White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Acting on a tip from someone on here I bought this a little while back and so far it is a fascinating read. It seems to be arguing that class is a major factor in the American experience and traces its roots back to your ancestors who were shipped over from the UK in a bid to clear the London slums.
Of course some folk will always get on but some folk always seem to struggle. Why is that ? Sloth, stupidity,opportunity ? Is it something systemic ? In the UK I would point to the latter as our backward hereditary system limits opportunities for many. What is the reason in the US ?
Thanks for the tip whoever it was that mentioned the book. its a hefty read but I hope it will help me to understand the trump phenomena better. Has anybody else read the book ?

Acting on a tip from someone on here I bought this a little while back and so far it is a fascinating read. It seems to be arguing that class is a major factor in the American experience and traces its roots back to your ancestors who were shipped over from the UK in a bid to clear the London slums.
Of course some folk will always get on but some folk always seem to struggle. Why is that ? Sloth, stupidity,opportunity ? Is it something systemic ? In the UK I would point to the latter as our backward hereditary system limits opportunities for many. What is the reason in the US ?
Thanks for the tip whoever it was that mentioned the book. its a hefty read but I hope it will help me to understand the trump phenomena better. Has anybody else read the book ?

View attachment 399124
Not that many people are interested in you or your ancestry.
Acting on a tip from someone on here I bought this a little while back and so far it is a fascinating read. It seems to be arguing that class is a major factor in the American experience and traces its roots back to your ancestors who were shipped over from the UK in a bid to clear the London slums.
Of course some folk will always get on but some folk always seem to struggle. Why is that ? Sloth, stupidity,opportunity ? Is it something systemic ? In the UK I would point to the latter as our backward hereditary system limits opportunities for many. What is the reason in the US ?
Thanks for the tip whoever it was that mentioned the book. its a hefty read but I hope it will help me to understand the trump phenomena better. Has anybody else read the book ?

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:uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3:
Acting on a tip from someone on here I bought this a little while back and so far it is a fascinating read. It seems to be arguing that class is a major factor in the American experience and traces its roots back to your ancestors who were shipped over from the UK in a bid to clear the London slums.
Of course some folk will always get on but some folk always seem to struggle. Why is that ? Sloth, stupidity,opportunity ? Is it something systemic ? In the UK I would point to the latter as our backward hereditary system limits opportunities for many. What is the reason in the US ?
Thanks for the tip whoever it was that mentioned the book. its a hefty read but I hope it will help me to understand the trump phenomena better. Has anybody else read the book ?

View attachment 399124
Not that many people are interested in you or your ancestry.
Acting on a tip from someone on here I bought this a little while back and so far it is a fascinating read. It seems to be arguing that class is a major factor in the American experience and traces its roots back to your ancestors who were shipped over from the UK in a bid to clear the London slums.
Of course some folk will always get on but some folk always seem to struggle. Why is that ? Sloth, stupidity,opportunity ? Is it something systemic ? In the UK I would point to the latter as our backward hereditary system limits opportunities for many. What is the reason in the US ?
Thanks for the tip whoever it was that mentioned the book. its a hefty read but I hope it will help me to understand the trump phenomena better. Has anybody else read the book ?

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I saw it in a book store and opened it up. It had you and a goat on page 15.
Acting on a tip from someone on here I bought this a little while back and so far it is a fascinating read. It seems to be arguing that class is a major factor in the American experience and traces its roots back to your ancestors who were shipped over from the UK in a bid to clear the London slums.
Of course some folk will always get on but some folk always seem to struggle. Why is that ? Sloth, stupidity,opportunity ? Is it something systemic ? In the UK I would point to the latter as our backward hereditary system limits opportunities for many. What is the reason in the US ?
Thanks for the tip whoever it was that mentioned the book. its a hefty read but I hope it will help me to understand the trump phenomena better. Has anybody else read the book ?

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I’ve read that many who immigrated to the colonies from the UK were white trash, but that was long ago. It wouldn’t seem to still apply centuries later.
Acting on a tip from someone on here I bought this a little while back and so far it is a fascinating read. It seems to be arguing that class is a major factor in the American experience and traces its roots back to your ancestors who were shipped over from the UK in a bid to clear the London slums.
Of course some folk will always get on but some folk always seem to struggle. Why is that ? Sloth, stupidity,opportunity ? Is it something systemic ? In the UK I would point to the latter as our backward hereditary system limits opportunities for many. What is the reason in the US ?
Thanks for the tip whoever it was that mentioned the book. its a hefty read but I hope it will help me to understand the trump phenomena better. Has anybody else read the book ?

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tainted, you are very boring. Long before Al Gore
invented the internet, we had the encyclopedia britannica, Every time I looked into that idiot set
of books, I noticed that we got the british viewpoint
on history which reads like Tennyson and "The Charge
of The Light Brigade
Acting on a tip from someone on here I bought this a little while back and so far it is a fascinating read. It seems to be arguing that class is a major factor in the American experience and traces its roots back to your ancestors who were shipped over from the UK in a bid to clear the London slums.
Of course some folk will always get on but some folk always seem to struggle. Why is that ? Sloth, stupidity,opportunity ? Is it something systemic ? In the UK I would point to the latter as our backward hereditary system limits opportunities for many. What is the reason in the US ?
Thanks for the tip whoever it was that mentioned the book. its a hefty read but I hope it will help me to understand the trump phenomena better. Has anybody else read the book ?

View attachment 399124
I’ve read that many who immigrated to the colonies from the UK were white trash, but that was long ago. It wouldn’t seem to still apply centuries later.
I think "waste people" was a phrase used in the book. Fear of the mob was a huge factor in Georgian England and shipping folk off to Virginia was seen as a solution. We can see some of their descendants on this thread.
There is no doubt that America was a better prospect for those people than a life in London slums but it also introduced a class system into the US that was also transported from the UK.

If you look at dynasties in the US like the Kennedys or the Bush family, is that any different to the likes of Cameron or Johnson and their lives of privilege ?
The argument of class is for whites. Race put us in a class no matter if we wanted to go higher or not.
The Americans need to be more egalitarian, like The English.

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Only problem Tommy is from Wales, so he is more like Americans than he want to believe...
We still have class issues in Wales. Our "gentry" tend to be Anglos. Their families might have lived here for centuries but they are still essentially English. Much like the Anglos in Ireland.

Can’t help ancestors were better at conquering in those days..

Now with reality America is America and Americans are their own way and I just roll with it and understand that many of them even though their ancestors are from other parts just feel they want things their certain way and hate change.

If you took time and traveled this country you would discover that America is not how you envision it and right now I am sitting in a French Vietnamese waiting for an order and can find many different cultures across this country..
Acting on a tip from someone on here I bought this a little while back and so far it is a fascinating read. It seems to be arguing that class is a major factor in the American experience and traces its roots back to your ancestors who were shipped over from the UK in a bid to clear the London slums.
Of course some folk will always get on but some folk always seem to struggle. Why is that ? Sloth, stupidity,opportunity ? Is it something systemic ? In the UK I would point to the latter as our backward hereditary system limits opportunities for many. What is the reason in the US ?
Thanks for the tip whoever it was that mentioned the book. its a hefty read but I hope it will help me to understand the trump phenomena better. Has anybody else read the book ?

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Some of those poor immigrants came to the US and became super rich something that would have never happened in the UK. The US has always been the land of opportunity.
So what species are you all that want to divide people by hierarchy? In the United States you can be an absolute pauper one year and a business owner the next bringing in cash and helping others to have employment too. In the United States each and every one is a king in their own right and the Christian founders of this nation wisely set up our constitution and bill of rights to reflect that.

The thing that is the problem is when the laws are abused and those who believe that they are above the law are not prosecuted to the fullest. That doesn't mean that one group is (who should be prosecuted for their antics) supposed to be able to make up a bunch of false crap and prosecute people on 'that group's' lies.

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