White teacher tells what it's like to teach at a black high school


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Here's an excerpt from this lengthy article

Celestial Blog: The truth about blacks that whites need to know and blacks need to know that they know

Most whites simply do not know what black people are like in large numbers, and the first encounter can be a shock.
One of the most immediately striking things about my students was that they were loud. They had little conception of ordinary decorum. It was not unusual for five blacks to be screaming at me at once. Instead of calming down and waiting for a lull in the din to make their point — something that occurs to even the dimmest white students — blacks just tried to yell over each other.

My students had only the vaguest notion of who pays for government services. For them, it was like a magical piggy bank that never goes empty. One black girl was exhorting the class on the need for more social services and I kept trying to explain that people, real live people, are taxed for the money to pay for those services. “Yeah, it come from whites,” she finally said. “They stingy anyway.”

How the world looks to blacks: One point on which all blacks agree is that everything is “racis’.” This is one message of liberalism they have absorbed completely. Did you do your homework? “Na, homework racis’.” Why did you get an F on the test? “Test racis’.”

Pregnancy was common among the blacks, though many black girls were so fat I could not tell the difference. I don’t know how many girls got abortions, but when they had the baby they usually stayed in school and had their own parents look after the child. The school did not offer daycare.

Aside from the police officers constantly on patrol, a sure sign that you are in a black school is the coke cage: the chain-link fence that many majority-black schools use to protect vending machines. The cage surrounds the machine and even covers its top. Delivery employees have to unlock a gate on the front of the cage to service the machines. Companies would prefer not to build cages around vending machines. They are expensive, ugly, and a bother, but black students smashed the machines so many times it was cheaper to build a cage than repair the damage. Rumor had it that before the cages went up blacks would turn the machines upside down in the hope that the money would fall out.

Security guards are everywhere in black schools — we had one on every hall. They also sat in on unruly classes and escorted students to the office. They were unarmed, but worked closely with the three city police officers who were constantly on duty.
That white teacher is a racist hack. That much is obvious - black people are fat, blacks are violent, blacks are disrespectful.

That white person should not be teaching in a black school.
That white teacher is a racist hack. That much is obvious - black people are fat, blacks are violent, blacks are disrespectful.

That white person should not be teaching in a black school.

Indeed. I was done with that worthless screed when I read their statement "I have never heard of an anorexic black person"'. If the individual was in fact a teacher, and this "story" was even true, it was probably a substitute sent in for a day or two.
This is the result of 75% fatherless households in the black community. If kids aren't taught how to behave, they don't behave.
The story is most likely 100% true. Living in the Washington D.C. area for 17 years as a teenager and young adult, I can say that going to school with blacks was like living in the jungle. Most of them (not all, but probably 70%) acted like savages. I'm not surprised they can't read, write, or talk so you can understand them. They have no interest in bettering themselves, they're for the most part, content to remain ignorant and uneducated. BUT, they know where all the welfare offices are, and how to get the handouts.
I went to a predominately Black H.S. 31 years ago (Long Beach Polytechnic) and I can tell ya' that's pretty much how it is. My Uncle graduated in 1969 and he said it bad then too!

In order to attract and keep White and Asian students they had to institute a PACE program, sorta like AP Classes, that was it's own walled off section where other students couldn't go. I sh*t you not!

I was always trying to get a transfer to nearby Wilson but could never get it. I ended up taking the G.E.D. just so I could get the f*ck out of there. I wish I'd have known about that test in the 10th grade.

H.S. Reunion? No thanks!
I went to a predominately Black H.S. 31 years ago (Long Beach Polytechnic) and I can tell ya' that's pretty much how it is. My Uncle graduated in 1969 and he said it bad then too!

In order to attract and keep White and Asian students they had to institute a PACE program, sorta like AP Classes, that was it's own walled off section where other students couldn't go. I sh*t you not!

I was always trying to get a transfer to nearby Wilson but could never get it. I ended up taking the G.E.D. just so I could get the f*ck out of there. I wish I'd have known about that test in the 10th grade.

H.S. Reunion? No thanks!

I had the same experience in my HS in 1988-1991. Its frustrating when people who never dealt with it tell you its not true. Sweeping dirt under the rug is no way to clean a house, not even for the sake of being PC.
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I was bused to a predominately white middle school in the 60's, in San Diego because my Father was principal of the school that was in our district. Some of the the kids were a little quieter..., maybe .because so many of them were stoned on various types of drugs and those who were not stoned were selling weed, reds, yellows, LSD, speed and hypodermic needles or any other drug of choice to the druggies.....stuff that word was they got out their parents houses.

Locker checks often turned up bottles of alcohol and porn magazines.

In that environment, we, the few black kids that were enrolled there liked sports, and hung together doing our homework and were just trying to pass the time until we could get away from the apathetic teachers and counselors who probably hated us being there as much as we hated being there.

All in all the white kids were not much different than the black kids described in this thread.

The one group that was vastly different were the Asians. They came to study, did their assignments and their parents picked them up after school.

Ironically, a small group of us all made the honor society while there, maybe because we were all aware of the fact that they(the administration)WANTED us to fail.
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a work colleague described a similar situation when she was forcibly bussed to a majority black school.

Have heard the same thing from a former teacher in Detroit public schools.

The teachers just gave up after a while and were thankful they left home every day in one piece.
I was bused to a predominately white middle school in the 60's, in San Diego because my Father was principal of the school that was in our district. Some of the the kids were a little quieter..., maybe .because so many of them were stoned on various types of drugs and those who were not stoned were selling weed, reds, yellows, LSD, speed and hypodermic needles or any other drug of choice to the druggies.....stuff that word was they got out their parents houses.

Locker checks often turned up bottles of alcohol and porn magazines.

In that environment, we, the few black kids that were enrolled there liked sports, and hung together doing our homework and were just trying to pass the time until we could get away from the apathetic teachers and counselors who probably hated us being there as much as we hated being there.

All in all the white kids were not much different than the black kids described in this thread.

The one group that was vastly different were the Asians. They came to study, did their assignments and their parents picked them up after school.

Ironically, a small group of us all made the honor society while there, maybe because we were all aware of the fact that they(the administration)WANTED us to fail.

racis screed ^

see how that works?
That white teacher is a racist hack. That much is obvious - black people are fat, blacks are violent, blacks are disrespectful.

That white person should not be teaching in a black school.

Yes - everyone knows whites are part of a giant conspiracy to keep down blacks.
I was bused to a predominately white middle school in the 60's, in San Diego because my Father was principal of the school that was in our district. Some of the the kids were a little quieter..., maybe .because so many of them were stoned on various types of drugs and those who were not stoned were selling weed, reds, yellows, LSD, speed and hypodermic needles or any other drug of choice to the druggies.....stuff that word was they got out their parents houses.

Locker checks often turned up bottles of alcohol and porn magazines.

In that environment, we, the few black kids that were enrolled there liked sports, and hung together doing our homework and were just trying to pass the time until we could get away from the apathetic teachers and counselors who probably hated us being there as much as we hated being there.

All in all the white kids were not much different than the black kids described in this thread.

The one group that was vastly different were the Asians. They came to study, did their assignments and their parents picked them up after school.

Ironically, a small group of us all made the honor society while there, maybe because we were all aware of the fact that they(the administration)WANTED us to fail.

Hmmm..I went to a pretty much all white highschool. I would say blacks made up around 5% of the student body.
The student body was broken down by Heads,Jocks and the preppy types and that was about it. The rest were just students.
Blacks fit in to all four types.
This was a middle to upper middle class school with some moderately wealthy thrown in for good measure.

One thing I never saw was blacks acting like thugs and gangsters.
And the white people who partied and fit your description MIGHT have made up one percent.
I was bused to a predominately white middle school in the 60's, in San Diego because my Father was principal of the school that was in our district. Some of the the kids were a little quieter..., maybe .because so many of them were stoned on various types of drugs and those who were not stoned were selling weed, reds, yellows, LSD, speed and hypodermic needles or any other drug of choice to the druggies.....stuff that word was they got out their parents houses.

Locker checks often turned up bottles of alcohol and porn magazines.

In that environment, we, the few black kids that were enrolled there liked sports, and hung together doing our homework and were just trying to pass the time until we could get away from the apathetic teachers and counselors who probably hated us being there as much as we hated being there.

All in all the white kids were not much different than the black kids described in this thread.

The one group that was vastly different were the Asians. They came to study, did their assignments and their parents picked them up after school.

Ironically, a small group of us all made the honor society while there, maybe because we were all aware of the fact that they(the administration)WANTED us to fail.

Hmmm..I went to a pretty much all white highschool. I would say blacks made up around 5% of the student body.
The student body was broken down by Heads,Jocks and the preppy types and that was about it. The rest were just students.
Blacks fit in to all four types.
This was a middle to upper middle class school with some moderately wealthy thrown in for good measure.

One thing I never saw was blacks acting like thugs and gangsters.
And the white people who partied and fit your description MIGHT have made up one percent.

This was in the 60's, so the drug/hippie culture was considered "cool" at that time. I cannot say what percentage did the drug use, as the black kids who were there were considered outsiders, and for the sake of protecting ourselves we all hung together.

What we saw was from a distance, but it was close enough to know that it was happening frequently.

On the other hand, the faculty was apathetic towards us, and we figured out early on that we were there to serve out the time in that environment and it was not intended to be a socially cordial situation, so we all got through it without any trouble.

Hmmm..I went to a pretty much all white highschool. I would say blacks made up around 5% of the student body.
The student body was broken down by Heads,Jocks and the preppy types and that was about it. The rest were just students.
Blacks fit in to all four types.
This was a middle to upper middle class school with some moderately wealthy thrown in for good measure.

One thing I never saw was blacks acting like thugs and gangsters.
And the white people who partied and fit your description MIGHT have made up one percent.

Yeah but you're a 50 year old geezer. We're talking about modern times.
I was bused to a predominately white middle school in the 60's, in San Diego because my Father was principal of the school that was in our district. Some of the the kids were a little quieter..., maybe .because so many of them were stoned on various types of drugs and those who were not stoned were selling weed, reds, yellows, LSD, speed and hypodermic needles or any other drug of choice to the druggies.....stuff that word was they got out their parents houses.

Locker checks often turned up bottles of alcohol and porn magazines.

In that environment, we, the few black kids that were enrolled there liked sports, and hung together doing our homework and were just trying to pass the time until we could get away from the apathetic teachers and counselors who probably hated us being there as much as we hated being there.

All in all the white kids were not much different than the black kids described in this thread.

The one group that was vastly different were the Asians. They came to study, did their assignments and their parents picked them up after school.

Ironically, a small group of us all made the honor society while there, maybe because we were all aware of the fact that they(the administration)WANTED us to fail.

racis screed ^

see how that works?

What I see is how it works in a developmentally stunted mind that is mired in immature ignorance.

Where was there a word said about "racis"?.................English please.

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