White woman branded a racist for asking black man walking in her neighborhood if he was lost

I still don’t find bad intent from her written words of what she said….

Of course not. Leftists try to turn any situation racial even if it's somebody asking another person if they needed help. The Democrat party repeats racism over and over again to keep the races separated and hating each other. Brainwashing has worked very well for them in the past, especially politically.

True story...one very hot summer day in the SF valley of CA I was lounging around by the pool and playing video games trying to beat the heat... My parents were out of town with my brother and sister so I had the house to myself...

We lived in an upper middle-class neighborhood mostly all white...that afternoon I looked out the front window and saw a black dude about my age (16)... He was carrying a package from Sears and he was drinking from our lawn sprinklers....

I figured he had been to the mall since he was coming from that direction and he was obviously thirsty as hell... I grabbed a bottle of water and went outside... I yelled Hey! and he looked up at me scared as hell... It made me laugh... I said chill here is some water....

He took the bottle... said thank you and left... The next day I opened the door to get the paper and he was standing there.... this time he startled me and he laughed.... He said that his dad bought him a car and asked if I wanted to go to the beach where it was cooler... Hell yeah I said so we jumped into his Mustang ragtop and off we went....

The next years to come we were inseparable.... If you saw one of us you saw us both... We enlisted into the Marines together and after 9-11 we went off together to defend the USA.... We are still close friends today...

Until I moved we were next door neighbors in Oceanside CA... We don't see each other that often now but we chat and text all the time....

By the way he has become a bigger MAGA fan than even I have....

So maybe this woman was just trying to be helpful.... People jump so quickly these days...
You just can't win today.

Woman Branded 'Racist' for Asking Black Man if He Was Lost Divides Internet​

not true

u can win

if you are liar
steal elections or help steal them
pretend you just didn't know (byedim tactic)

and promote the idea that no child under the age of 3 years of age has a right to life...

no wonder we have the saying

scum rises to the top

but hey... when scum are at the top

there's only one way to go from there... and hopefully one day they will go there... I recall somewhere hearing something like

the wheels of God's justice turn slowly but finely... something like that...

and also: finally.... :)
You don’t think if I were in a predominately black neighborhood looking lost that the people their might think I was lost?
No he doesn’t…All he sees is the color…And if you were lost in his neighborhood, he wouldnt help you even if you asked…
You don’t think if I were in a predominately black neighborhood looking lost that the people their might think I was lost?

it's happened to me several times. One of my jobs was delivering and repairing home medical equipment. In the projects, a lot of addresses are torn down by the lowlifes. A couple of times somebody asked me if I knew what I was looking for, and I couldn't find the place. They pointed to where my customer lived. No big deal.

On several other occasions I was stopped by police for being white. After all, the only time whites went into those dangerous projects was when they were looking to buy drugs. No problem. I gave them my license, answered all their questions, and they allowed me to be on my way. One time (this was before the cell phone days) they called dispatch to call my company and verify who I said I was, even though I was in a van with the company name painted on it. Again, no big deal.
You don’t think if I were in a predominately black neighborhood looking lost that the people their might think I was lost?
No, there are white folks that live in predominately black neighborhoods and if they are looking at their cellphones black folks don't automatically think they are lost. Sounds more like you are saying if you are in a predominately white neighborhood that white people will think you shouldn't be there. Oh yea how was he looking lost? Looking at your cellphone indicates looking lost?
No, I do…to have so much distrust, and hatred in your heart. It’s really a pathetic existence…
Hatred doesn't have a damn thing to do with it, experience and history does. You cats are funny trying to act as if you just can't believe that we would think that given the history of America.
No, there are white folks that live in predominately black neighborhoods and if they are looking at their cellphones black folks don't automatically think they are lost. Sounds more like you are saying if you are in a predominately white neighborhood that white people will think you shouldn't be there. Oh yea how was he looking lost? Looking at your cellphone indicates looking lost?
People are too hellbent on making everything a negative racial issue. Should white people stop talking to black people? If it’s a small neighborhood, a lot of neighbors are familiar with who lives there. If they see someone who doesn’t look familiar there is nothing wrong with asking if they are lost.
[qute]People are too hellbent on making everything a negative racial issue. Should white people stop talking to black people?
It's simple, show me respect and I will show you the same respect.
If it’s a small neighborhood, a lot of neighbors are familiar with who lives there. If they see someone who doesn’t look familiar there is nothing wrong with asking if they are lost.
If they are lost I am pretty sure they will ask you for guidance.
Hatred doesn't have a damn thing to do with it, experience and history does. You cats are funny trying to act as if you just can't believe that we would think that given the history of America.
Oh, see I thought the objective was to move past the construct of color. You are the one in this conversation that refuses to do so, making you the racist here.
Oh, see I thought the objective was to move past the construct of color. You are the one in this conversation that refuses to do so, making you the racist here.
I pray one day we can move pass color in this country, just look at all the threads on this forum about color. Black folks didn't make color the issue in this country.
I pray one day we can move pass color in this country, just look at all the threads on this forum about color. Black folks didn't make color the issue in this country.

Right, blacks never do that. The topic is about a black guy being asked if he needed help with anything and he made it racial. But blacks want to get past color. :eusa_shhh:
If a White guy was walking in a South Chicago neighborhood do you think any of the Negroes would ask him if he was lost before killing him?
I pray one day we can move pass color in this country, just look at all the threads on this forum about color. Black folks didn't make color the issue in this country.
No, I don't think you do. You thrive off making everything you see about race. Take the story in this thread as example. There was nothing in the story that pointed toward racism on her part, other than the color of her skin, as you so much as said.

So, the problem lays with you, not her, and not me.

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