Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Miscellaneous
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Some words have a denotative (literal) meaning → and → some words have a connotative (shades of meaning, such as emotions) meaning.

Playing semantics with Jihad?
Jihad means struggle.

Jihad has a translated meaning, a denotative meaning, and a connotative meaning.
Where I come from, the word "jihad" was associated almost exclusively "Arab Terrorism" or "Arab Offensive" Operations.​
Where I come from the word "intifada" was used as a noun to describe an asymmetric uprising by hostile Arab Palestinian entities.​

In fact, I have never heard these words use in a real-world context that did not have a negative connotation (except in an educational setting).

Islamic Jihad does not sell cookies.​
Jihadist activities are not square dances.​
The First Intifada, the Second Intifada, and upcoming Third Intifada do not refer to a period of calisthenics where the Instructor tells you to "shake it off" after a grueling set. It means uprisings; specifically Arab Palestinian uprisings.​
I don't think that the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade; Al-Aqsa e.V. Hamas, including Hamas-Izz ad-Din al-Qassam; Palestine Liberation Front; Palestinian Islamic Jihad; Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP); PFLP-GC (General- Command) operate "dude ranches."​


Most Respectfully,

RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Miscellaneous
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

BLUF: Some words have a denotative (literal) meaning → and → some words have a connotative (shades of meaning, such as emotions) meaning.


Jihad has a translated meaning, a denotative meaning, and a connotative meaning.

Where I come from, the word "jihad" was associated almost exclusively "Arab Terrorism" or "Arab Offensive" Operations.​
Where I come from the word "intifada" was used as a noun to describe an asymmetric uprising by hostile Arab Palestinian entities.​

In fact, I have never heard these words use in a real-world context that did not have a negative connotation (except in an educational setting).

Islamic Jihad does not sell cookies.
Jihadist activities are not square dances.​
The First Intifada, the Second Intifada, and upcoming Third Intifada do not refer to a period of calisthenics where the Instructor tells you to "shake it off" after a grueling set. It means uprisings; specifically Arab Palestinian uprisings.​
I don't think that the Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade; Al-Aqsa e.V. Hamas, including Hamas-Izz ad-Din al-Qassam; Palestine Liberation Front; Palestinian Islamic Jihad; Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP); PFLP-GC (General- Command) operate "dude ranches."​

A Third Intifada Is Unlikely, but Hamas Is Trying to Start One

Jerusalem is a powder keg, but the shift of the focus to Gaza reduces the prospects of unity against Israel.


Most Respectfully,
In fact, I have never heard these words use in a real-world context that did not have a negative connotation (except in an educational setting).
Indeed, you use the propaganda version.
Not to worry. The UN isn't about to step in the way of islamic terroists.

Hamas prevented a UN team of experts from working near a tunnel that was found in May near one of the schools run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), KAN News reported on Tuesday.

The UNRWA Zaitoun Preparatory Boys’ School “A” and Elementary Boys’ School “A” was one of two of the organization’s facilities damaged during the 11-day Gaza war that ended on May 21.

As soon as Hamas learned that the team was at the school, police arrived at the scene and requested that the team leave immediately. The team subsequently canceled its plans for an additional examination at a school in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip where a tunnel was also suspected to have been dug under a UNRWA school, according to KAN.
Hamas and HRW, in perfect sync.

What about the rockets that HRW said were war crimes? Hamas mostly ignored that, and addresses the issue obliquely:

The group stressed the inherent right of our people to defend themselves and their sanctities, and to resist occupation by all available means, including armed resistance, which is guaranteed by international laws.
This is Hamas' excuse for terror - one that HRW didn't take issue with.
It indicated that the resistance, in its defense of our people and the response to aggression, only targeted Israeli military gatherings and targets. However, the Palestinian resistance affirms taking all necessary measures and precautions to avoid targeting civilians wherever they are.

She pointed to the resistance's constant keenness to develop its capabilities to enable it to target only Israeli military headquarters and activities, stressing that the occupying power systematically uses civilians as human shields, as it builds its security and military headquarters inside cities near schools, hospitals and civilian airports.

Guess who tweeted that absurd accusation?

Yes - it was Ken Roth, HRW's head!

(full article online)

It's that lovely idea Islamism knows no passage of time and the social mores are enforced with high explosives.

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Five unknown individuals attacked Aug. 5 a tourist resort in the northern Gaza Strip with an explosive device, causing part of the wall surrounding the seaside tourist site to collapse. There were no casualties. The attackers wanted to prevent the holding of a mixed-gender concert.
Remember in June when the Palestinian Authority broke a deal with Israel to accept Covid vaccines because, they claimed, the vaccines were too close to expiration? (Even though the PA says it has the infrastructure to give 50,000 doses a day, and therefore had plenty of time to use them all?)

Well, another month has come and gone, and the Palestinian Authority still didn't negotiate with Israel another deal to use the vaccines that would expire at the end of July.

As a result, according to Israeli media, Israel was forced to discard tens of thousands of doses of Pfizer vaccine, worth some 6 million shekels.

These doses could have gone to Palestinians. And none of the organizations and individuals who were in the forefront of blaming Israel for the Palestinian vaccine shortage are saying a word of reproach to the PA.

The excuse that the vaccines were close to expiration cannot be used, even though that was not an excuse to begin with. So Israel's critics are not saying a word, since it is clear that the Palestinian Authority doesn't really want the vaccines all that badly.

In fact, in Gaza, the health authorities are scrambling to use up the shots they have, with a population that doesn't want them.

(full article online)

Soon the dupes of Arabonazi propaganda will be claiming Israel committed genocide against "Palestinians" by withholding COVID vaccines...

No matter HOW it goes down, the Jews are guilty of it... no matter what!

Israeli Tourists Greeted By Traditional Musicians As The First Israeli Plane Lands In Marrakesh, Morocco​

#8995 | 02:15
Source: The Internet - "Hespress (Morocco)"
The first Israeli airplane to land in Marrakesh, Morocco was greeted by a band playing traditional Moroccan music. In a report posted on Hespress on YouTube on July 25, 2021, a woman at the airport said that Moroccans have been waiting a long time for this, and they had hoped for and wanted this relationship. She thanked everyone who "took part in this step (towards) peace." She further said that the King of Morocco strives "to gather all his Moroccan children together." She said: "May Allah bless you. This is your country. Welcome, my brothers and sisters." An Israeli passenger said that this is a good thing that will support tourism between Israel and Morocco.

It is rather amusing to see the Arab interviewer having a fit. He has to repeatedly say "The Arab Maghreb" as if he's trying to convince himself that Arab imperialist occupation of Morocco is right or normal.
The Iranians, who want both dead Jews and dead Sunnis, hosted Pally terrorists who are expected to perform some world class bending and scraping before the robed Mullocrats.

Newly inaugurated Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi met with the leaders of several Palestinian terror groups during his first full day in office on Friday, using the opportunity to pledge allegiance to the cause of Palestine.
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