White woman branded a racist for asking black man walking in her neighborhood if he was lost

That is shockingly RACIST. You would "know better"? Did the young man complain? You wouldn't trust a black person to be honest? "They are committed to dedicating their lives to being victims"? They do these "awful things"?

EVERY SENTENCE reflects racism. Congrats. I think you set a record.
Thanks, I appreciate it.
Why would ask the mother anything. It's a game. Kids like to play games, especially video games. I could understand if it was something controversial like an article from the NRA, but it was Angry Birds, the most popular video game at the time. What parent would object to that and why?

Because it is not your kid, and you know nothing about the kid. The kid could have a condition that causes seizures when staring at a blinking screen. Maybe after your act of kindness the kid is now bugging his mom 24/7 for a smart phone. There are a 1000 reasons why you never hand something to a strangers kid without asking first . Would it have killed you to show just one ounce of respect for the parent and asked first?

In the end asking the parent first is just basic common courtesy, something you clearly have none of.
Moral of the story: Avoid being white.

No the lesson learned is ignore blacks.

If I saw one on fire I'd keep walking because you can't even try to help them or be polite without running a high risk of problems.

If saw one shot and bleeding out I'd just turn around and go another way because there is a good chance if I try to help him and he does then I'd be blamed for it. If you're white you can't do anything right, so let them fend for themselves.

So, fuck em.
My god, you people are so brainwashed you don't recognize racism when it smacks you in the face!
(I'm repeating you because that was a STUPID thing to say and I wanted you to have a chance to recognize that.)

YES a white woman was asking a black man. Racism is rampant in spite of all the denials of the right, and in that context we need to be sensitive to racism and avoid it. THEREFORE, in this case, "kindness" in the case of a black man walking down the sidewalk right past you would mean you should just say "hello" or "good evening". If he were lost he would then see your greeting like anyone would: as a sign of openness, and if he were lost he might say "hi. Say, do you know where ________ is?"

That's helping without risking being seen as being racist about a BLACK person "IN MY WHITE NEIGHBORHOOD!!!!" (Oh HORRORS! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!)
And if the guy WAS lost or not sure where he was and she didn’t offer to help you’d be crying she’s racist anyway. Must be nice to just crutch on that meaningless word “racist” constantly.
Because it is not your kid, and you know nothing about the kid. The kid could have a condition that causes seizures when staring at a blinking screen. Maybe after your act of kindness the kid is now bugging his mom 24/7 for a smart phone. There are a 1000 reasons why you never hand something to a strangers kid without asking first . Would it have killed you to show just one ounce of respect for the parent and asked first?

In the end asking the parent first is just basic common courtesy, something you clearly have none of.
Well idiot, if the kid did have one of those problems, don’t you think his mother would have said something? You think kids aren’t bugging their parents for phones already? Would it kill you to actually try to think before spouting off? For the first time in your life? Common sense seems to be what you lack.
Well idiot, if the kid did have one of those problems, don’t you think his mother would have said something? You think kids aren’t bugging their parents for phones already? Would it kill you to actually try to think before spouting off? For the first time in your life? Common sense seems to be what you lack.

Look, I get that you have to always be the opposite of me and would attack me for saying the grass is green, but this is stupid even by your standards.

He hands the kid the phone and walks away, did he even give the mother a chance to say something?

Never hand a kid something without asking the parent, it is just basic common courtesy, something all of you wingnuts seem to lack.

It is also just common sense to get a parent's permission before handing something to a child that is not your own.

It is easy to tell who has never had any children of their own
Look, I get that you have to always be the opposite of me and would attack me for saying the grass is green, but this is stupid even by your standards.

He hands the kid the phone and walks away, did he even give the mother a chance to say something?

Never hand a kid something without asking the parent, it is just basic common courtesy, something all of you wingnuts seem to lack.

It is also just common sense to get a parent's permission before handing something to a child that is not your own.

It is easy to tell who has never had any children of their own
Yeah, you never did. And don’t you EVER speak of my wife or children asshole. How do you know the mother wasn’t asked? Brains. Something leftards like you lack. Since you’re brain damaged, I’ll type slowly and explain this. If mom is right there, if she disapproved she would have said something, would she not? Try again.....
Yeah, you never did. And don’t you EVER speak of my wife or children asshole.

Do not tell me what to speak of little man.

How do you know the mother wasn’t asked?

Because he admitted that he did not do so.

If mom is right there, if she disapproved she would have said something, would she not? Try again.....

Yes she would, which is why she should be asked first. Anyone with kids would know this. Why are you people so very devoid of basic common courtesy? It must be the hate that fills your every moment.
Yea while you are hiding behind your computer.
What are you gonna do if I say it in person?

Punch me?

Shoot me?

What is the appropriate black response to me saying a magic naughty word?

Like spook

or coon

or moolie

or yard ape

or aftricoon

or Antique Farm Equipment

or Blacky Chan

Would you call me something in response?

what would that be?

We are TRUELY equal when none of that shit bothers you.

Look, I get that you have to always be the opposite of me and would attack me for saying the grass is green, but this is stupid even by your standards.

He hands the kid the phone and walks away, did he even give the mother a chance to say something?

Never hand a kid something without asking the parent, it is just basic common courtesy, something all of you wingnuts seem to lack.

It is also just common sense to get a parent's permission before handing something to a child that is not your own.

It is easy to tell who has never had any children of their own

I guess it must be a generation thing or something. I was raised at a time when you didn't have to ask somebody if you could do something nice for them. Now if I gave the kid a candy bar, that's different. The child may have allergies to something in it. It may be tainted by the giver. A child could have an obesity problem the parent is trying to work through. In other words a number of negative things even though the gesture was kind. But something totally harmless like a cell phone video game has nothing to do with courtesy, it had to do with I was white. If it was a brother who did the same thing, she probably would have been very moved by it.
Because it is not your kid, and you know nothing about the kid. The kid could have a condition that causes seizures when staring at a blinking screen. Maybe after your act of kindness the kid is now bugging his mom 24/7 for a smart phone. There are a 1000 reasons why you never hand something to a strangers kid without asking first . Would it have killed you to show just one ounce of respect for the parent and asked first?

In the end asking the parent first is just basic common courtesy, something you clearly have none of.

Like I said, I was raised during a time when you wanted to do something nice for somebody, you just did it. If a woman drops something out of her purse, I reach down and retrieve it for her, I don't ask if I could first. That's completely stupid. And what condition gives people seizures staring at a blank screen? I had an old girlfriend that got seizures and never heard of that before.

Like I said, perhaps I'm from a different world. In the new world, don't help anybody F-em. That's the kind of society you want to live in.
From the racist comments of the past from folks like you, many on this forum do.

That's because YOU DO look at everything through race. I'm talking about people who don't. For instance this woman just seen another person who appeared to be lost so she asked if she could be of assistance. She didn't even consider his race more than likely. She didn't ask herself 20 questions before offering help, it was instinct.
I don't twist. That's a RW trick.

Now, let me modify my position on this and I think it will please you a little.

This is not to say the right has not been racist in this thread. They have. But in the OP the quote says "A woman has described how she was branded a 'racist' after asking a Black man she found walking around her neighborhood if he was lost."

I replied accordingly. That specific and limited description clearly indicates racism. But according to a full reading of the article, that is not what happened.

Rather, the article says the woman "noticed a young Black man "peering" at his phone down an alleyway".

Depending on the details which aren't elaborated, that could very well be a legitimate attempt to offer help. It could also reflect an insensitive and racist act. It's just about impossible to tell with accuracy from the description. But the young man, as he walked away, said "Hey maam, you know that was really racist."

So he perceived it as racist and since that was how it caused him to feel, that's how he saw it. But again, with little detail and without the young man's statement on what he heard, it's impossible to say with confidence that she was showing a racist attitude.
From the racist comments of the past from folks like you, many on this forum do.

Yo', Bro.....how about folks like this:

UC Berkeley Professor Told Students Abolishing Whiteness Means Wiping out White People​

“If you can, imagine we didn’t have white people…let’s say, 600 years ago. So the suggestion by abolitionists is, we made white people, so one is not born white. By virtue of having a white Bible, one has to be taught to be white. … [W]hites are taught as young children to be white.”

“[W]e…know just from personal experience, that if a white person took a non-white person home as a date, everything changes. Right? … To bring home a friend who’s not white, everything changes.”

“So in some, at least, lived way, whites already know that they’re white. And that may explain why there’s sort of this defensive reaction towards abolishing whiteness and abolishing white people, because there is an investment here, okay?”

“[M]y recent understanding is that to abolish whiteness is to abolish white people. Okay, now that’s…different from white bodies, right? White bodies will still exist, but we will no longer consider them white people.”

UC Berkeley Professor Told Students Abolishing Whiteness Means Wiping out White People

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