Whites beaten by “youths” again.

This shit is why I carry.

If you shoot an unarmed black teen....you will be indicted and likely convicted.

You need to read the report on the white man in Clearwater, Fl. who actually had the nerve to defend his life against a black thug who had assaulted him.

Anyone now who carries a concealed-weapon has put himself in harms way as juries will consider you guilty from the gitgo because of the media indoctrination of the public into believing no reasonable person would walk around with a concealed weapon....most especially if you dare shoot a black teen and if he is unarmed....you will be facing many years in jail where you will be sexually asaulted, raped etc by black thugs.

Disagree, I think the jury got it right on the Clearwater case. The black dude clearly backed away when the guy pulled his gun. Lethal force was no longer justified at that point. If he had continued to assault it would be a different story.

Nonsense....you watch a slow motion video ....just like the jury and come to an erroneous conclusion.

Michael drejka did not have the benefit of hind sight or a slow motion video...he lived in real time ....that is what too many do not get....the slow motion video misled the jury.

The jury took several hours of watching a slow motion video aka frame by frame to come to their ridiculous decision.

Yet they expected Michael Drejka to come to the same conclusion in approx. 2 to 3 secs. That is all the time he had from the moment he was assaulted till he fired his weapon.

Not even to mention the fact he had been dazed by the assault on him....thus dazed, in shock and in a very reasonable fear of his life or of further grievious bodily harm he had to act very, very quickly ....you cannot expect someone in this condition to notice a couple of halting backward steps by his assailant.

Blacks Are Increasingly Above the Law - American Renaissance
This shit is why I carry.

If you shoot an unarmed black teen....you will be indicted and likely convicted.

You need to read the report on the white man in Clearwater, Fl. who actually had the nerve to defend his life against a black thug who had assaulted him.

Anyone now who carries a concealed-weapon has put himself in harms way as juries will consider you guilty from the gitgo because of the media indoctrination of the public into believing no reasonable person would walk around with a concealed weapon....most especially if you dare shoot a black teen and if he is unarmed....you will be facing many years in jail where you will be sexually asaulted, raped etc by black thugs.

Disagree, I think the jury got it right on the Clearwater case. The black dude clearly backed away when the guy pulled his gun. Lethal force was no longer justified at that point. If he had continued to assault it would be a different story.

So in this situation below, Bronson was right for the first shots against these 2 criminals, but the 2nd shots after they were down was unjustified?

Theoretically yes, but it really comes down to what you're able to convince the jury of - were they harmed enough as to have been effectively neutralized, or did they still pose a threat?

The Jerome Ersland case was a prime example of what you're talking about. 2 teens tried to rob his pharmacy. He pulled a gun and shot one in the head, immediately incapacitating him. The other ran away and Ersland chased him for a moment. He then came back into his store, retrieved another gun, and shot the original suspect 5 more times as he was laying on the floor. He was charged with 1st degree murder and received life in prison. The first shot was perfectly justified, the additional 5 were not.

Easy for you to say that since you were not the one whose life was on the line and under much stress and likely in a state of shock.

Yet we see this kind of miscarriage of justice time and again when it come to black perps.
This shit is why I carry.

If you shoot an unarmed black teen....you will be indicted and likely convicted.

You need to read the report on the white man in Clearwater, Fl. who actually had the nerve to defend his life against a black thug who had assaulted him.

Anyone now who carries a concealed-weapon has put himself in harms way as juries will consider you guilty from the gitgo because of the media indoctrination of the public into believing no reasonable person would walk around with a concealed weapon....most especially if you dare shoot a black teen and if he is unarmed....you will be facing many years in jail where you will be sexually asaulted, raped etc by black thugs.

Disagree, I think the jury got it right on the Clearwater case. The black dude clearly backed away when the guy pulled his gun. Lethal force was no longer justified at that point. If he had continued to assault it would be a different story.

Nonsense....you watch a slow motion video ....just like the jury and come to an erroneous conclusion.

Michael drejka did not have the benefit of hind sight or a slow motion video...he lived in real time ....that is what too many do not get....the slow motion video misled the jury.

The jury took several hours of watching a slow motion video aka frame by frame to come to their ridiculous decision.

Yet they expected Michael Drejka to come to the same conclusion in approx. 2 to 3 secs. That is all the time he had from the moment he was assaulted till he fired his weapon.

Not even to mention the fact he had been dazed by the assault on him....thus dazed, in shock and in a very reasonable fear of his life or of further grievious bodily harm he had to act very, very quickly ....you cannot expect someone in this condition to notice a couple of halting backward steps by his assailant.

Blacks Are Increasingly Above the Law - American Renaissance

This is the video I watched, and I stand by my claim. There was ample time to see he was retreating.

This shit is why I carry.

If you shoot an unarmed black teen....you will be indicted and likely convicted.

You need to read the report on the white man in Clearwater, Fl. who actually had the nerve to defend his life against a black thug who had assaulted him.

Anyone now who carries a concealed-weapon has put himself in harms way as juries will consider you guilty from the gitgo because of the media indoctrination of the public into believing no reasonable person would walk around with a concealed weapon....most especially if you dare shoot a black teen and if he is unarmed....you will be facing many years in jail where you will be sexually asaulted, raped etc by black thugs.

Disagree, I think the jury got it right on the Clearwater case. The black dude clearly backed away when the guy pulled his gun. Lethal force was no longer justified at that point. If he had continued to assault it would be a different story.

Nonsense....you watch a slow motion video ....just like the jury and come to an erroneous conclusion.

Michael drejka did not have the benefit of hind sight or a slow motion video...he lived in real time ....that is what too many do not get....the slow motion video misled the jury.

The jury took several hours of watching a slow motion video aka frame by frame to come to their ridiculous decision.

Yet they expected Michael Drejka to come to the same conclusion in approx. 2 to 3 secs. That is all the time he had from the moment he was assaulted till he fired his weapon.

Not even to mention the fact he had been dazed by the assault on him....thus dazed, in shock and in a very reasonable fear of his life or of further grievious bodily harm he had to act very, very quickly ....you cannot expect someone in this condition to notice a couple of halting backward steps by his assailant.

Blacks Are Increasingly Above the Law - American Renaissance

This is the video I watched, and I stand by my claim. There was ample time to see he was retreating.

Jesus. He just walked up and attacked the guy! Zero to punch you in the face in like two seconds! What a thug!
This shit is why I carry.

If you shoot an unarmed black teen....you will be indicted and likely convicted.

You need to read the report on the white man in Clearwater, Fl. who actually had the nerve to defend his life against a black thug who had assaulted him.

Anyone now who carries a concealed-weapon has put himself in harms way as juries will consider you guilty from the gitgo because of the media indoctrination of the public into believing no reasonable person would walk around with a concealed weapon....most especially if you dare shoot a black teen and if he is unarmed....you will be facing many years in jail where you will be sexually asaulted, raped etc by black thugs.

Disagree, I think the jury got it right on the Clearwater case. The black dude clearly backed away when the guy pulled his gun. Lethal force was no longer justified at that point. If he had continued to assault it would be a different story.

Nonsense....you watch a slow motion video ....just like the jury and come to an erroneous conclusion.

Michael drejka did not have the benefit of hind sight or a slow motion video...he lived in real time ....that is what too many do not get....the slow motion video misled the jury.

The jury took several hours of watching a slow motion video aka frame by frame to come to their ridiculous decision.

Yet they expected Michael Drejka to come to the same conclusion in approx. 2 to 3 secs. That is all the time he had from the moment he was assaulted till he fired his weapon.

Not even to mention the fact he had been dazed by the assault on him....thus dazed, in shock and in a very reasonable fear of his life or of further grievious bodily harm he had to act very, very quickly ....you cannot expect someone in this condition to notice a couple of halting backward steps by his assailant.

Blacks Are Increasingly Above the Law - American Renaissance

This is the video I watched, and I stand by my claim. There was ample time to see he was retreating.

There was no retreating. He was gaining his foothold
This shit is why I carry.

If you shoot an unarmed black teen....you will be indicted and likely convicted.

You need to read the report on the white man in Clearwater, Fl. who actually had the nerve to defend his life against a black thug who had assaulted him.

Anyone now who carries a concealed-weapon has put himself in harms way as juries will consider you guilty from the gitgo because of the media indoctrination of the public into believing no reasonable person would walk around with a concealed weapon....most especially if you dare shoot a black teen and if he is unarmed....you will be facing many years in jail where you will be sexually asaulted, raped etc by black thugs.

Disagree, I think the jury got it right on the Clearwater case. The black dude clearly backed away when the guy pulled his gun. Lethal force was no longer justified at that point. If he had continued to assault it would be a different story.

Nonsense....you watch a slow motion video ....just like the jury and come to an erroneous conclusion.

Michael drejka did not have the benefit of hind sight or a slow motion video...he lived in real time ....that is what too many do not get....the slow motion video misled the jury.

The jury took several hours of watching a slow motion video aka frame by frame to come to their ridiculous decision.

Yet they expected Michael Drejka to come to the same conclusion in approx. 2 to 3 secs. That is all the time he had from the moment he was assaulted till he fired his weapon.

Not even to mention the fact he had been dazed by the assault on him....thus dazed, in shock and in a very reasonable fear of his life or of further grievious bodily harm he had to act very, very quickly ....you cannot expect someone in this condition to notice a couple of halting backward steps by his assailant.

Blacks Are Increasingly Above the Law - American Renaissance

This is the video I watched, and I stand by my claim. There was ample time to see he was retreating.

There was no retreating. He was gaining his foothold

You know, I just watched it again, full screen, and it was obviously a sucker punch too.

Someone saying something he didn't like to his wife, and just walk up and cold cock the guy in the side of the head.

What was his record like?
This shit is why I carry.

If you shoot an unarmed black teen....you will be indicted and likely convicted.

You need to read the report on the white man in Clearwater, Fl. who actually had the nerve to defend his life against a black thug who had assaulted him.

Anyone now who carries a concealed-weapon has put himself in harms way as juries will consider you guilty from the gitgo because of the media indoctrination of the public into believing no reasonable person would walk around with a concealed weapon....most especially if you dare shoot a black teen and if he is unarmed....you will be facing many years in jail where you will be sexually asaulted, raped etc by black thugs.

Disagree, I think the jury got it right on the Clearwater case. The black dude clearly backed away when the guy pulled his gun. Lethal force was no longer justified at that point. If he had continued to assault it would be a different story.

Nonsense....you watch a slow motion video ....just like the jury and come to an erroneous conclusion.

Michael drejka did not have the benefit of hind sight or a slow motion video...he lived in real time ....that is what too many do not get....the slow motion video misled the jury.

The jury took several hours of watching a slow motion video aka frame by frame to come to their ridiculous decision.

Yet they expected Michael Drejka to come to the same conclusion in approx. 2 to 3 secs. That is all the time he had from the moment he was assaulted till he fired his weapon.

Not even to mention the fact he had been dazed by the assault on him....thus dazed, in shock and in a very reasonable fear of his life or of further grievious bodily harm he had to act very, very quickly ....you cannot expect someone in this condition to notice a couple of halting backward steps by his assailant.

Blacks Are Increasingly Above the Law - American Renaissance

This is the video I watched, and I stand by my claim. There was ample time to see he was retreating.


Without sound its really tough to say.

I remember years ago, there was a tape from a Pennsylvania department where a couple of police stood up a suspect and another cop came by and hit in in the stomach with his baton.

They initially wanted to fire the police officer, but once the details came out, it turned out that the suspect was trash talking the police officer's mother and the assault was justified.

When you have a silent video like this, its difficult to say
And another one.....oh those rapscallion “teens“. Thank you, media, for the great description.

What was his record like?
He "was an artist, a loving father, and so much more"

Markeis McGlockton: Artist, loving father, and much more than just a hashtag

And a thug and drug dealer.

Yes...he had high levels of 2 illegal drugs in his system when killed and if you had watched the trial it was explained how the drugs may have contributed to his irrational violence in this case....not to mention he had been arrested for assault before.

Thus the combination of 3 factors I think caused him to assault Michael Drejka....his predisposition for violence, using drugs known to cause violence in some, and most likely and in fact very likely he like most rappers hate white folks.

If the guy talking to his wife had been black he would have at first least engaged him in conversation to find out what was going on....but no ....he saw a white guy who was arguing with his wife.....this triggered his violence because of his hatred of white men.
And another one.....oh those rapscallion “teens“. Thank you, media, for the great description.

View attachment 279476
Which reminds me of another casualty of the Social Media Complex, Colin Flaherty for exposing the crimes of our black population. Like so many others he has been banned from social media. Some viewpoints just cannot be heard.
This shit is why I carry.

If you shoot an unarmed black teen....you will be indicted and likely convicted.

You need to read the report on the white man in Clearwater, Fl. who actually had the nerve to defend his life against a black thug who had assaulted him.

Anyone now who carries a concealed-weapon has put himself in harms way as juries will consider you guilty from the gitgo because of the media indoctrination of the public into believing no reasonable person would walk around with a concealed weapon....most especially if you dare shoot a black teen and if he is unarmed....you will be facing many years in jail where you will be sexually asaulted, raped etc by black thugs.

Disagree, I think the jury got it right on the Clearwater case. The black dude clearly backed away when the guy pulled his gun. Lethal force was no longer justified at that point. If he had continued to assault it would be a different story.

Nonsense....you watch a slow motion video ....just like the jury and come to an erroneous conclusion.

Michael drejka did not have the benefit of hind sight or a slow motion video...he lived in real time ....that is what too many do not get....the slow motion video misled the jury.

The jury took several hours of watching a slow motion video aka frame by frame to come to their ridiculous decision.

Yet they expected Michael Drejka to come to the same conclusion in approx. 2 to 3 secs. That is all the time he had from the moment he was assaulted till he fired his weapon.

Not even to mention the fact he had been dazed by the assault on him....thus dazed, in shock and in a very reasonable fear of his life or of further grievious bodily harm he had to act very, very quickly ....you cannot expect someone in this condition to notice a couple of halting backward steps by his assailant.

Blacks Are Increasingly Above the Law - American Renaissance

This is the video I watched, and I stand by my claim. There was ample time to see he was retreating.

Perhaps ample time for you to come to that conclusion since you sit there behind your computer in complete safety, not being violently shoved to the ground, and then rise up and see a black thug hovering over you....thus being in fear of his life---again-- Michael Drejka had approx. 2 to 3 seconds to make a life or death decision...not to forget he was in a dazed condition due to being assaulted, his right arm injured, he had to struggle to get his weapon out because of that, and no doubt --also--in a mild state of shock .

Under those conditions he had a very reasonable fear of his life or of further grievious bodily harm...aka the black dude rushing him and kicking him and or taking his weapon from him and using it against him. His assailant was only l2 feet from him...the thug could have covered that difference very, very quickly and resumed his attack.

I watched the trial the expert witness on body language testified that McGlockton was not retreating.

Also.....look at the white guy following McGlockton out of the store....as soon as he sees Michael Drejka pull out his weapon he runs and hides behind some cars....whilst McGlockton keeps standing there deciding what to do....probably not fully realizing due to being hyped up on drugs that the white dude might actually shoot him.

If he really was trying to retreat he should have taken off running like the white guy did....that would have been a real retreat and it would have saved his life.

The Real Crime Problem Doesn't Make Much News | Manhattan Institute
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This shit is why I carry.

If you shoot an unarmed black teen....you will be indicted and likely convicted.

You need to read the report on the white man in Clearwater, Fl. who actually had the nerve to defend his life against a black thug who had assaulted him.

Anyone now who carries a concealed-weapon has put himself in harms way as juries will consider you guilty from the gitgo because of the media indoctrination of the public into believing no reasonable person would walk around with a concealed weapon....most especially if you dare shoot a black teen and if he is unarmed....you will be facing many years in jail where you will be sexually asaulted, raped etc by black thugs.

Disagree, I think the jury got it right on the Clearwater case. The black dude clearly backed away when the guy pulled his gun. Lethal force was no longer justified at that point. If he had continued to assault it would be a different story.

Nonsense....you watch a slow motion video ....just like the jury and come to an erroneous conclusion.

Michael drejka did not have the benefit of hind sight or a slow motion video...he lived in real time ....that is what too many do not get....the slow motion video misled the jury.

The jury took several hours of watching a slow motion video aka frame by frame to come to their ridiculous decision.

Yet they expected Michael Drejka to come to the same conclusion in approx. 2 to 3 secs. That is all the time he had from the moment he was assaulted till he fired his weapon.

Not even to mention the fact he had been dazed by the assault on him....thus dazed, in shock and in a very reasonable fear of his life or of further grievious bodily harm he had to act very, very quickly ....you cannot expect someone in this condition to notice a couple of halting backward steps by his assailant.

Blacks Are Increasingly Above the Law - American Renaissance

This is the video I watched, and I stand by my claim. There was ample time to see he was retreating.

Perhaps ample time for you to come to that conclusion since you sit there behind your computer in complete safety, not being violently shoved to the ground, and then rise up and see a black thug hovering over you....thus being in fear of his life---again-- Michael Drejka had approx. 2 to 3 seconds to make a life or death decision...not to forget he was in a dazed condition due to being assaulted, his right arm injured, he had to struggle to get his weapon out because of that, and no doubt --also--in a mild state of shock .

Under those conditions he had a very reasonable fear of his life or of further grievious bodily harm...aka the black dude rushing him and kicking him and or taking his weapon from him and using it against him. His assailant was only l2 feet from him...the thug could have covered that difference very, very quickly and resumed his attack.

I watched the trial the expert witness on body language testified that McGlockton was not retreating.

Also.....look at the white guy following McGlockton out of the store....as soon as he sees Michael Drejka pull out his weapon he runs and hides behind some cars....whilst McGlockton keeps standing there deciding what to do....probably not fully realizing due to being hyped up on drugs that the white dude might actually shoot him.

If he really was trying to retreat he should have taken off running like the white guy did....that would have been a real retreat and it would have saved his life.

He wasnt retreating. He took a step back to get his footing.

I think any cop would have shot the attacker under these circumstances
Another day another (well three more) videos of gangs of “youth” and “people” attacking and beating whites in Minneapolis.
Enjoy your future.

Robbery beatdown videos heighten MPD staffing debate
Got to know when to keep your mouth shut. Smart Ass get ass kicked group style. LOL
Won't it be funny to hope one day you endure a beatdown.

You would deserve it.

The thing about this beatdown on the video is that suppose when the police pinched one of the beaters, they gathered together and gave the youth a beatdown.

The Liberal Establishment would have a conniption.

But I'd say if you beat someone down without trial, the same should happen to you.

So do you believe that the young man who shot all the people El Paso, TX should have been shot once he was in police custody.

He should have been shot before he was in police custody. He should have been in a body bag not handcuffs.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If you shoot an unarmed black teen....you will be indicted and likely convicted.

You need to read the report on the white man in Clearwater, Fl. who actually had the nerve to defend his life against a black thug who had assaulted him.

Anyone now who carries a concealed-weapon has put himself in harms way as juries will consider you guilty from the gitgo because of the media indoctrination of the public into believing no reasonable person would walk around with a concealed weapon....most especially if you dare shoot a black teen and if he is unarmed....you will be facing many years in jail where you will be sexually asaulted, raped etc by black thugs.

Disagree, I think the jury got it right on the Clearwater case. The black dude clearly backed away when the guy pulled his gun. Lethal force was no longer justified at that point. If he had continued to assault it would be a different story.

Nonsense....you watch a slow motion video ....just like the jury and come to an erroneous conclusion.

Michael drejka did not have the benefit of hind sight or a slow motion video...he lived in real time ....that is what too many do not get....the slow motion video misled the jury.

The jury took several hours of watching a slow motion video aka frame by frame to come to their ridiculous decision.

Yet they expected Michael Drejka to come to the same conclusion in approx. 2 to 3 secs. That is all the time he had from the moment he was assaulted till he fired his weapon.

Not even to mention the fact he had been dazed by the assault on him....thus dazed, in shock and in a very reasonable fear of his life or of further grievious bodily harm he had to act very, very quickly ....you cannot expect someone in this condition to notice a couple of halting backward steps by his assailant.

Blacks Are Increasingly Above the Law - American Renaissance

This is the video I watched, and I stand by my claim. There was ample time to see he was retreating.

Perhaps ample time for you to come to that conclusion since you sit there behind your computer in complete safety, not being violently shoved to the ground, and then rise up and see a black thug hovering over you....thus being in fear of his life---again-- Michael Drejka had approx. 2 to 3 seconds to make a life or death decision...not to forget he was in a dazed condition due to being assaulted, his right arm injured, he had to struggle to get his weapon out because of that, and no doubt --also--in a mild state of shock .

Under those conditions he had a very reasonable fear of his life or of further grievious bodily harm...aka the black dude rushing him and kicking him and or taking his weapon from him and using it against him. His assailant was only l2 feet from him...the thug could have covered that difference very, very quickly and resumed his attack.

I watched the trial the expert witness on body language testified that McGlockton was not retreating.

Also.....look at the white guy following McGlockton out of the store....as soon as he sees Michael Drejka pull out his weapon he runs and hides behind some cars....whilst McGlockton keeps standing there deciding what to do....probably not fully realizing due to being hyped up on drugs that the white dude might actually shoot him.

If he really was trying to retreat he should have taken off running like the white guy did....that would have been a real retreat and it would have saved his life.

He wasnt retreating. He took a step back to get his footing.

I think any cop would have shot the attacker under these circumstances

Under the Florida law on self defense as similar to most states.....in order to be justified to use lethal force once must be in reasonable fear of his life or of grievious bodily injury.

The 6 man jury (florida outrageously uses 6 man juries) makes it much easier for the state to convict.

This jury failed in its legal obligation to determine whether Michael Drejka was in reasonable fear of his life.

They did this by concentrating on the video itself and their interpetation of it...ignoring all the factors that would indicate Michael Drejka was in reasonable fear of his life or of grievious bodily injury.

I watched the trial ...the prosecutor was very skilled and in his summation instructed the jury --over and over in a very high voice....watch the video, watch the video.....which they would of course have done but what the prosecutor did was to make the jury think that all they needed to do was to watch the video and of course in slow motion and frame by frame they saw that the black dude tooka couple of backward steps when he saw the weapon come out. For this inept jury....that was the deciding factor...all they needed to vote to convict.

Not taking the time to assess whether or not Michael Drejka was in reasonable fear of his life etc.

It took the jurors several hours with the benefit of hindsight and a slow motion video to come to the conclusion that the black dude was retreating.....on the other hand Michael Drejka was living and acting in real time....he did not have the benefit of hindsight or of a slow motion video to help him determine what his black assailant was doing.....from the time Drejka was violently shoved to the ground and lifting up his head to see a black thug hovering and continuing to advance on him ...he had approx. 2 to 3 seconds to get his weapon out and fire....many do not know that the black dude was still advancing on Drejka even after he shoved him to the ground.

He only stopped advancing when the weapon came out and made a couple of halting backward steps.....Drejka was concentrating on getting his weapon out, getting the safety off and raising his weapon and aiming it....all he saw was the center mass of the target and that is what he was aiming at and that was all he saw....the center mass....he did not see the slight movement backwards.

A huge miscarriage of justice.
The WHITE GUY has no run-ins with the law. Cant say the same for the "victim."

Minute 15 talks about the political pressure to get the white guy
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