White woman branded a racist for asking black man walking in her neighborhood if he was lost

Actually, you can.

Some years ago, two young gentlemen beat up a Caucasian man.


Because the Caucasian had opened the door for them to enter a store first.

Someone in a forum explained that maybe the two young gentleman felt that the Caucasian was treating them like women.

Sadly, it is always wiser to keep your distance from certain folks, (And do not look at them, either.)
Making eye contact with animals is considered a challenge to it's dominance.
See? I was right. You're denying it.
No, actually showing it for all to see. You just attempt to spin it into your agenda.
You are saying I'm denying it, you are showing you think everything from the right is racist......it isn't.
No, actually showing it for all to see. You just attempt to spin it into your agenda.
You are saying I'm denying it, you are showing you think everything from the right is racist......it isn't.
Anytime a person resorts to "all" or "everything" or "always" it is a sign of desperation and a desperate dependence on bullshit. Thanks for the demonstration.
I don't need an answer for you son. You have no bearing on my existence at all.
We do have bearing on the political, cultural and demographic shifts happening in this country so of course we do little bitch, no matter how much you claim otherwise. 😁
Nope. It's possible and not even very difficult to rationalize anything.
I you can think or believe anything you choose. But you do not have a right to force those views down my throat, no more than I have the right to do so. But you guys are. There is no systemic racism in this country. Have you never studied American history at all? If you have than you know what I'm saying is true. If what I'm saying is not true than please show me all of this systemic racism you are talking about. Show it to me. I'm not seeing it on the news. Since the news is controlled by the left it seems they would be showing it on the news right? Where is it?
I you can think or believe anything you choose. But you do not have a right to force those views down my throat, no more than I have the right to do so. But you guys are. There is no systemic racism in this country. Have you never studied American history at all? If you have than you know what I'm saying is true. If what I'm saying is not true than please show me all of this systemic racism you are talking about. Show it to me. I'm not seeing it on the news. Since the news is controlled by the left it seems they would be showing it on the news right? Where is it?
I you can think or believe anything you choose. But you do not have a right to force those views down my throat, no more than I have the right to do so. But you guys are. There is no systemic racism in this country. Have you never studied American history at all? If you have than you know what I'm saying is true. If what I'm saying is not true than please show me all of this systemic racism you are talking about. Show it to me. I'm not seeing it on the news. Since the news is controlled by the left it seems they would be showing it on the news right? Where is it?
You're so vulnerable and defenseless that pointing out racism is as threat to you.... "forcing it down your throat". Poor you. We aren't content to just let your racism go and you object. Poor you.

You could very easily investigate and get familiar with systemic racism because it has been a part of the American landscape for many generations. But in your uninformed desperation to deny it, you resort to accusations of things like "you don't know anything about American history". Poor you. If you wanted to actually know about any possible systemic racism you could begin with Black Wall Street in Oklahoma back in 1921. But you won't because you really don't want to know. It would take you out of your beloved RW hate group by compromising your loyalty.
You're so vulnerable and defenseless that pointing out racism is as threat to you.... "forcing it down your throat". Poor you. We aren't content to just let your racism go and you object. Poor you.

You could very easily investigate and get familiar with systemic racism because it has been a part of the American landscape for many generations. But in your uninformed desperation to deny it, you resort to accusations of things like "you don't know anything about American history". Poor you. If you wanted to actually know about any possible systemic racism you could begin with Black Wall Street in Oklahoma back in 1921. But you won't because you really don't want to know. It would take you out of your beloved RW hate group by compromising your loyalty.
That was than moron. We are talking about RIGHT NOW!
You're so vulnerable and defenseless that pointing out racism is as threat to you.... "forcing it down your throat". Poor you. We aren't content to just let your racism go and you object. Poor you.

You could very easily investigate and get familiar with systemic racism because it has been a part of the American landscape for many generations. But in your uninformed desperation to deny it, you resort to accusations of things like "you don't know anything about American history". Poor you. If you wanted to actually know about any possible systemic racism you could begin with Black Wall Street in Oklahoma back in 1921. But you won't because you really don't want to know. It would take you out of your beloved RW hate group by compromising your loyalty.

Your trolling is very ineffective.

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