White woman branded a racist for asking black man walking in her neighborhood if he was lost

Too bad you were not raised in a time when basic common courtesy was a thing.

Picking up something for someone is not the same thing as handing something to a kid that is not your kid.

What possible harm could there have been in you asking first?

You just assume this due to your racist tendencies. The same reason you judge all black people by the actions of this one woman.

"Too bad you were not raised in a time when basic common courtesy was a thing."

You could also direct this comment towards Supermadmutha and a few others, since it's likely that's all this woman was up to.
Imagine if a black guy were walking down a white street and no one helped him find where he was going?

Instead, the people didn't say a word and instead just went inside their house and locked their doors- peaking through their curtains until the stranger left.

Would they be considered racist too, but for the opposite crime of NOT offering help to the black guy when they would have presumably helped a honky who was lost?
The point of CriticalTheory is to make everything wrong. Every action is the incorrect action. Being critical of every fucking thing without offering proper solutions, is the goal marxists, to erode western society and introduced their commie fucking shit.

Unwittingly, black folks are just pawns in this power struggle. Many are under the delusion that those trying to be their "new" benevolent "masters" will be kind to them when power is gain.

Marxists slated black folks for extermination long ago. But, not until they serve their purpose of helping erode western society with bullshit.

Enter critical race theory, which is the sub plot of the original CriticalTheory creators at the Frankfurt school.
It speaks for itself doesn't it, that's foolish.

I thought only whitey was a hater. This is along the lines of the teachings Ibrahim Kenda, which is out there poisoning minds of many blacks, and whites, for that matter, young and old, with extreme racial bias, through things like BLM and other radical movements. The thought of everyone coming together gets further and further out of reach.
It's not at all surprising that a RWer wouldn't know twisting the words of another, from nuance and elaboration of one's own words.

Ever notice that stupid, uneducated RWers are proud of their stupidity?
Ha ha ha.......you contradict yourself in one sentence.....maybe you should think a little harder before you post.....then you try and pass off your ineptitude onto others.
You also don't have to resort to racial epithets about RWers, to make your point.

But you implied it THROUGHOUT this thread. Don't deny it. You implied throughout that asking a black dude if he is lost is OBVIOUSLY racist, not an attept to be kind and helpful.

You assume whitey is out to get you. You throw around vailed threats.

Do you see the problem?

I can't treat you with respect or like a brother because YOU WON'T LET ME!!!
I didn't imply Jack, I said it comes down to how and why you approach me.
Ha ha ha.......you contradict yourself in one sentence.....maybe you should think a little harder before you post.....then you try and pass off your ineptitude onto others.
You also don't have to resort to racial epithets about RWers, to make your point.

Thank you so much for making my point SO WELL!!
I didn't imply Jack, I said it comes down to how and why you approach me.
Then, what the fuck has you been arguing about for the last two days?

Was approaching the guy and ask him if he's lost "racist" or not?

Who is the one with the problem here.?

Why must there be some magical formula for approaching a black dude?

Don't you see how you have become a pawn of those pushing CriticalTheory? They don't give a rats ass about you. They are using you. You were letting them.
Did I? I asked how many white guys has she approached.
how many white guys has she come across wandering around through a neighborhood with their phone out looking lost?

Is that what you're asking?

Why does that even fucking matter?

The only reason this is an issue is because she is white and that dude is black.

Tell me I am wrong.
You're COMPLETELY wrong.

And English isn't your strong point. Grade school was tough, huh?
"Too bad you were not raised in a time when basic common courtesy was a thing."

You could also direct this comment towards Supermadmutha and a few others, since it's likely that's all this woman was up to.
Maybe ----------- but as a person who did run up against several people asking when I walked out of my neighborhood whether I needed help, what I was doing there, etc. (And the same again when I did census mop-up one year.) ------ I think there is a duty to reassure. She may have thought this black guy was looking for something to steal! Why not? Blacks steal a lot and everyone knows that. We don't ask Asians what they are doing here, because Asians don't steal and everyone knows that, too.

I felt I had a duty to reassure the people asking that I was okay and not going to rob anyone, until I decided taking walks this way wasn't working. Which apparently a LOT of people are finding out these days! But this black guy didn't reassure her, the turkey, he just was disrespectful and told her she was being racist.

I never had occasion to say anything to blacks wandering around because they never did out here, but we do now have a couple in the development nearby, and they DO assume the duty of reassurance: the women walk together, in step, with those hand weights swinging. Okay, costumed joggers, that's obviously fine. The giant black man we see periodically does a really good job at reassuring everyone --------- he is only seen walking a tiny white dog! I think it's a toy poodle. I swear to God this is true. Who could object?
Then, what the fuck has you been arguing about for the last two days?

Was approaching the guy and ask him if he's lost "racist" or not?

Who is the one with the problem here.?

Why must there be some magical formula for approaching a black dude?

Don't you see how you have become a pawn of those pushing CriticalTheory? They don't give a rats ass about you. They are using you. You were letting them.
I wasn't there, how about you? I don't know how she approached him.

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