Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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... don't you understand you cant be a Zionist and a Nazi as they are polar opposites.

Here some quotes, educate yourself:

In mid-1940, Stern became convinced that the Italians were interested in the establishment of a fascist Jewish state in Palestine.[4] He conducted negotiations, he thought, with the Italians via an intermediary Moshe Rotstein, and drew up a document that became known as the "Jerusalem Agreement".[4][41] In exchange for Italy's recognition of, and aid in obtaining, Jewish sovereignty over Palestine, Stern promised that Zionism would come under the aegis of Italian fascism, with Haifa as its base, and the Old City of Jerusalem under Vatican control, except for the Jewish quarter.[4] In Heller's words, Stern's proposal would "turn the 'Kingdom of Israel' into a satellite of the Axis powers."[4]

Late in 1940, Lehi, having identified a common interest between the intentions of the new German order and Jewish national aspirations, proposed forming an alliance in World War II with Nazi Germany.[2] It offered assistance in transferring the Jews of Europe to Palestine, in return for Germany's help in expelling Britain from Mandatory Palestine.[citation needed] Late in 1940, Lehi representative Naftali Lubenchik went to Beirut to meet German official Werner Otto von Hentig (who also was involved with the Haavara or Transfer Agreement, which had been transferring German Jews and their funds to Palestine since 1933).[citation needed] Lubenchik told von Hentig that Lehi had not yet revealed its full power and that they were capable of organizing a whole range of anti-British operations.[citation needed]

On the assumption that the destruction of Britain was the Germans' top objective, the organization offered cooperation in the following terms. Lehi would support sabotage and espionage operations in the Middle East and in eastern Europe anywhere where they had cells. Germany would recognize an independent Jewish state in Palestine/Eretz Israel, and all Jews leaving their homes in Europe, by their own will or because of government injunctions, could enter Palestine with no restriction of numbers.

Stern also proposed recruiting some 40,000 Jews from occupied Europe to invade Palestine with German support to oust the British.[2] On 11 January 1941, Vice Admiral Ralf von der Marwitz, the German Naval attaché in Turkey, filed a report (the "Ankara document") conveying an offer by Lehi to "actively take part in the war on Germany's side" in return for German support for "the establishment of the historic Jewish state on a national and totalitarian basis, bound by a treaty with the German Reich."[4][44]

Lehi group - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

A recent Zionist convert, the then world-famous popular biographer Emil Ludwig, was interviewed by a fellow Zionist on a visit to America
and expressed the general attitude of the Zionist movement:

"the coming of the Nazis was rather a welcome thing. So many of our German Jews were hovering between two coasts; so many of them were riding the treacherous current between the Scylla of assimilation and the Charybdis of a nodding acquaintance with Jewish things.

Thousands who seemed to be completely lost to Judaism were brought back to the fold by Hitler, and for that I am personally very grateful to him." [3]


"Yes, we Revisionists have a great admiration for Hitler. Hitler has saved Germany. Otherwise it would have perished within four years.

And if he had given up his anti-Semitism we would go with him. [2]



Zionism in the Age of the Dictators Lenni Brenner 9780985890995 Amazon.com Books

Just more islamonazi propaganda lies from islamonazi sources, ask freddy boy about wiki and how he alters/edits the articles posted.
A Tour and Census of Palestine Year 1695: No sign of Arabian names or “Palestinians”

A Tour and Census of Palestine Year 1695 No sign of Arabian names or Palestinians Palestine-Israel Conflict
You are telling me that an 17 year old boy from the Netherlands,travelled to Palestine in 1693,sorry I don't believe this,most scholars believe that Adrian Reland Never left the Netherlands,.....he stated (according to this tripe) that there were only Jews and Christians in Jerusalem,which begs the question WHO LOOKED AFTER THE Al-Aksa Mosque !!!!!!!!!!,this book has so many erroneous statements riddled through it as not to be taken seriously by modern scholars,........he probably thought the earth was flat??????

I note it has been taken up by various Jewish entities,which suits their corrupt view of history of course,and their current thinking that Palestine was empty before the Zionists Violent and Barbaric take over of Palestine in 1948......It is a shabby document the Israelis are purloining here to justify their lie of the empty country bullshit before annexation of Palestine.Disgusting as that WAS/IS.

No Mindless ,.......You will have to do a lot better than this TRIPE.steven
Last edited:
... don't you understand you cant be a Zionist and a Nazi as they are polar opposites.

Here some quotes, educate yourself:

In mid-1940, Stern became convinced that the Italians were interested in the establishment of a fascist Jewish state in Palestine.[4] He conducted negotiations, he thought, with the Italians via an intermediary Moshe Rotstein, and drew up a document that became known as the "Jerusalem Agreement".[4][41] In exchange for Italy's recognition of, and aid in obtaining, Jewish sovereignty over Palestine, Stern promised that Zionism would come under the aegis of Italian fascism, with Haifa as its base, and the Old City of Jerusalem under Vatican control, except for the Jewish quarter.[4] In Heller's words, Stern's proposal would "turn the 'Kingdom of Israel' into a satellite of the Axis powers."[4]

Late in 1940, Lehi, having identified a common interest between the intentions of the new German order and Jewish national aspirations, proposed forming an alliance in World War II with Nazi Germany.[2] It offered assistance in transferring the Jews of Europe to Palestine, in return for Germany's help in expelling Britain from Mandatory Palestine.[citation needed] Late in 1940, Lehi representative Naftali Lubenchik went to Beirut to meet German official Werner Otto von Hentig (who also was involved with the Haavara or Transfer Agreement, which had been transferring German Jews and their funds to Palestine since 1933).[citation needed] Lubenchik told von Hentig that Lehi had not yet revealed its full power and that they were capable of organizing a whole range of anti-British operations.[citation needed]

On the assumption that the destruction of Britain was the Germans' top objective, the organization offered cooperation in the following terms. Lehi would support sabotage and espionage operations in the Middle East and in eastern Europe anywhere where they had cells. Germany would recognize an independent Jewish state in Palestine/Eretz Israel, and all Jews leaving their homes in Europe, by their own will or because of government injunctions, could enter Palestine with no restriction of numbers.

Stern also proposed recruiting some 40,000 Jews from occupied Europe to invade Palestine with German support to oust the British.[2] On 11 January 1941, Vice Admiral Ralf von der Marwitz, the German Naval attaché in Turkey, filed a report (the "Ankara document") conveying an offer by Lehi to "actively take part in the war on Germany's side" in return for German support for "the establishment of the historic Jewish state on a national and totalitarian basis, bound by a treaty with the German Reich."[4][44]

Lehi group - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

A recent Zionist convert, the then world-famous popular biographer Emil Ludwig, was interviewed by a fellow Zionist on a visit to America
and expressed the general attitude of the Zionist movement:

"the coming of the Nazis was rather a welcome thing. So many of our German Jews were hovering between two coasts; so many of them were riding the treacherous current between the Scylla of assimilation and the Charybdis of a nodding acquaintance with Jewish things.

Thousands who seemed to be completely lost to Judaism were brought back to the fold by Hitler, and for that I am personally very grateful to him." [3]


"Yes, we Revisionists have a great admiration for Hitler. Hitler has saved Germany. Otherwise it would have perished within four years.

And if he had given up his anti-Semitism we would go with him. [2]



Zionism in the Age of the Dictators Lenni Brenner 9780985890995 Amazon.com Books

Just more islamonazi propaganda lies from islamonazi sources, ask freddy boy about wiki and how he alters/edits the articles posted.
Funny Comment considering you have JEWISH NAZIS in Israel today,causing much havoc......but Spew Bullshit till the Cows Come Home..Dickhead.
This is how to give the finger to the UN.

Well,Well,Well Mindless.......You must assume I am thick..big mistake............................Let me explain to the folks on here,just who Col.,Richard Kemp the Ex British Officer is in this Vid., NONE OTHER THAN the Religious Fundamentalist,...wait for it..........CHRISTIAN ZIONIST...Totally Pro-Zionist,so much so that the Israeli Government deem him an "Honorary Jew" his testimony is Bullshit,He is Bullshit and you Mindless are Bullshit.

You post with No qualification,or truth....you are as we say in Paradise "A LYING BULLSHITTER" and a disgrace.......you assumed everyone would think "O a British ex Officer he must be credible" Sorry neither he or you are Credible in Any Way.But keep trying with your Mindless Crap.

We are just a little Cleverer than you Moron and so much more Credible and TRUTHFUL

Get a Life
A Tour and Census of Palestine Year 1695: No sign of Arabian names or “Palestinians”

A Tour and Census of Palestine Year 1695 No sign of Arabian names or Palestinians Palestine-Israel Conflict
You are telling me that an 17 year old boy from the Netherlands,travelled to Palestine in 1693,sorry I don't believe this,most scholars believe that Adrian Reland Never left the Netherlands,.....he stated (according to this tripe) that there were only Jews and Christians in Jerusalem,which begs the question WHO LOOKED AFTER THE Al-Aksa Mosque !!!!!!!!!!,this book has so many erroneous statements riddled through it as not to be taken seriously by modern scholars,........he probably thought the earth was flat??????

I note it has been taken up by various Jewish entities,which suits their corrupt view of history of course,and their current thinking that Palestine was empty before the Zionists Violent and Barbaric take over of Palestine in 1948......It is a shabby document the Israelis are purloining here to justify their lie of the empty country bullshit before annexation of Palestine.Disgusting as that WAS/IS.

No Mindless ,.......You will have to do a lot better than this TRIPE.steven

I'm not telling you anything.

Except........shut up
A Tour and Census of Palestine Year 1695: No sign of Arabian names or “Palestinians”

A Tour and Census of Palestine Year 1695 No sign of Arabian names or Palestinians Palestine-Israel Conflict
You are telling me that an 17 year old boy from the Netherlands,travelled to Palestine in 1693,sorry I don't believe this,most scholars believe that Adrian Reland Never left the Netherlands,.....he stated (according to this tripe) that there were only Jews and Christians in Jerusalem,which begs the question WHO LOOKED AFTER THE Al-Aksa Mosque !!!!!!!!!!,this book has so many erroneous statements riddled through it as not to be taken seriously by modern scholars,........he probably thought the earth was flat??????

I note it has been taken up by various Jewish entities,which suits their corrupt view of history of course,and their current thinking that Palestine was empty before the Zionists Violent and Barbaric take over of Palestine in 1948......It is a shabby document the Israelis are purloining here to justify their lie of the empty country bullshit before annexation of Palestine.Disgusting as that WAS/IS.

No Mindless ,.......You will have to do a lot better than this TRIPE.steven

I'm not telling you anything.

Except........shut up
This is how to give the finger to the UN.

Well,Well,Well Mindless.......You must assume I am thick

I don't even have to assume it. It's self evident.


Do you normally talk to srrangers on the internet like that? Must be something wrong with you.

Not normally but being as you are A TWO-BIT LIAR,of course I should deal with you in this manner,but what annoyed me most was your DECEITFULLNESS....... I would never deny you your opinion and thoughts ever and in fact, fight anyone who would deny you Mindful,,,,,BUT DECEIT IN THE WAY YOU POSTED,I cannot abide or understand Mindful..........I know you knew the facts because you are far from Stupid in fact quite the reverse,just be honest that's all.regards steven..have a nice day.
This is how to give the finger to the UN.

Well,Well,Well Mindless.......You must assume I am thick

I don't even have to assume it. It's self evident.


Do you normally talk to srrangers on the internet like that? Must be something wrong with you.

Not normally but being as you are A TWO-BIT LIAR,of course I should deal with you in this manner,but what annoyed me most was your DECEITFULLNESS....... I would never deny you your opinion and thoughts ever and in fact, fight anyone who would deny you Mindful,,,,,BUT DECEIT IN THE WAY YOU POSTED,I cannot abide or understand Mindful..........I know you knew the facts because you are far from Stupid in fact quite the reverse,just be honest that's all.regards steven..have a nice day.

There is nothing wrong with me,but I do like honesty,otherwise how can we really dialogue without trust,tell me that.
Well,Well,Well Mindless.......You must assume I am thick

I don't even have to assume it. It's self evident.

Do you normally talk to srrangers on the internet like that? Must be something wrong with you.
Not normally but being as you are A TWO-BIT LIAR,of course I should deal with you in this manner,but what annoyed me most was your DECEITFULLNESS....... I would never deny you your opinion and thoughts ever and in fact, fight anyone who would deny you Mindful,,,,,BUT DECEIT IN THE WAY YOU POSTED,I cannot abide or understand Mindful..........I know you knew the facts because you are far from Stupid in fact quite the reverse,just be honest that's all.regards steven..have a nice day.

There is nothing wrong with me,but I do like honesty,otherwise how can we really dialogue without trust,tell me that.

Here's me being honest: you're a twit.
A Tour and Census of Palestine Year 1695: No sign of Arabian names or “Palestinians”

A Tour and Census of Palestine Year 1695 No sign of Arabian names or Palestinians Palestine-Israel Conflict
You are telling me that an 17 year old boy from the Netherlands,travelled to Palestine in 1693,sorry I don't believe this,most scholars believe that Adrian Reland Never left the Netherlands,.....he stated (according to this tripe) that there were only Jews and Christians in Jerusalem,which begs the question WHO LOOKED AFTER THE Al-Aksa Mosque !!!!!!!!!!,this book has so many erroneous statements riddled through it as not to be taken seriously by modern scholars,........he probably thought the earth was flat??????

I note it has been taken up by various Jewish entities,which suits their corrupt view of history of course,and their current thinking that Palestine was empty before the Zionists Violent and Barbaric take over of Palestine in 1948......It is a shabby document the Israelis are purloining here to justify their lie of the empty country bullshit before annexation of Palestine.Disgusting as that WAS/IS.

No Mindless ,.......You will have to do a lot better than this TRIPE.steven

I'm not telling you anything.

Except........shut up

Lets see then in the 17C the al aqsa mosque was derelict as no muslims bothered with it, at that time it was just another mosque and held no significance to islam. So looks like it is your islamonazi deciet
A Tour and Census of Palestine Year 1695: No sign of Arabian names or “Palestinians”

A Tour and Census of Palestine Year 1695 No sign of Arabian names or Palestinians Palestine-Israel Conflict
You are telling me that an 17 year old boy from the Netherlands,travelled to Palestine in 1693,sorry I don't believe this,most scholars believe that Adrian Reland Never left the Netherlands,.....he stated (according to this tripe) that there were only Jews and Christians in Jerusalem,which begs the question WHO LOOKED AFTER THE Al-Aksa Mosque !!!!!!!!!!,this book has so many erroneous statements riddled through it as not to be taken seriously by modern scholars,........he probably thought the earth was flat??????

I note it has been taken up by various Jewish entities,which suits their corrupt view of history of course,and their current thinking that Palestine was empty before the Zionists Violent and Barbaric take over of Palestine in 1948......It is a shabby document the Israelis are purloining here to justify their lie of the empty country bullshit before annexation of Palestine.Disgusting as that WAS/IS.

No Mindless ,.......You will have to do a lot better than this TRIPE.steven

I'm not telling you anything.

Except........shut up

Lets see then in the 17C the al aqsa mosque was derelict as no muslims bothered with it, at that time it was just another mosque and held no significance to islam. So looks like it is your islamonazi deciet

I'm wondering what he meant by Jewish deceit.
This is how to give the finger to the UN.

Well,Well,Well Mindless.......You must assume I am thick

I don't even have to assume it. It's self evident.


Do you normally talk to srrangers on the internet like that? Must be something wrong with you.

Common practise with muslims to be aggressive and insulting when they think they are safe, then to whine and whinge when they find they aren't
This is how to give the finger to the UN.

Well,Well,Well Mindless.......You must assume I am thick

I don't even have to assume it. It's self evident.


Do you normally talk to srrangers on the internet like that? Must be something wrong with you.

Common practise with muslims to be aggressive and insulting when they think they are safe, then to whine and whinge when they find they aren't

They don't have to be Muslims to be inadequate losers, only self validating through the Internet.
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