White woman branded a racist for asking black man walking in her neighborhood if he was lost

It's simple, show me respect and I will show you the same respect.

If they are lost I am pretty sure they will ask you for guidance.
It doesn’t appear any disrespect was shown.
No, I don't think you do.
This is America Jack, you are free to think what you want.
You thrive off making everything you see about race. Take the story in this thread as example. There was nothing in the story that pointed toward racism on her part, other than the color of her skin, as you so much as said.

So, the problem lays with you, not her, and not me.
The twist to the story has been he was lost? Can you point out in the story where he was lost or needed her assistance? Someone looking at their cellphone doesn't indicate they are lost. I see folks looking at their cellphones all the time, I don't just walk up and start asking them if they are lost.
When did we make race the issue in this country?

Did he ask for help?

When did looking at your cellphone indicate you need help?

WTF difference does it make if he asked for help or not? Somebody was extending an arm of kindness to him and like a typical black, certainly didn't appreciate it and even challenged her on it. This is why desegregation was the worst thing to happen to this country. We understand our own kind. Blacks are different than whites in every way. You don't understand us and we don't understand. you. Segregation would solve all these problems between the races.
People need to stop making negative racial issues when there is interaction between two races of people. ASSuming the worst is just fueling the fires of racial tensions.
WTF difference does it make if he asked for help or not? Somebody was extending an arm of kindness to him and like a typical black, certainly didn't appreciate it and even challenged her on it.
Your pasty ass wasn't there, you don't know what the fuck was said or wasn't said. You just AssUMe that she was nice and cordial, is there a video on the exchange between the 2?
This is why desegregation was the worst thing to happen to this country. We understand our own kind. Blacks are different than whites in every way. You don't understand us and we don't understand. you. Segregation would solve all these problems between the races.
....and yet your racist ass is a slum lord in a dominantly black neighborhood. There are plenty of white compounds out in Idaho and not a black person for 500 miles.
Did the article say anything about lack of respect? Asking someone if they are lost is not showing lack of respect, quite the opposite.
The article doesn't say much of anything, it actually makes a lot of assumptions.

It starts off.

A woman has described how she was branded a "racist" after asking a Black man she found walking around her neighborhood if he was lost.

Where did she find him at? Hiding under a rock. How do we know it wasn't his neighborhood as well or is there no black folks living in the neighborhood.
People need to stop making negative racial issues when there is interaction between two races of people. ASSuming the worst is just fueling the fires of racial tensions.
Black and white folks interact on a daily basis without assuming the worse, it is when folks approach you with that bullshit is when the problems start.
This is America Jack, you are free to think what you want.

The twist to the story has been he was lost? Can you point out in the story where he was lost or needed her assistance? Someone looking at their cellphone doesn't indicate they are lost. I see folks looking at their cellphones all the time, I don't just walk up and start asking them if they are lost.
Again, I don't know how many times this has to be explained to you....

But, first, you're right. This is America, and you are free to be as racist as you wish, but don't expect me to walk on eggshells around you because you're black. A racist is a racist in my book, and buddy, you are definitely one....

Now, as the story points out, the woman and her husband were walking home, in their neighborhood, and she noticed this young man on his bike looking at his phone, then down an ally....Now, he may not have been lost, but I can see where she might have thought that was the case. She simply asked him if he was, and that to you was the racist act, not for any other reason but the color of her skin, you've established that.

So, what are you not getting?
Again, I don't know how many times this has to be explained to you....

But, first, you're right. This is America, and you are free to be as racist as you wish, but don't expect me to walk on eggshells around you because you're black. A racist is a racist in my book, and buddy, you are definitely one....

Now, as the story points out, the woman and her husband were walking home, in their neighborhood, and she noticed this young man on his bike looking at his phone, then down an ally....Now, he may not have been lost, but I can see where she might have thought that was the case. She simply asked him if he was, and that to you was the racist act, not for any other reason but the color of her skin, you've established that.

So, what are you not getting?

That and the fact this story seems to be written to ruffle some feathers. There are no names of the people involved, no city, not even a state. I don't think this was any accident. If this story is even true (and I don't know it is as the OP is the only source of it) why didn't they at least give the city where we could look up the demographics? I'm willing to bet this has nothing to do with race and probably a very diverse community where this guy didn't stick out, but the reporter wanted to bait people into that conclusion; that this was an all white community and this woman was not trying to help, but investigate why he was in HER neighborhood when he shouldn't have been.
Your pasty ass wasn't there, you don't know what the fuck was said or wasn't said. You just AssUMe that she was nice and cordial, is there a video on the exchange between the 2?

....and yet your racist ass is a slum lord in a dominantly black neighborhood. There are plenty of white compounds out in Idaho and not a black person for 500 miles.

We were here first, you move.

It was a thriving community. Blacks moved in and destroyed it. Stores closed down, murders went from one every 20 years or so to several a year, schools turned into war zones, public gatherings had to be stopped like 4th of July fireworks and our annual summer carnival because you can't assemble any large group of blacks without it turning into mob fights, Gunfire almost a nightly thing. What happened here is the same as all across the country when blacks move in, but I should move?

I have a better idea: you stay there, and we stay here. We won't go to where you live and don't come to where we live. Second thought, we never go to where you live anyway because we don't want to be around you. Of course we both know that can never happen, you'll follow us even to Idaho when there is nothing left for your people to destroy where they live.

It's one of the reasons I support having two countries instead of one. Democrats on one side and Republicans on the other. If we chose our side as the Republican side and all the Democrats had to move out, my property value would double overnight because most all blacks are Democrats.
Pretty much, or just avoid black people whenever you can.
Avoid them at all times. Cross the street. Don't make eye contact. By all means ANY means. Never let them get behind you. If one does, stand with your back against a wall and wait until they pass. Remember, every word that you speak will be a racist attack.
You just can't win today.

Woman Branded 'Racist' for Asking Black Man if He Was Lost Divides Internet​

Lessons learned. When seeing strange black people in your neighborhood, don't talk to them, just go back to shooting first and asking questions later. :smoke:
We were here first, you move.
Actually you weren't here first, so get your shit and you move.
It was a thriving community. Blacks moved in and destroyed it. Stores closed down, murders went from one every 20 years or so to several a year, schools turned into war zones, public gatherings had to be stopped like 4th of July fireworks and our annual summer carnival because you can't assemble any large group of blacks without it turning into mob fights, Gunfire almost a nightly thing. What happened here is the same as all across the country when blacks move in, but I should move?
....and in spite of all that, your slum lord ass hasn't gone anywhere. You have stayed right there and taken advantage of the people. Talk about a damn hypocrite.
I have a better idea: you stay there, and we stay here. We won't go to where you live and don't come to where we live. Second thought, we never go to where you live anyway because we don't want to be around you. Of course we both know that can never happen, you'll follow us even to Idaho when there is nothing left for your people to destroy where they live.
First of all my neighborhood has black, white, asian and hispanic and folks get along great. The good thing is we don't have any racist like you running around the neighborhood. You don't want to be around black folks, but it is amazing how your slum lord ass continues to stay.
It's one of the reasons I support having two countries instead of one. Democrats on one side and Republicans on the other. If we chose our side as the Republican side and all the Democrats had to move out, my property value would double overnight because most all blacks are Democrats.
That's because you are an idiot.
...and in spite of all that, your slum lord ass hasn't gone anywhere. You have stayed right there and taken advantage of the people. Talk about a damn hypocrite.

The blacks destroyed our property value and all white areas cost an arm and a leg to live in. Otherwise I would have moved. I listed my reasons for staying, but you leftists have a memory problem. Desegregation has destroyed billions of dollars in property value across the entire country.

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