly returned the US to Jim Crow days. That would be a dream come true for a man that yearns for the good old racist days.

Where is the ADL report?

From YOUR link: "There were 5,125 cases of racist, anti-Semitic, anti-LGBTQ and other hateful messages spread through physical flyers, stickers, banners and posters, according to Wednesday's report. That’s nearly double the 2,724 instances reported in 2019. "

In a nation of 330 MILLION people (330,000,000) , that is negligible, there are always a few rotten people out there. Meanwhile they left out BLM, Anifta violence.. smells of hypocrisy in the air growing.

Again where is the ADL report?

And how many of the anti-Semitic and anti-lGBTQ attacks were perpetrated by minorities?

If the Fat Man had four more years, he could have possibly returned the US to Jim Crow days. That would be a dream come true for a man that yearns for the good old racist days.
Interesting responses so far, huh?

Did it ever occur to you, just once. . . that what had formerly been considered partisan politics, or normal American culture, is NOW considered by the far left, and extreme left, and by those indoctrinated by critical theory, as. . . . "white supremacy."

From the linked article;

". . . Language used in the propaganda is frequently veiled with a patriotic slant, making it seem benign to an untrained eye. . . . "

So? What is the take away? Perhaps there IS NOT more "white supremacist propaganda," perhaps, the left is just more. . . how shall we say. . . mmmm, sensitive? Instead, calling those who disagree with their analysis; "untrained," "rubes," or "ignorant." In fact. . . those who disagree. . . are, well, as you so condescendingly put it. .

Interesting responses so far, huh?


Or the establishment wants to paint folks and use the tools of the Deep State, and increase the funding to the intel community, making Americans the very enemy of government and civil society. If you can't see, this is a transparent excuse? You haven't read your Orwell, and you don't know your dialectic. . . . And don't think it will end with just conservatives either.

What we have here is not actually an "increase," or counter reactionary "racist," movements and rhetoric . . .but we even see it here on threads in this forum. . . and the efforts to
redefine what is exclusionary behavior by the in-group, and what needs to have more inclusive and sensitivity demanded for polite civil behavior for the various out-groups of society to feel more empowered.

These disingenuous accusations and redefining of the conversation? They do nothing but stoke MORE ethnic and social hatreds and grievances, and you are fool if you fall for them. It does nothing to open up a real dialog.

It only empowers the establishment to oppress EVERYONE, regardless of their ethnicity, skin color, religion, etc.

If the Fat Man had four more years, he could have possibly returned the US to Jim Crow days. That would be a dream come true for a man that yearns for the good old racist days.

Where is the ADL report?

From YOUR link: "There were 5,125 cases of racist, anti-Semitic, anti-LGBTQ and other hateful messages spread through physical flyers, stickers, banners and posters, according to Wednesday's report. That’s nearly double the 2,724 instances reported in 2019. "

In a nation of 330 MILLION people (330,000,000) , that is negligible, there are always a few rotten people out there. Meanwhile they left out BLM, Anifta violence.. smells of hypocrisy in the air growing.

Again where is the ADL report?

And how many of the anti-Semitic and anti-lGBTQ attacks were perpetrated by minorities?
Yeah, white guys in denim dungarees and MAGA hats are sucker punching Jews all over Brooklyn and Queens.
“White supremacist propaganda reached alarming levels across the U.S. in 2020, according to a new report that the Anti-Defamation League provided to The Associated Press.

There were 5,125 cases of racist, anti-Semitic, anti-LGBTQ and other hateful messages spread through physical flyers, stickers, banners and posters, according to Wednesday's report. That’s nearly double the 2,724 instances reported in 2019. Online propaganda is much harder to quantify, and it's likely those cases reached into the millions, the anti-hate organization said.” ibid

All motivated by rightwing fear, ignorance, racism, bigotry, and hate.
Thanks for your admission.

The left has just redefined what a "white supremacist" is.

Anyone on the right? = White supremacist.

The agenda is now out of the bag.

The nation is to be a one party state. You either get on board, or you are a racist.

This is now a white supremacist folks.. . .


If the Fat Man had four more years, he could have possibly returned the US to Jim Crow days. That would be a dream come true for a man that yearns for the good old racist days.

Wrong again, revisionist liar. I don't remember gangs of "white supremacists" protesting, rioting, looting, committing arson, and shooting people in 2020, do you?

It was black supremacists going by the name of BLM who were doing all those things.

If the Fat Man had four more years, he could have possibly returned the US to Jim Crow days. That would be a dream come true for a man that yearns for the good old racist days.

Wrong again, revisionist liar. I don't remember gangs of "white supremacists" protesting, rioting, looting, committing arson, and shooting people in 2020, do you?

It was black supremacists going by the name of BLM who were doing all those things.
Well, technically Jan. 6th was in 2021.
To not be full throated roar for black supremacy is to be a white supremacist. As burn loot murder leaders say to be not racist is to be racist. You must be an anti racist. Being an anti racist means rooting out whiteness and destroying it.

The result is more and more people are moving into the don't give a fuck column.
Trump did more for the black community than Obama ever even thought of.
Says who?
Says me.

. . . . and no, I am not a Trumpster. There are several statements from him that I do not trust, and agendas that do not square with my personal beliefs, so don't think I am white knighting for him, I am just trying to shower off the bullshit you seem to have bought because you hate him so.

I just try to wake folks up against the government and corporate propaganda of the establishment that control the minds of the little folks of this nation.

FACTS, I only look at what actually happened.

Why do so many say that Trump has done more for the black community since Ike and LBJ did away with apartheid and Jim Crow? Because these are undisputed facts.

Watch, and learn.

Economic Opportunity

Social Justice

Educational Equality

Health Improvement

If the Fat Man had four more years, he could have possibly returned the US to Jim Crow days. That would be a dream come true for a man that yearns for the good old racist days.
Interesting responses so far, huh?


Herr Hac1958, should it be a criminal offense to have white skin?

If the Fat Man had four more years, he could have possibly returned the US to Jim Crow days. That would be a dream come true for a man that yearns for the good old racist days.
Interesting responses so far, huh?


Herr Hac1958, should it be a criminal offense to have white skin?

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