Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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A Tour and Census of Palestine Year 1695: No sign of Arabian names or “Palestinians”

A Tour and Census of Palestine Year 1695 No sign of Arabian names or Palestinians Palestine-Israel Conflict
You are telling me that an 17 year old boy from the Netherlands,travelled to Palestine in 1693,sorry I don't believe this,most scholars believe that Adrian Reland Never left the Netherlands,.....he stated (according to this tripe) that there were only Jews and Christians in Jerusalem,which begs the question WHO LOOKED AFTER THE Al-Aksa Mosque !!!!!!!!!!,this book has so many erroneous statements riddled through it as not to be taken seriously by modern scholars,........he probably thought the earth was flat??????

I note it has been taken up by various Jewish entities,which suits their corrupt view of history of course,and their current thinking that Palestine was empty before the Zionists Violent and Barbaric take over of Palestine in 1948......It is a shabby document the Israelis are purloining here to justify their lie of the empty country bullshit before annexation of Palestine.Disgusting as that WAS/IS.

No Mindless ,.......You will have to do a lot better than this TRIPE.steven

I'm not telling you anything.

Except........shut up

Lets see then in the 17C the al aqsa mosque was derelict as no muslims bothered with it, at that time it was just another mosque and held no significance to islam. So looks like it is your islamonazi deciet

I'm wondering what he meant by Jewish deceit.
Well Pro-Zionists,many on here are deceitful
You are telling me that an 17 year old boy from the Netherlands,travelled to Palestine in 1693,sorry I don't believe this,most scholars believe that Adrian Reland Never left the Netherlands,.....he stated (according to this tripe) that there were only Jews and Christians in Jerusalem,which begs the question WHO LOOKED AFTER THE Al-Aksa Mosque !!!!!!!!!!,this book has so many erroneous statements riddled through it as not to be taken seriously by modern scholars,........he probably thought the earth was flat??????

I note it has been taken up by various Jewish entities,which suits their corrupt view of history of course,and their current thinking that Palestine was empty before the Zionists Violent and Barbaric take over of Palestine in 1948......It is a shabby document the Israelis are purloining here to justify their lie of the empty country bullshit before annexation of Palestine.Disgusting as that WAS/IS.

No Mindless ,.......You will have to do a lot better than this TRIPE.steven

I'm not telling you anything.

Except........shut up

Lets see then in the 17C the al aqsa mosque was derelict as no muslims bothered with it, at that time it was just another mosque and held no significance to islam. So looks like it is your islamonazi deciet

I'm wondering what he meant by Jewish deceit.
Well Pro-Zionists,many on here are deceitful

This is how to give the finger to the UN.

Well,Well,Well Mindless.......You must assume I am thick

I don't even have to assume it. It's self evident.


Do you normally talk to srrangers on the internet like that? Must be something wrong with you.

Common practise with muslims to be aggressive and insulting when they think they are safe, then to whine and whinge when they find they aren't

Very Funny coming from you...Actually Mindful was very deceitful in this instance...........and although everyone to you is a Muslim,wether they be Christian,Hindu,Janne or Coptic etc., silly boy....it's everyone who criticizes Israel?Zionists. get real.but whinge on
A Tour and Census of Palestine Year 1695: No sign of Arabian names or “Palestinians”

A Tour and Census of Palestine Year 1695 No sign of Arabian names or Palestinians Palestine-Israel Conflict
You are telling me that an 17 year old boy from the Netherlands,travelled to Palestine in 1693,sorry I don't believe this,most scholars believe that Adrian Reland Never left the Netherlands,.....he stated (according to this tripe) that there were only Jews and Christians in Jerusalem,which begs the question WHO LOOKED AFTER THE Al-Aksa Mosque !!!!!!!!!!,this book has so many erroneous statements riddled through it as not to be taken seriously by modern scholars,........he probably thought the earth was flat??????

I note it has been taken up by various Jewish entities,which suits their corrupt view of history of course,and their current thinking that Palestine was empty before the Zionists Violent and Barbaric take over of Palestine in 1948......It is a shabby document the Israelis are purloining here to justify their lie of the empty country bullshit before annexation of Palestine.Disgusting as that WAS/IS.

No Mindless ,.......You will have to do a lot better than this TRIPE.steven

I'm not telling you anything.

Except........shut up
How silly during the 17th Century the Issa Minaret was rebuit,so your Zionist Summation is bulldust like all you posts, now SOD OFF

Lets see then in the 17C the al aqsa mosque was derelict as no muslims bothered with it, at that time it was just another mosque and held no significance to islam. So looks like it is your islamonazi deciet
HoHo.........BUT IT WAS YOU THAT WAS PROVEN TO BE A LIAR AND FULL OF DECEIT,so your response is thus,so you'll get a few laughs Ho,HO but the fact remains that you are the GUILTY.........like all Zionist Trash........the joke is on you LOL,fcuk wit

I'll bear that in mind.

In the meantime:

Hi Mindful,But Why a GI from WW2 in the above poster?I actually don't mind you so I am not arguing with you to and froe anymore........,just think what you are posting in the future.

So I'll shut the FCUK up,if you will...........gentleman steven.....Lady have a Nice Day.
HoHo.........BUT IT WAS YOU THAT WAS PROVEN TO BE A LIAR AND FULL OF DECEIT,so your response is thus,so you'll get a few laughs Ho,HO but the fact remains that you are the GUILTY.........like all Zionist Trash........the joke is on you LOL,fcuk wit

I'll bear that in mind.

In the meantime:

Hi Mindful,But Why a GI from WW2 in the above poster?I actually don't mind you so I am not arguing with you to and froe anymore........,just think what you are posting in the future.

So I'll shut the FCUK up,if you will...........gentleman steven.....Lady have a Nice Day.

I did, all day on the beach.
There is nothing wrong with me,but I do like honesty,otherwise how can we really dialogue without trust,tell me that.

Many Zionist supremacists do not care about the truth or honesty, they use terms, like "hate", "hater", to prevent any honest discussion.

They themselves hate the truth and honesty, and they call these things "hate speach", because they hate it.

This psychological phenomenon is called projection.
There is nothing wrong with me,but I do like honesty,otherwise how can we really dialogue without trust,tell me that.

The Zionist supremacists do not care about the truth or honesty, they use terms, like "hate".

They themselves hate the truth and honesty, and they call these things "hate speach", because they hate it.

This psychological phenomenon is called projection.

Wow, what you just said perfectly described pro Palestinians like yourself. They are allergic to the truth.
Who are the Palestinians?

Ali Abunimah

Fully agree with Ali Abunimah.
Zionists have already stolen too much Palestinian land and water, there is nothing left for a viable Palestinian state

A one state solution is the only option that is left.

Palestinians must get equal rights with Jews and become Israeli citizens.
Israel must become an "Israeli state", speak a state for all Israelis, be they Christians, Muslims, Jews or atheists.

The Israeli racist migration and citizenship laws must be abolished!
If Israel really shares the "western values" that Zionists are pushing in all Western countries, then Israel has just adopt citizenship and migration laws, that are similar to western countries

Israel cannot exist as a "Jewish state", which means apartheid and racism.

Zionists are pushing for "multiculturalism" in all western countries, they label Europeans who want to preserve their countries as "Nazis", and the western politicians, who are just puppets of Zionists, support this agenda, but they are always making an exception for Israel.

Why do western politicians not care about the rights of Germans or French to live in a German or French state, flooding these countries with non-European migrants, but on the other hand they have an understanding for the wish of Zionists to preserve a "Jewish state" on the stolen Palestinian land!?

If Germans do not have the right to preserve Germany as a German state, why should Israel be preserved as a "Jewish state"?

Nobody from western politicians, who are just Zionist puppets, is whining about the right of Germany, France or Sweden to exist as a "German state", "French state" or "Swedish state", but Zionists and their puppets constantly whine about the right of Jews to exist in a "Jewish state".

And if you do not support the idea about an exclusive "Jewish state" on the stolen Palestinian land, then you deny their "right to exist".

That are stupid arguments, and there are obvious double standards, because Zionists control the media and the political process in any Western country.

Diversity is good for the USA, for Germany and for any western county, that is what the talking heads in western media (who are on the payroll of Zionists) repeat 7x24.

So why is diversity not good for Israel?
Why do they whine and say that diversity is not good for Israel, if it is good for France, Germany or the USA?

Let the Zionists just take the pill that they force to take all western countries.

Let Israel move into the multicultural mode, too.

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Who are the Palestinians?

Ali Abunimah

Fully agree with Ali Abunimah.
Zionists have already stolen too much Palestinian land and water, there is nothing left for a viable Palestinian state

A one state solution is the only option that is left.

Palestinians must get equal rights with Jews and become Israeli citizens.
Israel must become an "Israeli state", speak a state for all Israelis, be they Christians, Muslims, Jews or atheists.

The Israeli racist migration and citizenship laws must be abolished!
If Israel really shares the "western values" that Zionists are pushing in all Western countries, then Israel has just adopt citizenship and migration laws, that are similar to western countries

Israel cannot exist as a "Jewish state", which means apartheid and racism.

Zionists are pushing for "multiculturalism" in all western countries, they label Europeans who want to preserve their countries as "Nazis", and the western politicians, who are just puppets of Zionists, support this agenda, but they are alwas making an exception for Israel

Diversity is good for the USA, for Germany and for any western county, that is what the talking heads in western media (who are on the payroll of Zionists) repeat 7x24.

So why is diversity not good for Israel?
Why do they whine and say that diversity is not good for Israel, if it is good for France, Germany or the USA?

Let the Zionists just take the pill that they force to take all western countries.

Let Israel move into the multicultural mode, too.


Oh yes, Zionists control the world. How is Israel forcing multiculturalism and diversity on Western countries?
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