Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2

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Maybe by the time they grow up, the Death Cult will have killed them... or something like that.

Cool, the Palestinians have the right to defend themselves.

How easily are you programmed by propaganda that you would actually characterize the intentional murder of innocent people based upon ethnicity as "self defense".

What is it in your background that has led you to the point you support the murder of Jews?

The Palestinians are resisting occupation and colonization the same way the all colonized people have throughout history. Do you single them out because the oppressors and colonizers happen to practice Judaism?

Bzzzzt. Wrong, They're trying to kill Jews because they are Jews.
I'm not sure what the issue is related to the "suffering children" in the Islamic terrorist enclave of Gaza'istan. With a dedicated welfare fraud financed by the UN and that welfare money diverted to the personal bank accounts of Islamic terrorist crooks, send the little islamo-darlings to the Hamas run Hitler Youth Camps and all is right with the world.

Gaza's children suffer as Hamas, PA continue conflict
Dr. Ra'ad Haj Yehia, a member of the Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHRI) organization, returned June 26 from the Gaza Strip. He says he still hasn’t recovered from the scenes he saw in the hospitals there. Yehia was summoned to Gaza by medical teams in the Strip who asked the PHRI organization “to come and save lives.”

Ever since Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas decided to sever the Palestinian Authority (PA) from the Strip and stop transferring money to it in April 2017, the health system in Gaza has been collapsing. The Gaza Health Ministry reported at the end of June on infants and children who died because the PA refused to underwrite life-saving medical treatment for them in Israel or other hospitals in the West Bank

Read more: Gaza's children suffer as Hamas, PA continue conflict
Based on their history and the facts.
What history and facts are these?
Maybe you should stay of the antisemitic neoNazi IslamoNazi sites that pollute your mind and read some actual history. Start with the Nazi Mufti, and then to his nephew Arafat Hussein who took up his uncle's IslamoNazi mantle. It will help you discover exactly "who are the Palestinians".
LOL, they don't hate Jews for being Jewish, they hate jews who commit crimes, carry out slaughters... they hate israel's behavior (which takes place in our Jewish name) in general.
LOL, they don't hate Jews for being Jewish, they hate jews who commit crimes, carry out slaughters... they hate israel's behavior (which takes place in our Jewish name) in general.
LOL you are so ignorant its comic. Still trying to play the role of a Jew, Achmed?

Let me fill you in on "Who are the Palestinians?" They are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism, and Arab Islamic nationalism.

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.

According to the testimony of Adolf Eichmann’s chief deputy Dieter Wisliceny (who was hanged for war crimes) the Mufti played a role in encouraging the Final Solution and was a close friend and advisor to Eichmann in the Holocaust’s implementation across Europe. Wisliceny testified further that al-Husseini had a close association with Heinrich Himmler and visited the gas chambers at Auschwitz, where he exhorted the staff to be even more dedicated in its important work.

To assist the practical slaughter of Jews and Christians, al-Husseini built an army of Muslim volunteer units for the Waffen-SS (the combat units of the dread SS) to operate for the Nazi cause in the Balkans. While the appeal for volunteers from among Muslims always struggled to meet the demands for new recruits, al-Husseini was able to organize three divisions of Bosnian Muslims who were then trained as elements of the Waffen-SS. The largest radical Muslim unit was the 13th Waffen-SS Handzar ("Dagger") division that boasted over 21,000 men. They were joined by the Bosnian 23rd Waffen-SS Kama Division and the Albanian Skanderbeg 21st Waffen-SSDivision. The Muslim Waffen-SS forces fought across the Balkans against Communist partisans and then assisted in the genocide of Yugoslavian Jews and in the persecution and slaughter of Gypsies and Christian Serbs in 1944 and 1945. The brutality extended to Catholics as well, for the Muslim Waffen-SS cut a path of destruction across the Balkans that encompassed a large number of Catholic parishes, churches, and shrines and resulted in the deaths of thousands of Catholics. By the end of the war, al-Husseini’s fanatical soldiers had killed over 90 percent of the Jews in Bosnia.

Hajj Amin al-Husseini’s legacy was to inspire generations of terrorists, Islamic jihadists, and such dictators as Saddam Hussein of Iraq. The foremost exemplar of his influence was a young terrorist and distant relative who became one of his most ardent students: Yasser Arafat, the future leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Rabbi David Dalin—one of Pope Pius XII’s greatest defenders—offers a fitting final word:

The "most dangerous" cleric in modern history, to use John Cornwell’s phrase, was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini, whose anti-Jewish Islamic fundamentalism was as dangerous in World War II as it is today . . . The grand mufti was the Nazi collaborator par excellence. "Hitler’s mufti" is truth. "Hitler’s pope" is myth. (The Myth of Hitler’s Pope, 137)

Child Murderer

In late 1942, Heinrich Himmler gave his permission for 10,000 Jewish children to be transferred from Poland to Theresienstadt with the eventual aim of allowing them to go to Palestine in exchange for German civilian prisoners, through the International Red Cross. The plan was abandoned, however, because of the protests of the Grand Mufti.

The following year, al-Husseini blocked the emigration of 4,000 Jewish children and 500 accompanying adults to Palestine that was proposed by the governments of Bulgaria, Romania, and Hungary. The children were sent instead to the gas chambers.
Actually, it is the Jewish people who are resisting Islamic terrorism.

The Jewish people aren't just resisting Islamic and Arab Palestinian terrorism -- they are resisting the occupation and colonization of their ancestral and historical lands.
The Europeans (of the Judaic faith) with the help of the British, invaded and colonized Palestine and evicted and dispossessed a large proportion of the native indigenous population. The invaders and colonizers would be resisted by the native Muslims and Christians whatever religion the the colonizers practiced. It should be mentioned that the Europeans proudly described themselves as colonizers in print.

Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committee

“Due to the success of our colonization work in Palestine proper, it is possible that eventually our colonization work will be extended beyond the frontiers of Transjordania. It is true that the Palestine government has not taken a clear stand in regard to its economic policy, but well founded demands have every prospect of being agreed to. A great deal has been achieved during the last months,” Dr. Weizmann said."

Successful Jewish Colonization Will Extend Beyond Palestine Frontier, Weizmann Tells Actions Committ

Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country;
Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country;

Well, isn't that precious, the British decide that a bunch of Europeans should have the right to evict native people from their ancestral home and create a colony. Like they hadn't done it before. You are truly an idiot.
Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country;
Would you be OK with Canada giving Texas to Mexico?
The world leaders of the time, rightly, gave recognition of the connection of the Jewish people to their ancestral and historical lands in order to re-constitute their nation. It was entirely the correct and responsible thing to do. Denying the Jewish people their ancestral and historical homeland is morally abhorrent.
Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country;
Would you be OK with Canada giving Texas to Mexico?

I am okay with any indigenous peoples being recognized for their historical connection to their ancestral lands and reconstituting their national home. Including First Nations peoples of Texas and Mexico and Canada.
I am okay with any indigenous peoples being recognized for their historical connection to their ancestral lands and reconstituting their national home. Including First Nations peoples of Texas and Mexico and Canada.
You didn't answer the question.
I am okay with any indigenous peoples being recognized for their historical connection to their ancestral lands and reconstituting their national home. Including First Nations peoples of Texas and Mexico and Canada.
You didn't answer the question.

Sure I did. You just didn't like the answer. You set up a false premise. I answered, adjusting to correct the premise. Countries can not "give away" land belonging to other countries. So Canada can not "give" Texas to Mexico. Its a false premise.

The dissolution of the Ottoman Empire created a vacuum of sovereignty. The sovereignty was intended to pass to the peoples of the land in question, after a period of supervision. One of the peoples of that land, the Jewish people, were specifically given worldwide acknowledgement of their connection to the land and their right to reconstitute their State on that land.

The equivalent in your scenario would be if the US was dissolved by war, subsequent treaty and new States were created from that vacuum and the First Nations peoples of Texas were acknowledged to be a separate group with rights to their own independent sovereignty on their ancestral territories.
Countries can not "give away" land belonging to other countries. So Canada can not "give" Texas to Mexico. Its a false premise.
Thank-you for your honesty. Keep what you just said in mind when you post your now obviously hypocritical crap elsewhere.
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