White Supremacy surged in 2020

If the Fat Man had four more years, he could have possibly returned the US to Jim Crow days. That would be a dream come true for a man that yearns for the good old racist days.
Obama wasn't president in 2020.....the Fat Man was.
. . . and why did the "Fat Man," become president in the first place?

All this ballyhoo. . . claiming America is racist, or white supremacist. . . what a bunch of crap, isn't it? How could Obama ever have been elected in the first place?

It was middle Americans showing solidarity with Black America. . . we had come out stronger than ever from the 90's to then. But that just wasn't good enough for the left or the oligarchs, nope. They had to use that as a chance to destroy, rather than unite America. . .

Yet he and the media then went on to, instead of creating a post racial America? Instead of rewarding white America with a promised land? That idealism we all saw in Star Trek episodes and that everyone strove towards from the 60's on? They created a more balkanized landscape than hadn't existed since the riots of the 1960's. It was all a highly orchestrated intel op. Divide and conquer, create chaos so folks didn't notice what the financial interests & government, were once again, doing on WallStreet and in congress, i.e. screwing everyone over, now matter their skin color, gender, or sexual orientation.

Nice. . .

. . . . what do you supposed caused that to happen? Obama and his ridiculing of white lower-class Americans, and American history. . . THAT is what led to Trump. If he had embraced ALL of America, as he had promised to initially do? :dunno: Trump never would have been elected, but then, the corporate and banking classes could have never gotten away with another major heist under the color of a pandemic.

None of this would have ever happened, except for Obama's agitating. He WANTED it all to happen, and that is clear. It would not surprise me if he gave Trump campaign tips on the DL, this makes the agenda even more clarified, having Trump in office that is.

Instead, Obama divided America, and sold it off, like a venture capitalist, to foreigners. . . leaving the scene ripe for a demagogue.

Your reality is controlled by CFR publications and TEE VEE, mine? By the facts and reality on the ground. So stop already. You don't have a fucking clue what is going on beyond what the TEE VEE tells you how to feel and what they tell you to believe.
You realize that no one reads you sh*t past the first two line? I am glad you are calling your King the correct name, "The Fat Man." Keep up the good work!

Yes, I do realize that most of the members here use those hand held idiot devices, which match the intellectual depth of their minds. . . and thus, have no patience for anything longer the 120 characters, which matches their attention span, that of a Tasmanian gnat.

The establishment has consciously cultivated and molded folks minds and attention spans this way.

I do not post for folks like that. . . I post for those, of, shall we say, deeper intellects, those who are most likely reading this forum on either a PC or a laptop, and those who are keen to follow links, read long articles, and watch interviews and look at evidence. . . IOW. . . NOT YOU!



It is, in the end, why my analysis and critical thinking is superior to most on this site.
2020 was an election year. Who knows what ABC/ADL viewed as "white supremacist" stickers, fliers and pamphlets? My guess is that Trump campaign stuff, anti-abortion and gun rights literature were determined to be examples of "white supremacist" even if you happened to be a Black conservative.

If the Fat Man had four more years, he could have possibly returned the US to Jim Crow days. That would be a dream come true for a man that yearns for the good old racist days.
Obama wasn't president in 2020.....the Fat Man was.
. . . and why did the "Fat Man," become president in the first place?

All this ballyhoo. . . claiming America is racist, or white supremacist. . . what a bunch of crap, isn't it? How could Obama ever have been elected in the first place?

It was middle Americans showing solidarity with Black America. . . we had come out stronger than ever from the 90's to then. But that just wasn't good enough for the left or the oligarchs, nope. They had to use that as a chance to destroy, rather than unite America. . .

Yet he and the media then went on to, instead of creating a post racial America? Instead of rewarding white America with a promised land? That idealism we all saw in Star Trek episodes and that everyone strove towards from the 60's on? They created a more balkanized landscape than hadn't existed since the riots of the 1960's. It was all a highly orchestrated intel op. Divide and conquer, create chaos so folks didn't notice what the financial interests & government, were once again, doing on WallStreet and in congress, i.e. screwing everyone over, now matter their skin color, gender, or sexual orientation.

Nice. . .

. . . . what do you supposed caused that to happen? Obama and his ridiculing of white lower-class Americans, and American history. . . THAT is what led to Trump. If he had embraced ALL of America, as he had promised to initially do? :dunno: Trump never would have been elected, but then, the corporate and banking classes could have never gotten away with another major heist under the color of a pandemic.

None of this would have ever happened, except for Obama's agitating. He WANTED it all to happen, and that is clear. It would not surprise me if he gave Trump campaign tips on the DL, this makes the agenda even more clarified, having Trump in office that is.

Instead, Obama divided America, and sold it off, like a venture capitalist, to foreigners. . . leaving the scene ripe for a demagogue.

Your reality is controlled by CFR publications and TEE VEE, mine? By the facts and reality on the ground. So stop already. You don't have a fucking clue what is going on beyond what the TEE VEE tells you how to feel and what they tell you to believe.
President Obama didn’t divide America. That was done the day he took office and gop leadership decided never to work with him.

you’re welcome
work with him?

Work with him?!!!


I seem to remember, it was either give him everything he wanted, or they could take a flying leap. They made it so they would pass those laws with out any help or input from the right. . .what did you, in the end expect would be the result after that?

IT was HE that would not give them anything THEY wanted.

You have a funny way of remembering history.

If the Fat Man had four more years, he could have possibly returned the US to Jim Crow days. That would be a dream come true for a man that yearns for the good old racist days.

Well, given the negro unrest of last year; them killing people and burning our cities to the ground while they pillaged and plundered, I don't find it so surprising.

I'm locked and loaded for the next colored unrest...
I am glad you are calling your King the correct name, "The Fat Man."

I'll continue calling your King; The Fat Man, if you agree to continue calling the current King; The Demented Child Molester. I mean, if we are going for truth, it is only fair, right? :heehee:

See, that is the difference between you and I, I don't play partisan games, and my politics don't blind me from truth. . .Yours?

You are so blinded by partisan hatred, you can't admit reality to yourself.
What the hell is going on? Are hate filled lefties going to buy into the notion that everyone who supported the former President was a "white supremacist"? Every Christian who cares about the sanctity of human life and every patriot who cares about the 2nd Amendment and every parent who worries about the mental health of their daughters who might be victims in the homosexual war, can all be branded as "supremacists"? Welcome to the democratic socialist revolution.

If the Fat Man had four more years, he could have possibly returned the US to Jim Crow days. That would be a dream come true for a man that yearns for the good old racist days.

Where is the ADL report?

From YOUR link: "There were 5,125 cases of racist, anti-Semitic, anti-LGBTQ and other hateful messages spread through physical flyers, stickers, banners and posters, according to Wednesday's report. That’s nearly double the 2,724 instances reported in 2019. "

In a nation of 330 MILLION people (330,000,000) , that is negligible, there are always a few rotten people out there. Meanwhile they left out BLM, Anifta violence.. smells of hypocrisy in the air growing.

Again where is the ADL report?
Are you deficient in reading comprehension?

There were 5,125 cases of racist, anti-Semitic, anti-LGBTQ and other hateful messages spread through physical flyers, stickers, banners and posters, according to Wednesday's report. That’s nearly double the 2,724 instances reported in 2019. Online propaganda is much harder to quantify, and it's likely those cases reached into the millions, the anti-hate organization said.

The ADL, which was founded more than a century ago, said that last year marked the highest level of white supremacist propaganda seen in at least a decade. Its report comes as federal authorities investigate and prosecute those who stormed the U.S. Capitol in January, some of whom are accused of having ties to or expressing support for hate groups and antigovernment militias.

The number of cases in the US nearly doubled. That is not "negligible." That is criminal and is also expected since the Fat Man all be deputized the Proud Boys and other racist groups to do his bidding,


Already quoted that and asked the question you still fail to answer, "Where is the ADL report?"

5.125 out 330 million people is indeed negligible, your Kindergarten math skills are slipping.....

Since you and other leftists failed to answer the simple question, I am going to call this thread running on a fake claim.

Post one article is clearly unsupported bullcrap.


Probably another MAGA racist looking to kill the first black Vice President.
That is how to post a link, hater.
He didn't do anything wrong. Apparently his offense was existing.
I think an investigation would reveal that Putin, the Fat Man's brother, has been flaming the anger of white supremacy in the United States. There is nothing more that Putin would like to see than US citizens at each other's throats. The Fat Man certainly took steps to see that was the case during his tenure.

His army of nuts actually tried to overthrow our government on January 6th. He and Vlad were hoping for a successful coup....but they failed.
If the Fat Man had four more years, he could have possibly returned the US to Jim Crow days. That would be a dream come true for a man that yearns for the good old racist days.
What gives you that idea ? What did Trump ever do or say that was racist ?
I think an investigation would reveal that Putin, the Fat Man's brother, has been flaming the anger of white supremacy in the United States. There is nothing more that Putin would like to see than US citizens at each other's throats. The Fat Man certainly took steps to see that was the case during his tenure.

His army of nuts actually tried to overthrow our government on January 6th. He and Vlad were hoping for a successful coup....but they failed.
1. What "steps" ? What are you talking about ?

2. FALSE!. The attack on the capitol was leftists trying to stop the vote on alternate electors. My have been a few Trump supporters mixed in with them. 99.9% of the Trump supporters were the 100,000 protesting peacefully. Another liberal loon distorting reality.
I do think so. Good, decent Americans have had it with the militant negro in this country. They need to be eradicated, and good Americans stand ready to defend our cities and dispatch them in the process.

It's a classic "win/win"...
“White supremacist propaganda reached alarming levels across the U.S. in 2020, according to a new report that the Anti-Defamation League provided to The Associated Press.

There were 5,125 cases of racist, anti-Semitic, anti-LGBTQ and other hateful messages spread through physical flyers, stickers, banners and posters, according to Wednesday's report. That’s nearly double the 2,724 instances reported in 2019. Online propaganda is much harder to quantify, and it's likely those cases reached into the millions, the anti-hate organization said.” ibid

All motivated by rightwing fear, ignorance, racism, bigotry, and hate.
Most of the "messages" you and your leftist sources claim to be racist and anti-LGBTQ, are not white supremacist, but are simply common sense. So while you claim that the right is guilty of fear, ignorance, racism, bigotry, and hate, what is your position on race-based Affirmative Action, Mr Pure & Pious ?

If the Fat Man had four more years, he could have possibly returned the US to Jim Crow days. That would be a dream come true for a man that yearns for the good old racist days.

White supremacy. Its a figment of your imagination. I'll just stand over here and LMAO.

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