White woman branded a racist for asking black man walking in her neighborhood if he was lost

And since she's getting kicked in the teeth for her trouble, she'll be less likely to offer help in the future. Or at least to a person of the sacred race.
You prefer to see a racist approach as "offering help". How special. I don't suppose you could imagine a less racist way of dealing with the situation. (?)

You and your cohort can SAY a white person asking a black person walking through the neighborhood if they are lost isn't racist. But all reasonable people who are not RWers know better. Ask a black person. I don't suppose you would trust a black person to give you an honest, valid answer on it, right? I mean you would know better than they would, right?
You prefer to see a racist approach as "offering help". How special. I don't suppose you could imagine a less racist way of dealing with the situation. (?)

You and your cohort can SAY a white person asking a black person walking through the neighborhood if they are lost isn't racist. But all reasonable people who are not RWers know better. Ask a black person. I don't suppose you would trust a black person to give you an honest, valid answer on it, right? I mean you would know better than they would, right?
Of course I would know better. The whole point of this thread is that the black was being stupid to complain. No, of course I wouldn't trust a black to give an honest answer!! They are committed to dedicating their lives to being victims: that's why they do these awful things.
You prefer to see a racist approach as "offering help". How special. I don't suppose you could imagine a less racist way of dealing with the situation. (?)

You and your cohort can SAY a white person asking a black person walking through the neighborhood if they are lost isn't racist. But all reasonable people who are not RWers know better. Ask a black person. I don't suppose you would trust a black person to give you an honest, valid answer on it, right? I mean you would know better than they would, right?

It would be a waste of my time to ask a black person, since the answer would be akin to the boy who cried wolf. Oops, I shouldn';t have said 'boy' since I know you'll twist it into something I never meant.
It would be a waste of my time to ask a black person, since the answer would be akin to the boy who cried wolf. Oops, I shouldn';t have said 'boy' since I know you'll twist it into something I never meant.
I don't twist. That's a RW trick.

Now, let me modify my position on this and I think it will please you a little.

This is not to say the right has not been racist in this thread. They have. But in the OP the quote says "A woman has described how she was branded a 'racist' after asking a Black man she found walking around her neighborhood if he was lost."

I replied accordingly. That specific and limited description clearly indicates racism. But according to a full reading of the article, that is not what happened.

Rather, the article says the woman "noticed a young Black man "peering" at his phone down an alleyway".

Depending on the details which aren't elaborated, that could very well be a legitimate attempt to offer help. It could also reflect an insensitive and racist act. It's just about impossible to tell with accuracy from the description. But the young man, as he walked away, said "Hey maam, you know that was really racist."

So he perceived it as racist and since that was how it caused him to feel, that's how he saw it. But again, with little detail and without the young man's statement on what he heard, it's impossible to say with confidence that she was showing a racist attitude.
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The white guy would have fit in the neighborhood you imbicile.

I live in a small WHITE town of under 10k. Blacks stand out in this town. Blacks are a TINY MINORITY in most places. Get over yourself

He's one of the biggest racist on this forum. He thinks he's entitled to be racist.
So when you're in your front yard (if you have one) and see someone you don't recognize walk by, you normally ask them if they're lost, right?

To cover your ass you will reply "I might".

Is "I might" a wrong answer? Why would it be wrong?
And what's wrong with asking someone if they're lost? Because the white woman was asking a black man?

My God, you people are so brainwashed you don't even recognize kindness anymore.
Of course I would know better. The whole point of this thread is that the black was being stupid to complain. No, of course I wouldn't trust a black to give an honest answer!! They are committed to dedicating their lives to being victims: that's why they do these awful things.
That is shockingly RACIST. You would "know better"? Did the young man complain? You wouldn't trust a black person to be honest? "They are committed to dedicating their lives to being victims"? They do these "awful things"?

EVERY SENTENCE reflects racism. Congrats. I think you set a record.
So when you're in your front yard (if you have one) and see someone you don't recognize walk by, you normally ask them if they're lost, right?

To cover your ass you will reply "I might".

I'm a white guy who's been asked if I was lost by another white person on several occasions. The only way I could see it as somebody trying to help me out. I'm not familiar with this area, but maybe there are no blacks living around it and of course she found it unusual a black person would be walking around. Nothing wrong with that. I asked another white person if they were lost, but he looked homeless so I figured it's likely he was. We don't have any homeless living in our area.

The key to all this is he was staring into his cell phone, as if to be looking at Goggle Maps or something, or perhaps looking at an address. In fact something similar happened to me just last week. A cable installer pulled into my driveway and was looking at his phone. I walked up and asked if he needed help. He said he was looking for an address that didn't exist on my street. I thought perhaps he was looking for one of my tenants and didn't know which apartment they lived in.
Is "I might" a wrong answer? Why would it be wrong?
And what's wrong with asking someone if they're lost? Because the white woman was asking a black man?

My God, you people are so brainwashed you don't even recognize kindness anymore.
My god, you people are so brainwashed you don't recognize racism when it smacks you in the face!
(I'm repeating you because that was a STUPID thing to say and I wanted you to have a chance to recognize that.)

YES a white woman was asking a black man. Racism is rampant in spite of all the denials of the right, and in that context we need to be sensitive to racism and avoid it. THEREFORE, in this case, "kindness" in the case of a black man walking down the sidewalk right past you would mean you should just say "hello" or "good evening". If he were lost he would then see your greeting like anyone would: as a sign of openness, and if he were lost he might say "hi. Say, do you know where ________ is?"

That's helping without risking being seen as being racist about a BLACK person "IN MY WHITE NEIGHBORHOOD!!!!" (Oh HORRORS! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!)
I'm a white guy who's been asked if I was lost by another white person on several occasions. The only way I could see it as somebody trying to help me out. I'm not familiar with this area, but maybe there are no blacks living around it and of course she found it unusual a black person would be walking around. Nothing wrong with that.
Yeahright, except that she found it "unusual" to the point of being concerned, and she had ZERO sensitivity to our exploding issues of racism before she opened her yap.
My god, you people are so brainwashed you don't recognize racism when it smacks you in the face!
(I'm repeating you because that was a STUPID thing to say and I wanted you to have a chance to recognize that.)

What if it wasn't racism? You know, just a simple way of trying to help someone. Something that people who aren't afraid of the world might do, even in todays society.

I know, I know, to you lefties, even math is racist. But contrary to what you retards think, racism isn't what you might think. And it's definitely not what you've been told by the race baiters on the left.

YES a white woman was asking a black man.

OMG. Send her to gulags. Doesn't she know that her whiteness doesn't entitle her to talk to a black person without his written consent?

Racism is rampant in spite of all the denials of the right, and in that context we need to be sensitive to racism and avoid it.

You retards are over sensitive. You're so sensitive that you think it's racist for a white woman to talk to a black man.
THEREFORE, in this case, "kindness" in the case of a black man walking down the sidewalk right past you would mean you should just say "hello" or "good evening". If he were lost he would then see your greeting like anyone would: as a sign of openness, and if he were lost he might say "hi. Say, do you know where ________ is?"

LMAO... HA HA HA HA HA.. So now us white people are being dictated to as to what we're allowed to say to blacks. Go F yourself, retard. If the shoe was on the other foot, us white folks wouldn't scream racism.
But yall trigger so easily, I'm surprised you're not claiming it was racially motivated sexual assault.
That's helping without risking being seen as being racist about a BLACK person "IN MY WHITE NEIGHBORHOOD!!!!" (Oh HORRORS! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!)

You see, this is why the left is going down so hard this next November. Yall have gone into full retard mode. Yall have kicked this dead horse so much that even the decent black folks are tired of hearing it.
The DNC is trying their best to get you radical progressives to shut up until after the election. But yall just keep flapping your gums, and pushing more and more moderate democrats towards the GOP.

yall are seriously making the moderate democrats politically homeless.

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