Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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There should be no doubt in your mind that Trans-Jordania was accounted for as a separate territory with the mandate.
And that country is Palestine.

Obviously this has nothing to do with 1967 borders.

1) There was no call among the arabs for a "palestine" when Jordan controlled the territory

2) The arab countries wanted to kill all the Jews and destroy Israel before 1967.
1) There was no call among the arabs for a "palestine" when Jordan controlled the territory

Why would there be, or why should there be?
Because the arabs supposedly consider that land palestine. Therefore under Jordanian rule they should also be demanding a free palestine.

But alas they didn't.

This shows that this was never about a land. It's about the arab government's refusal to recognize Israel in any form.
But they did. They declared independence in 1948.

Nope as it was not all of Palestine just the gaza strip and it was done by Egyptians from Cairo and not palestinians
Who said it was just the Gaza strip? The Palestinians declared independence in 1948 inside their defined territory. There was no Gaza Strip until 1949.

And Israel was declared by the foreign Jewish Agency that was created in Zurich by the foreign World Zionist Organization. And Israel had no defined territory.
But they did. They declared independence in 1948.
Which the arabs didn't recognize.

They attacked Israel the day Israel declared it's independence.

If they didn't recognize it when it occurred. It's too late to recognize it after they invaded and lost.
Five states recognized Palestine in 1948. Not that it matters. A state exists separate from recognition.

Israel wasn't attacked. The Arabs fought Israeli forces inside Palestine.

You need to read up.
I am well read up.

The five armies invaded and attacked Israel for the sole purpose of annihilating her.
On 15 May 1948 the ongoing civil war transformed into an inter-state conflict between Israel and the Arab states, following the Israeli Declaration of Independence the previous day. A combined invasion by Egypt, Jordan and Syria, together with expeditionary forces from Iraq, entered Palestine -

1948 Arab Israeli War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Yes Palestine as in Mandate of Palestine and not nation of Palestine. No nation of Palestine existed until 1988 under International law.
For the Mandates Commission, Palestine had never ceased to constitute a separate entity. It was one of those territories which, under the terms of the Covenant, might be regarded as "provisionally independent". The country was administered under an A mandate by the United Kingdom, subject to certain conditions and particularly to the condition appearing in Article 5: "The Mandatory shall be responsible for seeing that no Palestine territory shall be . . . in any way placed under the control of the Government of any foreign Power".

Palestine, as the mandate clearly showed, was a subject under international law. While she could not conclude international conventions, the mandatory Power, until further notice, concluded them on her behalf, in virtue of Article 19 of the mandate. The mandate, in Article 7, obliged the Mandatory to enact a nationality law, which again showed that the Palestinians formed a nation, and that Palestine was a State, though provisionally under guardianship. It was, moreover, unnecessary to labour the point; there was no doubt whatever that Palestine was a separate political entity. - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - League of Nations 32nd session - Minutes of the Permanent Mandates Commission 18 August 1937

Who would know more than the Mandates Commission?

3. Reaffirms the inalienable right of the peoples of Namibia and Zimbabwe, of the Palestinian people and of all peoples under alien and colonial domination to self-determination, national independence, territorial integrity, and national unity and sovereignty without external interference; A RES 33 24 of 29 November 1978

What is territorial integrity if there is no territory?

1. Reaffirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in Palestine, including:

(a) The right to self-determination without external interference;

(b) The right to national independence and sovereignty;

A RES 3236 XXIX of 22 November 1974

How can there be an "in Palestine" if there is no Palestine?
And that country is Palestine.

Obviously this has nothing to do with 1967 borders.

1) There was no call among the arabs for a "palestine" when Jordan controlled the territory

2) The arab countries wanted to kill all the Jews and destroy Israel before 1967.
1) There was no call among the arabs for a "palestine" when Jordan controlled the territory

Why would there be, or why should there be?
Because the arabs supposedly consider that land palestine. Therefore under Jordanian rule they should also be demanding a free palestine.

But alas they didn't.

This shows that this was never about a land. It's about the arab government's refusal to recognize Israel in any form.
But they did. They declared independence in 1948.

Nope as it was not all of Palestine just the gaza strip and it was done by Egyptians from Cairo and not palestinians
Who said it was just the Gaza strip? The Palestinians declared independence in 1948 inside their defined territory. There was no Gaza Strip until 1949.

And Israel was declared by the foreign Jewish Agency that was created in Zurich by the foreign World Zionist Organization. And Israel had no defined territory.

The group that declared independence only represented the gaza strip as the rest of the arab league rejected them in favour of Jordan.

Which was accepted as the body representing Jewish interests by the sovereign owners of the land. So any move they made was acceptable under international law that also defined Israel's territory as shown many times by me. Now it is Palestine that has no defined territory and Israel has international borders accepted under treaty
Which the arabs didn't recognize.

They attacked Israel the day Israel declared it's independence.

If they didn't recognize it when it occurred. It's too late to recognize it after they invaded and lost.
Five states recognized Palestine in 1948. Not that it matters. A state exists separate from recognition.

Israel wasn't attacked. The Arabs fought Israeli forces inside Palestine.

You need to read up.
I am well read up.

The five armies invaded and attacked Israel for the sole purpose of annihilating her.
On 15 May 1948 the ongoing civil war transformed into an inter-state conflict between Israel and the Arab states, following the Israeli Declaration of Independence the previous day. A combined invasion by Egypt, Jordan and Syria, together with expeditionary forces from Iraq, entered Palestine -

1948 Arab Israeli War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Yes Palestine as in Mandate of Palestine and not nation of Palestine. No nation of Palestine existed until 1988 under International law.
For the Mandates Commission, Palestine had never ceased to constitute a separate entity. It was one of those territories which, under the terms of the Covenant, might be regarded as "provisionally independent". The country was administered under an A mandate by the United Kingdom, subject to certain conditions and particularly to the condition appearing in Article 5: "The Mandatory shall be responsible for seeing that no Palestine territory shall be . . . in any way placed under the control of the Government of any foreign Power".

Palestine, as the mandate clearly showed, was a subject under international law. While she could not conclude international conventions, the mandatory Power, until further notice, concluded them on her behalf, in virtue of Article 19 of the mandate. The mandate, in Article 7, obliged the Mandatory to enact a nationality law, which again showed that the Palestinians formed a nation, and that Palestine was a State, though provisionally under guardianship. It was, moreover, unnecessary to labour the point; there was no doubt whatever that Palestine was a separate political entity. - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - League of Nations 32nd session - Minutes of the Permanent Mandates Commission 18 August 1937

Who would know more than the Mandates Commission?

3. Reaffirms the inalienable right of the peoples of Namibia and Zimbabwe, of the Palestinian people and of all peoples under alien and colonial domination to self-determination, national independence, territorial integrity, and national unity and sovereignty without external interference; A RES 33 24 of 29 November 1978

What is territorial integrity if there is no territory?

1. Reaffirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in Palestine, including:

(a) The right to self-determination without external interference;

(b) The right to national independence and sovereignty;

A RES 3236 XXIX of 22 November 1974

How can there be an "in Palestine" if there is no Palestine?

WRONG AGAIN as it was never mentioned under the covenant as being a nation, and was so excluded.
You confuse once again the mandate of Palestine with a non existent nation of Palestine. At no time during the mandats life was a nation of Palestine mentioned officially.
The Nationality law was for occupants of the mandate of Palestine to be given an interim pseudo nationality as a british protectorate, which is why the passports and national identity papers bore the legend British Palestine and not nation of Palestine
No where in the mandate can I find any reference to the nation of Palestine, you are being confused by the truncated form used by the LoN and Mandate that uses palestine to mean Mandate of Palestine as explained in the Mandate
You cant retrospectively use a 1974 non binding UN resolution to force an issue that was rooted in 1923. If you want to play silly beggars than the P.A. accepted the terms of the UN resolutions that demand they negotiate peace and mutual borders.
Re: "Who are the Palestinians"

Concerning "Who are the Palestinians", what first comes to mind is the unfortunate, truly Semitic, Levantine residents of Palestine who were forcibly displaced by first, Europe's Colonial Powers and finally Invading, Foreign Zionist Terrorist Gangs (Stern Gang, Irgun, Haganah etc)

Palestine's Ashkenazi Jewish population is a relatively recent phenomenon beginning to arrive in the 1880s until the first accurate & thorough census was taken by the British Occupiers in 1922:

Mandate for Palestine - Report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations 31 December 1922
The census results were:--

Moslems ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 590,890
Jews ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 83,794
Christians ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 73,024
Druzes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7,028
Samaritans ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 163
Bahais ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 265
Metawallis ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 156
Hindoos ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,454
Sikhs ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 408

In offering the Native Palestinians a fraction of the land that was already theirs,The Colonial Powers (aka U.N.) essentially gave a disproportionate part of Palestine to those Foreign Zionist Terrorist Gangs and recent Jewish arrivals.

In their ongoing effort to steal all of Palestine, the same Zionist Terrorist Gangs composed Plan Dalet(1) which, like "the Final Solution" calls for the Extermination & Expulsion of all non Jewish residents from Palestine.

Haganah, with the aid of the German SS(2) became IDF and under subsequent Zionist Regimes frequently headed by infamous Mass Murdering War Criminals (Begin, Shamir, Sharon etc) has been implementing their Genocidal Plan Dalet until this day.


Israel s Plan Dalet The Green Light for Zionism s Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

(2) “Nazis SS Funded Nascent Israeli Army”
Nazis SS Funded Nascent Israeli Army - henrymakow.com
Which the arabs didn't recognize.

They attacked Israel the day Israel declared it's independence.

If they didn't recognize it when it occurred. It's too late to recognize it after they invaded and lost.
Five states recognized Palestine in 1948. Not that it matters. A state exists separate from recognition.

Israel wasn't attacked. The Arabs fought Israeli forces inside Palestine.

You need to read up.
I am well read up.

The five armies invaded and attacked Israel for the sole purpose of annihilating her.
On 15 May 1948 the ongoing civil war transformed into an inter-state conflict between Israel and the Arab states, following the Israeli Declaration of Independence the previous day. A combined invasion by Egypt, Jordan and Syria, together with expeditionary forces from Iraq, entered Palestine -

1948 Arab Israeli War - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Yes Palestine as in Mandate of Palestine and not nation of Palestine. No nation of Palestine existed until 1988 under International law.
For the Mandates Commission, Palestine had never ceased to constitute a separate entity. It was one of those territories which, under the terms of the Covenant, might be regarded as "provisionally independent". The country was administered under an A mandate by the United Kingdom, subject to certain conditions and particularly to the condition appearing in Article 5: "The Mandatory shall be responsible for seeing that no Palestine territory shall be . . . in any way placed under the control of the Government of any foreign Power".

Palestine, as the mandate clearly showed, was a subject under international law. While she could not conclude international conventions, the mandatory Power, until further notice, concluded them on her behalf, in virtue of Article 19 of the mandate. The mandate, in Article 7, obliged the Mandatory to enact a nationality law, which again showed that the Palestinians formed a nation, and that Palestine was a State, though provisionally under guardianship. It was, moreover, unnecessary to labour the point; there was no doubt whatever that Palestine was a separate political entity. - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - League of Nations 32nd session - Minutes of the Permanent Mandates Commission 18 August 1937

Who would know more than the Mandates Commission?

3. Reaffirms the inalienable right of the peoples of Namibia and Zimbabwe, of the Palestinian people and of all peoples under alien and colonial domination to self-determination, national independence, territorial integrity, and national unity and sovereignty without external interference; A RES 33 24 of 29 November 1978

What is territorial integrity if there is no territory?

1. Reaffirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people in Palestine, including:

(a) The right to self-determination without external interference;

(b) The right to national independence and sovereignty;

A RES 3236 XXIX of 22 November 1974

How can there be an "in Palestine" if there is no Palestine?

Palestine was the name of a region, like North America.
Re: "Who are the Palestinians"

Concerning "Who are the Palestinians", what first comes to mind is the unfortunate, truly Semitic, Levantine residents of Palestine who were forcibly displaced by first, Europe's Colonial Powers and finally Invading, Foreign Zionist Terrorist Gangs (Stern Gang, Irgun, Haganah etc)

Palestine's Ashkenazi Jewish population is a relatively recent phenomenon beginning to arrive in the 1880s until the first accurate & thorough census was taken by the British Occupiers in 1922:

Mandate for Palestine - Report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations 31 December 1922
The census results were:--

Moslems ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 590,890
Jews ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 83,794
Christians ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 73,024
Druzes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7,028
Samaritans ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 163
Bahais ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 265
Metawallis ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 156
Hindoos ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,454
Sikhs ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 408

In offering the Native Palestinians a fraction of the land that was already theirs,The Colonial Powers (aka U.N.) essentially gave a disproportionate part of Palestine to those Foreign Zionist Terrorist Gangs and recent Jewish arrivals.

In their ongoing effort to steal all of Palestine, the same Zionist Terrorist Gangs composed Plan Dalet(1) which, like "the Final Solution" calls for the Extermination & Expulsion of all non Jewish residents from Palestine.

Haganah, with the aid of the German SS(2) became IDF and under subsequent Zionist Regimes frequently headed by infamous Mass Murdering War Criminals (Begin, Shamir, Sharon etc) has been implementing their Genocidal Plan Dalet until this day.


Israel s Plan Dalet The Green Light for Zionism s Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

(2) “Nazis SS Funded Nascent Israeli Army”
Nazis SS Funded Nascent Israeli Army - henrymakow.com

Very poor genocide, since the Palestinians have multiplied exceedingly.
Re: "Who are the Palestinians"

Concerning "Who are the Palestinians", what first comes to mind is the unfortunate, truly Semitic, Levantine residents of Palestine who were forcibly displaced by first, Europe's Colonial Powers and finally Invading, Foreign Zionist Terrorist Gangs (Stern Gang, Irgun, Haganah etc)

Palestine's Ashkenazi Jewish population is a relatively recent phenomenon beginning to arrive in the 1880s until the first accurate & thorough census was taken by the British Occupiers in 1922:

Mandate for Palestine - Report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations 31 December 1922
The census results were:--

Moslems ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 590,890
Jews ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 83,794
Christians ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 73,024
Druzes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7,028
Samaritans ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 163
Bahais ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 265
Metawallis ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 156
Hindoos ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,454
Sikhs ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 408

In offering the Native Palestinians a fraction of the land that was already theirs,The Colonial Powers (aka U.N.) essentially gave a disproportionate part of Palestine to those Foreign Zionist Terrorist Gangs and recent Jewish arrivals.

In their ongoing effort to steal all of Palestine, the same Zionist Terrorist Gangs composed Plan Dalet(1) which, like "the Final Solution" calls for the Extermination & Expulsion of all non Jewish residents from Palestine.

Haganah, with the aid of the German SS(2) became IDF and under subsequent Zionist Regimes frequently headed by infamous Mass Murdering War Criminals (Begin, Shamir, Sharon etc) has been implementing their Genocidal Plan Dalet until this day.


Israel s Plan Dalet The Green Light for Zionism s Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

(2) “Nazis SS Funded Nascent Israeli Army”
Nazis SS Funded Nascent Israeli Army - henrymakow.com

Very poor genocide, since the Palestinians have multiplied exceedingly.

You don't know what the definition of genocide is.
Re: "Who are the Palestinians"

Concerning "Who are the Palestinians", what first comes to mind is the unfortunate, truly Semitic, Levantine residents of Palestine who were forcibly displaced by first, Europe's Colonial Powers and finally Invading, Foreign Zionist Terrorist Gangs (Stern Gang, Irgun, Haganah etc)

Palestine's Ashkenazi Jewish population is a relatively recent phenomenon beginning to arrive in the 1880s until the first accurate & thorough census was taken by the British Occupiers in 1922:

Mandate for Palestine - Report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations 31 December 1922
The census results were:--

Moslems ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 590,890
Jews ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 83,794
Christians ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 73,024
Druzes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7,028
Samaritans ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 163
Bahais ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 265
Metawallis ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 156
Hindoos ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,454
Sikhs ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 408

In offering the Native Palestinians a fraction of the land that was already theirs,The Colonial Powers (aka U.N.) essentially gave a disproportionate part of Palestine to those Foreign Zionist Terrorist Gangs and recent Jewish arrivals.

In their ongoing effort to steal all of Palestine, the same Zionist Terrorist Gangs composed Plan Dalet(1) which, like "the Final Solution" calls for the Extermination & Expulsion of all non Jewish residents from Palestine.

Haganah, with the aid of the German SS(2) became IDF and under subsequent Zionist Regimes frequently headed by infamous Mass Murdering War Criminals (Begin, Shamir, Sharon etc) has been implementing their Genocidal Plan Dalet until this day.


Israel s Plan Dalet The Green Light for Zionism s Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

(2) “Nazis SS Funded Nascent Israeli Army”
Nazis SS Funded Nascent Israeli Army - henrymakow.com

Very poor genocide, since the Palestinians have multiplied exceedingly.

You don't know what the definition of genocide is.

What is the definition?
Re: "Who are the Palestinians"

Concerning "Who are the Palestinians", what first comes to mind is the unfortunate, truly Semitic, Levantine residents of Palestine who were forcibly displaced by first, Europe's Colonial Powers and finally Invading, Foreign Zionist Terrorist Gangs (Stern Gang, Irgun, Haganah etc)

Palestine's Ashkenazi Jewish population is a relatively recent phenomenon beginning to arrive in the 1880s until the first accurate & thorough census was taken by the British Occupiers in 1922:

Mandate for Palestine - Report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations 31 December 1922
The census results were:--

Moslems ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 590,890
Jews ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 83,794
Christians ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 73,024
Druzes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7,028
Samaritans ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 163
Bahais ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 265
Metawallis ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 156
Hindoos ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,454
Sikhs ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 408

In offering the Native Palestinians a fraction of the land that was already theirs,The Colonial Powers (aka U.N.) essentially gave a disproportionate part of Palestine to those Foreign Zionist Terrorist Gangs and recent Jewish arrivals.

In their ongoing effort to steal all of Palestine, the same Zionist Terrorist Gangs composed Plan Dalet(1) which, like "the Final Solution" calls for the Extermination & Expulsion of all non Jewish residents from Palestine.

Haganah, with the aid of the German SS(2) became IDF and under subsequent Zionist Regimes frequently headed by infamous Mass Murdering War Criminals (Begin, Shamir, Sharon etc) has been implementing their Genocidal Plan Dalet until this day.


Israel s Plan Dalet The Green Light for Zionism s Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

(2) “Nazis SS Funded Nascent Israeli Army”
Nazis SS Funded Nascent Israeli Army - henrymakow.com

International law of 1923 says you don't know what you are talking about, and just trot out the same old tired islaminazi propaganda that has been debunked many times in the past
Re: "Who are the Palestinians"

Concerning "Who are the Palestinians", what first comes to mind is the unfortunate, truly Semitic, Levantine residents of Palestine who were forcibly displaced by first, Europe's Colonial Powers and finally Invading, Foreign Zionist Terrorist Gangs (Stern Gang, Irgun, Haganah etc)

Palestine's Ashkenazi Jewish population is a relatively recent phenomenon beginning to arrive in the 1880s until the first accurate & thorough census was taken by the British Occupiers in 1922:

Mandate for Palestine - Report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations 31 December 1922
The census results were:--

Moslems ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 590,890
Jews ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 83,794
Christians ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 73,024
Druzes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7,028
Samaritans ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 163
Bahais ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 265
Metawallis ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 156
Hindoos ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,454
Sikhs ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 408

In offering the Native Palestinians a fraction of the land that was already theirs,The Colonial Powers (aka U.N.) essentially gave a disproportionate part of Palestine to those Foreign Zionist Terrorist Gangs and recent Jewish arrivals.

In their ongoing effort to steal all of Palestine, the same Zionist Terrorist Gangs composed Plan Dalet(1) which, like "the Final Solution" calls for the Extermination & Expulsion of all non Jewish residents from Palestine.

Haganah, with the aid of the German SS(2) became IDF and under subsequent Zionist Regimes frequently headed by infamous Mass Murdering War Criminals (Begin, Shamir, Sharon etc) has been implementing their Genocidal Plan Dalet until this day.


Israel s Plan Dalet The Green Light for Zionism s Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

(2) “Nazis SS Funded Nascent Israeli Army”
Nazis SS Funded Nascent Israeli Army - henrymakow.com

Very poor genocide, since the Palestinians have multiplied exceedingly.

You don't know what the definition of genocide is.

Yes and it does not mean allowing the population to increase by 100% every 5 years
Re: "Who are the Palestinians"

Concerning "Who are the Palestinians", what first comes to mind is the unfortunate, truly Semitic, Levantine residents of Palestine who were forcibly displaced by first, Europe's Colonial Powers and finally Invading, Foreign Zionist Terrorist Gangs (Stern Gang, Irgun, Haganah etc)

Palestine's Ashkenazi Jewish population is a relatively recent phenomenon beginning to arrive in the 1880s until the first accurate & thorough census was taken by the British Occupiers in 1922:

Mandate for Palestine - Report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations 31 December 1922
The census results were:--

Moslems ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 590,890
Jews ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 83,794
Christians ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 73,024
Druzes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7,028
Samaritans ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 163
Bahais ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 265
Metawallis ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 156
Hindoos ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,454
Sikhs ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 408

In offering the Native Palestinians a fraction of the land that was already theirs,The Colonial Powers (aka U.N.) essentially gave a disproportionate part of Palestine to those Foreign Zionist Terrorist Gangs and recent Jewish arrivals.

In their ongoing effort to steal all of Palestine, the same Zionist Terrorist Gangs composed Plan Dalet(1) which, like "the Final Solution" calls for the Extermination & Expulsion of all non Jewish residents from Palestine.

Haganah, with the aid of the German SS(2) became IDF and under subsequent Zionist Regimes frequently headed by infamous Mass Murdering War Criminals (Begin, Shamir, Sharon etc) has been implementing their Genocidal Plan Dalet until this day.


Israel s Plan Dalet The Green Light for Zionism s Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

(2) “Nazis SS Funded Nascent Israeli Army”
Nazis SS Funded Nascent Israeli Army - henrymakow.com

Very poor genocide, since the Palestinians have multiplied exceedingly.

You don't know what the definition of genocide is.

Yes and it does not mean allowing the population to increase by 100% every 5 years
Genocide is about actions not numbers.
Re: "Who are the Palestinians"

Concerning "Who are the Palestinians", what first comes to mind is the unfortunate, truly Semitic, Levantine residents of Palestine who were forcibly displaced by first, Europe's Colonial Powers and finally Invading, Foreign Zionist Terrorist Gangs (Stern Gang, Irgun, Haganah etc)

Palestine's Ashkenazi Jewish population is a relatively recent phenomenon beginning to arrive in the 1880s until the first accurate & thorough census was taken by the British Occupiers in 1922:

Mandate for Palestine - Report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations 31 December 1922
The census results were:--

Moslems ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 590,890
Jews ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 83,794
Christians ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 73,024
Druzes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7,028
Samaritans ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 163
Bahais ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 265
Metawallis ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 156
Hindoos ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,454
Sikhs ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 408

In offering the Native Palestinians a fraction of the land that was already theirs,The Colonial Powers (aka U.N.) essentially gave a disproportionate part of Palestine to those Foreign Zionist Terrorist Gangs and recent Jewish arrivals.

In their ongoing effort to steal all of Palestine, the same Zionist Terrorist Gangs composed Plan Dalet(1) which, like "the Final Solution" calls for the Extermination & Expulsion of all non Jewish residents from Palestine.

Haganah, with the aid of the German SS(2) became IDF and under subsequent Zionist Regimes frequently headed by infamous Mass Murdering War Criminals (Begin, Shamir, Sharon etc) has been implementing their Genocidal Plan Dalet until this day.


Israel s Plan Dalet The Green Light for Zionism s Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

(2) “Nazis SS Funded Nascent Israeli Army”
Nazis SS Funded Nascent Israeli Army - henrymakow.com

Very poor genocide, since the Palestinians have multiplied exceedingly.

You don't know what the definition of genocide is.

Yes and it does not mean allowing the population to increase by 100% every 5 years
Genocide is about actions not numbers.

The goal of the country allegedly committing genocide is to subsequently eliminate most of or an entire race, ethnic group, religion. Obviously, that is not the case with Israel. The Palestinian population has been growing over the last 100 years or so. Accusing Israel of genocide is just part of the Palestinian propaganda campaign targeting Israel. Looks like you feel for it.
Re: "Who are the Palestinians"

Concerning "Who are the Palestinians", what first comes to mind is the unfortunate, truly Semitic, Levantine residents of Palestine who were forcibly displaced by first, Europe's Colonial Powers and finally Invading, Foreign Zionist Terrorist Gangs (Stern Gang, Irgun, Haganah etc)

Palestine's Ashkenazi Jewish population is a relatively recent phenomenon beginning to arrive in the 1880s until the first accurate & thorough census was taken by the British Occupiers in 1922:

Mandate for Palestine - Report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations 31 December 1922
The census results were:--

Moslems ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 590,890
Jews ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 83,794
Christians ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 73,024
Druzes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7,028
Samaritans ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 163
Bahais ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 265
Metawallis ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 156
Hindoos ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,454
Sikhs ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 408

In offering the Native Palestinians a fraction of the land that was already theirs,The Colonial Powers (aka U.N.) essentially gave a disproportionate part of Palestine to those Foreign Zionist Terrorist Gangs and recent Jewish arrivals.

In their ongoing effort to steal all of Palestine, the same Zionist Terrorist Gangs composed Plan Dalet(1) which, like "the Final Solution" calls for the Extermination & Expulsion of all non Jewish residents from Palestine.

Haganah, with the aid of the German SS(2) became IDF and under subsequent Zionist Regimes frequently headed by infamous Mass Murdering War Criminals (Begin, Shamir, Sharon etc) has been implementing their Genocidal Plan Dalet until this day.


Israel s Plan Dalet The Green Light for Zionism s Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

(2) “Nazis SS Funded Nascent Israeli Army”
Nazis SS Funded Nascent Israeli Army - henrymakow.com

Very poor genocide, since the Palestinians have multiplied exceedingly.

You don't know what the definition of genocide is.

Yes and it does not mean allowing the population to increase by 100% every 5 years
Genocide is about actions not numbers.

The goal of the country allegedly committing genocide is to subsequently eliminate most of or an entire race, ethnic group, religion. Obviously, that is not the case with Israel. The Palestinian population has been growing over the last 100 years or so. Accusing Israel of genocide is just part of the Palestinian propaganda campaign targeting Israel. Looks like you feel for it.
Actually the Zionists have always attempted to erase the Palestinians as a people.

Start @ 4:35 - 5:00

Start @ 32:35

During the 1948 war Israel stole or destroyed public and private libraries to erase the Palestinian's existence.

Physical evidence of destruction or denying access to means of survival are in the news all of the time. These include shelter, food, and water.

Israel's genocide of the Palestinians is just a well known fact.
Very poor genocide, since the Palestinians have multiplied exceedingly.

You don't know what the definition of genocide is.

Yes and it does not mean allowing the population to increase by 100% every 5 years
Genocide is about actions not numbers.

The goal of the country allegedly committing genocide is to subsequently eliminate most of or an entire race, ethnic group, religion. Obviously, that is not the case with Israel. The Palestinian population has been growing over the last 100 years or so. Accusing Israel of genocide is just part of the Palestinian propaganda campaign targeting Israel. Looks like you feel for it.
Actually the Zionists have always attempted to erase the Palestinians as a people.

Start @ 4:35 - 5:00

Start @ 32:35

During the 1948 war Israel stole or destroyed public and private libraries to erase the Palestinian's existence.

Physical evidence of destruction or denying access to means of survival are in the news all of the time. These include shelter, food, and water.

Israel's genocide of the Palestinians is just a well known fact.

So you had to go back almost 7 decades to 'prove' Israel tried to genocide the Palestinians?

You obviously didn't read my post. The goal of the country committing the genocide is to erase most or an entire people. The Palestinian population has been growing for the last 100 years, not decreasing.

Palestinians and their supporters like to accuse Israel of many things, and deluded people like yourself eat it right up.
You don't know what the definition of genocide is.

Yes and it does not mean allowing the population to increase by 100% every 5 years
Genocide is about actions not numbers.

The goal of the country allegedly committing genocide is to subsequently eliminate most of or an entire race, ethnic group, religion. Obviously, that is not the case with Israel. The Palestinian population has been growing over the last 100 years or so. Accusing Israel of genocide is just part of the Palestinian propaganda campaign targeting Israel. Looks like you feel for it.
Actually the Zionists have always attempted to erase the Palestinians as a people.

Start @ 4:35 - 5:00

Start @ 32:35

During the 1948 war Israel stole or destroyed public and private libraries to erase the Palestinian's existence.

Physical evidence of destruction or denying access to means of survival are in the news all of the time. These include shelter, food, and water.

Israel's genocide of the Palestinians is just a well known fact.

So you had to go back almost 7 decades to 'prove' Israel tried to genocide the Palestinians?

You obviously didn't read my post. The goal of the country committing the genocide is to erase most or an entire people. The Palestinian population has been growing for the last 100 years, not decreasing.

Palestinians and their supporters like to accuse Israel of many things, and deluded people like yourself eat it right up.

Israel's actions of genocide continue to today. That they have not yet succeeded is irrelevant. They are still violations.
Re: "Who are the Palestinians"

Concerning "Who are the Palestinians", what first comes to mind is the unfortunate, truly Semitic, Levantine residents of Palestine who were forcibly displaced by first, Europe's Colonial Powers and finally Invading, Foreign Zionist Terrorist Gangs (Stern Gang, Irgun, Haganah etc)

Palestine's Ashkenazi Jewish population is a relatively recent phenomenon beginning to arrive in the 1880s until the first accurate & thorough census was taken by the British Occupiers in 1922:

Mandate for Palestine - Report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations 31 December 1922
The census results were:--

Moslems ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 590,890
Jews ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 83,794
Christians ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 73,024
Druzes ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 7,028
Samaritans ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 163
Bahais ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 265
Metawallis ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 156
Hindoos ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,454
Sikhs ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 408

In offering the Native Palestinians a fraction of the land that was already theirs,The Colonial Powers (aka U.N.) essentially gave a disproportionate part of Palestine to those Foreign Zionist Terrorist Gangs and recent Jewish arrivals.

In their ongoing effort to steal all of Palestine, the same Zionist Terrorist Gangs composed Plan Dalet(1) which, like "the Final Solution" calls for the Extermination & Expulsion of all non Jewish residents from Palestine.

Haganah, with the aid of the German SS(2) became IDF and under subsequent Zionist Regimes frequently headed by infamous Mass Murdering War Criminals (Begin, Shamir, Sharon etc) has been implementing their Genocidal Plan Dalet until this day.


Israel s Plan Dalet The Green Light for Zionism s Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

(2) “Nazis SS Funded Nascent Israeli Army”
Nazis SS Funded Nascent Israeli Army - henrymakow.com

Very poor genocide, since the Palestinians have multiplied exceedingly.

You don't know what the definition of genocide is.

Yes and it does not mean allowing the population to increase by 100% every 5 years
Genocide is about actions not numbers.

And the action of Israel allows the Palestinians population to double every 5 years. Unlike the actions of the Palestinians in regards to the genocide of the Christians that has seen a 90% reduction in their population since 2007
Very poor genocide, since the Palestinians have multiplied exceedingly.

You don't know what the definition of genocide is.

Yes and it does not mean allowing the population to increase by 100% every 5 years
Genocide is about actions not numbers.

The goal of the country allegedly committing genocide is to subsequently eliminate most of or an entire race, ethnic group, religion. Obviously, that is not the case with Israel. The Palestinian population has been growing over the last 100 years or so. Accusing Israel of genocide is just part of the Palestinian propaganda campaign targeting Israel. Looks like you feel for it.
Actually the Zionists have always attempted to erase the Palestinians as a people.

Start @ 4:35 - 5:00

Start @ 32:35

During the 1948 war Israel stole or destroyed public and private libraries to erase the Palestinian's existence.

Physical evidence of destruction or denying access to means of survival are in the news all of the time. These include shelter, food, and water.

Israel's genocide of the Palestinians is just a well known fact.

LINK from a non partisan source

LINK from a non partisan source

LINK from a non partisan source
Yes and it does not mean allowing the population to increase by 100% every 5 years
Genocide is about actions not numbers.

The goal of the country allegedly committing genocide is to subsequently eliminate most of or an entire race, ethnic group, religion. Obviously, that is not the case with Israel. The Palestinian population has been growing over the last 100 years or so. Accusing Israel of genocide is just part of the Palestinian propaganda campaign targeting Israel. Looks like you feel for it.
Actually the Zionists have always attempted to erase the Palestinians as a people.

Start @ 4:35 - 5:00

Start @ 32:35

During the 1948 war Israel stole or destroyed public and private libraries to erase the Palestinian's existence.

Physical evidence of destruction or denying access to means of survival are in the news all of the time. These include shelter, food, and water.

Israel's genocide of the Palestinians is just a well known fact.

So you had to go back almost 7 decades to 'prove' Israel tried to genocide the Palestinians?

You obviously didn't read my post. The goal of the country committing the genocide is to erase most or an entire people. The Palestinian population has been growing for the last 100 years, not decreasing.

Palestinians and their supporters like to accuse Israel of many things, and deluded people like yourself eat it right up.

Israel's actions of genocide continue to today. That they have not yet succeeded is irrelevant. They are still violations.

UNPROVEN by the authorities that matter. In fact it is denied outright in the UN
Genocide is about actions not numbers.

The goal of the country allegedly committing genocide is to subsequently eliminate most of or an entire race, ethnic group, religion. Obviously, that is not the case with Israel. The Palestinian population has been growing over the last 100 years or so. Accusing Israel of genocide is just part of the Palestinian propaganda campaign targeting Israel. Looks like you feel for it.
Actually the Zionists have always attempted to erase the Palestinians as a people.

Start @ 4:35 - 5:00

Start @ 32:35

During the 1948 war Israel stole or destroyed public and private libraries to erase the Palestinian's existence.

Physical evidence of destruction or denying access to means of survival are in the news all of the time. These include shelter, food, and water.

Israel's genocide of the Palestinians is just a well known fact.

So you had to go back almost 7 decades to 'prove' Israel tried to genocide the Palestinians?

You obviously didn't read my post. The goal of the country committing the genocide is to erase most or an entire people. The Palestinian population has been growing for the last 100 years, not decreasing.

Palestinians and their supporters like to accuse Israel of many things, and deluded people like yourself eat it right up.

Israel's actions of genocide continue to today. That they have not yet succeeded is irrelevant. They are still violations.

UNPROVEN by the authorities that matter. In fact it is denied outright in the UN

Oh really?
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