Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Gaza Sea Minor - Checkpoint 303, Ghassan Kanafani​

Look at all the losers in that picture.


Marx, Che, Ghassan.......who did I miss?


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American Lawyer Lamis Deek at NYC Quds Day Rally: The War for the Liberation of Palestine Is Coming​

Some insight from PMW regarding propaganda tactics by the Islamic terrorists.

From incitement to terror and attempted murder: The PA-Fatah attack on Jewish worshippers at Joseph’s Tomb​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Jul 10, 2022

As Palestinian Media Watch often reports, the Palestinian Authority continuously incites violence and terror. As a general rule, it is often difficult to attribute specific attacks to a particular event, speech, or publication, rather than the general atmosphere of incitement. However, on some occasions even though the incitement is subtle, timing and geographical location leave little doubt that incitement fueled a specific terror attack.

The terror attack carried out by Palestinian terrorists on the night of June 29, in which they attempted to murder Jews visiting the site of Joseph’s Tomb, is a perfect example.

The tomb of the biblical Joseph, son of Jacob, rests in the city of Nablus, which is under the complete control of the PA. It is one of the sites specifically mentioned as a “Jewish Holy Site” in the 1995 Israeli-Palestinian Interim Peace Agreement. Agreed security arrangements are meant to “ensure free, unimpeded and secure access to the site” and “ensure the peaceful use of such site, to prevent any potential instances of disorder…” (Article V, annex I, Israeli-Palestinian Interim Peace Agreement).

Despite the explicit commitment, Jews are only permitted to visit the site - usually only once a month - in organized convoys protected by the Israeli army under the cover of darkness. Jews who attempt to enter the site without prior coordination face potential death, as was the case with Ben-Yosef Livnat, who visited the site in April 2011 without coordination, and was killed by members of the PA Security Forces.

'Palestinuan people''?

Cults typically self-destruct. We see that dynamic with the Pallys.

Now this is interesting. These ''hate-fests'' promoted by Islamic terrorist supporting cabals can have consequences.

The Jerusalem Post - Israel News

'Pro-Palestinian' rallies violence against Jews were always connected - analysis​

Pro-Palestinian activism has re-packaged genocidal terminology and tried to hide it behind claims of “mistranslation.”​


Published: JUNE 30, 2022 22:45
Updated: JULY 2, 2022 15:28

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators attend a protest following a flare-up of Israeli-Palestinian violence, in London, Britain May 22, 2021. (photo credit: TOBY MELVILLE/REUTERS)

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators attend a protest following a flare-up of Israeli-Palestinian violence, in London, Britain May 22, 2021.

“Federal prosecutors have charged a pro-Palestinian activist with a hate crime for an assault on a pro-Israeli Jewish man that took place following an April protest in Midtown, Manhattan,” reported The New York Post on Thursday. This sets an important precedent.
There's such a thing as a 'university of pal'istan''. At least that's what the pallys call it.

Apparently, there was some faux ''outrage'' when the Islamic terrorist franchise controlling Gaza'istan arrested the head of the ''university''.

This was against the law... you know... laws that Islamic terrorists are expected to follow.

Ahem, Salem. Did you just fall off the turnip truck gee-had Toyota?

Hamas arrests university president in Gaza, provoking outrage from Palestinians​

The arrest of Salem al-Sabah, head of the University of Palestine in the Gaza Strip, sparked widespread condemnation among academics.

Hamas security forces recently arrested Salem al-Sabah, head of the University of Palestine in the Gaza Strip, causing an uproar among academics who praise Sabah's performance.

The arrest was carried out June 15 by members of the military police without any arrest warrant, which is against the Palestinian law. According to the Palestinian Criminal Code, the Public Prosecution is the only authority concerned with initiating criminal cases.
If I self identify as a pally 'refugee', can I get a UNRWA welfare check?

Every so-called Palestinian origin person, including myself, a Canadian citizen, Gigi & Bella Hadid’s family, citizens in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, & egypt are counted as refugees.

Indeed they are but they do not qualify for UNRWA assistance.
Every so-called Palestinian origin person, including myself, a Canadian citizen, Gigi & Bella Hadid’s family, citizens in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, & egypt are counted as refugees.

Indeed they are but they do not qualify for UNRWA assistance.
Indeed, no link


Of course not.
It is a shame that the UN has become little more than a mouthpiece for Islamic terrorists.

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