Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Some really horrible euphemisms used to throw a burqa on the reality of greed, corruption and thievery that plagues both Islamic terrorist franchises.

These bottomless pits of welfare fraud should be cut off from international welfare.

Like someone drowning, the Palestinian leadership in Ramallah is flailing about, barely keeping its head above water. Israel should throw Ramallah a life raft, but it must be careful not to allow itself to get pulled under.
The peaceful inner strugglers occupying Gaza are having their Shia Mullocrsts in Tehran issue press releases.

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas rapped the murder of three Palestinians in the occupied West Bank in less than 24 hours as a “serious” escalation that should be met with intensified resistance.​

“There is no way to deter the (Israeli) occupation except by more force,” the national relations department of Hamas in the West Bank said in a statement on Wednesday, according to the Palestinian Information Center.
Oh, dear. Those poor, oppressed, attention seeking pals have a good reason to oppose the war in Ukraine.

Palestinian officials and the Palestinian public are warning that the war in Ukraine will hurt their cause and leave them searching for international attention.
Oh, my. The suffering of those poor, oppressed Pallys.

Rare good news: Thanks to UN Watch’s relentless campaign, UNRWA teachers are now complaining that they are unable to glorify Hamas terrorists on social media, or incite hatred and violence towards Jews and Israelis.
I suppose this means the Pallys will have lost another of welfare money that finances their greed and corruption.

Australia on Friday listed the entire Palestinian Islamist group Hamas as a terrorist organization, calling the move a deterrent to political and religious violence and bringing Australia in line with the United States, the European Union and Britain.
The Arab-Moslem squatters are so ungrateful. The gee-had requires sacrifice.

They Kidnapped Gaza began as an audio discussion on Twitter on Thursday.

"Imagine your one-month-old son dies because of the cold. Imagine your son dying because there is no electricity, no money, no wages and no home," said Mahmoud Nashwan.
Gee-had is a losing game.

An Islamic terrorist adoption. How nice.

Oh, my. The Islamic gee-had bluster is flowing from the terrorist mouthpieces.

Threats and bluster are standard fare for these misfits.

 A militant attends the funeral of a Palestinian Islamic Jihad gunman, who was killed by Israeli forces, in Jenin in the Israeli-occupied West Bank March 1, 2022.  (photo credit: RANEEN SAWAFTA/ REUTERS)

“The [Israeli] enemy will pay dearly for its crimes,” PIJ said in a statement shortly after the armed clashes in the camp.

PLO renounces all agreements with Israel​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Mar 6, 2022
  • PLO on terror path: "We are outside of the path of Oslo, the security coordination... we have entered a path of resistance in all its forms

Speaking after the recent meeting of the Palestinian National Council (PNC), its Deputy Chairman Ali Faisal clarified that there is a binding Palestinian decision to “renounce… all agreements with Israel.” He added that from the point of view of the Palestinian leadership, the Palestinians “have entered a path of resistance in all its forms” – a term that clearly includes the use of violence and terror.

Palestinian National Council Deputy Chairman Ali Faisal: “The decision of the [Palestinian] National Council was a recommendation to the [PLO] Central Council to renounce all the commitments of the Oslo Accords and stop the security coordination [with Israel]. Now there is a binding decision. The Central Council decided to renounce the commitments of all the agreements with the State of Israel, whether by the PLO or the PA. Currently we are outside the path of Oslo, the security coordination, and the economic Paris Agreement (see note below -Ed.), and we have entered a path of resistance in all its forms and a realization of sovereignty.”
[Official PA TV, From Beirut, Feb. 18, 2022]

Oh, dear, The Islamic Terrorist franchise that has a singular goal of killing Israelis has announced they’re upset with Israel.

PLO renounces all agreements with Israel​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Mar 6, 2022
  • PLO on terror path: "We are outside of the path of Oslo, the security coordination... we have entered a path of resistance in all its forms

Speaking after the recent meeting of the Palestinian National Council (PNC), its Deputy Chairman Ali Faisal clarified that there is a binding Palestinian decision to “renounce… all agreements with Israel.” He added that from the point of view of the Palestinian leadership, the Palestinians “have entered a path of resistance in all its forms” – a term that clearly includes the use of violence and terror.

Oh, dear, The Islamic Terrorist franchise that has a singular goal of killing Israelis has announced they’re upset with Israel.
Does that mean there is no more areas A, B, and C?
Ahh. A pally ''psychologist'' in the service of the gee-had.

Tell kids “Israelis are evil” - Palestinian psychologist on how to explain why Israel doesn’t release terrorist fathers​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Mar 7, 2022

The Israelis “are evil” – that’s the simple message a Palestinian psychologist suggests mothers offer their children when they need to explain why the children’s imprisoned terrorist fathers “can’t leave prison.”

This false explanation fits in with the rest of the PA narrative that terrorists are heroes and, in PA Chairman Abbas’ words, “the most sanctified we have.” In other words, Palestinian terrorist prisoners – among them mass murderers – have done nothing wrong, rather they are victims of the “evil” Israelis:

One of the three prerequisites to Israel’s recognition of the PLO and subsequent peace negotiations was that the Palestinians cease all terrorism against Israel. Yet, almost from the day Yasser Arafat sent this promise to Yitzhak Rabin in 1993, assaults have continued. The heinous attacks conducted in the 1990s sabotaged the Oslo process and the second intifada, combined with the terror and rocket attacks following Israel’s disengagement from Gaza, convinced most Israelis further territorial concessions would endanger their security.

Myths and Facts. AICE.

One of the three prerequisites to Israel’s recognition of the PLO and subsequent peace negotiations was that the Palestinians cease all terrorism against Israel. Yet, almost from the day Yasser Arafat sent this promise to Yitzhak Rabin in 1993, assaults have continued. The heinous attacks conducted in the 1990s sabotaged the Oslo process and the second intifada, combined with the terror and rocket attacks following Israel’s disengagement from Gaza, convinced most Israelis further territorial concessions would endanger their security.

Myths and Facts. AICE.
One of the three prerequisites to Israel’s recognition of the PLO and subsequent peace negotiations was that the Palestinians cease all terrorism against Israel.
Indeed, it was a one sided agreement.
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