Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Hamas has long been known to be an islamic terrorist franchise with astonishing wealth and the numbers are jaw-dropping.

Decades of international financing has made many millionaires and billionaires of these crooks.

Leading German daily Die Welt has published an expose on Hamas’ secret foreign investment portfolio. According to documents obtained by the newspaper from Western intelligence sources, the US-designated terror group holds interests in some 40 international companies in the Middle East and North Africa, with an estimated value exceeding $500 million.

“For years there were rumours about such a portfolio, which seem to be corroborated now by information found on a Hamas computer,” Clemens Wergin, Die Welt’s chief correspondent, noted on Twitter. “The balance sheet also contains coded references about 49 Million US Dollars that went from the portfolio into Hamas’ coffers, an estimated 40% of which went to military/terror expenses.”
Hebrew media reports said IDF intelligence learned earlier this year that Shmalach has been helping Iran funnel millions of dollars to Hamas through his companies, prompting Israel to designate the two businesses as terror organizations.

Because of the Israeli and Egyptian blockade of Gaza and sanctions, Hamas is increasingly taking control of imports to the Strip, including food, to resell. The terror group is reported to have an extensive network for seizing and reselling food imports.

Hamas has been pinched financially since an 11-day confrontation with Israel in May. Gaza terror groups fired more than 3,440 rockets and missiles at Israel, prompting Israeli air strikes on Hamas positions. Since the crisis, Israel has not allowed Qatar to transfer funds to to Gaza. Hamas has threatened to renew rocket fire if the money isn’t transferred.

(full article online)

Four Pally's from a smorgasbord of variously named islamic terrorist franchises rode the gee-had train to its last stop.

This week, Israeli forces entering the city of Jenin on an undercover mission to apprehend terror suspects came under fire. In self-defense, they fought back and killed four of the Palestinian assailants. Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Fatah’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade later confirmed that the dead were members of their respective organizations.

Despite the Palestinians themselves acknowledging the connections of the “martyrs” with terror groups, Palestinian officials were quick to point an accusing finger at Israel, describing the incident as a “massacre” and employing other strikingly incendiary terms. The Times of Israel reported that Akram Rajoub, the governor of Jenin, told the official Palestinian Authority broadcasting station, “This was a massacre perpetrated by the Israeli occupation. All the accounts disseminated by the occupation are falsehoods.”
Four Pally's from a smorgasbord of variously named islamic terrorist franchises rode the gee-had train to its last stop.

This week, Israeli forces entering the city of Jenin on an undercover mission to apprehend terror suspects came under fire. In self-defense, they fought back and killed four of the Palestinian assailants. Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Fatah’s Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade later confirmed that the dead were members of their respective organizations.

Despite the Palestinians themselves acknowledging the connections of the “martyrs” with terror groups, Palestinian officials were quick to point an accusing finger at Israel, describing the incident as a “massacre” and employing other strikingly incendiary terms. The Times of Israel reported that Akram Rajoub, the governor of Jenin, told the official Palestinian Authority broadcasting station, “This was a massacre perpetrated by the Israeli occupation. All the accounts disseminated by the occupation are falsehoods.”
This week, Israeli forces entering the city of Jenin on an undercover mission to apprehend terror suspects came under fire. In self-defense,
Israel attacks and claims self defense.

What a bunch of dumbfucks!

IDF-Israeli Doofus Force. :290968001256257790-final:
Looks like a potentially deadly gee-had attack was prevented.

JNS.org – Israel Defense Forces soldiers captured an armed Palestinian disguised as an Israeli soldier on Monday.

The IDF said in a statement that the suspect was “wearing a full IDF uniform,” adding that he was apprehended adjacent to the community of Sinjil, northeast of Ramallah, in the West Bank
Palestinian residents of the Gaza Strip suffer from one of the highest levels of poverty and unemployment in the world. It is a human rights tragedy for the 1.8 million residents of the coastal enclave. But while international nongovernmental organizations and media outlets frequently point the finger at Israel, in reality, it is Hamas, the terrorist group which runs Gaza, which is wholly responsible.

Hamas actively steals hundreds of millions of dollars each year from its own people, and enriches its senior leadership as a result. But Hamas continues to get a free pass from much of the world, despite its open thievery.

In this episode of the Honest Report podcast, we discuss how Hamas learned the best practices of stealing from its own people, and how it continues to rake in so much money every single year as a result of its malfeasance. Its own leader, Ismail Haniyeh, is the epitome of the corruption that Hamas practices on a daily basis.

(full article online)

Leading German daily Die Welt has published an expose on Hamas’ secret foreign investment portfolio. According to documents obtained by the newspaper from Western intelligence sources, the US-designated terror group holds interests in some 40 international companies in the Middle East and North Africa, with an estimated value exceeding $500 million.

“For years there were rumours about such a portfolio, which seem to be corroborated now by information found on a Hamas computer,” Clemens Wergin, Die Welt’s chief correspondent, noted on Twitter. “The balance sheet also contains coded references about 49 Million US Dollars that went from the portfolio into Hamas’ coffers, an estimated 40% of which went to military/terror expenses.”

According to Israeli data, this $49 million alone is enough to build 1,405 homes, 310 medical clinics, 114 mosques or 98 schools in the Gaza Strip. This would, needless to say, go a long way to reconstructing the enclave in the wake of May’s 11-day Hamas-initiated conflict with Israel. More broadly, the alleged $500 million Hamas has stashed away would be sufficient to, according to the World Bank, repair all physical damage incurred during the war as well as make up for the resulting economic losses.

(full article online)

Attorney Lamis Deek Palestinian Attorney and Human Rights Advocate, Co-founder, Al-Awda: the Palestinian Right to Return Coalition


The Shia wannabe seems to think that the Iranian proxy terrorists in Lebanon are prepared to wage a war against Israel for some unspecified reason. That seems unlikely as the IDF could quickly ramp up devastating air and artillery barrages.​

Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh: Hamas Has a Strategic Relationship with Iran, Hizbullah​

Another silly islamic terrorist fashion parade. I suppose with a gaggle of child soldiers fresh out of the Hamas Hitler Youth style summer gee-had camp there will be sacrificial breeding products to push toward the israeli border.

Gaza terror groups threaten ‘escalation’ as progress reported in Qatari aid deal​

Palestinians to protest Saturday near border fence with Israel, despite apparent advances in ceasefire talks between Israel and Hamas​

By AARON BOXERMAN19 August 2021, 1:50 am
Children talk with masked members of the military wing of Hamas, while marching along the streets of Nusseirat refugee camp, central Gaza Strip, May 28, 2021. (AP Photo/Adel Hana)
The following seems to confirm what Hamas has been doing over the last several months. The Hudna is scaled back in incremental steps as the Islamic terrorist attacks gradually become more brazen.

Islamic terrorist franchises are fueled by money and Qatari suitcases of welfare cash keep the money flowing to bank accounts of the islamic terrorist kingpins and their minions who are pushed into the libe if fire.

Gaza's terror factions taking on strategy of gradual escalation

Gaza's terror factions taking on strategy of gradual escalation

Analysis: The groups, led by Hamas, agree to resume border protests and incendiary balloons in a bid to pressure Israel and the UN to resolve the longstanding issue of transferring money from Qatari for rehabilitation of Gaza after May war

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