Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Hamas prevented a UN team of experts from working in the vicinity of a tunnel shaft that was revealed more than two months ago under an UNRWA school in the Zeitun neighborhood of Gaza, and expelled the team from the place. Palestinian sources reported to Kan News that the team had arrived at the school from UNMAS — the United Nations Mine Action Services— some days earlier, at the request of UNRWA, in order to ensure that the area was clear of unexploded ordnance and that the school could begin its academic year safely despite the tunnel underneath.
Arriving on the scene as soon as they learned that the team was at the school, Hamas police asked the UN team to leave immediately and closed the site off. As a result, the team cancelled its plans for an additional examination — at Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, where suspicions of tunneling near an UNRWA school were also under examination.
Following the incident, UNRWA sources informed the Hamas administration that the school year cannot begin next week at those two schools, which together serve some 4,000 students in Zeitun and Rafah unless the two sites are dealt with by the UN’s teams of experts.
Contrast this with claims by Human Rights Watch that they were apparently able to investigate and found no evidence for Israel’s tunnel claims:

The Israeli military has presented no information that would demonstrate the existence of tunnels or an underground command center in this vicinity … Human Rights Watch did not find any evidence of a military target at or near the site of the airstrikes, including tunnels or an underground command center under al-Wahda street or buildings nearby.
So we are to believe that Hamas prevents the UN from searching for tunnels under UN schools in Gaza, but they allowed Human Rights Watch to search wherever they wanted? Or when HRW says they found no evidence is that because they never actually looked for evidence? Or is it just that Hamas trusts HRW more than they trust the UN?

The bottom line is that when it comes to Israel, Human Rights Watch is less credible even than the United Nations, and that is a truly low bar.

(full article online)

(Sometimes, a business must go bust and take the consequences, but this business never does )

PA government cannot meet its obligations to contractors and faces struggle to pay workers, and as Israel mulls steps designed to strengthen it economically and donors consider increasing financial aid, the West Bank economic crisis keeps growing, with potentially harsh consequences​

(full article online)

Definitely a step in the right direction. Continuing to provide welfare money to Islamic terrorists is a decades old fool’s game.

August 10, 2021​

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the United States Senate unanimously adopted Senator Rick Scott’s amendment to the Democrats’ massive $5.5 TRILLION tax-and-spending spree budget bill to stand up for Israel by preventing taxpayer funding from going to Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad or any other terrorist organization. The amendment would also allow for further sanctions against these terrorist groups.

They compete for title of ''better''islamic terrorist organization.​

Fatah Facebook post: “How could we let the resistance (Hamas) be condemned as terror when we are the ones who fired the first bullet?“​


Image and text posted on the official Fatah Facebook page

The image shows PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas on the left and former PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat – founder of the PLO and Fatah terror organizations in the 1960s, and former chairman of the PA holding an assault rifle on the right. Below Arafat is the Fatah logo that includes a grenade, crossed rifles, and the PA map of “Palestine” that presents all of Israel as “Palestine” together with the PA areas.
I read Palestinian news sites every day and see the crazy, funhouse mirror world that they live and think in.

Today I saw something normal - which makes it extraordinary.

The Association for Culture and Free Thought, in Khan Yunis, is organizing a summer camp for children in cooperation with the Research and Astronomy Center of Al-Aqsa University in Gaza called "Adventures in Astronomy".

The kids learn astronomy and have access to a large telescope to use in the evenings.

The camp coordinator, Youssef Daher, says the camp "aims to develop the scientific, cognitive and astronomical skills of a segment of Gaza children, and to alleviate the scientific gap that exists between them and scientific development outside Palestine."

I looked up the Association for Culture and Free Thought. It was set up by a group of women in Gaza who were sick of how everything Palestinian kids are exposed to is politicized. They want Palestinian kids to have normal lives, protected from danger - not exposed to it as Hamas and Islamic Jihad camps do. They want kids to learn and thrive.

They aren't Zionists - they partially blame the "occupation" for kids' problems in Gaza. But they are clearly not fans of Hamas and the terror groups that dominate everyday life in Gaza, either.

They want kids to have a chance to be curious and grow. This astronomy camp is just one of their initiatives.

What is remarkable is that this is so unusual. If most Palestinians would act like these brave women that started this center, instead of growing up with singleminded hate, there would be peace.

HRW doesn't mention that the reason that people want to remain anonymous it because if they gave their names, Hamas would persecute them. Furthermore, it never mentions the possibility that the "witnesses" it interviewed about Israeli airstrikes might be purposefully saying what Hamas wants them to say, which may prompt them to make highly improbable statements like seeing a high speed missile explode only one meter above the ground from meters away and not saying that it appeared to be a militant rocket.

The fact that Gaza civilians are afraid to talk freely to reporters and investigators is itself evidence of Hamas violations of human rights. But instead of calling this out, HRW meekly accedes to Hamas' dictates.

One other major difference between Human Rights Watch's anti-Israel reports and this whitewash report:

HRW assumes that anything an Israeli official says is a lie. If Israel says that they were targeting a tunnel or a weapons cache or a Hamas leader, if HRW's crack team of militarily ignorant researchers cannot find their own corroboration, they will accuse Israel of not telling the truth. This assumption reaches almost comical proportions when HRW claims that there were no tunnels under the streets that Israel methodically bombed even when the evidence is apparent.

But when it comes to Hamas, HRW does not accuse them of lying. Hamas proudly admits that it targets Israeli civilian centers, so when HRW accuses Hamas of war crimes, they are not going beyond anything Hamas itself says. It doesn't investigate to contradict Hamas claims but to prove them.

HRW officials will point to this report as evidence that they take Hamas war crimes seriously. In fact, it is only proof that they take criticism of their overwhelming anti-Israel bias - which erodes their reputation - seriously.

It is a license for them to publish their next ten anti-Israel screeds.

(full article online)

Deadly rocket and mortar fire on Israeli towns by Palestinian terror groups during May’s conflict in Gaza constituted war crimes, Human Rights Watch charged Thursday.

The New York-based rights group analyzed attacks from Gaza that resulted in the deaths of 13 people in Israel, including a 5-year-old boy and a 16-year-old girl, and injuries to dozens more.

Rockets that misfired or fell short also killed or wounded “an undetermined number of Palestinians in Gaza,” the group said. Of the over 4,360 unguided rockets and mortar shells fired toward Israeli population centers between May 10 and 21, approximately 680 failed and fell short in the Gaza Strip, according to the Israel Defense Forces.

(full article online)

Halting welfare payments to the Islamic terrorists is a strategy that could have been used decades ago.

II don't see UNRWA doing anything to stop their facilities being used to further islamic terrorism. Hamas has repeatedly been identified as using UNRWA schools for munitions storage and there is never any action taken prevent further violations.

UN funding to United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) schools in Gaza must be frozen as long as Hamas refuses to allow international inspection of the attack tunnels found underneath those educational institutions, Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan said on Wednesday.

The UN “cannot allow its own schools and buildings to be used as a sanctuary for terrorists and terror activity,” Erdan said in a letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.
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