Who Are The Palestinains?

I wasn't intending to argue with aris; after reading my posts it looks like I am. lol My bad.
'Palestine' is a regional term, and is not a tribal designation; Jews are as much 'Palestinians' as Arabs, Greeks, Druze, Poles, Marronites, hippies, used car salesmen, mimes, and anybody else living in the area. It is not a term for a specific people.
I'll certainly agree. But history has forged a people called the Palestinians. There have been Palestinian Jews, etc. Not all are Arabs, there have been people with other homelands, like Armenians or Circassians, living in Palestine, but they are not generally called Palestinians. They are also hoping to regain their homelands, not stay in Palestine.
I wasn't intending to argue with aris; after reading my posts it looks like I am. lol My bad.

You only confused the Egyptians with the UN. UN provided for the camps. Those not in camps were near starvation under the egyptians. Except for building roads they did very little for gaza or the palestinians.

Jordan tried to annex the WB and give the palestinians jordanian citizenship. Jordan population is already palestinian majority. Arafat was offer the position as PM. Arafat instead lead a coup against Jordan.
Oh now I get it. If I am in France at any given period of time", I am French. Amazing what we can learn here.

The Arabs themselves, including PLO leaders and founders scoffed at the idea of a Palestinian people. Mainly because at the time it meant that you were Jewish. Most of the Arab leaders thought of the idea of a Palestinian people as a Zionist conspiracy.

I think both of you are saying the same thing. The Palestinians are made up of Arab immigrants and invaders from neighboring Arab countries. Therefore they are both invented" and a people.

I seriously doubt that.

Look as I said previously, Palestine is the area between the Jordan River/Dead Sea and the Mediterranean. Whoever is inhabiting it at any given point in time is by definition a Palestinian.

Modern nation-state concepts came about in Europe during the Renaissance, around 16th - 18th centuries. And since it is a European concept at its foundation, don't expect other peoples to fall right in line. It wasn't the trip of the Han, the Aztecs, the Navajo, the Palestinians, the Nok, the Khmer, the Sentinelese, or the Sahelis until much later, if ever. But that doesn't make them any less the indigenous people of their homelands.

Palestinian national consciousness, that is consciousness of themselves as a nation, goes back to the revolt of 1848.

Let this book 'splain it you:

Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness by Walid Khalidi
As a matter of fact, Jews were among the indigenous Palestinians of antiquity. Were Muslims? Or are they just squatters on Israel's ancient land?

'Palestine' is a regional term, and is not a tribal designation; Jews are as much 'Palestinians' as Arabs, Greeks, Druze, Poles, Marronites, hippies, used car salesmen, mimes, and anybody else living in the area. It is not a term for a specific people.
I'll certainly agree. But history has forged a people called the Palestinians. There have been Palestinian Jews, etc. Not all are Arabs, there have been people with other homelands, like Armenians or Circassians, living in Palestine, but they are not generally called Palestinians. They are also hoping to regain their homelands, not stay in Palestine.
The Arabs themselves, including PLO leaders and founders scoffed at the idea of a Palestinian people. Mainly because at the time it meant that you were Jewish. Most of the Arab leaders thought of the idea of a Palestinian people as a Zionist conspiracy.

I think both of you are saying the same thing. The Palestinians are made up of Arab immigrants and invaders from neighboring Arab countries. Therefore they are both invented" and a people.

I seriously doubt that.

Look as I said previously, Palestine is the area between the Jordan River/Dead Sea and the Mediterranean. Whoever is inhabiting it at any given point in time is by definition a Palestinian.

Modern nation-state concepts came about in Europe during the Renaissance, around 16th - 18th centuries. And since it is a European concept at its foundation, don't expect other peoples to fall right in line. It wasn't the trip of the Han, the Aztecs, the Navajo, the Palestinians, the Nok, the Khmer, the Sentinelese, or the Sahelis until much later, if ever. But that doesn't make them any less the indigenous people of their homelands.

Palestinian national consciousness, that is consciousness of themselves as a nation, goes back to the revolt of 1848.

Let this book 'splain it you:

Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness by Walid Khalidi

False. Palestine is defined as the West Bank and Gaza. The rest is Israel proper. You cannot refute that.
Oh now I get it. If I am in France at any given period of time", I am French. Amazing what we can learn here.

The Arabs themselves, including PLO leaders and founders scoffed at the idea of a Palestinian people. Mainly because at the time it meant that you were Jewish. Most of the Arab leaders thought of the idea of a Palestinian people as a Zionist conspiracy.

I think both of you are saying the same thing. The Palestinians are made up of Arab immigrants and invaders from neighboring Arab countries. Therefore they are both invented" and a people.

I seriously doubt that.

Look as I said previously, Palestine is the area between the Jordan River/Dead Sea and the Mediterranean. Whoever is inhabiting it at any given point in time is by definition a Palestinian.

Modern nation-state concepts came about in Europe during the Renaissance, around 16th - 18th centuries. And since it is a European concept at its foundation, don't expect other peoples to fall right in line. It wasn't the trip of the Han, the Aztecs, the Navajo, the Palestinians, the Nok, the Khmer, the Sentinelese, or the Sahelis until much later, if ever. But that doesn't make them any less the indigenous people of their homelands.

Palestinian national consciousness, that is consciousness of themselves as a nation, goes back to the revolt of 1848.

Let this book 'splain it you:

Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness by Walid Khalidi

Hahahaha :lol: :lol:
The Arabs themselves, including PLO leaders and founders scoffed at the idea of a Palestinian people. Mainly because at the time it meant that you were Jewish. Most of the Arab leaders thought of the idea of a Palestinian people as a Zionist conspiracy.

I think both of you are saying the same thing. The Palestinians are made up of Arab immigrants and invaders from neighboring Arab countries. Therefore they are both invented" and a people.

I seriously doubt that.

Look as I said previously, Palestine is the area between the Jordan River/Dead Sea and the Mediterranean. Whoever is inhabiting it at any given point in time is by definition a Palestinian.

Modern nation-state concepts came about in Europe during the Renaissance, around 16th - 18th centuries. And since it is a European concept at its foundation, don't expect other peoples to fall right in line. It wasn't the trip of the Han, the Aztecs, the Navajo, the Palestinians, the Nok, the Khmer, the Sentinelese, or the Sahelis until much later, if ever. But that doesn't make them any less the indigenous people of their homelands.

Palestinian national consciousness, that is consciousness of themselves as a nation, goes back to the revolt of 1848.

Let this book 'splain it you:

Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness by Walid Khalidi

False. Palestine is defined as the West Bank and Gaza. The rest is Israel proper. You cannot refute that.
Oh, they (Muslim-Arab Palestinians, and their fellow travelers) will refute it until they (and you) are blue in the face.

Not that it's gonna do 'em one damned bit of good.

Gotta give 'em credit though... they're setting new world records every year, for pointless pissing and moaning.
Oh now I get it. If I am in France at any given period of time", I am French. Amazing what we can learn here.

I seriously doubt that.

Look as I said previously, Palestine is the area between the Jordan River/Dead Sea and the Mediterranean. Whoever is inhabiting it at any given point in time is by definition a Palestinian.

Modern nation-state concepts came about in Europe during the Renaissance, around 16th - 18th centuries. And since it is a European concept at its foundation, don't expect other peoples to fall right in line. It wasn't the trip of the Han, the Aztecs, the Navajo, the Palestinians, the Nok, the Khmer, the Sentinelese, or the Sahelis until much later, if ever. But that doesn't make them any less the indigenous people of their homelands.

Palestinian national consciousness, that is consciousness of themselves as a nation, goes back to the revolt of 1848.

Let this book 'splain it you:

Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness by Walid Khalidi

Hahahaha :lol: :lol:
And just when you thought there was going to be a shortage of toilet paper... ;)
I think I love Amity. She is SOOOO FUNNY! Heh Heh!

Oh now I get it. If I am in France at any given period of time", I am French. Amazing what we can learn here.

I seriously doubt that.

Look as I said previously, Palestine is the area between the Jordan River/Dead Sea and the Mediterranean. Whoever is inhabiting it at any given point in time is by definition a Palestinian.

Modern nation-state concepts came about in Europe during the Renaissance, around 16th - 18th centuries. And since it is a European concept at its foundation, don't expect other peoples to fall right in line. It wasn't the trip of the Han, the Aztecs, the Navajo, the Palestinians, the Nok, the Khmer, the Sentinelese, or the Sahelis until much later, if ever. But that doesn't make them any less the indigenous people of their homelands.

Palestinian national consciousness, that is consciousness of themselves as a nation, goes back to the revolt of 1848.

Let this book 'splain it you:

Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness by Walid Khalidi

Hahahaha :lol: :lol:[/QUOTE]
False. Palestine is defined as the West Bank and Gaza. The rest is Israel proper. You cannot refute that.
Oh, yes you can!

Go ahead then refute it with links from reputable sources, you can start with Jordan and Egypt that have treaties with Israel setting out mutually agreed borders
As I said earlier, he, and his Muslim-Arab buddies, can (and will) refute it until the cows come home...

The difference being that they cannot EFFECTIVELY refute it, in any manner that is in-force and operative within the Real World that the rest of us inhabit...

Hell, even the United Nations cartography department publishes maps showing the borders of Israel...

The ankle-biters who believe otherwise are easily rebutted and contained.
Oh, yes you can!

Go ahead then refute it with links from reputable sources, you can start with Jordan and Egypt that have treaties with Israel setting out mutually agreed borders
As I said earlier, he, and his Muslim-Arab buddies, can (and will) refute it until the cows come home...

The difference being that they cannot EFFECTIVELY refute it, in any manner that is in-force and operative within the Real World that the rest of us inhabit...

Hell, even the United Nations cartography department publishes maps showing the borders of Israel...

The ankle-biters who believe otherwise are easily rebutted and contained.

They do, but unlike every other country, the UN has a disclaimer on the bottom of Israel's map.

Go ahead then refute it with links from reputable sources, you can start with Jordan and Egypt that have treaties with Israel setting out mutually agreed borders
As I said earlier, he, and his Muslim-Arab buddies, can (and will) refute it until the cows come home...

The difference being that they cannot EFFECTIVELY refute it, in any manner that is in-force and operative within the Real World that the rest of us inhabit...

Hell, even the United Nations cartography department publishes maps showing the borders of Israel...

The ankle-biters who believe otherwise are easily rebutted and contained.

They do, but unlike every other country, the UN has a disclaimer on the bottom of Israel's map.


Go to the United Nations webiste, Cartography Dept, where the map of Israel comes from...

United Nations Cartographic Section Web Site

Click on any of the Country -level maps available there...

You will find that same or similar disclaimer on ANY of them...

For example, the UN's Cartography Dept map of the Czech Republic...

"The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations."


...and on and on and on, UN map after UN map.

Like I said... easily rebutted and contained.

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