Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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With the seemingly endless boatloads of welfare money that pours into the territories occupied by the competing Islamic terrorist franchises, personal fortunes are made when you're connected to the dictatorship.

According to AMAN, a Palestinian anti-corruption body linked to Transparency International, almost 70 per cent of Palestinians believe that their government institutions are corrupt. An EU report found

that embezzlement had led to a loss of £1.7 billion of aid money between 2008 and 2012 alone. Huge sums are spent on fake companies and projects, including – in 2017 – a non-existent airline.

Government jobs, prized due to the weakness of the economy, are dished out through cronyism rather than fair competition. Well-connected people are able to avoid paying taxes on things like imported cars. And the security services have traditionally been saturated with high-ranking officers drawing fat salaries while commanding tiny numbers of ordinary soldiers.

Palestinian residents of the Gaza Strip suffer from one of the highest levels of poverty and unemployment in the world. It is a human rights tragedy for the 1.8 million residents of the coastal enclave. But while international nongovernmental organizations and media outlets frequently point the finger at Israel, in reality, it is Hamas, the terrorist group which runs Gaza, which is wholly responsible.

Hamas actively steals hundreds of millions of dollars each year from its own people, and enriches its senior leadership as a result. But Hamas continues to get a free pass from much of the world, despite its open thievery.

Gee. Islamic terrorists have an ''image'' crisis.​

Hamas on advocacy blitz to counter exposé of corruption by 2nd ‘Son of Hamas’​

Terror group launches public display of support for co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef after a second of his sons tells Israeli TV of its cynicism and his disillusionment​

By TOI STAFF5 July 2019, 3:01 am
Hamas fighters take part in a military maneuver in Gaza City on March 25, 2018. (AFP Photo/Mahmud Hams)
Hamas fighters take part in a military maneuver in Gaza City on March 25, 2018. (AFP Photo/Mahmud Hams)

The Gaza-based Hamas terror group has launched an expansive effort to counter an Israeli television news interview with the son of one of the terror group’s founding fathers in which he accused the organization of being corrupt, power-hungry, racist and bad for the Palestinians, Channel 12 news reported Thursday, a day after it broadcast the interview.

As Qatar is looking to dump more suitcases of welfare money into that little slice of the good life called Retrograde'istan...​

Where's the Qatari money?' Hamas facing growing criticism in Gaza​

Recent spike in injuries among Palestinian youths dispatched by terror group to protest at Israeli border fence has led to a rise in complaints about the Strip's rulers, as Gazans see double standard in opportunities and funding​

Elior Levy|Published: 10.03.19 , 19:19

As injuries increase, so does the criticism towards Hamas and its policy of sending young men to riot at the Gaza fence in exchange for small amounts of money or food, while the organization's heads are taking the Qatari money meant for the people, all for themselves.

An example of such criticism is a picture that's making the rounds online, where one can see the leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, with his six sons, standing healthy in tailored suits, and beneath it, a picture of Gaza youths who have had a leg amputated.

Top: Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh with his six sons. Bottom: Wounded youths paid by Hamas to protest at the Gaza fence

The glory of islamic terrorism. From 632 ce.
Gee, whiz. We're told that Pally terrorists never commit acts of islamic terrorism outside of their mini-caliphate.

Just when you think it can't get worse...

I think the curious dynamic is that Pally heroes are typically defined as murderous sociopaths. As opposed to any positive attributes that are advancing or attribute positively, the Pal-Arab model is to assign heroism to the act of self destruction and mass killing as a politico-religious undertaking.

Palestinian heroes: Murderers of mother and her 2 young children; suicide bomber who murdered 30

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Aug 10, 2021

Killer of mother and 2 children: “The heroes of the Nahariya operation”

Suicide bomber who killed 30: “Self-sacrificing” “Martyrdom-seeker”
Murderers of the past continue to be hailed as “heroes” in today’s Palestinian Authority.

One of the most lethal terror attacks in Israel's history was when Palestinian terrorist Abd Al-Basset Odeh carried out a suicide bombing at a Passover dinner at the Park Hotel in Netanya on March 27, 2002. 30 Israeli civilians were murdered and 140 were wounded.

This attack, which happened at the height of the 5-year PA terror campaign – the second Intifada – is still being celebrated today in the PA as a landmark event, undertaken by a true “hero.” Still today, almost 20 years later, while praising the terrorists of the Jenin refugee camp who “wrote a heroic epic in blood” during the PA terror campaign, the official PA daily also singled out for praise suicide bomber Odeh from Tulkarem in the West Bank:
The US also asked the Palestinian Authority to credibly investigate the apparent murder of Nizar Banat, to be completed within three months, to regain PA credibility on the Palestinian street.

Perhaps more interesting than this story is the leaking of this story. If it is true, or partially true, it means that someone who works in the US State Department leaked it - and they chose to leak it to an Arab news site. Only an Arabic speaker would choose Arabi21, a site that is barely known to the Western world.

If the leak is legitimate, it was done to embarrass the Palestinian Authority. We know that because the end of the story quotes the source as saying "the document, with what it reveals of American and Israeli interventions, reveals the truth about who runs the Palestinian Authority."

It is also notable that the leak doesn't include any concessions to the Palestinian Authority itself, which any real agreement would do, which hints that there are other sections of the alleged agreement that were not leaked - in order to make the PA look as bad as possible.

All of this means that if it is found out that the story is true or partially true, there is someone in the State Department who is actively working to undermine the Palestinian Authority and try to boost more radical Palestinian factions.

That might be bigger news than the reported agreement itself.

(full article online)

Murderers of the past continue to be hailed as “heroes” in today’s Palestinian Authority.

One of the most lethal terror attacks in Israel's history was when Palestinian terrorist Abd Al-Basset Odeh carried out a suicide bombing at a Passover dinner at the Park Hotel in Netanya on March 27, 2002. 30 Israeli civilians were murdered and 140 were wounded.

This attack, which happened at the height of the 5-year PA terror campaign – the second Intifada – is still being celebrated today in the PA as a landmark event, undertaken by a true “hero.” Still today, almost 20 years later, while praising the terrorists of the Jenin refugee camp who “wrote a heroic epic in blood” during the PA terror campaign, the official PA daily also singled out for praise suicide bomber Odeh from Tulkarem in the West Bank:

Each year in April the blood of the Martyrs sprouts flowers. All the words are silenced, but not the memories of the refugee camp whose residents wrote a heroic epic in blood… The location: The Jenin refugee camp in the northern West Bank. The time: The beginning of April 2002. The heroes of the story are hundreds of resistance members and all the residents of the refugee camp who stand firm… They tell the story of the blood that flowed in the alleys of the camp, which wrote an epic of resolve. Despite the siege, it achieved a great victory… After Martyrdom-seeker Abd Al-Basset Odeh (i.e., suicide bomber, murdered 30) from Tulkarem in the northwest of the occupied West Bank carried out a self-sacrificing operation (i.e., suicide bombing) on March 27, 2002, in which 30 Israelis were killed at the Park Hotel in occupied Umm Khaled – which the occupation changed its name to ‘Netanya.’”
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 5, 2021]
Similarly Abbas’ Fatah Movement recently celebrated another lethal terror attack, which took place decades before the Park Hotel bombing. On June 25, 1974, three Palestinian terrorists broke into an apartment building in Nahariya, where they murdered 30-year-old Irena Zarankin, her 10-year-old daughter Ronit, and her 5-year-old son Gilad. Zarankin’s husband Mordechai had made a rope out of sheets for them to escape out the window and blockaded the door, but one of the terrorists was waiting below and shot Irena and the children as they climbed down; Mordechai survived the attack.

Israeli soldiers who arrived at the scene killed all three terrorists, but in the exchange of fire 21-year-old Israeli soldier Danny Senesh was also murdered. At the time Fatah claimed responsibility for the attack, and still today it marks the anniversary of the attack, praising the murderers as “the heroes of the Nahariya operation”:

(full article online)

The recent weeks have seen ongoing protests in the West Bank against the Palestinian Authority (PA) over the killing of opposition activist Nizar Banat by the PA's security apparatuses.[1] The PA has faced intense criticism, both for the killing of the activist and for the harsh suppression of the public protests that erupted in its wake, measures which were in flagrant violation of freedom of expression and of the press.[2] The protests also expressed the intense dissatisfaction of the Palestinian public over systemic problems afflicting the PA, such as the absence of democracy and the rampant corruption, especially in light of Palestinian President Mahmoud 'Abbas' April 2021 decision to once again postpone the PA elections until further notice.

(full article online)

  • Tunisia is the third Arab country after Egypt and Sudan to say that it is fed up with the rule of the Islamists. With the exception of Qatar, most of the Arab countries have long regarded the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist groups as a major threat to security, stability and peace.
  • The Palestinians... seem to be the only Arabs who continue to believe in the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates, particularly Hamas, the terrorist group that has been ruling the Gaza Strip since July 2007.
  • Sawsan Al-Sha'er, one of Bahrain's most influential journalists and intellectuals, expressed relief over the ouster of the Islamists of Tunisia and said that this should serve as a reminder to all Arabs that Islamist parties – Shiite and Sunni alike – care about nothing else but reaching power.
  • "The Arabs have discovered that these parties do not have a ... development program, or a future vision; the only project they have is to reach a position of decision-making and seize power. The religious parties do not recognize sovereign borders, the state's constitution, laws, and regulations. In all the Arab countries in which these parties have reached decision-making positions, they bypassed all constitutional and political frameworks, and they do not see anything wrong with that...." — Sawsan Al-Sha'er, Al-Ain, August 1, 2021.
  • According to Al-Sha'er, the Islamists want to... make them subject to foreign powers, especially Iran.
  • "What happened in Tunisia is similar to what happened in Egypt in 2013, when the Egyptian people rose up against the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood and overthrew them after discovering their subversive project, confirming once again the failure of the Islamists in managing the affairs of the state.... it confirms that the Arabs can no longer tolerate this group and its policies." — Amal Abdullah Al-Haddabi, Al-Ain, August 3, 2021.
  • Al-Haddabi pointed out that during the past decade, successive Tunisian governments that were dominated by the Islamists failed to score any achievements for the people.
  • Another reason the Tunisian Islamists failed, was because they "failed to believe in democracy in its true meaning, including freedom of the media, the independence of the judiciary and economic and social rights." — Abdel Aziz Khamis Khamis, Saudi journalist, Sky News Arabia, August 2, 2021.
  • The jubilation in the Arab countries over the toppling of the Ennahdah Party sends a clear message to the rest of the world against embracing or appeasing the Islamists. Sadly, this is a message that continues to be ignored by the many Palestinians and leaders in the West who continue to support Hamas and other Iranian-backed Islamist groups that seek to eliminate Israel and keep the Palestinians mired in misery.

(full article online)

The House of Saud seems a bit miffed at their Shia wannabe neighbors.

With Hamas doing some world class sucking up to the Iranian Mullocrats while the Saudi's are being shelled by Iranian backed Houthi's, the Saudi's sent a message to Hamas.

Hamas is deeply shocked by a Saudi court’s decision to send dozens of its activists to prison. They were arrested more than two years ago on suspicion of money laundering and smuggling funds to Hamas’ military-terrorist wing in the Gaza Strip, aided by money exchange companies in Turkey.

On August 8, 2021, the Saudi court published the sentences of 69 Hamas operatives living in Saudi Arabia and Jordan. They were sentenced to various periods of imprisonment between six months and 22 years; five were found innocent and released.

Senior Hamas figure Dr. Mohammed al-Khoudary, 81, who was the head of Hamas’ branch in Saudi Arabia, was sentenced to 15 years in prison.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: Who are the Terrorists?
※→ Hollie, P F Tinmore, et al,

◈◈◈ Great Contribution from "Hollie." ◈◈◈​

BLUF: "The men were arrested three years ago and accused of affiliation with a terrorist organization and raising funds on its behalf."

Hamas is deeply shocked by a Saudi court’s decision to send dozens of its activists to prison.

Senior Hamas figure Dr. Mohammed al-Khoudary, 81, who was the head of Hamas’ branch in Saudi Arabia, was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

It is pretty clear to me that most of the Gulf State Nations know who are terrorists → as a threat to their national security.

This clears up who the terrorists are and if they are an International Threat. No one can say that the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) operate only within their borders (whatever that means).


Most Respectfully,
Israel unilaterally decided to build the elevator after many years of lobbying because the Palestinian Authority would never agree to anything like this. The human rights of the disabled would not even be considered as a factor. In fact, you will not find any supposedly liberal anti-Israel activist who supports the idea that Jews have the human right to visit the site freely, let alone that disabled people have the right to visit safely, because the imperative of being anti-Israel is much more important than mere human rights.

Arab media claim that this will be a Jewish-only elevator. Arab media is lying - the elevator is for all. But the hate that the Palestinians and their supporters have for Jews is far, far higher than their desire to allow even disabled Muslims to visit their own holy sites, as long as the plan also helps any Jews.

The main Palestinian argument is that this elevator and supporting infrastructure is using land that belongs to Arab Hebron and the Waqf, and therefore this violates agreements. But the Palestinians have also signed agreements saying that Jews should have free access to their holy places. No one seems to insist that they hold up those agreements. If they were a normal government that cared about human rights and peace, something could have been hammered out to allow wheelchair access for all back in 2003.

When the PA uses language like "racist" and "colonialist" and "Talmudic" - one of their favorite epithets - to describe an elevator to help the disabled, it proves yet again that this is all about hating Jews and denying Jews their rights.

(full article online)

One of al-Jabri's sons had a medical condition and needs medicine. Al-Jabri himself seems to have a kidney ailment. He does not have a job and cannot afford the medicine needed.

So he made a video to get Hamas' attention to get the medicine and possibly a job.

In the video, he didn't threaten to kill himself if he didn't get what he wanted. No - instead, he threatened to slaughter his 13 children. (He didn't mention the two wives he seems to have.)
On camera.

With a knife.

The commenters are all very sympathetic. I didn't see one who said, "How can any decent father threaten to murder his own kids, even if it is meant to publicize his medical plight.

It seems his love of Hamas has paid off, because on Tuesday, he posted that he spoke with Hamas officials who assured him that things will work out, although they made no promises yet and negotiations are continuing.

This is a story about both how Hamas has no problem spending millions on weapons and tunnels, very little to help the people of Gaza, and only the people of Gaza who are on Hamas' side can expect some help. It is also the story of the sickness that so many Palestinians have where threatening their own children is not worth condemning.

(full article online)

Hiding terror tunnel, Hamas blocks UN staff from inspecting school

Thank you, Mr. President.

I take the floor on behalf of UN Watch.
My name is Mosab Hassan Yousef. I grew up in Ramallah as a member of Hamas.
I address my words to the Palestinian Authority, which claims to be the “sole legitimate representative” of the Palestinian people.
I ask: where does your legitimacy come from?
The Palestinian people did not elect you, and they did not appoint you to represent them.
You are self-appointed.
Your accountability is not to your own people. This is evidenced by your total violation of their human rights.
In fact, the Palestinian individual and their human development is the least of your concerns.
You kidnap Palestinian students from campus and torture them in your jails. You torture your political rivals. The suffering of the Palestinian people is the outcome of your selfish political interests. You are the greatest enemy of the Palestinian people.
If Israel did not exist, you would have no one to blame. Take responsibility for the outcome of your own actions.
You fan the flames of conflict to maintain your abusive power.
Finally, you use this platform to mislead the international community, and to mislead Palestinian society, to believe that Israel is responsible for the problems you create.

Thank you.

Mosab Yousef claims to have followed the regional developments minutely and attributed the latest round of violence to Hamas itself. The property feud in East Jerusalem’s Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood "the ostensible trigger of the current unrest — was just a pretext," he said. He did not hesitate to inform that top Hamas leader like his father likely professed and practised violence in underground bunkers and use the demise of their own people to score propaganda points.

(full article online)

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