Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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What says ''Islamic Hell hole'' better than ''honour'' killings.

Violence against women and girls​

Women and girls faced discrimination in law and practice and were inadequately protected against sexual and other gender-based violence, including so-called honour killings. Nineteen women died in the West Bank and 18 in Gaza as a result of gender-based violence, according to the Women's Center for Legal Aid and Counselling (WCLAC).

On 28 July, Razan Moqbel was killed near the Beitunia industrial zone, west of Ramallah. Security forces arrested her fiancé the next day and the case was referred to the Public Prosecution to carry out an investigation. On 3 August, the two families reached an agreement to drop the case in exchange for the family of her fiancé paying about NIS487,000 (approximately US$150,000). The Palestinian authorities did not comment about the agreement which sparked a public outcry at the use of tribal customs in a criminal case of femicide.
There's an obvious mistake in believing an Islamic terrorist organization has either the ability or intention of administering a civil government.

Since taking control of the Gaza Strip through a violent coup in 2007, and expelling Fatah, Hamas has tried to be many things — a governing regime, a terrorist organization, an organized army, and an Islamist hard-line ideological symbol.

These efforts have seen Hamas’ radical ideology repeatedly collide with the “grind” of daily governance, and it is Gaza’s estimated 2 million residents who have paid the price.
The incident serves as a reminder of the fact that Hamas seized Gaza from Fatah in a deadly and brutal coup. Since doing so, rather than building new opportunities for Gazans, Hamas has busied itself by creating a rocket production industry, firing many thousands of projectiles at Israeli cities. It has built a terrorist army made up of 30,000 men, equipping them with a range of weapons, tunnels, and other means to attack Israel, while prioritizing its military force build-up over any civilian interest in Gaza.

Hamas’ efficiency in raising funds for its military and terrorist activities was placed in the spotlight this week, when an investigation by the German daily national newspaper Die Welt exposed a Hamas-owned corporate network, which is also active in Germany, worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

“This is how they finance terrorism,” Israel’s former representative to the UN, Danny Danon, tweeted on Wednesday, commenting on the report. “This is how its leaders get rich while the people of Gaza suffer,” he added. Danon called for sanctions to be imposed on all of the companies listed in the report.

The report joins a long list of examples of how Hamas prioritizes its terrorist activities over the civilian-economic needs of Gazan civilians.

(full article online)

"Mediating'' with islamic terrorists is largely a matter of extending a Hudna before the gee-gad attacks resume. Iran has intentions vastly different from those of Egypt, Qatar, etc. The Iranian Mullahs will wait only so long before ordering their minions in Hamas to earn their Iranian welfare money,

Egypt, Qatar, the United Nations and other international parties are making significant efforts to prevent another military confrontation between Israel and the Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip.
Big Ben was stolen from Palestine. So claimed an elderly woman, in Arabic, in a retweeted clip I received recently.

Yes, that Big Ben: the great bell in the iconic clock tower of London’s Palace of Westminster. The British took it, she said, from a tower they demolished at Hebron Gate in Jerusalem in 1922.

I discovered (well, duh!) that the bell was cast at Whitechapel Bell Foundry in London and installed in the Palace of Westminster, with much pomp and circumstance, in 1858.

Next, I checked the Wikipedia entry on the clock tower at Hebron Gate in Jerusalem and discovered that it was not built until 1908 – a full half-century after Big Ben’s installation in London.

Next, I tracked down the Twitter account from which the clip had been forwarded. It belonged to a pro-Israel satirical site, TheMossadIL, which masquerades as the official Twitter feed of Israel’s secret service.

But the clip hadn’t originated there – it had been reposted by that account as an object of ridicule. I noticed that the clip had a TikTok “watermark” – a stamp that appears automatically at the top and bottom of every downloaded TikTok video, comprising the TikTok logo and video creator’s username – which identified the clip’s author as @aliarisheq. So, that’s where I went next.

The feed, seemingly curated by a young Arabic-speaking woman, contained additional clips featuring the woman in the Big Ben clip and advertisements for jewelry.

Using the View Page Source (Ctrl + U) function in my Chrome browser, I learned that the clip in question was uploaded at 17:12 on Dec. 19, 2019. The woman claiming that “Big Ben” was stolen in 1922 looked like she was in her 70s. To have witnessed the alleged theft, she would have to be a centenarian. So she wasn’t a witness: What we had here was an oral tradition, of which she was, at best, a second- or third-hand bearer.

Protecting from pollution​

All of which means that unless the many corroborating sources cited in Wikipedia’s Big Ben entry are an elaborate hoax of QAnon proportions, her claim doesn’t have a leg to stand on.

Big Ben was not stolen from Palestine and has no place on lists of controversial cultural artifacts like the Parthenon Marbles that former colonial powers are being asked to return to their countries of origin.

(full article online)

MK Tibi had screamed and raged after a Golani soldier's hand touched his body during a patrol in Hebron last Saturday. Tibi later claimed that the soldier had deliberately touched him to provoke him and that all he did was remove the soldier's hand.

"MK Ahmad Tibi was violent towards an IDF soldier," said MK Struck. "I expect the Minister of Defense and the Prime Minister not to remain silent about the dignity of an IDF soldier and to file a criminal complaint against Ahmad Tibi for acting violently towards an IDF soldier."

MK Struck added: "The person who accompanied the Knesset members of the Joint List on their tour of Hebron is the mayor of Hebron. The mayor of Hebron is a convicted murderer. He himself murdered six Jews at the entrance to Beit Hadassah in 1980."

"He was caught, convicted, sat in jail for only two years and released in the Jibril deal. When he was elected mayor of Hebron he was elected on the basis of the fact that he boasted of this murder he committed. To this day he has not apologized; in fact, he continues to boast of this murder."

"Now that we are seeing the Knesset members of the Joint List walking together with this killer on the streets of Hebron, hugging him, helping him, glorifying him - I ask a simple question to coalition chairman MK Idit Silman: These are the people you are going to cooperate with in passing the budget?" MK Struck concluded.

(full article online)

Suitcases full of cash is the demand by Hamas. That Qatari cash is a real prize when it gets deposited into personal bank accounts. The Hamas leadership tend to be millionaires and billionaires for a reason. Islamic terrorism can be a money-maker when you're given suitcases full of cash.

JNS.org – Hamas is threatening to renew violence against Israel unless it is granted access to Qatari funds in cash, Palestinian media reported over the weekend.

According to reports, the terrorist group controlling the Gaza Strip refuses to receive the funds via wire transfers and demands the funds be transferred as they have been to date — in cash-stuffed suitcases.
Looks like the early retirement brand of martyrdom was delivered to islamic terrorists.

Palestinian media reported that four people were killed in the exchange and a fifth was injured. No border guards were reported injured. At least three of the four people killed were identified as belonging to terrorist organizations, one from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and two from Fatah’s military wing, the al-Aqsa Martyr’s Brigades.
Looks like the early retirement brand of martyrdom was delivered to islamic terrorists.

Palestinian media reported that four people were killed in the exchange and a fifth was injured. No border guards were reported injured. At least three of the four people killed were identified as belonging to terrorist organizations, one from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and two from Fatah’s military wing, the al-Aqsa Martyr’s Brigades.
Tweeting in both Arabic and English, he wrote, "The Taliban are victorious today after being accused of backwardness & terrorism. it became more pragmatic. They have stood up to the US & its agents refusing compromise, they have not been fooled by slogans like democracy & elections.
This is a lesson for all oppressed peoples."

Hamas' Ismail Haniyeh met with a Taliban delegation in the past couple of months,probably in Qatar.

A Fatah news site aligned with Abbas rival Mohammed Dahlan says that Hamas' praise of the Taliban is shortsighted - not because they are bloodthirsty Islamists, but because they never helped the Palestinian cause.

(full article online)

The suspicious Arab in IDF uniform

The suspicious Arab in IDF uniform

At noon on Monday, IDF soldiers from the Kfir Brigade arrested a Palestinian Arab dressed in an IDF uniform and in possession of a bag containing a shotgun and a knife, near the community of Ma'ale Levona in Binyamin.
According to a spokesman from the Binyamin Regional Council, "Residents who spotted the terrorist on the side of the road called the security hotline, which reported directly to the army. Soldiers were then rushed to the scene where they captured the terrorist who was found to have both weapons and ammunition in his possession."

(full article online)


While the response might seem surprising, it echoes directly the Palestinian Authority’s messages and education. When the PA honors and rewards Palestinian terrorist murderers, as Palestinian Media Watch has documented repeatedly, and Mahmoud Abbas’ advisor tells viewers of official PA TV all the reasons Islam mandates fighting and killing Israelis, it should not be surprising that a Palestinian Facebook page promotes burning Jews alive.

The effigy that was burned, which equated Israel with Nazis, should not be surprising either.

So far this year Palestinian Media Watch has uncovered 16 separate instances of Palestinian official sources comparing Israel to a Nazi state, or accusing Israel of waging a Holocaust against the Palestinians. This amounts to libel against Israel and the Israeli people and is clear incitement to violence against innocent Israelis.

Among them was this cartoon of Benjamin Netanyahu depicted as Hitler:

(full article online)

Poor Hamas.

They're relegated to Taliban wannabes.

While the rest of the world recoiled in shock and horror at the lightning-fast Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, Hamas has welcomed the news.

“We congratulate the Muslim Afghan people for the defeat of the American occupation on all Afghan lands, and we congratulate the Taliban movement and its brave leadership on this victory, which came as the culmination of its long struggle over the past 20 years,” Hamas said in a statement on Monday.
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