White woman branded a racist for asking black man walking in her neighborhood if he was lost

And of course the racist right is using this incident to advance their lies about how blacks are ‘too sensitive’ and how whites are ‘falsely accused’ of being racist.
I've had a lot of contacts in my life that a sensitive person would perceive as racist. But I never perceived them that way because I looked at the other side. I'll give you an example. I worked for a major TELCO, one day I had to work on a cross connect box on the sidewalk in front of a bank. There was no stopping on the street or the side street so my van was parked a block away on another street out if sight. I was leaning on the box reading a book while I spent over forty minutes on ignore (hold) waiting for assistance. Suddenly three cop cars pull up and the cops approach me doing the get down on the ground thing and cuffed me. After complying and explaining the situation and showing them my ID, they released me and we all had a big laugh. It seems the bank manager thought I was casing the bank for a robbery crew. Now I look Latino as much as anything since I am an American mutt of mixed heritage. Now you try to tell me honestly that YOU wouldn't be screaming racism if that happened to you. I've had many similar things happen in my lifetime, but instead of believing them to be based upon racism, I believed then to be based upon stupidity or misapprehensions. If you look for racism, you will find it, but there are almost always more rational explanations for events.
You can't blame the left for Trump or the raging bad manners and vulgarity.
I've known a lot of New Yorkers of all races and religions and they almost all resembled Trump. Something about New York seems to breed insensitive, loud and obnoxious boors who think they are better than anyone else.
If I encountered someone walking around in my neighborhood whom I didn't recognize, and they appeared lost or at least looking for something, I wouldn't hesitate to ask if they needed help or directions. Everything this woman did seems quite reasonable to me. Today however, you're likely better off just ignoring them if you're white and they are a person of color.
You know every single person in your neighborhood?
I would probably have spoken to him. My encounters are generally friendly with good results. I'm certainly not insulting to anyone.
So what . People have offered me assistance when I was lost. In fact quite recently I was lost and a young black woman stepped up to help me out. If you don't need help, just say " thanks, but I'm okay".
It all depends how you approach someone.
The right doesn't know their own stupidity from their racism. The racism in the OP and the story is obvious. But to the right, opposing racism is "insane". No wonder we have so much racism and the right doesn't recognize it even when it's systemic.

This from somebody that likely voted for the presidential candidate that said the most racist things in our lifetime.
It was a nice gesture, but it was ruined by you not asking the mother if it were ok or not prior to doing it.

I am assuming you never had kids or you would know this, you do not just hand things to a strangers kid without asking first.

This is a basic common courtesy .

I would not hand something to my sister's kids without asking the first time if it were ok.

Why would ask the mother anything. It's a game. Kids like to play games, especially video games. I could understand if it was something controversial like an article from the NRA, but it was Angry Birds, the most popular video game at the time. What parent would object to that and why?

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