White woman branded a racist for asking black man walking in her neighborhood if he was lost

how many white guys has she come across wandering around through a neighborhood with their phone out looking lost?

Is that what you're asking?

Why does that even fucking matter?

The only reason this is an issue is because she is white and that dude is black.

Tell me I am wrong.
Obviously he wasn't lost, so he wasn't wandering either. Of course that is the only reason it's an issue, had he been white she probably wouldn't have paid him any attention.
Obviously he wasn't lost, so he wasn't wandering either. Of course that is the only reason it's an issue, had he been white she probably wouldn't have paid him any attention.
I've been in and through predominantly black neighborhoods and received similar responses. 'You lost white boy' Hey, cracker where you going, what you doin' here'.
I didn't give it a second thought.
I've been in and through predominantly black neighborhoods and received similar responses. 'You lost white boy' Hey, cracker where you going, what you doin' here'.
I didn't give it a second thought.
Oh, yeah. My husband and I drove through an area that went bad a few years ago --- we were amazed how bad it was, evicted people's furniture out on the sidewalk, etc. --- I used to buy hay right down there all the time when it was still a good place! And these black women just glared and glared furiously at us: I was glad we were in a locked car.

When I went through a black neighborhood on a bicycle back in Chicago, an old black man yelled at me, "Take off your dress!" I'm still sort of traumatized by that. What kind of animal was he? I had never seen anyone like that before.
Why do you laugh, GG? That sexual yelling thing was very disturbing to me --- women don't like that kind of antisocial behavior. That was a trauma and I don't see why you would think it funny.

I think it's important to use the "funny" emoticon for actually funny, not to mock someone.
Too bad you were not raised in a time when basic common courtesy was a thing.

Picking up something for someone is not the same thing as handing something to a kid that is not your kid.

What possible harm could there have been in you asking first?

Why would I even think of asking first? Like I said, where I come from people just did nice things for each other. Nobody ever had to ask. It's the last thing anybody would think of.

You just assume this due to your racist tendencies. The same reason you judge all black people by the actions of this one woman.

When did I judge all black people that way? You might live in your own little bubble, but the truth of the matter is blacks are more racist against whites than the other way around. Years ago when they first started to invade our suburb, people used low frequency cordless phones. I was able to pick up calls on my police scanner. You should hear some of the vile shit they say about whites when they think we are not listening. The OP is a perfect example of that. She's asking me if I need help because of the color of my skin. You have to really hold a grudge for your mind to work like that.
Imagine if a black guy were walking down a white street and no one helped him find where he was going?

Instead, the people didn't say a word and instead just went inside their house and locked their doors- peaking through their curtains until the stranger left.

Would they be considered racist too, but for the opposite crime of NOT offering help to the black guy when they would have presumably helped a honky who was lost?

Or if somebody got suspicious and called the police. Imagine that. Then if it became a problem, they would be asking why didn't the woman talk to the man first to see if he needed help. You can't win for losing with these people.
That is becauseof folks like you.

How do you know what this woman was thinking? If she has the mindset that you do, I doubt that is what she was thinking.

How? Because she asked a stranger if he needed some help, that's how. If she had a racist mindset, why would she bother asking him anything at all?
Why would I even think of asking first?

Because it is not your fucking kid. Why is that so very difficult for you?

Like I said, where I come from people just did nice things for each other. Nobody ever had to ask. It's the last thing anybody would think of.

And the nice thing to do would have been to clear it through the parent first. You are not the kids parent.

When did I judge all black people that way?

Post number 51...

and I quote...

Several years ago I got a new phone, it might have been an iPhone. In any case I was at the building department to fill out some forms and a black lady with her young son sat next to me on the bench. The child was fascinated with the video game I was playing so when they called my name, I handed my phone to the kid so he could play the game while I tended to the clerk at the counter. I figured it's the first chance he ever had at messing with a smart phone. After I got done the clerk called her name, she and her son stood up. She gave me a dirty look and told the child "Give dat man his phone back" as I passed them going back to my seat.

No more. Screw them.

You might live in your own little bubble, but the truth of the matter is blacks are more racist against whites than the other way around.

I judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin.

how many white guys has she come across wandering around through a neighborhood with their phone out looking lost?

Is that what you're asking?

Why does that even fucking matter?

The only reason this is an issue is because she is white and that dude is black.

Tell me I am wrong.

He keeps asking that question as if any of us know her personally. :badgrin:
Do not tell me what to speak of little man.

Because he admitted that he did not do so.

Yes she would, which is why she should be asked first. Anyone with kids would know this. Why are you people so very devoid of basic common courtesy? It must be the hate that fills your every moment.
I’ll tell you to keep my family out of your disgusting mouth and you’ll do so boy. Seems generosity and doing something nice for others is foreign to you. Look beyond the mirror once once a while. Hate? That’s people like you.
Like I said, I was raised during a time when you wanted to do something nice for somebody, you just did it. If a woman drops something out of her purse, I reach down and retrieve it for her, I don't ask if I could first. That's completely stupid. And what condition gives people seizures staring at a blank screen? I had an old girlfriend that got seizures and never heard of that before.

Like I said, perhaps I'm from a different world. In the new world, don't help anybody F-em. That's the kind of society you want to live in.
And if you said you didn’t let the kid play the game, Gator would scream you’re racist for.....reasons. Seems common generosity is going the way of the dinosaur, at least on the left.
I’ll tell you to keep my family out of your disgusting mouth and you’ll do so boy.

Fuck off an die there little man, your tough guy routine is lost on me

Seems generosity and doing something nice for others is foreign to you.

The nice thing to do is to ask the parent if it is ok first. If you had kids you would know this. How about you walk up the stairs out of your basement and ask your mommy her opinion when you are getting your next hot pocket.

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